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Example 1 with DAOException

use of org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class OneToManyDAO method delete.

	 * 一对多(主从)级联删除 
	 * 1.前提条件必须主对象要存在于数据库中
	 * 2.检查当前主对象中的关联对象,如果关联对象为空,则删除所有与主对象有关的关联关系。
	 * 3.如果当前主对象中含有关联对象,则删除这些关联对象与主对象的关系
	 * 4.不会删除主对象
public void delete() throws DAOException {
    if (this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
    final Class<?> ownClass = ru.getObject().getClass();
    Transaction.execute(new Trans() {

        public void run(Object... args) throws Exception {
            for (Field f : fields) {
                Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
                if (tarGetter == null)
                OneToMany ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
                if (ann == null) {
                    ann = f.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
                    if (ann == null)
                String mappedBy = ann.mappedBy();
                Class<?> tarClass = ann.targetEntity();
                if (void.class.isAssignableFrom(tarClass))
                    tarClass = ClassUtil.getGenericType(f);
                List<?> tarList = null;
                try {
                    tarList = (List<?>) tarGetter.invoke(t);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new DAOException(tarGetter + " invoke exception ", e);
                if (tarList == null || tarList.size() == 0) {
                    // 当关联对象为空的时候,删除所有关联对象
                    ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(tarClass);
                    if (mappedBy == null || mappedBy.trim().length() == 0) {
                        for (Field tarObjField : tarRu.getFields()) {
                            if (!tarObjField.getType().getName().equals(ownClass.getName()))
                            Method tarObjFieldGetter = tarRu.getGetter(tarObjField.getName());
                            if (tarObjFieldGetter == null)
                            ManyToOne manyToOne = tarObjField.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                            if (manyToOne == null)
                                manyToOne = tarObjFieldGetter.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                            if (manyToOne == null)
                            mappedBy = tarObjField.getName();
                            String fromRefCol = null;
                            JoinColumn joinCol = tarObjField.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                            if (joinCol == null)
                                joinCol = tarObjFieldGetter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                            if (joinCol != null)
                                fromRefCol = joinCol.referencedColumnName();
                            if (fromRefCol == null || fromRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
                                fromRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(t);
                            String fromRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(ownClass, fromRefCol);
                            Method fromRefFieldGetter = ru.getGetter(fromRefField);
                            if (fromRefFieldGetter == null)
                                throw new Exception("can not find the 'from ref field field -> " + fromRefField + "' of " + ownClass + " 's getter method");
                            String fromRefVal = null;
                            Object _obj = fromRefFieldGetter.invoke(t);
                            if (_obj != null)
                                fromRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
                            DAOFactory.getDeleteDAO(dsName).deleteByFieldIsValue(tarClass, new String[] { tarObjField.getName() }, new String[] { fromRefVal });
                } else {
                    // 当关联对象不为空的时候,删除这些关联对象
                    for (int i = 0; i < tarList.size(); i++) {
                        Object tarObj = tarList.get(i);
                        if (tarObj == null)
                        Object tarObjIdVal = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdVal(tarObj);
                        if (tarObjIdVal == null)
                        ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(tarObj);
                        if (mappedBy != null && mappedBy.trim().length() > 0) {
                            Method ownFieldSetter = tarRu.getSetter(mappedBy);
                            if (ownFieldSetter == null)
                            // finished
                        } else {
                            JoinTable joinTable = null;
                            if (f.isAnnotationPresent(JoinTable.class)) {
                                joinTable = f.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
                            } else if (tarGetter.isAnnotationPresent(JoinTable.class)) {
                                joinTable = tarGetter.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
                            } else {
                                // find ownclass in tarObj fields
                                for (Field tarObjField : tarRu.getFields()) {
                                    if (!tarObjField.getType().getName().equals(ownClass.getName()))
                                    Method tarObjFieldGetter = tarRu.getGetter(tarObjField.getName());
                                    if (tarObjFieldGetter == null)
                                    ManyToOne manyToOne = tarObjField.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                                    if (manyToOne == null)
                                        manyToOne = tarObjFieldGetter.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                                    if (manyToOne == null)
                                    String fromRefCol = null;
                                    JoinColumn joinCol = tarObjField.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                                    if (joinCol == null)
                                        joinCol = tarObjFieldGetter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                                    if (joinCol != null)
                                        fromRefCol = joinCol.referencedColumnName();
                                    if (fromRefCol == null || fromRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
                                        fromRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(t);
                                    String fromRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(ownClass, fromRefCol);
                                    Method fromRefFieldGetter = ru.getGetter(fromRefField);
                                    if (fromRefFieldGetter == null)
                                        throw new Exception("can not find the 'from ref field field -> " + fromRefField + "' of " + ownClass + " 's getter method");
                                    String fromRefVal = null;
                                    Object _obj = fromRefFieldGetter.invoke(t);
                                    if (_obj != null)
                                        fromRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
                                    DAOFactory.getDeleteDAO(dsName).deleteByFieldIsValue(tarClass, new String[] { tarObjField.getName() }, new String[] { fromRefVal });
                            if (joinTable != null) {
                                JoinColumn[] froms = joinTable.joinColumns();
                                if (froms == null || froms.length == 0)
                                String from = froms[0].name();
                                JoinColumn[] tos = joinTable.inverseJoinColumns();
                                if (tos == null || tos.length == 0)
                                String to = tos[0].name();
                                String relTable =;
                                String fromRefCol = froms[0].referencedColumnName();
                                if (fromRefCol == null || fromRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
                                    fromRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(t);
                                String fromRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(t.getClass(), fromRefCol);
                                Method fromRefFieldGetter = ru.getGetter(fromRefField);
                                if (fromRefFieldGetter == null)
                                    throw new Exception("can not find the 'from ref field -> " + fromRefField + "' of " + t.getClass() + " 's getter method");
                                Object _obj = fromRefFieldGetter.invoke(t);
                                if (_obj == null)
                                String fromRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
                                String toRefCol = tos[0].referencedColumnName();
                                if (toRefCol == null || toRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
                                    toRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(tarClass);
                                String toRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(tarClass, toRefCol);
                                Method toRefFieldGetter = tarRu.getGetter(toRefField);
                                if (toRefFieldGetter == null)
                                    throw new Exception("can not find the 'to ref field -> " + toRefField + "' of " + tarClass + " 's getter method");
                                Object _obj2 = toRefFieldGetter.invoke(tarObj);
                                if (_obj2 == null)
                                String toRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj2);
                                // delete from relTable where from = ? and to = ? ;
                                String format = "delete from %s where %s = ? and %s = ? ;";
                                String sql = String.format(format, relTable, from, to);
                                // finished
                                DAOFactory.getUpdateDAO(dsName).updateBySQLWithArgs(sql, fromRefVal, toRefVal);
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) OneToMany(javax.persistence.OneToMany) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) List(java.util.List) Trans(org.eweb4j.orm.jdbc.transaction.Trans) JoinTable(javax.persistence.JoinTable)

Example 2 with DAOException

use of org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class OneToManyDAO method select.

	 * 一对多(主从)级联查询
public void select() throws DAOException {
    if (this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
    Class<?> ownClass = ru.getObject().getClass();
    String fromRefVal = null;
    for (Field f : fields) {
        Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
        if (tarGetter == null)
        OneToMany ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
        if (ann == null) {
            ann = f.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
            if (ann == null)
        OrderBy orderAnn = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OrderBy.class);
        if (orderAnn == null)
            orderAnn = f.getAnnotation(OrderBy.class);
        Class<?> tarClass = ann.targetEntity();
        if (void.class.isAssignableFrom(tarClass))
            tarClass = ClassUtil.getGenericType(f);
        String orderBy = "";
        if (orderAnn != null && orderAnn.value().trim().length() > 0)
            orderBy = " ORDER BY " + orderAnn.value().replace("t.", tarClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + ".");
        String mappedBy = ann.mappedBy();
        try {
            ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(tarClass);
            List<?> tarList = null;
            JoinTable joinTable = null;
            if (f.isAnnotationPresent(JoinTable.class)) {
                joinTable = f.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
            } else if (tarGetter.isAnnotationPresent(JoinTable.class)) {
                joinTable = tarGetter.getAnnotation(JoinTable.class);
            // 如果用户填写了 JoinTable注解,说明是第三方表建立的关联关系,需要查询第三方表和字段才能获取到targetList
            if (joinTable != null) {
                JoinColumn[] froms = joinTable.joinColumns();
                if (froms == null || froms.length == 0)
                String tarTable =;
                String from = froms[0].name();
                String fromRefCol = froms[0].referencedColumnName();
                if (fromRefCol == null || fromRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
                    fromRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(t);
                String fromRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(t.getClass(), fromRefCol);
                Method fromRefFieldGetter = ru.getGetter(fromRefField);
                if (fromRefFieldGetter == null)
                    throw new Exception("can not find the 'from ref field -> " + fromRefField + "' of " + t.getClass() + " 's getter method");
                Object _obj = fromRefFieldGetter.invoke(t);
                if (_obj == null)
                fromRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
                String format = "select %s from %s where %s = ?  ;";
                String sql = String.format(format, ORMConfigBeanUtil.getSelectAllColumn(tarClass), tarTable, from) + orderBy;
                // finished
                tarList = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectBySQL(tarClass, sql, fromRefVal);
            } else {
                // 否则的话按照ManyToOne去查询
                // 如果给定了 mappedBy,直接用这个mappedBy来获取filed,否则遍历。
                Field mappedField = null;
                if (mappedBy != null && mappedBy.trim().length() > 0) {
                    mappedField = tarRu.getField(mappedBy);
                } else {
                    for (Field field : tarRu.getFields()) {
                        if (!field.getType().getName().equals(ownClass.getName()))
                        mappedField = field;
                        mappedBy = mappedField.getName();
                if (mappedField == null)
                    throw new Exception("mapped field of " + tarClass + " not found");
                Method tarObjFieldGetter = tarRu.getGetter(mappedBy);
                if (tarObjFieldGetter == null)
                ManyToOne manyToOne = mappedField.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                if (manyToOne == null)
                    manyToOne = tarObjFieldGetter.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                if (manyToOne == null)
                String fromRefCol = null;
                JoinColumn joinCol = mappedField.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                if (joinCol == null)
                    joinCol = tarObjFieldGetter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                if (joinCol != null)
                    fromRefCol = joinCol.referencedColumnName();
                if (fromRefCol == null || fromRefCol.trim().length() == 0)
                    fromRefCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(t);
                String fromRefField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(ownClass, fromRefCol);
                Method fromRefFieldGetter = ru.getGetter(fromRefField);
                if (fromRefFieldGetter == null)
                    throw new Exception("can not find the 'from ref field field -> " + fromRefField + "' of " + ownClass + " 's getter method");
                Object _obj = fromRefFieldGetter.invoke(t);
                if (_obj != null)
                    fromRefVal = String.valueOf(_obj);
                String format = "select %s from %s where %s = ?  ;";
                String sql = String.format(format, ORMConfigBeanUtil.getSelectAllColumn(tarClass), ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(tarClass, true), ORMConfigBeanUtil.getColumn(tarClass, mappedBy)) + orderBy;
                // finished
                tarList = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectBySQL(tarClass, sql, fromRefVal);
            if (tarList == null)
            Method tarSetter = ru.getSetter(f.getName());
            if (tarSetter == null)
            tarSetter.invoke(t, tarList);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DAOException("", e);
Also used : OrderBy(javax.persistence.OrderBy) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) OneToMany(javax.persistence.OneToMany) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) JoinTable(javax.persistence.JoinTable)

Example 3 with DAOException

use of org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class ToOneDAO method init.

	 * 初始化
	 * @param t
	 * @param fields
	 * @throws DAOException
public void init(Object t, List<Field> fields) throws DAOException {
    this.t = t;
    this.fields = fields; = new ReflectUtil(this.t);
    this.table = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(t.getClass(), true);
    // 主类的ID属性名
    this.idField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdField(this.t.getClass());
    this.idColumn = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(this.t.getClass());
    this.idGetter = ru.getGetter(idField);
    //		if (idGetter == null)
    //			throw new DAOException("can not find idGetter.", null);
    Object idVal;
    if (idGetter != null) {
        try {
            idVal = idGetter.invoke(this.t);
            this.idVal = idVal == null ? null : String.valueOf(idVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DAOException("", e);
Also used : DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException)

Example 4 with DAOException

use of org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class DeleteDAOImpl method deleteByFieldIsValue.

public <T> Number[] deleteByFieldIsValue(Class<T>[] clazz, String[] fields, String[] values) throws DAOException {
    Number[] ids = null;
    Connection con = null;
    if (clazz == null || clazz.length == 0)
        return ids;
    ids = new Number[clazz.length];
    try {
        con = ds.getConnection();
        Object[] ts = new Object[clazz.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < clazz.length; ++i) {
            ts[i] = clazz[i].newInstance();
        Sql[] sqls = SqlFactory.getDeleteSql(ts).delete(fields, values);
        List<Object[]> argList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(ts.length);
        for (Sql sql : sqls) {
        Object[][] args = new Object[argList.size()][];
        for (int i = 0; i < argList.size(); i++) {
            args[i] = argList.get(i);
        ids = JdbcUtil.batchUpdateWithArgs(con, sqls[0].sql, args);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DAOException("", e);
    return ids;
Also used : Connection(java.sql.Connection) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Sql(org.eweb4j.orm.sql.Sql) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException)

Example 5 with DAOException

use of org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class DeleteDAOImpl method deleteByFields.

public <T> Number deleteByFields(T t, String[] fields) throws DAOException {
    Number id = 0;
    if (t != null) {
        Connection con = null;
        try {
            con = ds.getConnection();
            Sql[] sqls = SqlFactory.getDeleteSql(new Object[] { t }).delete(fields);
            id = JdbcUtil.updateWithArgs(con, sqls[0].sql, sqls[0].args.toArray());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DAOException("", e);
    return id;
Also used : DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Connection(java.sql.Connection) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Sql(org.eweb4j.orm.sql.Sql)


DAOException (org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException)56 Connection (java.sql.Connection)42 Sql (org.eweb4j.orm.sql.Sql)13 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)9 ReflectUtil (org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil)9 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 JoinColumn (javax.persistence.JoinColumn)6 JoinTable (javax.persistence.JoinTable)6 ManyToMany (javax.persistence.ManyToMany)3 ManyToOne (javax.persistence.ManyToOne)3 OneToMany (javax.persistence.OneToMany)3 Trans (org.eweb4j.orm.jdbc.transaction.Trans)3 Master (test.po.Master)3 List (java.util.List)2 OrderBy (javax.persistence.OrderBy)2 Pet (test.po.Pet)2 OneToOne (javax.persistence.OneToOne)1