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Example 36 with JoinColumn

use of javax.persistence.JoinColumn in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class ColumnsBuilder method extractMetadata.

public ColumnsBuilder extractMetadata() {
    columns = null;
    joinColumns = buildExplicitJoinColumns(property, inferredData);
    if (property.isAnnotationPresent(Column.class) || property.isAnnotationPresent(Formula.class)) {
        Column ann = property.getAnnotation(Column.class);
        Formula formulaAnn = property.getAnnotation(Formula.class);
        columns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(new Column[] { ann }, formulaAnn, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), buildingContext);
    } else if (property.isAnnotationPresent(Columns.class)) {
        Columns anns = property.getAnnotation(Columns.class);
        columns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(anns.columns(), null, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), buildingContext);
    //set default values if needed
    if (joinColumns == null && (property.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToOne.class) || property.isAnnotationPresent(OneToOne.class))) {
        joinColumns = buildDefaultJoinColumnsForXToOne(property, inferredData);
    } else if (joinColumns == null && (property.isAnnotationPresent(OneToMany.class) || property.isAnnotationPresent(ElementCollection.class))) {
        OneToMany oneToMany = property.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
        String mappedBy = oneToMany != null ? oneToMany.mappedBy() : "";
        joinColumns = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumns(null, mappedBy, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), propertyHolder, inferredData.getPropertyName(), buildingContext);
    } else if (joinColumns == null && property.isAnnotationPresent(org.hibernate.annotations.Any.class)) {
        throw new AnnotationException("@Any requires an explicit @JoinColumn(s): " + BinderHelper.getPath(propertyHolder, inferredData));
    if (columns == null && !property.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToMany.class)) {
        //useful for collection of embedded elements
        columns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(null, null, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), buildingContext);
    if (nullability == Nullability.FORCED_NOT_NULL) {
        //force columns to not null
        for (Ejb3Column col : columns) {
    return this;
Also used : Formula(org.hibernate.annotations.Formula) JoinColumnOrFormula(org.hibernate.annotations.JoinColumnOrFormula) JoinFormula(org.hibernate.annotations.JoinFormula) OneToOne(javax.persistence.OneToOne) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) Column(javax.persistence.Column) JoinColumns(javax.persistence.JoinColumns) Columns(org.hibernate.annotations.Columns) AnnotationException(org.hibernate.AnnotationException) OneToMany(javax.persistence.OneToMany) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne)

Example 37 with JoinColumn

use of javax.persistence.JoinColumn in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class AnnotationBinder method addProperty.

private static int addProperty(PropertyContainer propertyContainer, XProperty property, List<PropertyData> inFlightPropertyDataList, MetadataBuildingContext context) {
    // and if so, skip it..
    for (PropertyData propertyData : inFlightPropertyDataList) {
        if (propertyData.getPropertyName().equals(property.getName())) {
            // EARLY EXIT!!!
            return 0;
    final XClass declaringClass = propertyContainer.getDeclaringClass();
    final XClass entity = propertyContainer.getEntityAtStake();
    int idPropertyCounter = 0;
    PropertyData propertyAnnotatedElement = new PropertyInferredData(declaringClass, property, propertyContainer.getClassLevelAccessType().getType(), context.getBuildingOptions().getReflectionManager());
		 * put element annotated by @Id in front
		 * since it has to be parsed beforeQuery any association by Hibernate
    final XAnnotatedElement element = propertyAnnotatedElement.getProperty();
    if (element.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class) || element.isAnnotationPresent(EmbeddedId.class)) {
        inFlightPropertyDataList.add(0, propertyAnnotatedElement);
			 * The property must be put in as it's a system wide property. Fixable?
			 * TODO support true/false/default on the property instead of present / not present
			 * TODO is @Column mandatory?
			 * TODO add method support
        if (context.getBuildingOptions().isSpecjProprietarySyntaxEnabled()) {
            if (element.isAnnotationPresent(Id.class) && element.isAnnotationPresent(Column.class)) {
                String columnName = element.getAnnotation(Column.class).name();
                for (XProperty prop : declaringClass.getDeclaredProperties(AccessType.FIELD.getType())) {
                    if (!prop.isAnnotationPresent(MapsId.class)) {
							 * The detection of a configured individual JoinColumn differs between Annotation
							 * and XML configuration processing.
                        boolean isRequiredAnnotationPresent = false;
                        JoinColumns groupAnnotation = prop.getAnnotation(JoinColumns.class);
                        if ((prop.isAnnotationPresent(JoinColumn.class) && prop.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class).name().equals(columnName))) {
                            isRequiredAnnotationPresent = true;
                        } else if (prop.isAnnotationPresent(JoinColumns.class)) {
                            for (JoinColumn columnAnnotation : groupAnnotation.value()) {
                                if (columnName.equals( {
                                    isRequiredAnnotationPresent = true;
                        if (isRequiredAnnotationPresent) {
                            //create a PropertyData fpr the specJ property holding the mapping
                            PropertyData specJPropertyData = new PropertyInferredData(declaringClass, //same dec
                            prop, // the actual @XToOne property
                            propertyContainer.getClassLevelAccessType().getType(), //TODO we should get the right accessor but the same as id would do
                            context.getMetadataCollector().addPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsIdSpecj(entity, specJPropertyData, element.toString());
        if (element.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToOne.class) || element.isAnnotationPresent(OneToOne.class)) {
            context.getMetadataCollector().addToOneAndIdProperty(entity, propertyAnnotatedElement);
    } else {
    if (element.isAnnotationPresent(MapsId.class)) {
        context.getMetadataCollector().addPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(entity, propertyAnnotatedElement);
    return idPropertyCounter;
Also used : MapsId(javax.persistence.MapsId) XProperty(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XProperty) EmbeddedId(javax.persistence.EmbeddedId) MapKeyJoinColumns(javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumns) JoinColumns(javax.persistence.JoinColumns) PrimaryKeyJoinColumns(javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns) XAnnotatedElement(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement) XClass(org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass) UniqueConstraint(javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint) Constraint(org.hibernate.mapping.Constraint) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) OneToOne(javax.persistence.OneToOne) PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn) MapKeyJoinColumn(javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) MapKeyColumn(javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn) OrderColumn(javax.persistence.OrderColumn) PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn) MapKeyJoinColumn(javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn) Column(javax.persistence.Column) DiscriminatorColumn(javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) MapsId(javax.persistence.MapsId) NaturalId(org.hibernate.annotations.NaturalId) EmbeddedId(javax.persistence.EmbeddedId) Id(javax.persistence.Id) CollectionId(org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionId)

Example 38 with JoinColumn

use of javax.persistence.JoinColumn in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class ManyToManyDAO method update.

	 * 一对多级联更新
public void update(Long newFromRefVal) {
    if (this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
    // "update {table} set {fromRefCol} = {newFromRefVal} where {fromRefCol} = {fromRefVal}
    // ; update {relTable} set {from} = {newFromRefVal} where {from} = {fromRefVal}"
    String format = "update %s set %s = %s where %s = %s ;";
    for (Field f : fields) {
        Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
        if (tarGetter == null)
        ManyToMany ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class);
        if (ann == null) {
            ann = f.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class);
            if (ann == null)
        JoinTable join = tarGetter.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
        if (join == null) {
            join = f.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
            if (join == null)
        JoinColumn[] froms = join.joinColumns();
        if (froms == null || froms.length == 0)
        // 第三方关系表
        String relTable =;
        // 主类在第三方关系表中的字段名
        String from = froms[0].name();
        String fromRefCol = froms[0].referencedColumnName();
        if (fromRefCol == null || fromRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
            fromRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(t);
        String fromRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(t.getClass(), fromRefCol);
        try {
            Method fromRefFieldGetter = ru.getGetter(fromRefField);
            if (fromRefFieldGetter == null)
                throw new DAOException("can not find the 'from ref field -> " + fromRefField + "' of " + t.getClass() + " 's getter method", null);
            Object _obj = fromRefFieldGetter.invoke(t);
            if (_obj == null)
            String fromRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
            // "update {table} set {fromRefCol} = {newFromRefVal} where {fromRefCol} = {fromRefVal}
            // ; update {relTable} set {from} = {newFromRefVal} where {from} = {fromRefVal}"
            final String sql1 = String.format(format, table, fromRefCol, newFromRefVal, fromRefCol, fromRefVal);
            final String sql2 = String.format(format, relTable, from, newFromRefVal, from, fromRefVal);
            Transaction.execute(new Trans() {

                public void run(Object... args) throws Exception {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DAOException("", e);
Also used : DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) ManyToMany(javax.persistence.ManyToMany) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) Trans(org.eweb4j.orm.jdbc.transaction.Trans) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) JoinTable(javax.persistence.JoinTable)

Example 39 with JoinColumn

use of javax.persistence.JoinColumn in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class ManyToManyDAO method select.

	 * 多对多级联查询 
	 * 1.当主对象没有包含任何一个关联对象时,默认查询所有与之关联的对象
	 * 2.当主对象中包含了关联对象时(含有其toRefVal值),则只查询这些关联的对象
public void select() throws DAOException {
    if (this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
    // select tarClass from {tarTable} t, {relTable} r where = t.toRefCol and r.from = {fromRefVal} order by desc
    // select %s from {tarTable} where {toRefCol} in (select {to} from {relTable} where {from} = {fromRefVal} order by xxx desc)
    //		String format = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s IN (SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = ? %s)";
    final String format = "select %s from %s, %s r where r.%s = %s.%s and r.%s = ? %s ";
    for (Field f : fields) {
        Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
        if (tarGetter == null)
        ManyToMany ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class);
        if (ann == null) {
            ann = f.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class);
            if (ann == null)
        JoinTable join = tarGetter.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
        if (join == null) {
            join = f.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
            if (join == null)
        JoinColumn[] froms = join.joinColumns();
        if (froms == null || froms.length == 0)
        JoinColumn[] tos = join.inverseJoinColumns();
        if (tos == null || tos.length == 0)
        // 多对多关系目标Class
        Class<?> tarClass = ann.targetEntity();
        if (void.class.isAssignableFrom(tarClass)) {
            tarClass = ClassUtil.getGenericType(f);
        String tarTable = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(tarClass, true);
        OrderBy orderAnn = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OrderBy.class);
        if (orderAnn == null)
            orderAnn = f.getAnnotation(OrderBy.class);
        String orderBy = "";
        if (orderAnn != null && orderAnn.value().trim().length() > 0)
            orderBy = " ORDER BY " + orderAnn.value().replace("t.", tarClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + ".");
        // 目标类对应的数据库表Id字段
        String toRefCol = tos[0].referencedColumnName();
        if (toRefCol == null || toRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
            toRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(tarClass);
        String toRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(tarClass, toRefCol);
        // 目标类在第三方关系表中的字段名
        String to = tos[0].name();
        // 第三方关系表
        String relTable =;
        // 主类在第三方关系表中的字段名
        String from = froms[0].name();
        String fromRefCol = froms[0].referencedColumnName();
        if (fromRefCol == null || fromRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
            fromRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(t);
        String fromRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(t.getClass(), fromRefCol);
        try {
            List<?> tarList = null;
            tarList = (List<?>) tarGetter.invoke(t);
            if (tarList != null && tarList.size() > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < tarList.size(); i++) {
                    Object tarObj = tarList.get(i);
                    ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(tarObj);
                    Method toRefFieldGetter = tarRu.getGetter(toRefField);
                    if (toRefFieldGetter == null)
                        throw new DAOException("can not find the 'to ref field -> " + toRefField + "' of " + tarClass + " 's getter method", null);
                    Object _obj = toRefFieldGetter.invoke(tarObj);
                    if (_obj == null)
                    String toRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
                    // 查询 select %s from {tarTable} where {tarIdColumn} = {tarIdVal}
                    tarObj = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectOne(tarClass, new String[] { toRefField }, new String[] { toRefVal });
            } else {
                // "select %s from %s, %s r where r.%s = %s.%s and r.%s = ? %s "
                // select tarClass from {tarTable} t, {relTable} r where = t.toRefCol and r.from = ? order by desc
                String sql = String.format(format, ORMConfigBeanUtil.getSelectAllColumn(tarClass), tarTable, relTable, to, tarClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), toRefCol, from, orderBy);
                // 从数据库中取出与当前主对象fromRefCol关联的所有目标对象,
                Method fromRefFieldGetter = ru.getGetter(fromRefField);
                if (fromRefFieldGetter == null)
                    throw new DAOException("can not find the 'from ref field -> " + fromRefField + "' of " + t.getClass() + " 's getter method", null);
                Object _obj = fromRefFieldGetter.invoke(t);
                String fromRefVal = null;
                if (_obj != null)
                    fromRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
                tarList = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectBySQL(tarClass, sql, fromRefVal);
            // 并注入到当前主对象的属性中
            Method tarSetter = ru.getSetter(f.getName());
            tarSetter.invoke(t, tarList);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DAOException("", e);
Also used : OrderBy(javax.persistence.OrderBy) ManyToMany(javax.persistence.ManyToMany) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) JoinTable(javax.persistence.JoinTable)

Example 40 with JoinColumn

use of javax.persistence.JoinColumn in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class ToOneDAO method select.

//	/**
//	 * 一对一级联更新
//	 */
//	public void update(long newIdVal) {
//		if (newIdVal <= 0 || this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
//			return;
//		if (idVal == null || "0".equals(idVal) || "".equals(idVal)) {
//			return;
//		} else if (DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectOne(t, this.idField) == null) {
//			// 检查一下当前对象的ID是否存在于数据库
//			return;
//		}
//		// "update {table} set {idCol} = {newIdVal} where {idCol} = {idVal}
//		//; update {tarTable} set {fkCol} = {newIdVal} where {fkCol} = {idVal}"
//		String format = "update %s set %s = %s where %s = %s ;";
//		for (Field f : fields) {
//			Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
//			if (tarGetter == null)
//				continue;
//			OneToOne ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//			if (ann == null) 
//				ann = f.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//			if (ann == null)
//				continue;
//			String mappedBy = ann.mappedBy();
//			String fk = null;
//			try {
//				Class<?> tarClass = ann.targetEntity();
//				if (void.class.isAssignableFrom(tarClass))
//					tarClass = f.getType();
//				ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(tarClass);
//				Field[] tarFields = tarRu.getFields();
//				for (Field tarF : tarFields){
//					if (!f.getType().getName().equals(tarF.getType().getName()))
//						continue;
//				    Method tarFGetter = tarRu.getGetter(tarF.getName());
//				    if (tarFGetter == null)
//				    	continue;
//				    OneToOne oneToOne = tarFGetter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//				    if (oneToOne == null)
//				    	oneToOne = tarF.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//				    	if (oneToOne == null)
//				    		continue;
//					JoinColumn joinColumn = tarFGetter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
//					if (joinColumn == null) 
//						joinColumn = tarF.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
//					if (joinColumn == null)
//						fk = tarF.getName() + "_id";
//					else
//						fk =;
//					String tarTable = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(tarClass);
//					// "update {table} set {idCol} = {newIdVal} where {idCol} = {idVal}
//					//; update {tarTable} set {fkCol} = {newIdVal} where {fkCol} = {idVal}"
//					final String sql1 = String.format(format, table, idColumn, newIdVal, idColumn, idVal);
//					final String sql2 = String.format(format, tarTable, fk, newIdVal, fk, idVal);
//					Transaction.execute(new Trans() {
//						@Override
//						public void run(Object... args) throws Exception {
//							DAOFactory.getUpdateDAO(dsName).updateBySQL(sql1);
//							DAOFactory.getUpdateDAO(dsName).updateBySQL(sql2);						
//						}
//					});
//					break;
//				}
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				throw new DAOException("", e);
//			}
//		}
//	}
	 * 多对一级联查询 1.获取当前idVal,然后作为条件查询出其外键值,接着通过其外键值查出主对象数据,注入到当前
public void select() {
    if (this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
    if (idVal == null || "0".equals(idVal) || "".equals(idVal)) {
        log.warn("skip cascade select cause this pojo has no @Id value");
    for (Field f : fields) {
        Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
        if (tarGetter == null)
        String fk = null;
        OneToOne ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
        if (ann == null)
            ann = f.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
        if (ann == null) {
            ManyToOne moAn = tarGetter.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
            if (moAn == null)
                moAn = f.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
            if (moAn == null)
        String refCol = null;
        JoinColumn joinCol = f.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
        if (joinCol == null)
            joinCol = tarGetter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
        if (joinCol == null)
            fk = f.getName() + "_id";
        else {
            fk =;
            refCol = joinCol.referencedColumnName();
        Class<?> tarClass = f.getType();
        if (refCol == null || refCol.trim().length() == 0)
            refCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(tarClass);
        String refField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(tarClass, refCol);
        try {
            Object _tarObj = tarGetter.invoke(t);
            Object tarObj = null;
            boolean flag = false;
            if (_tarObj != null) {
                Method refFieldGetter = new ReflectUtil(_tarObj).getGetter(refField);
                if (refFieldGetter != null && refFieldGetter.invoke(_tarObj) != null)
                    tarObj = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectOne(_tarObj, refField);
                    flag = true;
            } else
                flag = true;
            if (flag) {
                // select * from {tarTable} where {referencedColumn} = (select {fk} from {table} where {idColumn} = {idVal})
                String format = "select %s from %s where %s = (select %s from %s where %s = %s )";
                String tarTable = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(tarClass, true);
                String sql = String.format(format, ORMConfigBeanUtil.getSelectAllColumn(tarClass), tarTable, refCol, fk, table, idColumn, idVal);
                List<?> tarList = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectBySQL(tarClass, sql);
                if (tarList == null || tarList.size() == 0)
                tarObj = tarList.get(0);
            if (tarObj == null)
            Method tarSetter = ru.getSetter(f.getName());
            tarSetter.invoke(t, tarObj);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DAOException("", e);
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) OneToOne(javax.persistence.OneToOne) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn)


JoinColumn (javax.persistence.JoinColumn)44 JoinTable (javax.persistence.JoinTable)17 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)15 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)14 ManyToOne (javax.persistence.ManyToOne)14 ReflectUtil (org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil)14 MapKeyJoinColumn (javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn)13 PrimaryKeyJoinColumn (javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn)13 Test (org.junit.Test)12 JoinColumns (javax.persistence.JoinColumns)11 OneToOne (javax.persistence.OneToOne)10 UniqueConstraint (javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint)9 Column (javax.persistence.Column)8 ManyToMany (javax.persistence.ManyToMany)8 OneToMany (javax.persistence.OneToMany)6 DAOException (org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException)6 Id (javax.persistence.Id)5 MapKeyJoinColumns (javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumns)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 CollectionTable (javax.persistence.CollectionTable)4