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Example 1 with InvalidSearchFilterException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class Filter method encodeFilter.

private static void encodeFilter(BerEncoder ber, byte[] filter, int filterStart, int filterEnd) throws IOException, NamingException {
    if (dbg) {
        dprint("encFilter: ", filter, filterStart, filterEnd);
    if ((filterEnd - filterStart) <= 0) {
        throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("Empty filter");
    int nextOffset;
    int parens, balance;
    boolean escape;
    parens = 0;
    int[] filtOffset = new int[1];
    for (filtOffset[0] = filterStart; filtOffset[0] < filterEnd; ) {
        switch(filter[filtOffset[0]]) {
            case '(':
                switch(filter[filtOffset[0]]) {
                    case '&':
                        encodeComplexFilter(ber, filter, LDAP_FILTER_AND, filtOffset, filterEnd);
                        // filtOffset[0] has pointed to char after right paren
                    case '|':
                        encodeComplexFilter(ber, filter, LDAP_FILTER_OR, filtOffset, filterEnd);
                        // filtOffset[0] has pointed to char after right paren
                    case '!':
                        encodeComplexFilter(ber, filter, LDAP_FILTER_NOT, filtOffset, filterEnd);
                        // filtOffset[0] has pointed to char after right paren
                        balance = 1;
                        escape = false;
                        nextOffset = filtOffset[0];
                        while (nextOffset < filterEnd && balance > 0) {
                            if (!escape) {
                                if (filter[nextOffset] == '(')
                                else if (filter[nextOffset] == ')')
                            if (filter[nextOffset] == '\\' && !escape)
                                escape = true;
                                escape = false;
                            if (balance > 0)
                        if (balance != 0)
                            throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("Unbalanced parenthesis");
                        encodeSimpleFilter(ber, filter, filtOffset[0], nextOffset);
                        // points to the char after right paren.
                        filtOffset[0] = nextOffset + 1;
            case ')':
                // End of sequence
            case ' ':
                // assume simple type=value filter
                encodeSimpleFilter(ber, filter, filtOffset[0], filterEnd);
                // force break from outer
                filtOffset[0] = filterEnd;
        if (parens < 0) {
            throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("Unbalanced parenthesis");
    if (parens != 0) {
        throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("Unbalanced parenthesis");
    if (dbg) {
Also used : InvalidSearchFilterException(

Example 2 with InvalidSearchFilterException

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class WrappedPartialResultException method wrap.

 * Wraps a LDAP exception into a NaingException
 * @param t The original exception
 * @throws NamingException The wrapping JNDI exception
public static void wrap(Throwable t) throws NamingException {
    if (t instanceof NamingException) {
        throw (NamingException) t;
    NamingException ne;
    if ((t instanceof LdapAffectMultipleDsaException) || (t instanceof LdapAliasDereferencingException) || (t instanceof LdapLoopDetectedException) || (t instanceof LdapAliasException) || (t instanceof LdapOperationErrorException) || (t instanceof LdapOtherException)) {
        ne = new NamingException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapAttributeInUseException) {
        ne = new AttributeInUseException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapAuthenticationException) {
        ne = new AuthenticationException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException) {
        ne = new AuthenticationNotSupportedException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapContextNotEmptyException) {
        ne = new ContextNotEmptyException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException) {
        ne = new NameAlreadyBoundException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapInvalidAttributeTypeException) {
        ne = new InvalidAttributeIdentifierException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapInvalidAttributeValueException) {
        ne = new InvalidAttributeValueException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapInvalidDnException) {
        ne = new InvalidNameException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapInvalidSearchFilterException) {
        ne = new InvalidSearchFilterException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapNoPermissionException) {
        ne = new NoPermissionException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapNoSuchAttributeException) {
        ne = new NoSuchAttributeException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapNoSuchObjectException) {
        ne = new NameNotFoundException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapProtocolErrorException) {
        ne = new CommunicationException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapReferralException) {
        ne = new WrappedReferralException((LdapReferralException) t);
    } else if (t instanceof LdapPartialResultException) {
        ne = new WrappedPartialResultException((LdapPartialResultException) t);
    } else if (t instanceof LdapSchemaViolationException) {
        ne = new SchemaViolationException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapServiceUnavailableException) {
        ne = new ServiceUnavailableException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapTimeLimitExceededException) {
        ne = new TimeLimitExceededException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else if (t instanceof LdapUnwillingToPerformException) {
        ne = new OperationNotSupportedException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    } else {
        ne = new NamingException(t.getLocalizedMessage());
    throw ne;
Also used : LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException( LdapOperationErrorException( LdapAttributeInUseException( AuthenticationException(javax.naming.AuthenticationException) LdapAuthenticationException( LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException( AuthenticationNotSupportedException(javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException) LdapServiceUnavailableException( LdapInvalidAttributeTypeException( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( LdapServiceUnavailableException( ServiceUnavailableException(javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException) LdapTimeLimitExceededException( LdapAliasException( LdapNoSuchObjectException( LdapPartialResultException( LdapSchemaViolationException( LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException( NameAlreadyBoundException(javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException) LdapLoopDetectedException( InvalidNameException(javax.naming.InvalidNameException) LdapProtocolErrorException( LdapReferralException( NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) SchemaViolationException( LdapSchemaViolationException( LdapNoPermissionException( LdapOtherException( LdapInvalidDnException( OperationNotSupportedException(javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException) LdapAliasDereferencingException( InvalidAttributeIdentifierException( CommunicationException(javax.naming.CommunicationException) InvalidSearchFilterException( LdapInvalidSearchFilterException( NameNotFoundException(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) LdapUnwillingToPerformException( LdapAffectMultipleDsaException( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( InvalidAttributeValueException( LdapContextNotEmptyException( NoSuchAttributeException( LdapNoSuchAttributeException( LdapAuthenticationException( ContextNotEmptyException(javax.naming.ContextNotEmptyException) LdapContextNotEmptyException( NoPermissionException(javax.naming.NoPermissionException) LdapNoPermissionException( LdapTimeLimitExceededException( TimeLimitExceededException(javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException) AttributeInUseException( LdapAttributeInUseException( LdapInvalidSearchFilterException( LdapNoSuchAttributeException(

Example 3 with InvalidSearchFilterException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class Filter method encodeSimpleFilter.

private static void encodeSimpleFilter(BerEncoder ber, byte[] filter, int filtStart, int filtEnd) throws IOException, NamingException {
    if (dbg) {
        dprint("encSimpleFilter: ", filter, filtStart, filtEnd);
    String type, value;
    int valueStart, valueEnd, typeStart, typeEnd;
    int eq;
    if ((eq = indexOf(filter, '=', filtStart, filtEnd)) == -1) {
        throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("Missing 'equals'");
    // value starts after equal sign
    valueStart = eq + 1;
    valueEnd = filtEnd;
    // beginning of string
    typeStart = filtStart;
    int ftype;
    switch(filter[eq - 1]) {
        case '<':
            ftype = LDAP_FILTER_LE;
            typeEnd = eq - 1;
        case '>':
            ftype = LDAP_FILTER_GE;
            typeEnd = eq - 1;
        case '~':
            ftype = LDAP_FILTER_APPROX;
            typeEnd = eq - 1;
        case ':':
            ftype = LDAP_FILTER_EXT;
            typeEnd = eq - 1;
            typeEnd = eq;
            //initializing ftype to make the compiler happy
            ftype = 0x00;
    if (dbg) {
        System.err.println("type: " + typeStart + ", " + typeEnd);
        System.err.println("value: " + valueStart + ", " + valueEnd);
    // check validity of type
    // RFC4512 defines the type as the following ABNF:
    //     attr = attributedescription
    //     attributedescription = attributetype options
    //     attributetype = oid
    //     oid = descr / numericoid
    //     descr = keystring
    //     keystring = leadkeychar *keychar
    //     leadkeychar = ALPHA
    //     keychar = ALPHA / DIGIT / HYPHEN
    //     numericoid = number 1*( DOT number )
    //     number  = DIGIT / ( LDIGIT 1*DIGIT )
    //     options = *( SEMI option )
    //     option = 1*keychar
    // And RFC4515 defines the extensible type as the following ABNF:
    //     attr [dnattrs] [matchingrule] / [dnattrs] matchingrule
    int optionsStart = -1;
    int extensibleStart = -1;
    if ((filter[typeStart] >= '0' && filter[typeStart] <= '9') || (filter[typeStart] >= 'A' && filter[typeStart] <= 'Z') || (filter[typeStart] >= 'a' && filter[typeStart] <= 'z')) {
        boolean isNumericOid = filter[typeStart] >= '0' && filter[typeStart] <= '9';
        for (int i = typeStart + 1; i < typeEnd; i++) {
            // ';' is an indicator of attribute options
            if (filter[i] == ';') {
                if (isNumericOid && filter[i - 1] == '.') {
                    throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
                // attribute options
                optionsStart = i;
            // ':' is an indicator of extensible rules
            if (filter[i] == ':' && ftype == LDAP_FILTER_EXT) {
                if (isNumericOid && filter[i - 1] == '.') {
                    throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
                // extensible matching
                extensibleStart = i;
            if (isNumericOid) {
                // numeric object identifier
                if ((filter[i] == '.' && filter[i - 1] == '.') || (filter[i] != '.' && !(filter[i] >= '0' && filter[i] <= '9'))) {
                    throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
            } else {
                // tolerate the incorrect use in practice.
                if (filter[i] != '-' && filter[i] != '_' && !(filter[i] >= '0' && filter[i] <= '9') && !(filter[i] >= 'A' && filter[i] <= 'Z') && !(filter[i] >= 'a' && filter[i] <= 'z')) {
                    throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
    } else if (ftype == LDAP_FILTER_EXT && filter[typeStart] == ':') {
        // extensible matching
        extensibleStart = typeStart;
    } else {
        throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
    // check attribute options
    if (optionsStart > 0) {
        for (int i = optionsStart + 1; i < typeEnd; i++) {
            if (filter[i] == ';') {
                if (filter[i - 1] == ';') {
                    throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
            // ':' is an indicator of extensible rules
            if (filter[i] == ':' && ftype == LDAP_FILTER_EXT) {
                if (filter[i - 1] == ';') {
                    throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
                // extensible matching
                extensibleStart = i;
            // tolerate the incorrect use in practice.
            if (filter[i] != '-' && filter[i] != '_' && !(filter[i] >= '0' && filter[i] <= '9') && !(filter[i] >= 'A' && filter[i] <= 'Z') && !(filter[i] >= 'a' && filter[i] <= 'z')) {
                throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
    // check extensible matching
    if (extensibleStart > 0) {
        boolean isMatchingRule = false;
        for (int i = extensibleStart + 1; i < typeEnd; i++) {
            if (filter[i] == ':') {
                throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
            } else if ((filter[i] >= '0' && filter[i] <= '9') || (filter[i] >= 'A' && filter[i] <= 'Z') || (filter[i] >= 'a' && filter[i] <= 'z')) {
                boolean isNumericOid = filter[i] >= '0' && filter[i] <= '9';
                for (int j = i; j < typeEnd; j++, i++) {
                    // allows no more than two extensible rules
                    if (filter[j] == ':') {
                        if (isMatchingRule) {
                            throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
                        if (isNumericOid && filter[j - 1] == '.') {
                            throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
                        isMatchingRule = true;
                    if (isNumericOid) {
                        // numeric object identifier
                        if ((filter[j] == '.' && filter[j - 1] == '.') || (filter[j] != '.' && !(filter[j] >= '0' && filter[j] <= '9'))) {
                            throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
                    } else {
                        // tolerate the incorrect use in practice.
                        if (filter[j] != '-' && filter[j] != '_' && !(filter[j] >= '0' && filter[j] <= '9') && !(filter[j] >= 'A' && filter[j] <= 'Z') && !(filter[j] >= 'a' && filter[j] <= 'z')) {
                            throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
            } else {
                throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
    // ensure the latest byte is not isolated
    if (filter[typeEnd - 1] == '.' || filter[typeEnd - 1] == ';' || filter[typeEnd - 1] == ':') {
        throw new InvalidSearchFilterException("invalid attribute description");
    if (typeEnd == eq) {
        // filter type is of "equal"
        if (findUnescaped(filter, '*', valueStart, valueEnd) == -1) {
            ftype = LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY;
        } else if (filter[valueStart] == '*' && valueStart == (valueEnd - 1)) {
            ftype = LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT;
        } else {
            encodeSubstringFilter(ber, filter, typeStart, typeEnd, valueStart, valueEnd);
    if (ftype == LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT) {
        ber.encodeOctetString(filter, ftype, typeStart, typeEnd - typeStart);
    } else if (ftype == LDAP_FILTER_EXT) {
        encodeExtensibleMatch(ber, filter, typeStart, typeEnd, valueStart, valueEnd);
    } else {
        ber.encodeOctetString(filter, Ber.ASN_OCTET_STR, typeStart, typeEnd - typeStart);
        ber.encodeOctetString(unescapeFilterValue(filter, valueStart, valueEnd), Ber.ASN_OCTET_STR);
    if (dbg) {
Also used : InvalidSearchFilterException(


InvalidSearchFilterException ( AuthenticationException (javax.naming.AuthenticationException)1 AuthenticationNotSupportedException (javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException)1 CommunicationException (javax.naming.CommunicationException)1 ContextNotEmptyException (javax.naming.ContextNotEmptyException)1 InvalidNameException (javax.naming.InvalidNameException)1 NameAlreadyBoundException (javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException)1 NameNotFoundException (javax.naming.NameNotFoundException)1 NamingException (javax.naming.NamingException)1 NoPermissionException (javax.naming.NoPermissionException)1 OperationNotSupportedException (javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException)1 ServiceUnavailableException (javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException)1 TimeLimitExceededException (javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException)1 AttributeInUseException ( InvalidAttributeIdentifierException ( InvalidAttributeValueException ( NoSuchAttributeException ( SchemaViolationException ( LdapAffectMultipleDsaException ( LdapAliasDereferencingException (