use of javax.naming.StringRefAddr in project Payara by payara.
the class CustomResourceDeployer method installCustomResource.
* Installs the given custom resource. It publishes the resource as a
* javax.naming.Reference with the naming manager (jndi). This method gets
* called during server initialization and custom resource deployer to
* handle custom resource events.
* @param customRes custom resource
* @param resourceInfo
public void installCustomResource(org.glassfish.resources.beans.CustomResource customRes, ResourceInfo resourceInfo) {
try {
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "installCustomResource by jndi-name : " + resourceInfo);
// bind a Reference to the object factory
Reference ref = new Reference(customRes.getResType(), customRes.getFactoryClass(), null);
// add resource properties as StringRefAddrs
for (Iterator props = customRes.getProperties().iterator(); props.hasNext(); ) {
ResourceProperty prop = (ResourceProperty);
ref.add(new StringRefAddr(prop.getName(), (String) prop.getValue()));
// publish the reference
cns.publishObject(resourceInfo, ref, true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "customrsrc.create_ref_error", resourceInfo);
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "customrsrc.create_ref_error_excp", ex);
use of javax.naming.StringRefAddr in project Payara by payara.
the class SafeProperties method initializeHome.
* Called from the ContainerFactory during initialization.
protected void initializeHome() throws Exception {
if (isWebServiceEndpoint) {
EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundle = ejbDescriptor.getEjbBundleDescriptor();
WebServicesDescriptor webServices = bundle.getWebServices();
Collection myEndpoints = webServices.getEndpointsImplementedBy(ejbDescriptor);
// An ejb can only be exposed through 1 web service endpoint
Iterator iter = myEndpoints.iterator();
webServiceEndpoint = (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebServiceEndpoint);
Class serviceEndpointIntfClass = loader.loadClass(webServiceEndpoint.getServiceEndpointInterface());
if (!serviceEndpointIntfClass.isInterface()) {
ServiceInterfaceGenerator generator = new ServiceInterfaceGenerator(loader, ejbClass);
serviceEndpointIntfClass = EJBUtils.generateSEI(generator, generator.getGeneratedClass(), loader, this.ejbClass);
if (serviceEndpointIntfClass == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(localStrings.getLocalString("ejb.error_generating_sei", "Error in generating service endpoint interface class for EJB class {0}", this.ejbClass));
Class tieClass = null;
WebServiceInvocationHandler invocationHandler = new WebServiceInvocationHandler(ejbClass, webServiceEndpoint, serviceEndpointIntfClass, ejbContainerUtilImpl, webServiceInvocationInfoMap);
Object servant = (Object) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, new Class[] { serviceEndpointIntfClass }, invocationHandler);
// starting in 2.0, there is no more generated Ties
if (webServiceEndpoint.getTieClassName() != null) {
tieClass = loader.loadClass(webServiceEndpoint.getTieClassName());
// Create a facade for container services to be used by web services runtime.
EjbEndpointFacade endpointFacade = new EjbEndpointFacadeImpl(this, ejbContainerUtilImpl);
wsejbEndpointRegistry = Globals.getDefaultHabitat().getService(WSEjbEndpointRegistry.class);
if (wsejbEndpointRegistry != null) {
wsejbEndpointRegistry.registerEndpoint(webServiceEndpoint, endpointFacade, servant, tieClass);
} else {
throw new DeploymentException(localStrings.getLocalString("ejb.no_webservices_module", "EJB-based Webservice endpoint is detected but there is no webservices module installed to handle it"));
Map<String, Object> intfsForPortableJndi = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// Root of portable global JNDI name for this bean
String javaGlobalName = getJavaGlobalJndiNamePrefix();
if (isRemote) {
boolean disableNonPortableJndiName = false;
Boolean disableInDD = ejbDescriptor.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getDisableNonportableJndiNames();
if (disableInDD != null) {
// explicitly set in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
disableNonPortableJndiName = disableInDD;
} else {
String disableInServer = ejbContainerUtilImpl.getEjbContainer().getPropertyValue(RuntimeTagNames.DISABLE_NONPORTABLE_JNDI_NAMES);
disableNonPortableJndiName = Boolean.valueOf(disableInServer);
String glassfishSpecificJndiName = null;
if (!disableNonPortableJndiName) {
// This is either the default glassfish-specific (non-portable)
// global JNDI name or the one specified via mappedName(), sun-ejb-jar.xml,
// etc.
glassfishSpecificJndiName = ejbDescriptor.getJndiName();
// clashes.
if ((glassfishSpecificJndiName != null) && (glassfishSpecificJndiName.equals("") || glassfishSpecificJndiName.equals(javaGlobalName))) {
glassfishSpecificJndiName = null;
if (hasRemoteHomeView) {
this.ejbHomeImpl = instantiateEJBHomeImpl();
this.ejbHome = ejbHomeImpl.getEJBHome();
// Since some containers might create multiple EJBObjects for
// the same ejb, make sure we use the same Proxy class to
// instantiate all the proxy instances.
ejbObjectProxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass(loader, new Class[] { remoteIntf });
ejbObjectProxyCtor = ejbObjectProxyClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class });
// Make sure all Home/Remote interfaces conform to RMI-IIOP
// rules. Checking for conformance here keeps the exposed
// deployment/startup error behavior consistent since when
// rmic is used during codegen it makes equivalent checks and
// treats any validation problems as fatal errors.
// These same checks will be made when setTarget is called
// in POARemoteReferenceFactory.preinvoke, but that happens
// only when the actual invocation is made, so it's better to
// know at container initialization time if there is a problem.
// Unlike the Home, each of the concrete containers are
// responsible for creating the EJBObjects, so just create
// a dummy EJBObjectImpl for validation purposes.
EJBObjectImpl dummyEJBObjectImpl = instantiateEJBObjectImpl();
EJBObject dummyEJBObject = (EJBObject) dummyEJBObjectImpl.getEJBObject();
// Remotereference factory needs instances of
// Home and Remote to get repository Ids since it doesn't have
// stubs and ties. This must be done before any Home or Remote
// references are created.
remoteHomeRefFactory.setRepositoryIds(homeIntf, remoteIntf);
// get a remote ref for the EJBHome
ejbHomeStub = (EJBHome) remoteHomeRefFactory.createHomeReference(homeInstanceKey);
// Add 2.x Home for later portable JNDI name processing.
intfsForPortableJndi.put(ejbDescriptor.getHomeClassName(), ejbHomeStub);
// this was the original use of the jndi name.
if (glassfishSpecificJndiName != null) {
JndiInfo jndiInfo = JndiInfo.newNonPortableRemote(glassfishSpecificJndiName, ejbHomeStub);
jndiInfoMap.put(, jndiInfo);
if (hasRemoteBusinessView) {
this.ejbRemoteBusinessHomeImpl = instantiateEJBRemoteBusinessHomeImpl();
this.ejbRemoteBusinessHome = ejbRemoteBusinessHomeImpl.getEJBHome();
// RMI-IIOP validation
for (RemoteBusinessIntfInfo next : remoteBusinessIntfInfo.values()) {
next.proxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass(loader, new Class[] { next.generatedRemoteIntf });
next.proxyCtor = next.proxyClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class });
// Remotereference factory needs instances of
// Home and Remote to get repository Ids since it
// doesn't have stubs and ties. This must be done before
// any Home or Remote references are created.
next.referenceFactory.setRepositoryIds(remoteBusinessHomeIntf, next.generatedRemoteIntf);
// selected, so just do it the first time through the loop.
if (ejbRemoteBusinessHomeStub == null) {
ejbRemoteBusinessHomeStub = (EJBHome) next.referenceFactory.createHomeReference(homeInstanceKey);
EJBObjectImpl dummyEJBObjectImpl = instantiateRemoteBusinessObjectImpl();
// Internal jndi name under which remote business home is registered for
// glassfish-specific remote business JNDI names
String remoteBusinessHomeJndiName = null;
if (glassfishSpecificJndiName != null) {
remoteBusinessHomeJndiName = EJBUtils.getRemote30HomeJndiName(glassfishSpecificJndiName);
// Convenience location for common case of 3.0 session bean with only
// 1 remote business interface and no adapted remote home. Allows a
// stand-alone client to access 3.0 business interface by using simple
// jndi name. Each remote business interface is also always available
// at <jndi-name>#<business_interface_name>. This is needed for the
// case where the bean has an adapted remote home and/or multiple business
// interfaces.
String simpleRemoteBusinessJndiName = null;
if ((glassfishSpecificJndiName != null) && !hasRemoteHomeView && remoteBusinessIntfInfo.size() == 1) {
simpleRemoteBusinessJndiName = glassfishSpecificJndiName;
// We need a separate name for the internal generated home object to
// support the portable global JNDI names for business interfaces.
// There won't necessarily be a glassfish-specific name specified so
// it's cleaner to just always use a separate ones.
String internalHomeJndiNameForPortableRemoteNames = EJBUtils.getRemote30HomeJndiName(javaGlobalName);
for (RemoteBusinessIntfInfo next : remoteBusinessIntfInfo.values()) {
java.rmi.Remote dummyEJBObject = dummyEJBObjectImpl.getEJBObject(next.generatedRemoteIntf.getName());
if (glassfishSpecificJndiName != null) {
next.jndiName = EJBUtils.getRemoteEjbJndiName(true, next.remoteBusinessIntf.getName(), glassfishSpecificJndiName);
Reference remoteBusRef = new Reference(next.remoteBusinessIntf.getName(), new StringRefAddr("url", remoteBusinessHomeJndiName), "com.sun.ejb.containers.RemoteBusinessObjectFactory", null);
// Glassfish-specific JNDI name for fully-qualified 3.0 Remote business interface.
JndiInfo jndiInfo = JndiInfo.newNonPortableRemote(next.jndiName, remoteBusRef);
jndiInfoMap.put(, jndiInfo);
if (simpleRemoteBusinessJndiName != null) {
Reference remoteBusRef = new Reference(next.remoteBusinessIntf.getName(), new StringRefAddr("url", remoteBusinessHomeJndiName), "com.sun.ejb.containers.RemoteBusinessObjectFactory", null);
// Glassfish-specific JNDI name for simple 3.0 Remote business interface lookup.
// Applicable when the bean exposes only a single Remote 3.x client view.
JndiInfo jndiInfo = JndiInfo.newNonPortableRemote(simpleRemoteBusinessJndiName, remoteBusRef);
jndiInfoMap.put(, jndiInfo);
Reference remoteBusRef = new Reference(next.remoteBusinessIntf.getName(), new StringRefAddr("url", internalHomeJndiNameForPortableRemoteNames), "com.sun.ejb.containers.RemoteBusinessObjectFactory", null);
// Always register portable JNDI name for each remote business view
intfsForPortableJndi.put(next.remoteBusinessIntf.getName(), remoteBusRef);
if (remoteBusinessHomeJndiName != null) {
// Glassfish-specific JNDI name for internal generated
// home object used by container
JndiInfo jndiInfo = JndiInfo.newNonPortableRemote(remoteBusinessHomeJndiName, ejbRemoteBusinessHomeStub);
jndiInfoMap.put(, jndiInfo);
// Always registeer internal name for home in support of portable global
// remote business JNDI names.
JndiInfo jndiInfo = JndiInfo.newPortableRemote(internalHomeJndiNameForPortableRemoteNames, ejbRemoteBusinessHomeStub);
jndiInfoMap.put(, jndiInfo);
// lookup logic that depends on ejbDescriptor.getJndiName() will work.
if (glassfishSpecificJndiName == null) {
if (isLocal) {
if (hasLocalHomeView) {
this.ejbLocalHomeImpl = instantiateEJBLocalHomeImpl();
this.ejbLocalHome = ejbLocalHomeImpl.getEJBLocalHome();
// Since some containers might create multiple EJBLocalObjects
// for the same ejb, make sure we use the same Proxy class to
// instantiate all the proxy instances.
Class ejbLocalObjectProxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass(loader, new Class[] { IndirectlySerializable.class, localIntf });
ejbLocalObjectProxyCtor = ejbLocalObjectProxyClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class });
// Portable JNDI name for EJB 2.x LocalHome. We don't provide a
// glassfish-specific way of accessing Local EJBs.
JavaGlobalJndiNamingObjectProxy namingProxy = new JavaGlobalJndiNamingObjectProxy(this, localHomeIntf.getName());
intfsForPortableJndi.put(localHomeIntf.getName(), namingProxy);
if (hasLocalBusinessView) {
ejbLocalBusinessHomeImpl = instantiateEJBLocalBusinessHomeImpl();
ejbLocalBusinessHome = (GenericEJBLocalHome) ejbLocalBusinessHomeImpl.getEJBLocalHome();
Class[] proxyInterfaces = new Class[localBusinessIntfs.size() + 1];
proxyInterfaces[0] = IndirectlySerializable.class;
int index = 1;
for (Class next : localBusinessIntfs) {
proxyInterfaces[index] = next;
Class proxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass(loader, proxyInterfaces);
ejbLocalBusinessObjectProxyCtor = proxyClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class });
for (Class next : localBusinessIntfs) {
// Portable JNDI name for EJB 3.x Local business interface.
// We don't provide a glassfish-specific way of accessing Local EJBs.
JavaGlobalJndiNamingObjectProxy namingProxy = new JavaGlobalJndiNamingObjectProxy(this, next.getName());
intfsForPortableJndi.put(next.getName(), namingProxy);
if (hasOptionalLocalBusinessView) {
EJBLocalHomeImpl obj = instantiateEJBOptionalLocalBusinessHomeImpl();
ejbOptionalLocalBusinessHomeImpl = (EJBLocalHomeImpl) obj;
ejbOptionalLocalBusinessHome = (GenericEJBLocalHome) ejbOptionalLocalBusinessHomeImpl.getEJBLocalHome();
Class[] proxyInterfaces = new Class[2];
proxyInterfaces[0] = IndirectlySerializable.class;
String optionalIntfName = EJBUtils.getGeneratedOptionalInterfaceName(ejbClass.getName());
proxyInterfaces[1] = ejbGeneratedOptionalLocalBusinessIntfClass = optIntfClassLoader.loadClass(optionalIntfName);
Class proxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass(loader, proxyInterfaces);
ejbOptionalLocalBusinessObjectProxyCtor = proxyClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { InvocationHandler.class });
// Portable JNDI name for no-interface view.
// We don't provide a glassfish-specific way of accessing the
// no-interface view of a session bean.
JavaGlobalJndiNamingObjectProxy namingProxy = new JavaGlobalJndiNamingObjectProxy(this, ejbClass.getName());
intfsForPortableJndi.put(ejbClass.getName(), namingProxy);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : intfsForPortableJndi.entrySet()) {
String intf = entry.getKey();
String fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName = javaGlobalName + "!" + intf;
Object namingProxy = entry.getValue();
boolean local = (namingProxy instanceof JavaGlobalJndiNamingObjectProxy);
if (intfsForPortableJndi.size() == 1) {
JndiInfo jndiInfo = local ? JndiInfo.newPortableLocal(javaGlobalName, namingProxy) : JndiInfo.newPortableRemote(javaGlobalName, namingProxy);
jndiInfoMap.put(, jndiInfo);
JndiInfo jndiInfo = local ? JndiInfo.newPortableLocal(fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName, namingProxy) : JndiInfo.newPortableRemote(fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName, namingProxy);
jndiInfoMap.put(, jndiInfo);
for (Map.Entry<String, JndiInfo> entry : jndiInfoMap.entrySet()) {
JndiInfo jndiInfo = entry.getValue();
try {
if (jndiInfo.internal) {
} else {
if (jndiInfo.portable) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(localStrings.getLocalString("ejb.error_binding_jndi_name", "Error while binding JNDI name {0} for EJB {1}",, this.ejbDescriptor.getName()), e);
if (!publishedPortableGlobalJndiNames.isEmpty()) {
_logger.log(Level.INFO, PORTABLE_JNDI_NAMES, new Object[] { this.ejbDescriptor.getName(), publishedPortableGlobalJndiNames });
if (!publishedNonPortableGlobalJndiNames.isEmpty()) {
_logger.log(Level.INFO, GLASSFISH_SPECIFIC_JNDI_NAMES, new Object[] { this.ejbDescriptor.getName(), publishedNonPortableGlobalJndiNames });
if (!publishedInternalGlobalJndiNames.isEmpty()) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "Internal container JNDI names for EJB {0}: {1}", new Object[] { this.ejbDescriptor.getName(), publishedInternalGlobalJndiNames });
// set EJBMetaData
use of javax.naming.StringRefAddr in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.
the class PerUserPoolDataSource method getReference.
* Returns a <code>PerUserPoolDataSource</code> {@link Reference}.
public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(), PerUserPoolDataSourceFactory.class.getName(), null);
ref.add(new StringRefAddr("instanceKey", getInstanceKey()));
return ref;
use of javax.naming.StringRefAddr in project derby by apache.
the class EmbeddedDataSource method addBeanProperties.
* Add Java Bean properties to the reference using
* StringRefAddr for each property. List of bean properties
* is defined from the public getXXX() methods on this object
* that take no arguments and return short, int, boolean or String.
* The {@link StringRefAddr} has a key of the Java bean property name,
* converted from the method name. E.g. traceDirectory for
* traceDirectory.
* @param ths {@code this} object
* @param ref The reference to add properties to
private static void addBeanProperties(Object ths, Reference ref) {
// Look for all the getXXX methods in the class that take no arguments.
Method[] methods = ths.getClass().getMethods();
for (Method m : methods) {
// only look for simple getter methods.
if (m.getParameterTypes().length != 0)
// only non-static methods
if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()))
// Only getXXX methods
String methodName = m.getName();
if ((methodName.length() < 5) || !methodName.startsWith("get"))
Class<?> returnType = m.getReturnType();
if (Integer.TYPE.equals(returnType) || Short.TYPE.equals(returnType) || String.class.equals(returnType) || Boolean.TYPE.equals(returnType)) {
// setSomeProperty
// 01234
String propertyName = methodName.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).concat(methodName.substring(4));
try {
Object ov = m.invoke(ths, (Object[]) null);
// "null" string gets stored.
if (ov != null) {
ref.add(new StringRefAddr(propertyName, ov.toString()));
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
use of javax.naming.StringRefAddr in project tomcat70 by apache.
the class NamingContextListener method addResourceEnvRef.
* Set the specified resources in the naming context.
public void addResourceEnvRef(ContextResourceEnvRef resourceEnvRef) {
// Create a reference to the resource env.
Reference ref = new ResourceEnvRef(resourceEnvRef.getType());
// Adding the additional parameters, if any
Iterator<String> params = resourceEnvRef.listProperties();
while (params.hasNext()) {
String paramName =;
String paramValue = (String) resourceEnvRef.getProperty(paramName);
StringRefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(paramName, paramValue);
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(" Adding resource env ref " + resourceEnvRef.getName());
createSubcontexts(envCtx, resourceEnvRef.getName());
envCtx.bind(resourceEnvRef.getName(), ref);
} catch (NamingException e) {
logger.error(sm.getString("naming.bindFailed", e));