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Example 26 with KeyGenerator

use of javax.crypto.KeyGenerator in project robovm by robovm.

the class CipherWrapThread method crypt.

public void crypt() throws Exception {
    KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance(getAlgName().replace("Wrap", ""));
    kg.init(getKeyLength(), new SecureRandom());
    Key key = kg.generateKey();
    // ignore mode and padding
    Cipher cip = Cipher.getInstance(getAlgName());
    cip.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, key);
    byte[] output = cip.wrap(key);
    cip.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, key);
    Key decrypted = cip.unwrap(output, getAlgName(), Cipher.SECRET_KEY);
    checkEncodedData(key.getFormat().getBytes(), decrypted.getFormat().getBytes());
    checkEncodedData(key.getEncoded(), decrypted.getEncoded());
Also used : SecureRandom( Cipher(javax.crypto.Cipher) KeyGenerator(javax.crypto.KeyGenerator) Key(

Example 27 with KeyGenerator

use of javax.crypto.KeyGenerator in project robovm by robovm.

the class KeyGeneratorThread method test.

public void test() throws Exception {
    KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance(algName);
    Key k = kg.generateKey();
    if (kg.getAlgorithm().toLowerCase().equals(k.getAlgorithm().toLowerCase()) != true) {
        throw new Exception("Algorithm names not matched for KeyGenerator" + " and for Key objects");
    if (kg.getAlgorithm().toLowerCase().equals(algName.toLowerCase()) != true) {
        throw new Exception("Algorithm names not matched for KeyGenerator" + " and for Key objects");
    byte[] array1 = k.getEncoded();
    k = kg.generateKey();
    byte[] array2 = k.getEncoded();
    int matches = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
        if (array1[i] == array2[i]) {
    if (matches > array1.length / 2) {
        throw new Exception("Generated keys are simular");
    SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
    matches = 0;
    k = kg.generateKey();
    array1 = k.getEncoded();
    random = new SecureRandom();
    k = kg.generateKey();
    array2 = k.getEncoded();
    for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
        if (array1[i] == array2[i]) {
Also used : SecureRandom( KeyGenerator(javax.crypto.KeyGenerator) Key( NoSuchAlgorithmException(

Example 28 with KeyGenerator

use of javax.crypto.KeyGenerator in project robovm by robovm.

the class CipherTest method test_Cipher.

private void test_Cipher(Cipher c) throws Exception {
    String algorithm = c.getAlgorithm().toUpperCase(Locale.US);
    String providerName = c.getProvider().getName();
    if (!isSupported(algorithm, providerName)) {
    String cipherID = algorithm + ":" + providerName;
    try {
    } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
    // TODO: test keys from different factories (e.g. OpenSSLRSAPrivateKey vs JCERSAPrivateKey)
    Key encryptKey = getEncryptKey(algorithm);
    final AlgorithmParameterSpec encryptSpec = getEncryptAlgorithmParameterSpec(algorithm);
    int encryptMode = getEncryptMode(algorithm);
    // Bouncycastle doesn't return a default PBEParameterSpec
    if (isPBE(algorithm) && !"BC".equals(providerName)) {
        assertNotNull(cipherID + " getParameters()", c.getParameters());
    } else {
        assertNull(cipherID + " getParameters()", c.getParameters());
    try {
        assertNull(cipherID + " getIV()", c.getIV());
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        // Bouncycastle apparently has a bug here with AESWRAP, et al.
        if (!("BC".equals(providerName) && isOnlyWrappingAlgorithm(algorithm))) {
            throw e;
    c.init(encryptMode, encryptKey, encryptSpec);
    assertEquals(cipherID + " getBlockSize() encryptMode", getExpectedBlockSize(algorithm, encryptMode, providerName), c.getBlockSize());
    assertEquals(cipherID + " getOutputSize(0) encryptMode", getExpectedOutputSize(algorithm, encryptMode, providerName), c.getOutputSize(0));
    final AlgorithmParameterSpec decryptSpec = getDecryptAlgorithmParameterSpec(encryptSpec, c);
    int decryptMode = getDecryptMode(algorithm);
    c.init(decryptMode, encryptKey, decryptSpec);
    assertEquals(cipherID + " getBlockSize() decryptMode", getExpectedBlockSize(algorithm, decryptMode, providerName), c.getBlockSize());
    assertEquals(cipherID + " getOutputSize(0) decryptMode", getExpectedOutputSize(algorithm, decryptMode, providerName), c.getOutputSize(0));
    if (isPBE(algorithm)) {
        if (algorithm.endsWith("RC4")) {
            assertNull(cipherID + " getIV()", c.getIV());
        } else {
            assertNotNull(cipherID + " getIV()", c.getIV());
    } else if (decryptSpec instanceof IvParameterSpec) {
        assertEquals(cipherID + " getIV()", Arrays.toString(((IvParameterSpec) decryptSpec).getIV()), Arrays.toString(c.getIV()));
    } else {
        try {
            assertNull(cipherID + " getIV()", c.getIV());
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            // Bouncycastle apparently has a bug here with AESWRAP, et al.
            if (!("BC".equals(providerName) && isOnlyWrappingAlgorithm(algorithm))) {
                throw e;
    AlgorithmParameters params = c.getParameters();
    if (decryptSpec == null) {
        assertNull(cipherID + " getParameters()", params);
    } else if (decryptSpec instanceof IvParameterSpec) {
        IvParameterSpec ivDecryptSpec = (IvParameterSpec) params.getParameterSpec(IvParameterSpec.class);
        assertEquals(cipherID + " getIV()", Arrays.toString(((IvParameterSpec) decryptSpec).getIV()), Arrays.toString(ivDecryptSpec.getIV()));
    } else if (decryptSpec instanceof PBEParameterSpec) {
        // Bouncycastle seems to be schizophrenic about whther it returns this or not
        if (!"BC".equals(providerName)) {
            assertNotNull(cipherID + " getParameters()", params);
    assertNull(cipherID, c.getExemptionMechanism());
    // Test wrapping a key.  Every cipher should be able to wrap. Except those that can't.
    if (isSupportedForWrapping(algorithm)) {
        // Generate a small SecretKey for AES.
        KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
        SecretKey sk = kg.generateKey();
        // Wrap it
        c.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, encryptKey, encryptSpec);
        byte[] cipherText = c.wrap(sk);
        // Unwrap it
        c.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, getDecryptKey(algorithm), decryptSpec);
        Key decryptedKey = c.unwrap(cipherText, sk.getAlgorithm(), Cipher.SECRET_KEY);
        assertEquals(cipherID + " sk.getAlgorithm()=" + sk.getAlgorithm() + " decryptedKey.getAlgorithm()=" + decryptedKey.getAlgorithm() + " encryptKey.getEncoded()=" + Arrays.toString(sk.getEncoded()) + " decryptedKey.getEncoded()=" + Arrays.toString(decryptedKey.getEncoded()), sk, decryptedKey);
    if (!isOnlyWrappingAlgorithm(algorithm)) {
        c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, encryptKey, encryptSpec);
        byte[] cipherText = c.doFinal(getActualPlainText(algorithm));
        c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getDecryptKey(algorithm), decryptSpec);
        byte[] decryptedPlainText = c.doFinal(cipherText);
        assertEquals(cipherID, Arrays.toString(getExpectedPlainText(algorithm, providerName)), Arrays.toString(decryptedPlainText));
Also used : SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) IvParameterSpec(javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec) AlgorithmParameterSpec( KeyGenerator(javax.crypto.KeyGenerator) RSAPublicKey( RSAPrivateKey( PublicKey( Key( PrivateKey( SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) PBEParameterSpec(javax.crypto.spec.PBEParameterSpec) AlgorithmParameters(

Example 29 with KeyGenerator

use of javax.crypto.KeyGenerator in project robovm by robovm.

the class CipherTest method getEncryptKey.

private static synchronized Key getEncryptKey(String algorithm) throws Exception {
    Key key = ENCRYPT_KEYS.get(algorithm);
    if (key != null) {
        return key;
    if (algorithm.startsWith("RSA")) {
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        RSAPrivateKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(RSA_2048_modulus, RSA_2048_privateExponent);
        key = kf.generatePrivate(keySpec);
    } else if (isPBE(algorithm)) {
        SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
        key = skf.generateSecret(new PBEKeySpec("secret".toCharArray()));
    } else {
        KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance(getBaseAlgorithm(algorithm));
        key = kg.generateKey();
    ENCRYPT_KEYS.put(algorithm, key);
    return key;
Also used : PBEKeySpec(javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec) RSAPrivateKeySpec( SecretKeyFactory(javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory) KeyGenerator(javax.crypto.KeyGenerator) RSAPublicKey( RSAPrivateKey( PublicKey( Key( PrivateKey( SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) SecretKeyFactory(javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory) KeyFactory(

Example 30 with KeyGenerator

use of javax.crypto.KeyGenerator in project robovm by robovm.

the class CipherTest method testRC4_MultipleKeySizes.

public void testRC4_MultipleKeySizes() throws Exception {
    final int SMALLEST_KEY_SIZE = 40;
    final int LARGEST_KEY_SIZE = 1024;
    /* Make an array of keys for our tests */
    SecretKey[] keys = new SecretKey[LARGEST_KEY_SIZE - SMALLEST_KEY_SIZE];
        KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("ARC4");
        for (int keysize = SMALLEST_KEY_SIZE; keysize < LARGEST_KEY_SIZE; keysize++) {
            final int index = keysize - SMALLEST_KEY_SIZE;
            keys[index] = kg.generateKey();
         * Use this to compare the output of the first provider against
         * subsequent providers.
    String[] expected = new String[LARGEST_KEY_SIZE - SMALLEST_KEY_SIZE];
    /* Find all providers that provide ARC4. We must have at least one! */
    Map<String, String> filter = new HashMap<String, String>();
    filter.put("Cipher.ARC4", "");
    Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders(filter);
    assertTrue("There must be security providers of Cipher.ARC4", providers.length > 0);
    /* Keep track of this for later error messages */
    String firstProvider = providers[0].getName();
    for (Provider p : providers) {
        Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("ARC4", p);
        for (int keysize = SMALLEST_KEY_SIZE; keysize < LARGEST_KEY_SIZE; keysize++) {
            final int index = keysize - SMALLEST_KEY_SIZE;
            final SecretKey sk = keys[index];
                 * Test that encryption works. Donig this in a loop also has the
                 * benefit of testing that re-initialization works for this
                 * cipher.
            c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sk);
            byte[] cipherText = c.doFinal(ORIGINAL_PLAIN_TEXT);
                 * Compare providers against eachother to make sure they're all
                 * in agreement. This helps when you add a brand new provider.
            if (expected[index] == null) {
                expected[index] = Arrays.toString(cipherText);
            } else {
                assertEquals(firstProvider + " should output the same as " + p.getName() + " for key size " + keysize, expected[index], Arrays.toString(cipherText));
            c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sk);
            byte[] actualPlaintext = c.doFinal(cipherText);
            assertEquals("Key size: " + keysize, Arrays.toString(ORIGINAL_PLAIN_TEXT), Arrays.toString(actualPlaintext));
Also used : SecretKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Cipher(javax.crypto.Cipher) KeyGenerator(javax.crypto.KeyGenerator) Provider(


KeyGenerator (javax.crypto.KeyGenerator)166 SecretKey (javax.crypto.SecretKey)117 SecureRandom ( Cipher (javax.crypto.Cipher)43 NoSuchAlgorithmException ( Key ( Test (org.junit.Test)25 InvalidKeyException ( IvParameterSpec (javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec)19 IOException ( AlgorithmParameterSpec ( BadPaddingException (javax.crypto.BadPaddingException)13 IllegalBlockSizeException (javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException)13 NoSuchPaddingException (javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException)13 File ( FileOutputStream ( RouteBuilder (org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder)12 InvalidAlgorithmParameterException ( Provider ( SecretKeySpec (javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec)10