use of javax.lang.model.type.ReferenceType in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class CFGTranslationPhaseOne method commonConvert.
* Assignment conversion and method invocation conversion are almost identical, except that
* assignment conversion allows narrowing. We factor out the common logic here.
* @param node a Node producing a value
* @param varType the type of a variable
* @param contextAllowsNarrowing whether to allow narrowing (for assignment conversion) or not
* (for method invocation conversion)
* @return a Node with the value converted to the type of the variable, which may be the input
* node itself
protected Node commonConvert(Node node, TypeMirror varType, boolean contextAllowsNarrowing) {
// For assignment conversion, see JLS 5.2
// For method invocation conversion, see JLS 5.3
// Check for identical types or "identity conversion"
TypeMirror nodeType = node.getType();
boolean isSameType = types.isSameType(nodeType, varType);
if (isSameType) {
return node;
boolean isRightNumeric = TypesUtils.isNumeric(nodeType);
boolean isRightPrimitive = TypesUtils.isPrimitive(nodeType);
boolean isRightBoxed = TypesUtils.isBoxedPrimitive(nodeType);
boolean isRightReference = nodeType instanceof ReferenceType;
boolean isLeftNumeric = TypesUtils.isNumeric(varType);
boolean isLeftPrimitive = TypesUtils.isPrimitive(varType);
// boolean isLeftBoxed = TypesUtils.isBoxedPrimitive(varType);
boolean isLeftReference = varType instanceof ReferenceType;
boolean isSubtype = types.isSubtype(nodeType, varType);
if (isRightNumeric && isLeftNumeric && isSubtype) {
node = widen(node, varType);
nodeType = node.getType();
} else if (isRightReference && isLeftReference && isSubtype) {
// widening reference conversion is a no-op, but if it
// applies, then later conversions do not.
} else if (isRightPrimitive && isLeftReference) {
if (contextAllowsNarrowing && conversionRequiresNarrowing(varType, node)) {
node = narrowAndBox(node, varType);
nodeType = node.getType();
} else {
node = box(node);
nodeType = node.getType();
} else if (isRightBoxed && isLeftPrimitive) {
node = unbox(node);
nodeType = node.getType();
if (types.isSubtype(nodeType, varType) && !types.isSameType(nodeType, varType)) {
node = widen(node, varType);
nodeType = node.getType();
} else if (isRightPrimitive && isLeftPrimitive) {
if (contextAllowsNarrowing && conversionRequiresNarrowing(varType, node)) {
node = narrow(node, varType);
nodeType = node.getType();
return node;