use of javax.faces.component.behavior.AjaxBehavior in project liferay-faces-alloy by liferay.
the class CommandLinkRenderer method processEvent.
public void processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent componentSystemEvent) throws AbortProcessingException {
CommandLink commandLink = (CommandLink) componentSystemEvent.getComponent();
// If the specified event indicates that the command link was added to the component tree, then
if (componentSystemEvent instanceof PostAddToViewEvent) {
// Add the default Ajax behavior in order to support the ajax attribute. This effectively simulates the
// presence of a child f:ajax tag.
RendererUtil.addDefaultAjaxBehavior(commandLink, commandLink.getExecute(), commandLink.getProcess(), "@all", commandLink.getRender(), commandLink.getUpdate(), "@none");
} else // Otherwise, the specified event indicates that the command link is about to be rendered. If the ajax
// attribute is true, then ensure that the AjaxBehavior is rendered. Otherwise, ensure that the AjaxBehavior is
// not rendered.
AjaxBehavior ajaxBehavior = RendererUtil.getDefaultAjaxBehavior(commandLink);
use of javax.faces.component.behavior.AjaxBehavior in project liferay-faces-alloy by liferay.
the class ProgressBarRenderer method encodeJavaScriptCustom.
public void encodeJavaScriptCustom(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent) throws IOException {
ResponseWriter responseWriter = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) uiComponent;
String clientVarName = getClientVarName(facesContext, progressBar);
String clientKey = progressBar.getClientKey();
if (clientKey == null) {
clientKey = clientVarName;
Map<String, List<ClientBehavior>> clientBehaviorMap = progressBar.getClientBehaviors();
List<ClientBehavior> pollEventClientBehaviors = clientBehaviorMap.get("poll");
// If the developer has specified <f:ajax event="poll" />, then
String javaScriptText = "Liferay.component('".concat(clientKey).concat("')");
if ((pollEventClientBehaviors != null) && !pollEventClientBehaviors.isEmpty()) {
// Build up an anonymous function, which contains all clientBehaviors for the "poll" event, so that it can
// be passed to LFAI.initProgressBarServerMode().
// J-
// function(pollingFunction) {
// var event = null;
// jsf.ajax.request('clientId', event, 'poll', {
// render: 'clientId ' + render,
// execute: 'clientId ' + execute,
// onevent: function(data){
// if(data.status==='success'){
// pollingFunction();
// }
// onevent();
// },
// onerror: function(data){
// Liferay.component('clientKey').stopPolling();
// onerror();
// }
// });
// jsf.ajax.request(...);
// ...
// jsf.ajax.request(...);
// }
// J+
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// ClientBehavior.getScript(ClientBehaviorContext clientBehaviorContext) renders javascript which expects a
// javascript variable named 'event' to have been initilized and contain the DOM event which triggered the
// request. Since there is no DOM event which triggers the progressBar events, render javascript
// initializing event to null;
buf.append("var event = null;");
String clientId = progressBar.getClientId(facesContext);
ClientBehaviorContext clientBehaviorContext = ClientBehaviorContext.createClientBehaviorContext(facesContext, progressBar, "poll", clientId, null);
int size = pollEventClientBehaviors.size();
// J-
// Liferay.component('clientKey')
// J+
JavaScriptFragment liferayComponent = new JavaScriptFragment(javaScriptText);
// It is possible to specify multiple <f:ajax event="poll" /> tags (even though there is no benefit).
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ClientBehavior pollEventClientBehavior = pollEventClientBehaviors.get(i);
if (i == 0) {
AjaxBehavior firstPollEventAjaxBehavior = (AjaxBehavior) pollEventClientBehavior;
String stopPollingFunction = "function(){".concat(liferayComponent.toString()).concat(".stopPolling();}");
// Ensure that render is '@this', execute is '@this', the pollingFunction is called onsuccess, and
// the stopPolling function is called onerror.
pollEventClientBehavior = new ProgressBarAjaxBehavior(firstPollEventAjaxBehavior, "pollingFunction", stopPollingFunction);
JavaScriptFragment anonymousFunction = new JavaScriptFragment(buf.toString());
Integer pollingDelay = progressBar.getPollingDelay();
// J-
// LFAI.initProgressBarServerMode(Liferay.component('clientKey'), 'clientId', pollingDelay,
// function(pollingFunction) {
// var event = null;
// jsf.ajax.request('clientId', event, 'poll', {
// render: 'clientId ' + render,
// execute: 'clientId ' + execute,
// onevent: function(data){
// if(data.status==='success'){
// pollingFunction();
// }
// onevent();
// },
// onerror: function(data){
// Liferay.component('clientKey').stopPolling();
// onerror();
// }
// });
// jsf.ajax.request(...);
// ...
// jsf.ajax.request(...);
// }
// );
// J+
encodeFunctionCall(responseWriter, "LFAI.initProgressBarServerMode", liferayComponent, clientId, pollingDelay, anonymousFunction);
} else // Otherwise the component is in client mode.
// J-
// LFAI.initProgressBarClientMode(Liferay.component('clientKey'), projectStageDevelopment);
// J+
JavaScriptFragment liferayComponent = new JavaScriptFragment(javaScriptText);
encodeFunctionCall(responseWriter, "LFAI.initProgressBarClientMode", liferayComponent);
use of javax.faces.component.behavior.AjaxBehavior in project liferay-faces-alloy by liferay.
the class CommandButtonRenderer method processEvent.
public void processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent componentSystemEvent) throws AbortProcessingException {
CommandButton commandButton = (CommandButton) componentSystemEvent.getComponent();
// If the specified event indicates that the command button was added to the component tree, then
if (componentSystemEvent instanceof PostAddToViewEvent) {
// Add the default Ajax behavior in order to support the ajax attribute. This effectively simulates the
// presence of a child f:ajax tag.
RendererUtil.addDefaultAjaxBehavior(commandButton, commandButton.getExecute(), commandButton.getProcess(), "@all", commandButton.getRender(), commandButton.getUpdate(), "@none");
} else // Otherwise, the specified event indicates that the command button is about to be rendered. If the ajax
// attribute is true, then ensure that the AjaxBehavior is rendered. Otherwise, ensure that the AjaxBehavior is
// not rendered.
AjaxBehavior ajaxBehavior = RendererUtil.getDefaultAjaxBehavior(commandButton);