Search in sources :

Example 1 with Vocabulary

use of org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary in project sis by apache.

the class HelpCommand method help.

 * Implementation of {@link #run()}, also shared by {@link CommandRunner#help(String)}.
 * @param  showHeader    {@code true} for printing the "Apache SIS" header.
 * @param  commandNames  the names of the commands to list.
 * @param  validOptions  the options to list.
 * @throws IOException should never happen, because we are writing to a {@code PrintWriter}.
void help(final boolean showHeader, final String[] commandNames, final EnumSet<Option> validOptions) throws IOException {
    final ResourceBundle commands = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.apache.sis.console.Commands", locale);
    final ResourceBundle options = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.apache.sis.console.Options", locale);
    final Vocabulary vocabulary = Vocabulary.getResources(locale);
    if (showHeader) {
        out.print("Apache SIS, ");
    final TableAppender table = new TableAppender(out, "  ");
    for (final String command : commandNames) {
        if (showHeader) {
            table.append("  ");
        if (!showHeader) {
    for (final Option option : validOptions) {
        final String name = option.label();
        table.append("  ").append(Option.PREFIX).append(name);
Also used : Vocabulary(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary) TableAppender( ResourceBundle(java.util.ResourceBundle)

Example 2 with Vocabulary

use of org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary in project sis by apache.

the class ParameterFormat method formatSummary.

 * Implementation of public {@code format(…)} methods for {@code NAME_SUMMARY} content level.
 * @param  objects  the collection of objects to format.
 * @param  out      the stream or buffer where to write the summary.
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred will writing to the given appendable.
private void formatSummary(final IdentifiedObject[] objects, final Appendable out) throws IOException {
    final Vocabulary resources = Vocabulary.getResources(displayLocale);
         * Prepares all rows before we write them to the output stream, because not all
         * identified objects may have names with the same scopes in the same order. We
         * also need to iterate over all rows in order to know the number of columns.
         * The first column is reserved for the identifier. We put null as a sentinal key for
         * that column name, to be replaced later by "Identifier" in user locale. We can not
         * put the localized strings in the map right now because they could conflict with
         * the scope of some alias to be processed below.
    boolean hasIdentifiers = false;
    final List<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<>();
    final Map<String, Integer> columnIndices = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    // See above comment for the meaning of "null" here.
    columnIndices.put(null, 0);
    if (preferredCodespaces != null) {
        for (final String codespace : preferredCodespaces) {
            columnIndices.put(codespace, columnIndices.size());
    for (final IdentifiedObject object : objects) {
        // Will growth later if needed.
        String[] row = new String[columnIndices.size()];
             * Put the first identifier in the first column. If no identifier has a codespace in the list
             * supplied by the user, then we will use the first identifier (any codespace) as a fallback.
        final Set<ReferenceIdentifier> identifiers = object.getIdentifiers();
        if (identifiers != null) {
            // Paranoiac check.
            Identifier identifier = null;
            for (final ReferenceIdentifier candidate : identifiers) {
                if (candidate != null) {
                    // Paranoiac check.
                    if (isPreferredCodespace(candidate.getCodeSpace())) {
                        identifier = candidate;
                        // Format now.
                    if (identifier == null) {
                        // To be used as a fallback if we find nothing better.
                        identifier = candidate;
            if (identifier != null) {
                row[0] = IdentifiedObjects.toString(identifier);
                hasIdentifiers = true;
             * If the name's codespace is in the list of codespaces asked by the user, add that name
             * in the current row and clear the 'name' locale variable. Otherwise, keep the 'name'
             * locale variable in case we found no alias to format.
        ReferenceIdentifier name = object.getName();
        if (name != null) {
            // Paranoiac check.
            final String codespace = name.getCodeSpace();
            if (isPreferredCodespace(codespace)) {
                row = putIfAbsent(resources, row, columnIndices, codespace, name.getCode());
                name = null;
             * Put all aliases having a codespace in the list asked by the user.
        final Collection<GenericName> aliases = object.getAlias();
        if (aliases != null) {
            // Paranoiac check.
            for (final GenericName alias : aliases) {
                if (alias != null) {
                    // Paranoiac check.
                    final String codespace = NameToIdentifier.getCodeSpace(alias, displayLocale);
                    if (isPreferredCodespace(codespace)) {
                        row = putIfAbsent(resources, row, columnIndices, codespace, alias.tip().toInternationalString().toString(displayLocale));
                        name = null;
             * If no name and no alias have a codespace in the list of codespaces asked by the user,
             * force the addition of primary name regardless its codespace.
        if (name != null) {
            row = putIfAbsent(resources, row, columnIndices, name.getCodeSpace(), name.getCode());
         * Writes the table. The header will contain one column for each codespace in the order declared
         * by the user. If the user did not specified any codespace, or if we had to write codespace not
         * on the user list, then those codespaces will be written in the order we found them.
    final boolean hasColors = (colors != null);
    final TableAppender table = new TableAppender(out, columnSeparator);
    for (String codespace : columnIndices.keySet()) {
        if (codespace == null) {
            // Skip empty column.
            if (!hasIdentifiers)
            codespace = resources.getString(Vocabulary.Keys.Identifier);
        if (hasColors) {
            codespace = X364.BOLD.sequence() + codespace + X364.NORMAL.sequence();
         * Writes row content.
    final int numColumns = columnIndices.size();
    for (final String[] row : rows) {
        for (int i = hasIdentifiers ? 0 : 1; i < numColumns; i++) {
            if (i < row.length) {
                final String name = row[i];
                if (name != null) {
Also used : Vocabulary(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TableAppender( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) GenericName(org.opengis.util.GenericName) ReferenceIdentifier(org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceIdentifier) NameToIdentifier(org.apache.sis.internal.metadata.NameToIdentifier) Identifier(org.opengis.metadata.Identifier) ReferenceIdentifier(org.opengis.referencing.ReferenceIdentifier) IdentifiedObject(org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject)

Example 3 with Vocabulary

use of org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary in project sis by apache.

the class FeatureFormat method format.

 * Formats the given object to the given stream of buffer.
 * The object may be an instance of any of the following types:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>{@code Feature}</li>
 *   <li>{@code FeatureType}</li>
 * </ul>
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred while writing to the given appendable.
public void format(final Object object, final Appendable toAppendTo) throws IOException {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("object", object);
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("toAppendTo", toAppendTo);
         * Separate the Feature (optional) and the FeatureType (mandatory) instances.
    final DefaultFeatureType featureType;
    final AbstractFeature feature;
    if (object instanceof AbstractFeature) {
        feature = (AbstractFeature) object;
        featureType = feature.getType();
    } else if (object instanceof DefaultFeatureType) {
        featureType = (DefaultFeatureType) object;
        feature = null;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.getResources(displayLocale).getString(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedType_1, object.getClass()));
         * Computes the columns to show. We start with the set of columns specified by setAllowedColumns(Set),
         * then we check if some of those columns are empty. For example in many cases there is no attribute
         * with characteritic, in which case we will ommit the whole "characteristics" column. We perform such
         * check only for optional information, not for mandatory information like property names.
    final EnumSet<Column> visibleColumns = columns.clone();
        boolean hasDesignation = false;
        boolean hasCharacteristics = false;
        boolean hasDeprecatedTypes = false;
        for (final AbstractIdentifiedType propertyType : featureType.getProperties(true)) {
            if (!hasDesignation) {
                hasDesignation = propertyType.getDesignation() != null;
            if (!hasCharacteristics && propertyType instanceof DefaultAttributeType<?>) {
                hasCharacteristics = !((DefaultAttributeType<?>) propertyType).characteristics().isEmpty();
            if (!hasDeprecatedTypes && propertyType instanceof Deprecable) {
                hasDeprecatedTypes = ((Deprecable) propertyType).isDeprecated();
        if (!hasDesignation)
        if (!hasCharacteristics)
        if (!hasDeprecatedTypes)
         * Format the feature type name. In the case of feature type, format also the names of super-type
         * after the UML symbol for inheritance (an arrow with white head). We do not use the " : " ASCII
         * character for avoiding confusion with the ":" separator in namespaces. After the feature (type)
         * name, format the column header: property name, type, cardinality and (default) value.
    if (feature == null) {
        // UML symbol for inheritance.
        String separator = " ⇾ ";
        for (final FeatureType parent : featureType.getSuperTypes()) {
            separator = SEPARATOR;
         * Create a table and format the header. Columns will be shown in Column enumeration order.
    final Vocabulary resources = Vocabulary.getResources(displayLocale);
    final TableAppender table = new TableAppender(toAppendTo, columnSeparator);
    boolean isFirstColumn = true;
    for (final Column column : visibleColumns) {
        short key = column.resourceKey;
        if (key == Vocabulary.Keys.Value && feature == null) {
            key = Vocabulary.Keys.DefaultValue;
        if (!isFirstColumn)
        isFirstColumn = false;
         * Done writing the header. Now write all property rows.  For each row, the first part in the loop
         * extracts all information needed without formatting anything yet. If we detect in that part that
         * a row has no value, it will be skipped if and only if that row is optional (minimum occurrence
         * of zero).
    final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    final FieldPosition dummyFP = new FieldPosition(-1);
    final List<String> remarks = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final AbstractIdentifiedType propertyType : featureType.getProperties(true)) {
        Object value = null;
        int cardinality = -1;
        if (feature != null) {
            if (!(propertyType instanceof DefaultAttributeType<?>) && !(propertyType instanceof DefaultAssociationRole) && !DefaultFeatureType.isParameterlessOperation(propertyType)) {
            value = feature.getPropertyValue(propertyType.getName().toString());
            if (value == null) {
                if (propertyType instanceof FieldType && ((FieldType) propertyType).getMinimumOccurs() == 0) {
                    // If optional and no value, skip the full row.
                cardinality = 0;
            } else if (value instanceof Collection<?>) {
                cardinality = ((Collection<?>) value).size();
            } else {
                cardinality = 1;
        } else if (propertyType instanceof DefaultAttributeType<?>) {
            value = ((DefaultAttributeType<?>) propertyType).getDefaultValue();
        } else if (propertyType instanceof AbstractOperation) {
            buffer.append(" = ");
            try {
                ((AbstractOperation) propertyType).formatResultFormula(buffer);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Should never happen since we write in a StringBuffer.
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
            value = CharSequences.trimWhitespaces(buffer).toString();
        // The value to write in the type column.
        final String valueType;
        // AttributeType.getValueClass() if applicable.
        final Class<?> valueClass;
        // Negative values mean no cardinality.
        final int minimumOccurs, maximumOccurs;
        // Result of operation if applicable.
        final AbstractIdentifiedType resultType;
        if (propertyType instanceof AbstractOperation) {
            // May be null
            resultType = ((AbstractOperation) propertyType).getResult();
        } else {
            resultType = propertyType;
        if (resultType instanceof DefaultAttributeType<?>) {
            final DefaultAttributeType<?> pt = (DefaultAttributeType<?>) resultType;
            minimumOccurs = pt.getMinimumOccurs();
            maximumOccurs = pt.getMaximumOccurs();
            valueClass = pt.getValueClass();
            valueType = getFormat(Class.class).format(valueClass, buffer, dummyFP).toString();
        } else if (resultType instanceof DefaultAssociationRole) {
            final DefaultAssociationRole pt = (DefaultAssociationRole) resultType;
            minimumOccurs = pt.getMinimumOccurs();
            maximumOccurs = pt.getMaximumOccurs();
            valueType = toString(DefaultAssociationRole.getValueTypeName(pt));
            valueClass = AbstractFeature.class;
        } else {
            valueType = (resultType != null) ? toString(resultType.getName()) : "";
            valueClass = null;
            minimumOccurs = -1;
            maximumOccurs = -1;
             * At this point we determined that the row should not be skipped
             * and we got all information to format.
        isFirstColumn = true;
        for (final Column column : visibleColumns) {
            if (!isFirstColumn)
            isFirstColumn = false;
            switch(column) {
                     * Human-readable name of the property. May contains any characters (spaces, ideographs, etc).
                     * In many cases, this information is not provided and the whole column is skipped.
                case DESIGNATION:
                        final InternationalString d = propertyType.getDesignation();
                        if (d != null)
                     * Machine-readable name of the property (identifier). This information is mandatory.
                     * This name is usually shorter than the designation and should contain only valid
                     * Unicode identifier characters (e.g. no spaces).
                case NAME:
                     * The base class or interface for all values in properties of the same type.
                     * This is typically String, Number, Integer, Geometry or URL.
                case TYPE:
                     * Minimum and maximum number of occurrences allowed for this property.
                     * If we are formatting a Feature instead than a FeatureType, then the
                     * actual number of values is also formatted. Example: 42 ∈ [0 … ∞]
                case CARDINALITY:
                        if (cardinality >= 0) {
                            table.append(getFormat(Integer.class).format(cardinality, buffer, dummyFP));
                        if (maximumOccurs >= 0) {
                            if (cardinality >= 0) {
                                table.append(' ').append((cardinality >= minimumOccurs && cardinality <= maximumOccurs) ? '∈' : '∉').append(' ');
                            final Format format = getFormat(Integer.class);
                            table.append('[').append(format.format(minimumOccurs, buffer, dummyFP)).append(" … ");
                            if (maximumOccurs != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                                table.append(format.format(maximumOccurs, buffer, dummyFP));
                            } else {
                     * If formatting a FeatureType, the default value. If formatting a Feature, the actual value.
                     * A java.text.Format instance dedicated to the value class is used if possible. In addition
                     * to types for which a java.text.Format may be available, we also have to check for other
                     * special cases. If there is more than one value, they are formatted as a coma-separated list.
                case VALUE:
                        // Null if valueClass is null.
                        final Format format = getFormat(valueClass);
                        final Iterator<?> it = CollectionsExt.toCollection(value).iterator();
                        String separator = "";
                        int length = 0;
                        while (it.hasNext()) {
                            value =;
                            if (value != null) {
                                if (propertyType instanceof DefaultAssociationRole) {
                                    final String p = DefaultAssociationRole.getTitleProperty((DefaultAssociationRole) propertyType);
                                    if (p != null) {
                                        value = ((AbstractFeature) value).getPropertyValue(p);
                                        if (value == null)
                                } else if (format != null && valueClass.isInstance(value)) {
                                    // Null safe because of getFormat(valueClass) contract.
                                     * Convert numbers, dates, angles, etc. to character sequences before to append them in the table.
                                     * Note that DecimalFormat writes Not-a-Number as "NaN" in some locales and as "�" in other locales
                                     * (U+FFFD - Unicode replacement character). The "�" seems to be used mostly for historical reasons;
                                     * as of 2017 the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) seems to define "NaN" for all locales.
                                     * We could configure DecimalFormatSymbols for using "NaN", but (for now) we rather substitute "�" by
                                     * "NaN" here for avoiding to change the DecimalFormat configuration and for distinguishing the NaNs.
                                    final StringBuffer t = format.format(value, buffer, dummyFP);
                                    if (value instanceof Number) {
                                        final float f = ((Number) value).floatValue();
                                        if (Float.isNaN(f)) {
                                            if ("�".contentEquals(t)) {
                                            try {
                                                final int n = MathFunctions.toNanOrdinal(f);
                                                if (n > 0)
                                                    t.append(" #").append(n);
                                            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                                                // May happen if the NaN is a signaling NaN instead than a quiet NaN.
                                                final int bits = Float.floatToRawIntBits(f);
                                                if (bits != illegalNaN) {
                                                    illegalNaN = bits;
                                                    Logging.recoverableException(Logging.getLogger(Modules.FEATURE), FeatureFormat.class, "format", e);
                                    value = t;
                                 * All values: the numbers, dates, angles, etc. formatted above, any other character sequences
                                 * (e.g. InternationalString), or other kind of values - some of them handled in a special way.
                                length = formatValue(value, table.append(separator), length);
                                // Value is too long, abandon remaining iterations.
                                if (length < 0)
                                separator = SEPARATOR;
                                length += SEPARATOR.length();
                     * Characteristics are optional information attached to some values. For example if a property
                     * value is a temperature measurement, a characteritic of that value may be the unit of measure.
                     * Characteristics are handled as "attributes of attributes".
                case CHARACTERISTICS:
                        if (propertyType instanceof DefaultAttributeType<?>) {
                            int length = 0;
                            String separator = "";
                            format: for (final DefaultAttributeType<?> ct : ((DefaultAttributeType<?>) propertyType).characteristics().values()) {
                                 * Format the characteristic name. We will append the value(s) later.
                                 * We keep trace of the text length in order to stop formatting if the
                                 * text become too long.
                                final GenericName cn = ct.getName();
                                final String cs = toString(cn);
                                length += separator.length() + cs.length();
                                Collection<?> cv = CollectionsExt.singletonOrEmpty(ct.getDefaultValue());
                                if (feature != null) {
                                     * Usually, the property 'cp' below is null because all features use the same
                                     * characteristic value (for example the same unit of measurement),  which is
                                     * given by the default value 'cv'.  Nevertheless we have to check if current
                                     * feature overrides this characteristic.
                                    final Object cp = feature.getProperty(propertyType.getName().toString());
                                    if (cp instanceof AbstractAttribute<?>) {
                                        // Should always be true, but we are paranoiac.
                                        AbstractAttribute<?> ca = ((AbstractAttribute<?>) cp).characteristics().get(cn.toString());
                                        if (ca != null)
                                            cv = ca.getValues();
                                 * Now format the value, separated from the name with " = ". Example: unit = m/s
                                 * If the value accepts multi-occurrences, we will format the value between {…}.
                                 * We use {…} because we may have more than one characteristic in the same cell,
                                 * so we need a way to distinguish multi-values from multi-characteristics.
                                final boolean multi = ct.getMaximumOccurs() > 1;
                                String sep = multi ? " = {" : " = ";
                                for (Object c : cv) {
                                    length = formatValue(c, table.append(sep), length += sep.length());
                                    // Value is too long, abandon remaining iterations.
                                    if (length < 0)
                                        break format;
                                    sep = SEPARATOR;
                                separator = SEPARATOR;
                                if (multi && sep == SEPARATOR) {
                case REMARKS:
                        if (org.apache.sis.feature.Field.isDeprecated(propertyType)) {
                            final InternationalString r = ((Deprecable) propertyType).getRemarks();
                            if (r != null) {
                                appendSuperscript(remarks.size(), table);
         * If there is any remarks, write them below the table.
    final int n = remarks.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        appendSuperscript(i + 1, toAppendTo);
        toAppendTo.append(' ').append(remarks.get(i)).append(lineSeparator);
Also used : Vocabulary(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary) TableAppender( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UncheckedIOException( InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) GenericName(org.opengis.util.GenericName) Format(java.text.Format) TabularFormat( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Deprecable(org.apache.sis.util.Deprecable) IOException( UncheckedIOException( FieldPosition(java.text.FieldPosition) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) Collection(java.util.Collection) IdentifiedObject(org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject)

Example 4 with Vocabulary

use of org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary in project sis by apache.

the class LocationFormat method format.

 * Writes a textual representation of the given location in the given stream or buffer.
 * <div class="warning"><b>Upcoming API change — generalization</b><br>
 * in a future SIS version, the type of {@code location} parameter may be generalized
 * to the {@code org.opengis.referencing.gazetteer.Location} interface.
 * This change is pending GeoAPI revision.</div>
 * @param  location    the location to format.
 * @param  toAppendTo  where to format the location.
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred while writing to the given appendable.
@SuppressWarnings({ "fallthrough", "null" })
public void format(final AbstractLocation location, final Appendable toAppendTo) throws IOException {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("location", location);
    final Locale locale = getLocale(Locale.Category.DISPLAY);
    final Vocabulary vocabulary = Vocabulary.getResources(locale);
    final TableAppender table = new TableAppender(toAppendTo, "│ ", columnSeparator, " │");
         * Location type.
    final AbstractLocationType type = location.type();
    if (type != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.LocationType, toString(type.getName(), locale));
         * Geographic identifier and alternative identifiers, if any.
    append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.GeographicIdentifier, toString(location.getGeographicIdentifier(), locale));
    final Collection<? extends InternationalString> alt = location.getAlternativeGeographicIdentifiers();
    if (alt != null && !alt.isEmpty()) {
        boolean isFirst = true;
        vocabulary.appendLabel(Vocabulary.Keys.AlternativeIdentifiers, table);
        for (final InternationalString id : alt) {
            if (!isFirst) {
                isFirst = false;
         * Extents (temporal and geographic). If an envelope exists and the CRS is not geographic,
         * then the envelope bounds will be appended on the same lines than the geographic bounds.
         * But before writing the bounding box and/or the envelope, check if they are redundant.
         * We may also need to change axis order (but not unit) of the envelope in order to match
         * the axis order of the geographic bounding box.
    final Extent extent = new DefaultExtent(null, location.getGeographicExtent(), null, location.getTemporalExtent());
    final Range<Date> time = Extents.getTimeRange(extent);
    if (time != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.StartDate, toString(time.getMinValue()));
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.EndDate, toString(time.getMaxValue()));
    GeographicBoundingBox bbox = Extents.getGeographicBoundingBox(extent);
    Envelope envelope = location.getEnvelope();
    DirectPosition position = position(location.getPosition());
    // Position in geographic CRS.
    DirectPosition geopos = null;
    // Envelope Coordinate Reference System.
    CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null;
    // CRS in conventional (x,y) axis order.
    CoordinateReferenceSystem normCRS = null;
    // If failed to transform envelope.
    Exception warning = null;
    try {
        if (envelope != null) {
            normCRS = normalize(crs = envelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
            if (normCRS != crs) {
                // Should only change order and sign.
                envelope = Envelopes.transform(envelope, normCRS);
        if (position != null) {
                 * If only one of the envelope or the position objects specify a CRS, assume that the other object
                 * use the same CRS. If both the envelope and the position objects specify a CRS, the envelope CRS
                 * will have precedence and the "representative position" will be projected to that CRS.
            final CoordinateReferenceSystem posCRS = position.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
            if (normCRS == null) {
                normCRS = normalize(crs = posCRS);
                if (normCRS != crs) {
                    // Should only change order and sign.
                    envelope = Envelopes.transform(envelope, normCRS);
            if (bbox != null) {
                // Compute geographic position only if there is a geographic bounding box.
                GeographicCRS geogCRS = ReferencingUtilities.toNormalizedGeographicCRS(posCRS);
                if (geogCRS != null) {
                    geopos = transform(position, posCRS, geogCRS);
            position = transform(position, posCRS, normCRS);
    } catch (FactoryException | TransformException e) {
        envelope = null;
        position = null;
        warning = e;
         * At this point we got the final geographic bounding box and/or envelope to write.
         * Since we will write the projected and geographic coordinates side-by-side in the same cells,
         * we need to format them in advance so we can compute their width for internal right-alignment.
         * We do the alignment ourselves instead than using TableAppender.setCellAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT)
         * because we do not want (projected geographic) tuple to appear far on the right side if other
         * cells have long texts.
    if (bbox != null || envelope != null) {
        final CoordinateSystem cs = (crs != null) ? crs.getCoordinateSystem() : null;
        String[] geographic = null;
        String[] projected = null;
        String[] unitSymbol = null;
        AngleFormat geogFormat = null;
        NumberFormat projFormat = null;
        UnitFormat unitFormat = null;
        int maxGeogLength = 0;
        int maxProjLength = 0;
        int maxUnitLength = 0;
        boolean showProj = false;
        if (bbox != null || geopos != null) {
            geogFormat = (AngleFormat) getFormat(Angle.class);
            geographic = new String[BOUND_KEY.length];
            Arrays.fill(geographic, "");
        if (envelope != null || position != null) {
            projFormat = (NumberFormat) getFormat(Number.class);
            unitFormat = (UnitFormat) getFormat(Unit.class);
            projected = new String[BOUND_KEY.length];
            unitSymbol = new String[BOUND_KEY.length];
            Arrays.fill(projected, "");
            Arrays.fill(unitSymbol, "");
        for (int i = 0; i < BOUND_KEY.length; i++) {
            RoundingMode rounding = RoundingMode.FLOOR;
            double g = Double.NaN;
            double p = Double.NaN;
            int dimension = 0;
            switch(i) {
                case 0:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getWestBoundLongitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMinimum(0);
                case 2:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getEastBoundLongitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMaximum(0);
                    rounding = RoundingMode.CEILING;
                case 3:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getSouthBoundLatitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMinimum(1);
                    dimension = 1;
                case 5:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getNorthBoundLatitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMaximum(1);
                    rounding = RoundingMode.CEILING;
                    dimension = 1;
                // Fall through
                case 4:
                    dimension = 1;
                case 1:
                    if (geopos != null)
                        g = geopos.getOrdinate(dimension);
                    if (position != null)
                        p = position.getOrdinate(dimension);
                    rounding = RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN;
            if (!Double.isNaN(p)) {
                showProj |= (g != p);
                if (cs != null) {
                    final Unit<?> unit = cs.getAxis(dimension).getUnit();
                    if (unit != null) {
                        final int length = (unitSymbol[i] = unitFormat.format(unit)).length();
                        if (length > maxUnitLength) {
                            maxUnitLength = length;
                try {
                } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
                // Ignore.
                final int length = (projected[i] = projFormat.format(p)).length();
                if (length > maxProjLength) {
                    maxProjLength = length;
            if (!Double.isNaN(g)) {
                final Angle angle = (dimension == 0) ? new Longitude(g) : new Latitude(g);
                final int length = (geographic[i] = geogFormat.format(angle)).length();
                if (length > maxGeogLength) {
                    maxGeogLength = length;
        if (!showProj) {
            // All projected coordinates are identical to geographic ones.
            projected = null;
            unitSymbol = null;
            maxProjLength = 0;
            maxUnitLength = 0;
        } else if (maxProjLength != 0) {
            if (maxUnitLength != 0) {
            // Arbitrary space between projected and geographic coordinates.
            maxGeogLength += 4;
             * At this point all coordinates have been formatted in advance.
        final String separator = (projected != null && geographic != null) ? "    —" : "";
        for (int i = 0; i < BOUND_KEY.length; i++) {
            final String p = (projected != null) ? projected[i] : "";
            final String u = (unitSymbol != null) ? unitSymbol[i] : "";
            final String g = (geographic != null) ? geographic[i] : "";
            if (!p.isEmpty() || !g.isEmpty()) {
                vocabulary.appendLabel(BOUND_KEY[i], table);
                table.append(CharSequences.spaces(maxProjLength - p.length())).append(p);
                table.append(CharSequences.spaces(maxUnitLength - u.length())).append(u).append(separator);
                table.append(CharSequences.spaces(maxGeogLength - g.length())).append(g);
    if (crs != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.CoordinateRefSys, IdentifiedObjects.getName(crs, null));
         * Organization responsible for defining the characteristics of the location instance.
    final AbstractParty administrator = location.getAdministrator();
    if (administrator != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.Administrator, toString(administrator.getName(), locale));
    if (warning != null) {
        vocabulary.appendLabel(Vocabulary.Keys.Warnings, toAppendTo);
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) Vocabulary(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary) DirectPosition(org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition) DefaultExtent(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultExtent) Extent(org.opengis.metadata.extent.Extent) FactoryException(org.opengis.util.FactoryException) CoordinateSystem(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem) UnitFormat(org.apache.sis.measure.UnitFormat) RoundingMode(java.math.RoundingMode) TableAppender( Latitude(org.apache.sis.measure.Latitude) GeographicBoundingBox(org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) AngleFormat(org.apache.sis.measure.AngleFormat) Envelope(org.opengis.geometry.Envelope) DefaultExtent(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultExtent) CoordinateReferenceSystem( GeographicCRS( AbstractParty(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.AbstractParty) TransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException) Longitude(org.apache.sis.measure.Longitude) Date(java.util.Date) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) TransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException) IOException( FactoryException(org.opengis.util.FactoryException) Angle(org.apache.sis.measure.Angle) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat)

Example 5 with Vocabulary

use of org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary in project sis by apache.

the class Warnings method toString.

 * Returns a string representation of the warning messages in the given locale.
 * This method formats the warnings in a bullet list.
 * @param  locale  the locale to use for formatting warning messages.
 * @return a string representation of the warning messages.
public String toString(final Locale locale) {
    final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(250);
    final String lineSeparator = System.lineSeparator();
    final Messages resources = Messages.getResources(locale);
    buffer.append(resources.getString(isParsing ? Messages.Keys.IncompleteParsing_1 : Messages.Keys.NonConformFormatting_1, root));
    if (messages != null) {
        for (final Iterator<?> it = messages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            final InternationalString i18n = (InternationalString);
            Exception cause = (Exception);
            final String message;
            if (i18n != null) {
                message = i18n.toString(locale);
            } else {
                     * If there is no message, then we must have at least an exception.
                     * Consequently a NullPointerException in following line would be a bug.
                final String[] sources = exceptionSources.get(cause);
                if (sources != null) {
                    message = Errors.getResources(locale).getString(Errors.Keys.UnparsableStringInElement_2, sources);
                } else {
                    message = cause.toString();
                    cause = null;
            buffer.append(lineSeparator).append(" • ").append(message);
            if (cause != null) {
                String details = Exceptions.getLocalizedMessage(cause, locale);
                if (details == null) {
                    details = cause.toString();
                buffer.append(lineSeparator).append("   ").append(details);
         * If the parser found some unknown elements, formats an enclosed bullet list for them.
    if (!ignoredElements.isEmpty()) {
        final Vocabulary vocabulary = Vocabulary.getResources(locale);
        buffer.append(lineSeparator).append(" • ").append(resources.getString(Messages.Keys.UnknownElementsInText));
        for (final Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : ignoredElements.entrySet()) {
            buffer.append(lineSeparator).append("    ‣ ").append(vocabulary.getString(Vocabulary.Keys.Quoted_1, entry.getKey()));
            String separator = vocabulary.getString(Vocabulary.Keys.InBetweenWords);
            for (final String p : entry.getValue()) {
                separator = ", ";
         * There is intentionally line separator at the end of the last line, because the string returned by
         * this method is typically written or logged by a call to System.out.println(…) or something equivalent.
         * A trailing line separator cause a visual disruption in log records for instance.
    return buffer.toString();
Also used : Vocabulary(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary) Messages(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Messages) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


Vocabulary (org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary)8 TableAppender ( InternationalString (org.opengis.util.InternationalString)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Format (java.text.Format)3 NumberFormat (java.text.NumberFormat)3 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 TabularFormat ( IdentifiedObject (org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject)3 IOException ( FieldPosition (java.text.FieldPosition)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 UncheckedIOException ( RoundingMode (java.math.RoundingMode)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)1 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)1 Collection (java.util.Collection)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1