use of javax.naming.NamingEnumeration in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class TestJDAL method testListContext.
* Listing different contexts - simple and XML contexts
* We shouldn't see any difference in listing just 'directory' context
* or listing inside a XML data
public void testListContext() throws Exception {
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.cosylab.cdb.jdal.JNDIContextFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, strIOR);
Context context = null;
context = new InitialContext(env);
// try simple listing
String list = "";
NamingEnumeration ne = context.list("MACI");
while (ne.hasMore()) {
NameClassPair pair = (NameClassPair) ne.nextElement();
list = list + pair.getName() + " ";
// same as we did listing
assertTrue(list.indexOf("Containers") != -1);
assertTrue(list.indexOf("Managers") != -1);
// try with a XML
ne = ((Context) (((Context) context.lookup("MACI")).lookup("Managers"))).list("Manager");
list = "";
while (ne.hasMore()) {
NameClassPair pair = (NameClassPair) ne.nextElement();
list = list + pair.getName() + " ";
//System.out.println(pair.getName() + " " + pair.getClassName());
// this should be in Manager data
assertTrue(list.indexOf("ServiceComponents") != -1);
use of javax.naming.NamingEnumeration in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class StatusInfo method doGet.
* Get
* @param request
* @param response
* @throws ServletException
* @throws IOException
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<head><title>Status Info</title></head>");
InitialContext context = null;
try {
context = new InitialContext();
} catch (Exception ex) {
out.println("<p><b>" + ex + "</b></p>");
try {
Status status = (Status) context.lookup(Status.JNDI_NAME);
out.println("<p>" + status.getStatus() + "</p>");
} catch (Exception ex) {
out.println("<p><b>" + ex + "</b></p>");
try {
Server server = (Server) context.lookup(Server.JNDI_NAME);
out.println("<p>" + server.getStatus() + "</p>");
} catch (Exception ex) {
out.println("<p><b>" + ex + "</b></p>");
try {
out.println("<h2>-- /</h2>");
NamingEnumeration ne = context.list("/");
while (ne.hasMore()) out.println("<br> " + ne.nextElement());
out.println("<h2>-- java</h2>");
ne = context.list("java:");
while (ne.hasMore()) out.println("<br> " + ne.nextElement());
out.println("<h2>-- ejb</h2>");
ne = context.list("ejb");
while (ne.hasMore()) out.println("<br> " + ne.nextElement());
out.println("<h2>-- DS</h2>");
DataSource ds = (DataSource) context.lookup("java:/OracleDS");
out.println("<br> DataSource " + ds.getClass().getName() + " LoginTimeout=" + ds.getLoginTimeout());
Connection con = ds.getConnection("adempiere", "adempiere");
out.println("<br> Connection ");
getServletContext().log("Connection closed=" + con.isClosed());
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
getServletContext().log("DB " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName());
getServletContext().log("DB V " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion());
getServletContext().log("Driver " + dbmd.getDriverName());
getServletContext().log("Driver V " + dbmd.getDriverVersion());
getServletContext().log("JDBC " + dbmd.getJDBCMajorVersion());
getServletContext().log("JDBC mV " + dbmd.getJDBCMinorVersion());
getServletContext().log("User " + dbmd.getUserName());
getServletContext().log("ANSI 92 " + dbmd.supportsANSI92FullSQL());
getServletContext().log("Connection Alter Table ADD" + dbmd.supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn());
getServletContext().log("Connection Alter Table DROP " + dbmd.supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn());
getServletContext().log("Connection DDL&DML " + dbmd.supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions());
getServletContext().log("Connection CatalogsIn DML " + dbmd.supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation());
getServletContext().log("Connection Schema In DML " + dbmd.supportsSchemasInDataManipulation());
} catch (Exception e) {
out.println("<p><b>" + e + "</b></p>");
use of javax.naming.NamingEnumeration in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class ConnectTest method testJNP.
// ConnectTest
* Test JNP
* @param serverName server name
* @param context context
private void testJNP(String serverName, InitialContext context) {
// Connect to MBean
System.out.println("Connecting to MBean ...");
String connectorName = "jmx:" + serverName + ":rmi";
RMIAdaptor server = (RMIAdaptor) context.lookup (connectorName);
System.out.println("- have Server");
System.out.println("- Default Domain=" + server.getDefaultDomain());
System.out.println("- MBeanCount = " + server.getMBeanCount());
// ObjectName serviceName = new ObjectName ("Adempiere:service=AdempiereCtrl");
// System.out.println("- " + serviceName + " is registered=" + server.isRegistered(serviceName));
// System.out.println(" - AdempiereSummary= "
// + server.getAttribute(serviceName, "AdempiereSummary"));
Object[] params = {};
String[] signature = {};
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("ERROR: Could not contact MBean: " + e);
// List Context
System.out.println(" Examining context ....");
try {
System.out.println(" Namespace=" + context.getNameInNamespace());
System.out.println(" Environment=" + context.getEnvironment());
System.out.println(" Context '/':");
NamingEnumeration ne = context.list("/");
while (ne.hasMore()) System.out.println(" - " + ne.nextElement());
System.out.println(" Context 'ejb':");
ne = context.list("ejb");
while (ne.hasMore()) System.out.println(" - " + ne.nextElement());
System.out.println(" Context 'ejb/adempiere':");
ne = context.list("ejb/adempiere");
while (ne.hasMore()) System.out.println(" - " + ne.nextElement());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("ERROR: Could not examine context: " + e);
use of javax.naming.NamingEnumeration in project karaf by apache.
the class LDAPBackingEngine method listUsers.
public List<UserPrincipal> listUsers() {
DirContext context = null;
ArrayList<UserPrincipal> users = new ArrayList<>();
try {
context =;
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
if (options.getUserSearchSubtree()) {
} else {
String filter = options.getUserFilter();
filter = filter.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("%u"), "*");
filter = filter.replace("\\", "\\\\");
LOGGER.debug("Looking for the users in LDAP with ");
LOGGER.debug(" base DN: " + options.getUserBaseDn());
LOGGER.debug(" filter: " + filter);
NamingEnumeration namingEnumeration =, filter, controls);
try {
while (namingEnumeration.hasMore()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult);
// We need to do the following because slashes are handled badly. For example, when searching
// for a user with lots of special characters like cn=admin,=+<>#;\
// SearchResult contains 2 different results:
// SearchResult.getName = cn=admin\,\=\+\<\>\#\;\\\\
// SearchResult.getNameInNamespace = cn=admin\,\=\+\<\>#\;\\,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
// the second escapes the slashes correctly.
String userDNNamespace = result.getNameInNamespace();
// handle case where cn, ou, dc case doesn't match
int indexOfUserBaseDN = userDNNamespace.toLowerCase().indexOf("," + options.getUserBaseDn().toLowerCase());
String userDN = (indexOfUserBaseDN > 0) ? userDNNamespace.substring(0, indexOfUserBaseDN) : result.getName();
// we need to pull out the cn=, uid=, ect.. from the user name to get the actual user name
String userName = userDN;
if (userDN.contains("="))
userName = userDN.split("=")[1];
users.add(new UserPrincipal(userName));
} finally {
if (namingEnumeration != null) {
try {
} catch (NamingException e) {
// Ignore
return users;
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of javax.naming.NamingEnumeration in project karaf by apache.
the class LDAPCache method doGetUserDnAndNamespace.
protected String[] doGetUserDnAndNamespace(String user) throws NamingException {
DirContext context = open();
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
if (options.getUserSearchSubtree()) {
} else {
String filter = options.getUserFilter();
filter = filter.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("%u"), Matcher.quoteReplacement(user));
filter = filter.replace("\\", "\\\\");
LOGGER.debug("Looking for the user in LDAP with ");
LOGGER.debug(" base DN: " + options.getUserBaseDn());
LOGGER.debug(" filter: " + filter);
NamingEnumeration namingEnumeration =, filter, controls);
try {
if (!namingEnumeration.hasMore()) {
LOGGER.warn("User " + user + " not found in LDAP.");
return null;
LOGGER.debug("Found the user DN.");
SearchResult result = (SearchResult);
// We need to do the following because slashes are handled badly. For example, when searching
// for a user with lots of special characters like cn=admin,=+<>#;\
// SearchResult contains 2 different results:
// SearchResult.getName = cn=admin\,\=\+\<\>\#\;\\\\
// SearchResult.getNameInNamespace = cn=admin\,\=\+\<\>#\;\\,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
// the second escapes the slashes correctly.
String userDNNamespace = result.getNameInNamespace();
// handle case where cn, ou, dc case doesn't match
int indexOfUserBaseDN = userDNNamespace.toLowerCase().indexOf("," + options.getUserBaseDn().toLowerCase());
String userDN = (indexOfUserBaseDN > 0) ? userDNNamespace.substring(0, indexOfUserBaseDN) : result.getName();
return new String[] { userDN, userDNNamespace };
} finally {
if (namingEnumeration != null) {
try {
} catch (NamingException e) {
// Ignore