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Example 31 with Unit

use of javax.measure.Unit in project sis by apache.

the class QuantitiesTest method testCastOrCopy.

 * Tests {@link Quantities#castOrCopy(Quantity)}.
public void testCastOrCopy() {
    Quantity<Length> q = Quantities.create(5, Units.KILOMETRE);
    assertSame(q, Quantities.castOrCopy(q));
    q = new Quantity<Length>() {

        public Number getValue() {
            return 8;

        public Unit<Length> getUnit() {
            return Units.CENTIMETRE;

        public Quantity<Length> add(Quantity<Length> ignored) {
            return null;

        public Quantity<Length> subtract(Quantity<Length> ignored) {
            return null;

        public Quantity<?> multiply(Quantity<?> ignored) {
            return null;

        public Quantity<?> divide(Quantity<?> ignored) {
            return null;

        public Quantity<Length> multiply(Number ignored) {
            return null;

        public Quantity<Length> divide(Number ignored) {
            return null;

        public Quantity<?> inverse() {
            return null;

        public Quantity<Length> to(Unit<Length> ignored) {
            return null;

        public <T extends Quantity<T>> Quantity<T> asType(Class<T> ignored) {
            return null;
    final Length c = Quantities.castOrCopy(q);
    assertNotSame(q, c);
    assertEquals("value", 8, c.getValue().doubleValue(), STRICT);
    assertSame("unit", Units.CENTIMETRE, c.getUnit());
Also used : Length(javax.measure.quantity.Length) Quantity(javax.measure.Quantity) Unit(javax.measure.Unit) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 32 with Unit

use of javax.measure.Unit in project sis by apache.

the class ParameterFormat method format.

 * Implementation of public {@code format(…)} methods for all content levels except {@code NAME_SUMMARY}.
 * @param  name    the group name, usually {@code descriptor.getName().getCode()}.
 * @param  group   the parameter descriptor, usually {@code values.getDescriptor()}.
 * @param  values  the parameter values, or {@code null} if none.
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred while writing to the given appendable.
private void format(final String name, final ParameterDescriptorGroup group, final ParameterValueGroup values, final Appendable out) throws IOException {
    final boolean isBrief = (contentLevel == ContentLevel.BRIEF);
    final boolean showObligation = !isBrief || (values == null);
    final boolean hasColors = (colors != null);
    final String lineSeparator = this.lineSeparator;
    final Map<String, Integer> remarks = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    final ParameterTableRow header = new ParameterTableRow(group, displayLocale, preferredCodespaces, remarks, isBrief);
    final String groupCodespace = header.getCodeSpace();
         * Prepares the informations to be printed later as table rows. We scan all rows before to print them
         * in order to compute the width of codespaces. During this process, we split the objects to be printed
         * later in two collections: simple parameters are stored as (descriptor,value) pairs, while groups are
         * stored in an other collection for deferred formatting after the simple parameters.
    int codespaceWidth = 0;
    final Collection<?> elements = (values != null) ? values.values() : group.descriptors();
    final Map<GeneralParameterDescriptor, ParameterTableRow> descriptorValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(hashMapCapacity(elements.size()));
    // To be created only if needed (it is usually not).
    List<Object> deferredGroups = null;
    for (final Object element : elements) {
        final GeneralParameterValue parameter;
        final GeneralParameterDescriptor descriptor;
        if (values != null) {
            parameter = (GeneralParameterValue) element;
            descriptor = parameter.getDescriptor();
        } else {
            parameter = null;
            descriptor = (GeneralParameterDescriptor) element;
        if (descriptor instanceof ParameterDescriptorGroup) {
            if (deferredGroups == null) {
                deferredGroups = new ArrayList<>(4);
             * In the vast majority of cases, there is only one value for each parameter. However
             * if we find more than one value, we will append all extra occurrences in a "multiple
             * values" list to be formatted in the same row.
        Object value = null;
        Unit<?> unit = null;
        if (parameter instanceof ParameterValue<?>) {
            final ParameterValue<?> p = (ParameterValue<?>) parameter;
            value = p.getValue();
            unit = p.getUnit();
        } else if (descriptor instanceof ParameterDescriptor<?>) {
            final ParameterDescriptor<?> p = (ParameterDescriptor<?>) descriptor;
            value = p.getDefaultValue();
            unit = p.getUnit();
        ParameterTableRow row = descriptorValues.get(descriptor);
        if (row == null) {
            row = new ParameterTableRow(descriptor, displayLocale, preferredCodespaces, remarks, isBrief);
            descriptorValues.put(descriptor, row);
            if (row.codespaceWidth > codespaceWidth) {
                codespaceWidth = row.codespaceWidth;
        row.addValue(value, unit);
         * Finished to collect the values. Now transform the values:
         *   - Singleton value of array types (either primitive or not) are wrapped into a list.
         *   - Values are formatted.
         *   - Value domains are formatted.
         *   - Position of the character on which to do the alignment are remembered.
    int unitWidth = 0;
    int valueDomainAlignment = 0;
    boolean writeCodespaces = (groupCodespace == null);
    final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    final FieldPosition dummyFP = new FieldPosition(-1);
    for (final Map.Entry<GeneralParameterDescriptor, ParameterTableRow> entry : descriptorValues.entrySet()) {
        final GeneralParameterDescriptor descriptor = entry.getKey();
        if (descriptor instanceof ParameterDescriptor<?>) {
            final ParameterTableRow row = entry.getValue();
                 * Verify if all rows use the same codespace than the header, in which case we can omit
                 * row codespace formatting.
            if (!writeCodespaces && !groupCodespace.equals(entry.getValue().getCodeSpace())) {
                writeCodespaces = true;
                 * Format the value domain, so we can compute the character position on which to perform alignment.
            final Range<?> valueDomain = Parameters.getValueDomain((ParameterDescriptor<?>) descriptor);
            if (valueDomain != null) {
                final int p = row.setValueDomain(valueDomain, getFormat(Range.class), buffer);
                if (p > valueDomainAlignment) {
                    valueDomainAlignment = p;
                 * Singleton array conversion. Because it may be an array of primitive types, we can not just
                 * cast to Object[]. Then formats the units, with a space before the unit if the symbol is a
                 * letter or digit (i.e. we do not put a space in front of ° symbol for instance).
            final int length = row.units.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                final Object unit = row.units.get(i);
                if (unit != null) {
                    if (getFormat(Unit.class).format(unit, buffer, dummyFP).length() != 0) {
                        if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(buffer.codePointAt(0))) {
                            buffer.insert(0, ' ');
                    final String symbol = buffer.toString();
                    row.units.set(i, symbol);
                    final int p = symbol.length();
                    if (p > unitWidth) {
                        unitWidth = p;
         * Finished to prepare information. Now begin the actual writing.
         * First, formats the table header (i.e. the column names).
    final Vocabulary resources = Vocabulary.getResources(displayLocale);
    header.writeIdentifiers(out, true, colors, false, lineSeparator);
    final char horizontalBorder = isBrief ? '─' : '═';
    final TableAppender table = (isBrief || !columnSeparator.equals(SEPARATOR)) ? new TableAppender(out, columnSeparator) : new TableAppender(out);
    int numColumnsBeforeValue = 0;
    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
        boolean end = false;
        final short key;
        switch(i) {
            case 0:
                    key = Vocabulary.Keys.Name;
            case 1:
                    key = Vocabulary.Keys.Type;
            case 2:
                    if (!showObligation) {
                    key = Vocabulary.Keys.Obligation;
            case 3:
                    key = Vocabulary.Keys.ValueDomain;
            case 4:
                    key = (values == null) ? Vocabulary.Keys.DefaultValue : Vocabulary.Keys.Value;
                    end = true;
                throw new AssertionError(i);
        if (hasColors)
        if (hasColors)
        if (!writeCodespaces && i == 0) {
            table.append(" (").append(groupCodespace).append(')');
        if (end)
         * Now process to the formatting of (descriptor,value) pairs. Each descriptor's alias
         * will be formatted on its own line in a table row. If there is more than one value,
         * then each value will be formatted on its own line as well. Note that the values may
         * be null if there is none.
    char horizontalLine = horizontalBorder;
    for (final Map.Entry<GeneralParameterDescriptor, ParameterTableRow> entry : descriptorValues.entrySet()) {
        if (horizontalLine != 0) {
        horizontalLine = isBrief ? 0 : '─';
        final ParameterTableRow row = entry.getValue();
        row.codespaceWidth = codespaceWidth;
        row.writeIdentifiers(table, writeCodespaces, null, hasColors, lineSeparator);
        final GeneralParameterDescriptor generalDescriptor = entry.getKey();
        if (generalDescriptor instanceof ParameterDescriptor<?>) {
                 * Writes value type.
            final ParameterDescriptor<?> descriptor = (ParameterDescriptor<?>) generalDescriptor;
            final Class<?> valueClass = descriptor.getValueClass();
            if (valueClass != null) {
                // Should never be null, but let be safe.
                table.append(getFormat(Class.class).format(valueClass, buffer, dummyFP).toString());
                 * Writes the obligation (mandatory or optional).
            if (showObligation) {
                final int minimumOccurs = descriptor.getMinimumOccurs();
                final int maximumOccurs = descriptor.getMaximumOccurs();
                if (maximumOccurs == 1) {
                    table.append(resources.getString(minimumOccurs == 0 ? Vocabulary.Keys.Optional : Vocabulary.Keys.Mandatory));
                } else {
                    final Format f = getFormat(Integer.class);
                    table.append(f.format(minimumOccurs, buffer, dummyFP).toString()).append(" … ");
                    if (maximumOccurs == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                    } else {
                        table.append(f.format(maximumOccurs, buffer, dummyFP).toString());
                 * Writes minimum and maximum values, together with the unit of measurement (if any).
            final String valueDomain = row.valueDomain;
            if (valueDomain != null) {
                table.append(CharSequences.spaces(valueDomainAlignment - row.valueDomainAlignment)).append(valueDomain);
                 * Writes the values, each on its own line, together with their unit of measurement.
            final byte alignment = Number.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass) ? TableAppender.ALIGN_RIGHT : TableAppender.ALIGN_LEFT;
            final int length = row.values.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                Object value = row.values.get(i);
                if (value != null) {
                    if (i != 0) {
                             * If the same parameter is repeated more than once (not allowed by ISO 19111,
                             * but this extra flexibility is allowed by Apache SIS), write the ditto mark
                             * in all previous columns (name, type, etc.) on a new row.
                        final String ditto = resources.getString(Vocabulary.Keys.DittoMark);
                        for (int j = 0; j < numColumnsBeforeValue; j++) {
                         * Format the value followed by the unit of measure, or followed by spaces if there is no unit
                         * for this value. The intent is the right align the numerical value rather than the numerical
                         * + unit tupple.
                    final Format format = getFormat(value.getClass());
                    if (format != null) {
                        if (format instanceof NumberFormat && value instanceof Number) {
                            configure((NumberFormat) format, Math.abs(((Number) value).doubleValue()));
                        value = format.format(value, buffer, dummyFP);
                    int pad = unitWidth;
                    final String unit = (String) row.units.get(i);
                    if (unit != null) {
                        pad -= unit.length();
         * Write remarks, if any.
    for (final Map.Entry<String, Integer> remark : remarks.entrySet()) {
        ParameterTableRow.writeFootnoteNumber(out, remark.getValue());
        out.append(' ').append(remark.getKey()).append(lineSeparator);
         * Now formats all groups deferred to the end of this table, with recursive calls to
         * this method (recursive calls use their own TableWriter instance, so they may result
         * in a different cell layout). Most of the time, there is no such additional group.
    if (deferredGroups != null) {
        for (final Object element : deferredGroups) {
            final ParameterValueGroup value;
            final ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor;
            if (element instanceof ParameterValueGroup) {
                value = (ParameterValueGroup) element;
                descriptor = value.getDescriptor();
            } else {
                value = null;
                descriptor = (ParameterDescriptorGroup) element;
            format(name + '/' + descriptor.getName().getCode(), descriptor, value, out);
Also used : Vocabulary(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary) TableAppender( Unit(javax.measure.Unit) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Format(java.text.Format) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat) TabularFormat( FieldPosition(java.text.FieldPosition) Range(org.apache.sis.measure.Range) IdentifiedObject(org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat)

Example 33 with Unit

use of javax.measure.Unit in project sis by apache.

the class UnitFormat method fromName.

 * Returns the unit instance for the given long (un)localized or name.
 * This method is somewhat the converse of {@link #symbolToName()}, but recognizes also
 * international and American spelling of unit names in addition of localized names.
 * The intent is to recognize "meter" as well as "metre".
 * <p>While we said that {@code UnitFormat} is not thread safe, we make an exception for this method
 * for allowing the singleton {@link #INSTANCE} to parse symbols in a multi-threads environment.</p>
 * @param  uom  the unit symbol, without leading or trailing spaces.
private Unit<?> fromName(String uom) {
         * Before to search in resource bundles, check for degrees units. The "deg" unit can be both angular
         * and Celsius degrees. We try to resolve this ambiguity by looking for the "C" suffix. We perform a
         * special case for the degrees units because SI symbols are case-sentive and unit names in resource
         * bundles are case-insensitive, but the "deg" case is a mix of both.
    final int length = uom.length();
    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
        if (i != DEGREES.length()) {
            if (i != length && (uom.charAt(i) | ('a' - 'A')) == DEGREES.charAt(i)) {
                // Loop as long as the characters are the same, ignoring case.
            if (i != 3 && i != 6) {
                // Exit if not "deg" (3) or "degree" (6 characters).
        if (length == i) {
            // Exactly "deg", "degree" or "degrees" (ignoring case).
            return Units.DEGREE;
        final int c = uom.codePointAt(i);
        if (c == '_' || Character.isSpaceChar(c)) {
            // Ignore space in "degree C", "deg C", "deg K", etc.
            i += Character.charCount(c);
        if (length - i == 1) {
            switch(uom.charAt(i)) {
                // Unicode U+212A
                case 'K':
                // "degK" (ignoring case except for 'K')
                case 'K':
                    return Units.KELVIN;
                case 'C':
                    return Units.CELSIUS;
                // degree_N, degrees_N, degreeN, degreesN.
                case 'N':
                // degree_E, degrees_E, degreeE, degreesE.
                case 'E':
                    return Units.DEGREE;
         * At this point, we determined that the given unit symbol is not degrees (of angle or of temperature).
         * Remaining code is generic to all other kinds of units: a check in a HashMap loaded when first needed.
    Map<String, Unit<?>> map = nameToUnit;
    if (map == null) {
        map = SHARED.get(locale);
        if (map == null) {
            map = new HashMap<>(128);
            copy(locale, symbolToName(), map);
            if (!locale.equals(Locale.US))
                copy(Locale.US, getBundle(Locale.US), map);
            if (!locale.equals(Locale.ROOT))
                copy(Locale.ROOT, getBundle(Locale.ROOT), map);
                 * The UnitAliases file contains names that are not unit symbols and are not included in the UnitNames
                 * property files neither. It contains longer names sometime used (for example "decimal degree" instead
                 * of "degree"), some plural forms (for example "feet" instead of "foot") and a few common misspellings
                 * (for exemple "Celcius" instead of "Celsius").
            final ResourceBundle r = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.apache.sis.measure.UnitAliases", locale, UnitFormat.class.getClassLoader());
            for (final String name : r.keySet()) {
                map.put(name.intern(), Units.get(r.getString(name)));
            map = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
                 * Cache the map so we can share it with other UnitFormat instances.
                 * Sharing is safe if the map is unmodifiable.
            synchronized (SHARED) {
                for (final Map<String, Unit<?>> existing : SHARED.values()) {
                    if (map.equals(existing)) {
                        map = existing;
                SHARED.put(locale, map);
        nameToUnit = map;
         * The 'nameToUnit' map contains plural forms (declared in,
         * but we make a special case for "degrees", "metres" and "meters" because they
         * appear in numerous places.
    uom = uom.replace('_', ' ').toLowerCase(locale);
    uom = CharSequences.replace(CharSequences.replace(CharSequences.replace(CharSequences.toASCII(uom), "meters", "meter"), "metres", "metre"), DEGREES, "degree").toString();
    return map.get(uom);
Also used : ResourceBundle(java.util.ResourceBundle) Unit(javax.measure.Unit)

Example 34 with Unit

use of javax.measure.Unit in project sis by apache.

the class EPSGDataAccess method createParameterDescriptor.

 * Creates a definition of a single parameter used by an operation method.
 * <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
 * some EPSG codes for parameters are:
 * <table class="sis" summary="EPSG codes examples">
 *   <tr><th>Code</th> <th>Description</th></tr>
 *   <tr><td>8801</td> <td>Latitude of natural origin</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>8802</td> <td>Longitude of natural origin</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>8805</td> <td>Scale factor at natural origin</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>8806</td> <td>False easting</td></tr>
 *   <tr><td>8807</td> <td>False northing</td></tr>
 * </table></div>
 * @param  code  value allocated by EPSG.
 * @return the parameter descriptor for the given code.
 * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException if the specified {@code code} was not found.
 * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed for some other reason.
 * @see org.apache.sis.parameter.DefaultParameterDescriptor
public synchronized ParameterDescriptor<?> createParameterDescriptor(final String code) throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("code", code);
    ParameterDescriptor<?> returnValue = null;
    try (ResultSet result = executeQuery("Coordinate_Operation Parameter", "PARAMETER_CODE", "PARAMETER_NAME", "SELECT PARAMETER_CODE," + " PARAMETER_NAME," + " DESCRIPTION," + " DEPRECATED" + " FROM [Coordinate_Operation Parameter]" + " WHERE PARAMETER_CODE = ?", code)) {
        while ( {
            final Integer epsg = getInteger(code, result, 1);
            final String name = getString(code, result, 2);
            final String description = getOptionalString(result, 3);
            final boolean deprecated = getOptionalBoolean(result, 4);
            Class<?> type = Double.class;
                 * If the parameter appears to have at least one non-null value in the "Parameter File Name" column,
                 * then the type is assumed to be URI as a string. Otherwise, the type is a floating point number.
            try (ResultSet r = executeQuery("ParameterType", "SELECT PARAM_VALUE_FILE_REF FROM [Coordinate_Operation Parameter Value]" + " WHERE (PARAMETER_CODE = ?) AND PARAM_VALUE_FILE_REF IS NOT NULL", epsg)) {
                while ( {
                    String element = getOptionalString(r, 1);
                    if (element != null && !element.isEmpty()) {
                        type = String.class;
                 * Search for units.   We typically have many different units but all of the same dimension
                 * (for example metres, kilometres, feet, etc.). In such case, the units Set will have only
                 * one element and that element will be the most frequently used unit.  But some parameters
                 * accept units of different dimensions.   For example the "Ordinate 1 of evaluation point"
                 * (EPSG:8617) parameter value may be in metres or in degrees.   In such case the units Set
                 * will have two elements.
            final Set<Unit<?>> units = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            try (ResultSet r = executeQuery("ParameterUnit", "SELECT UOM_CODE FROM [Coordinate_Operation Parameter Value]" + " WHERE (PARAMETER_CODE = ?)" + " GROUP BY UOM_CODE" + " ORDER BY COUNT(UOM_CODE) DESC", epsg)) {
                next: while ( {
                    final String c = getOptionalString(r, 1);
                    if (c != null) {
                        final Unit<?> candidate = owner.createUnit(c);
                        for (final Unit<?> e : units) {
                            if (candidate.isCompatible(e)) {
                                continue next;
                 * Determines if the inverse operation can be performed by reversing the parameter sign.
                 * The EPSG dataset uses "Yes" or "No" value, but SIS scripts use boolean type. We have
                 * to accept both. Note that if we do not recognize the string as a boolean value, then
                 * we need a SQLException, not a null value.  If the value is wrongly null, this method
                 * will succeed anyway and EPSGDataAccess will finish its work without apparent problem,
                 * but Apache SIS will fail later when it will try to compute the inverse operation, for
                 * example in a call to CRS.findOperation(…). The exception thrown at such later time is
                 * much more difficult to relate to the root cause than if we throw the exception here.
            InternationalString isReversible = null;
            try (ResultSet r = executeQuery("ParameterSign", "SELECT DISTINCT PARAM_SIGN_REVERSAL FROM [Coordinate_Operation Parameter Usage]" + " WHERE (PARAMETER_CODE = ?)", epsg)) {
                if ( {
                    Boolean b;
                    if (translator.useBoolean()) {
                        b = r.getBoolean(1);
                        if (r.wasNull())
                            b = null;
                    } else {
                        // May throw SQLException - see above comment.
                        b = SQLUtilities.toBoolean(r.getString(1));
                    if (b != null) {
                        isReversible = b ? SignReversalComment.OPPOSITE : SignReversalComment.SAME;
                 * Now creates the parameter descriptor.
            final NumberRange<?> valueDomain;
            switch(units.size()) {
                case 0:
                    valueDomain = null;
                    valueDomain = new EPSGParameterDomain(units);
                case 1:
                    valueDomain = MeasurementRange.create(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, false, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, false, CollectionsExt.first(units));
            final Map<String, Object> properties = createProperties("Coordinate_Operation Parameter", name, epsg, isReversible, deprecated);
            properties.put(ImmutableIdentifier.DESCRIPTION_KEY, description);
            final ParameterDescriptor<?> descriptor = new DefaultParameterDescriptor<>(properties, 1, 1, type, valueDomain, null, null);
            returnValue = ensureSingleton(descriptor, returnValue, code);
    } catch (SQLException exception) {
        throw databaseFailure(OperationMethod.class, code, exception);
    if (returnValue == null) {
        throw noSuchAuthorityCode(OperationMethod.class, code);
    return returnValue;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) SimpleInternationalString(org.apache.sis.util.iso.SimpleInternationalString) Unit(javax.measure.Unit) DefaultOperationMethod(org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultOperationMethod) EPSGParameterDomain(org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.EPSGParameterDomain) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) SimpleInternationalString(org.apache.sis.util.iso.SimpleInternationalString) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) AbstractIdentifiedObject(org.apache.sis.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject) IdentifiedObject(org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject) DefaultParameterDescriptor(org.apache.sis.parameter.DefaultParameterDescriptor)

Example 35 with Unit

use of javax.measure.Unit in project sis by apache.

the class CoordinateSystemsTest method testReplaceAxes.

 * Tests {@link CoordinateSystems#replaceAxes(CoordinateSystem, AxisFilter)}
 * without change of coordinate system type.
public void testReplaceAxes() {
    final EllipsoidalCS sourceCS = HardCodedCS.GEODETIC_3D;
    // What we want to get.
    final EllipsoidalCS targetCS = HardCodedCS.ELLIPSOIDAL_gon;
    final CoordinateSystem actualCS = CoordinateSystems.replaceAxes(sourceCS, new AxisFilter() {

        public boolean accept(final CoordinateSystemAxis axis) {
            return Units.isAngular(axis.getUnit());

        public Unit<?> getUnitReplacement(CoordinateSystemAxis axis, Unit<?> unit) {
            if (Units.isAngular(unit)) {
                unit = Units.GRAD;
            return unit;
    assertEqualsIgnoreMetadata(targetCS, actualCS);
Also used : CoordinateSystem(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem) CoordinateSystemAxis(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis) EllipsoidalCS(org.opengis.referencing.cs.EllipsoidalCS) Unit(javax.measure.Unit) Test(org.junit.Test)


Unit (javax.measure.Unit)52 AbstractUnit (tech.units.indriya.AbstractUnit)12 AbstractUnit ( UnitConverter (javax.measure.UnitConverter)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 CoordinateSystem (com.revolsys.geometry.cs.CoordinateSystem)4 ProjectedCoordinateSystem (com.revolsys.geometry.cs.ProjectedCoordinateSystem)4 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)4 Length (javax.measure.quantity.Length)4 CoordinateSystemAxis (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis)4 GeographicCoordinateSystem (com.revolsys.geometry.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem)3 Format (java.text.Format)3 NumberFormat (java.text.NumberFormat)3 IncommensurableException (javax.measure.IncommensurableException)3 Angle (javax.measure.quantity.Angle)3 TestUnit (javax.measure.test.TestUnit)3 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)3 IdentifiedObject (org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject)3 CoordinateSystem (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem)3 ChainedCoordinatesOperation (com.revolsys.geometry.cs.projection.ChainedCoordinatesOperation)2