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Example 6 with NameNotFoundException

use of javax.naming.NameNotFoundException in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class TestNamingEntryUtil method testGetContextForScope.

public void testGetContextForScope() throws Exception {
    ScopeA scope = new ScopeA();
    try {
        Context c = NamingEntryUtil.getContextForScope(scope);
        fail("context should not exist");
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    Context scopeContext = ic.createSubcontext(NamingEntryUtil.getNameForScope(scope));
    try {
        Context c = NamingEntryUtil.getContextForScope(scope);
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
Also used : InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) Context(javax.naming.Context) NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with NameNotFoundException

use of javax.naming.NameNotFoundException in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class DataSourceLoginService method initDb.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
     * Lookup the datasource for the jndiName and formulate the
     * necessary sql query strings based on the configured table
     * and column names.
     * @throws NamingException if unable to init jndi
     * @throws SQLException if unable to init database
public void initDb() throws NamingException, SQLException {
    if (_datasource != null)
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    assert ic != null;
    // try finding the datasource in the Server scope
    if (_server != null) {
        try {
            _datasource = (DataSource) NamingEntryUtil.lookup(_server, _jndiName);
        } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
        //next try the jvm scope
    //try finding the datasource in the jvm scope
    if (_datasource == null) {
        _datasource = (DataSource) NamingEntryUtil.lookup(null, _jndiName);
    // set up the select statements based on the table and column names configured
    _userSql = "select " + _userTableKey + "," + _userTablePasswordField + " from " + _userTableName + " where " + _userTableUserField + " = ?";
    _roleSql = "select r." + _roleTableRoleField + " from " + _roleTableName + " r, " + _userRoleTableName + " u where u." + _userRoleTableUserKey + " = ?" + " and r." + _roleTableKey + " = u." + _userRoleTableRoleKey;
Also used : NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext)

Example 8 with NameNotFoundException

use of javax.naming.NameNotFoundException in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class EnvConfiguration method deconfigure.

     * Remove jndi setup from start
     * @throws Exception if unable to deconfigure
public void deconfigure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception {
    //get rid of any bindings for comp/env for webapp
    ClassLoader oldLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    try {
        Context ic = new InitialContext();
        Context compCtx = (Context) ic.lookup("java:comp");
        //unbind any NamingEntries that were configured in this webapp's name space
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Bound> bindings = (List<Bound>) context.getAttribute(JETTY_ENV_BINDINGS);
        context.setAttribute(JETTY_ENV_BINDINGS, null);
        if (bindings != null) {
            for (Bound b : bindings) b._context.destroySubcontext(b._name);
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
    } finally {
Also used : InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) WebAppContext(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) NamingContext(org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.NamingContext) Context(javax.naming.Context) NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) WebAppClassLoader(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext)

Example 9 with NameNotFoundException

use of javax.naming.NameNotFoundException in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class NamingEntryUtil method lookupNamingEntries.

     * Get all NameEntries of a certain type in the given naming
     * environment scope (server-wide names or context-specific names)
     * @param scope the object scope
     * @param clazz the type of the entry
     * @return all NameEntries of a certain type in the given naming environment scope (server-wide names or context-specific names)
     * @throws NamingException if unable to lookup the naming entries
public static List<Object> lookupNamingEntries(Object scope, Class<?> clazz) throws NamingException {
    try {
        Context scopeContext = getContextForScope(scope);
        Context namingEntriesContext = (Context) scopeContext.lookup(NamingEntry.__contextName);
        ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
        lookupNamingEntries(list, namingEntriesContext, clazz);
        return list;
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
Also used : InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) Context(javax.naming.Context) NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 10 with NameNotFoundException

use of javax.naming.NameNotFoundException in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class localContextRoot method unbind.

     * @see javax.naming.Context#unbind(javax.naming.Name)
public void unbind(Name name) throws NamingException {
    synchronized (__root) {
        if (name.size() == 0)
        if (__root.isLocked())
            throw new NamingException("This context is immutable");
        Name cname = __root.toCanonicalName(name);
        if (cname == null)
            throw new NamingException("Name is null");
        if (cname.size() == 0)
            throw new NamingException("Name is empty");
        //if no subcontexts, just unbind it
        if (cname.size() == 1) {
        } else {
            //walk down the subcontext hierarchy
            if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                __log.debug("Checking for existing binding for name=" + cname + " for first element of name=" + cname.get(0));
            String firstComponent = cname.get(0);
            Object ctx = null;
            if (firstComponent.equals(""))
                ctx = this;
            else {
                Binding binding = __root.getBinding(name.get(0));
                if (binding == null)
                    throw new NameNotFoundException(name.get(0) + " is not bound");
                ctx = binding.getObject();
                if (ctx instanceof Reference) {
                    //deference the object
                    try {
                        ctx = NamingManager.getObjectInstance(ctx, getNameParser("").parse(firstComponent), __root, _env);
                    } catch (NamingException e) {
                        throw e;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        __log.warn("", e);
                        throw new NamingException(e.getMessage());
            if (ctx instanceof Context) {
                ((Context) ctx).unbind(cname.getSuffix(1));
            } else
                throw new NotContextException("Object bound at " + firstComponent + " is not a Context");
Also used : Binding(javax.naming.Binding) Context(javax.naming.Context) InitialContext(javax.naming.InitialContext) NamingContext(org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.NamingContext) NotContextException(javax.naming.NotContextException) NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) Reference(javax.naming.Reference) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) NameAlreadyBoundException(javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException) NotContextException(javax.naming.NotContextException) OperationNotSupportedException(javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException) CompoundName(javax.naming.CompoundName) Name(javax.naming.Name)


NameNotFoundException (javax.naming.NameNotFoundException)112 InitialContext (javax.naming.InitialContext)56 Context (javax.naming.Context)51 NamingException (javax.naming.NamingException)51 Test (org.junit.Test)36 Name (javax.naming.Name)33 Reference (javax.naming.Reference)27 NotContextException (javax.naming.NotContextException)24 NameAlreadyBoundException (javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException)23 CompositeName (javax.naming.CompositeName)22 Binding (javax.naming.Binding)21 OperationNotSupportedException (javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException)21 CompoundName (javax.naming.CompoundName)16 NamingContext (org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.NamingContext)12 IOException ( InvalidNameException (javax.naming.InvalidNameException)7 ContainerSystem (org.apache.openejb.spi.ContainerSystem)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 LinkRef (javax.naming.LinkRef)6 Properties (java.util.Properties)5