use of javax.persistence.Converts in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class ComponentPropertyHolder method processAttributeConversions.
* This is called from our constructor and handles (in order):<ol>
* <li>@Convert annotation at the Embeddable class level</li>
* <li>@Converts annotation at the Embeddable class level</li>
* <li>@Convert annotation at the Embedded attribute level</li>
* <li>@Converts annotation at the Embedded attribute level</li>
* </ol>
* <p/>
* The order is important to ensure proper precedence.
* <p/>
* {@literal @Convert/@Converts} annotations at the Embeddable attribute level are handled in the calls to
* {@link #startingProperty}. Duplicates are simply ignored there.
* @param embeddedXProperty The property that is the composite being described by this ComponentPropertyHolder
private Map<String, AttributeConversionInfo> processAttributeConversions(XProperty embeddedXProperty) {
final Map<String, AttributeConversionInfo> infoMap = new HashMap<String, AttributeConversionInfo>();
final XClass embeddableXClass = embeddedXProperty.getType();
// as a baseline, we want to apply conversions from the Embeddable and then overlay conversions
// from the Embedded
// first apply conversions from the Embeddable...
processAttributeConversions(embeddableXClass, infoMap);
// then we can overlay any conversions from the Embedded attribute
// @Convert annotation on the Embedded attribute
final Convert convertAnnotation = embeddedXProperty.getAnnotation(Convert.class);
if (convertAnnotation != null) {
final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo(convertAnnotation, embeddableXClass);
if (StringHelper.isEmpty(info.getAttributeName())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Convert placed on Embedded attribute must define (sub)attributeName");
infoMap.put(info.getAttributeName(), info);
// @Converts annotation on the Embedded attribute
final Converts convertsAnnotation = embeddedXProperty.getAnnotation(Converts.class);
if (convertsAnnotation != null) {
for (Convert convertAnnotation : convertsAnnotation.value()) {
final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo(convertAnnotation, embeddableXClass);
if (StringHelper.isEmpty(info.getAttributeName())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Convert placed on Embedded attribute must define (sub)attributeName");
infoMap.put(info.getAttributeName(), info);
return infoMap;
use of javax.persistence.Converts in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class JPAOverriddenAnnotationReader method applyPhysicalConvertAnnotations.
private void applyPhysicalConvertAnnotations(String attributeNamePrefix, Map<String, Convert> convertAnnotationsMap) {
final Convert physicalAnnotation = getPhysicalAnnotation(Convert.class);
if (physicalAnnotation != null) {
// only add if no XML element named a converter for this attribute
final String qualifiedAttributeName = qualifyConverterAttributeName(attributeNamePrefix, physicalAnnotation.attributeName());
if (!convertAnnotationsMap.containsKey(qualifiedAttributeName)) {
convertAnnotationsMap.put(qualifiedAttributeName, physicalAnnotation);
final Converts physicalGroupingAnnotation = getPhysicalAnnotation(Converts.class);
if (physicalGroupingAnnotation != null) {
for (Convert convertAnnotation : physicalGroupingAnnotation.value()) {
// again, only add if no XML element named a converter for this attribute
final String qualifiedAttributeName = qualifyConverterAttributeName(attributeNamePrefix, convertAnnotation.attributeName());
if (!convertAnnotationsMap.containsKey(qualifiedAttributeName)) {
convertAnnotationsMap.put(qualifiedAttributeName, convertAnnotation);