use of javax.crypto.spec.RC5ParameterSpec in project j2objc by google.
the class RC5ParameterSpecTest method testGetRounds.
* getRounds() method testing. Tests that returned value is
* equal to the value specified in the constructor.
public void testGetRounds() {
int version = 1;
int rounds = 5;
int wordSize = 16;
RC5ParameterSpec ps = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize);
assertTrue("The returned rounds value should be equal to the " + "value specified in the constructor.", ps.getRounds() == rounds);
use of javax.crypto.spec.RC5ParameterSpec in project j2objc by google.
the class RC5ParameterSpecTest method testEquals.
* equals(Object obj) method testing. Tests the correctness of equal
* operation: it should be reflexive, symmetric, transitive, consistent
* and should be false on null object.
public void testEquals() {
int version = 1;
int rounds = 5;
int wordSize = 16;
byte[] iv = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
RC5ParameterSpec ps1 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, iv);
RC5ParameterSpec ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, iv);
RC5ParameterSpec ps3 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });
// checking for reflexive law:
assertTrue("The equivalence relation should be reflexive.", ps1.equals(ps1));
assertTrue("Objects built on the same parameters should be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
// checking for symmetric law:
assertTrue("The equivalence relation should be symmetric.", ps2.equals(ps1));
assertTrue("Objects built on the equal parameters should be equal.", ps2.equals(ps3));
// checking for transitive law:
assertTrue("The equivalence relation should be transitive.", ps1.equals(ps3));
assertFalse("Should return not be equal to null object.", ps1.equals(null));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version + 1, rounds, wordSize, iv);
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds + 1, wordSize, iv);
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize / 2, iv);
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, new byte[] { 4, 3, 2, 1 });
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
use of javax.crypto.spec.RC5ParameterSpec in project j2objc by google.
the class RC5ParameterSpecTest method testRC5ParameterSpec1.
* RC5ParameterSpec(int version, int rounds, int wordSize, byte[] iv) method
* testing. Tests that IllegalArgumentException is thrown in the case of
* inappropriate constructor parameters and that input iv array is
* copied to protect against subsequent modification.
public void testRC5ParameterSpec1() {
int version = 1;
int rounds = 5;
int wordSize = 16;
byte[] iv = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
try {
new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, null);
fail("An IllegalArgumentException should be thrown " + "in the case of null iv.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize + 8, iv);
fail("An IllegalArgumentException should be thrown " + "in the case of short iv.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
fail("An IllegalArgumentException should be thrown " + "in the case of short iv.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
RC5ParameterSpec ps = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, iv);
assertFalse("The change of iv specified in the constructor " + "should not cause the change of internal array.", iv[0] == ps.getIV()[0]);
use of javax.crypto.spec.RC5ParameterSpec in project j2objc by google.
the class RC5ParameterSpecTest method test_constructorIII.
public void test_constructorIII() {
int version = 1;
int rounds = 5;
int wordSize = 16;
RC5ParameterSpec ps1 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize);
RC5ParameterSpec ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize);
RC5ParameterSpec ps3 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize + 1);
use of javax.crypto.spec.RC5ParameterSpec in project robovm by robovm.
the class RC5ParameterSpecTest method testEquals.
* equals(Object obj) method testing. Tests the correctness of equal
* operation: it should be reflexive, symmetric, transitive, consistent
* and should be false on null object.
public void testEquals() {
int version = 1;
int rounds = 5;
int wordSize = 16;
byte[] iv = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
RC5ParameterSpec ps1 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, iv);
RC5ParameterSpec ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, iv);
RC5ParameterSpec ps3 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });
// checking for reflexive law:
assertTrue("The equivalence relation should be reflexive.", ps1.equals(ps1));
assertTrue("Objects built on the same parameters should be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
// checking for symmetric law:
assertTrue("The equivalence relation should be symmetric.", ps2.equals(ps1));
assertTrue("Objects built on the equal parameters should be equal.", ps2.equals(ps3));
// checking for transitive law:
assertTrue("The equivalence relation should be transitive.", ps1.equals(ps3));
assertFalse("Should return not be equal to null object.", ps1.equals(null));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version + 1, rounds, wordSize, iv);
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds + 1, wordSize, iv);
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize / 2, iv);
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));
ps2 = new RC5ParameterSpec(version, rounds, wordSize, new byte[] { 4, 3, 2, 1 });
assertFalse("Objects should not be equal.", ps1.equals(ps2));