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Example 16 with ManyToOne

use of javax.persistence.ManyToOne in project orientdb by orientechnologies.

the class OObjectEntitySerializer method getSpecifiedLinkedType.

public static Class<?> getSpecifiedLinkedType(final Field f) {
    final ManyToOne m = f.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
    if (m != null && !m.targetEntity().equals(void.class))
        return m.targetEntity();
    final OneToOne m2 = f.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
    if (m2 != null && !m2.targetEntity().equals(void.class))
        return m2.targetEntity();
    return null;
Also used : OneToOne(javax.persistence.OneToOne) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne)

Example 17 with ManyToOne

use of javax.persistence.ManyToOne in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class ToOneDAO method select.

//	/**
//	 * 一对一级联更新
//	 */
//	public void update(long newIdVal) {
//		if (newIdVal <= 0 || this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
//			return;
//		if (idVal == null || "0".equals(idVal) || "".equals(idVal)) {
//			return;
//		} else if (DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectOne(t, this.idField) == null) {
//			// 检查一下当前对象的ID是否存在于数据库
//			return;
//		}
//		// "update {table} set {idCol} = {newIdVal} where {idCol} = {idVal}
//		//; update {tarTable} set {fkCol} = {newIdVal} where {fkCol} = {idVal}"
//		String format = "update %s set %s = %s where %s = %s ;";
//		for (Field f : fields) {
//			Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
//			if (tarGetter == null)
//				continue;
//			OneToOne ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//			if (ann == null) 
//				ann = f.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//			if (ann == null)
//				continue;
//			String mappedBy = ann.mappedBy();
//			String fk = null;
//			try {
//				Class<?> tarClass = ann.targetEntity();
//				if (void.class.isAssignableFrom(tarClass))
//					tarClass = f.getType();
//				ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(tarClass);
//				Field[] tarFields = tarRu.getFields();
//				for (Field tarF : tarFields){
//					if (!f.getType().getName().equals(tarF.getType().getName()))
//						continue;
//				    Method tarFGetter = tarRu.getGetter(tarF.getName());
//				    if (tarFGetter == null)
//				    	continue;
//				    OneToOne oneToOne = tarFGetter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//				    if (oneToOne == null)
//				    	oneToOne = tarF.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
//				    	if (oneToOne == null)
//				    		continue;
//					JoinColumn joinColumn = tarFGetter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
//					if (joinColumn == null) 
//						joinColumn = tarF.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
//					if (joinColumn == null)
//						fk = tarF.getName() + "_id";
//					else
//						fk =;
//					String tarTable = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(tarClass);
//					// "update {table} set {idCol} = {newIdVal} where {idCol} = {idVal}
//					//; update {tarTable} set {fkCol} = {newIdVal} where {fkCol} = {idVal}"
//					final String sql1 = String.format(format, table, idColumn, newIdVal, idColumn, idVal);
//					final String sql2 = String.format(format, tarTable, fk, newIdVal, fk, idVal);
//					Transaction.execute(new Trans() {
//						@Override
//						public void run(Object... args) throws Exception {
//							DAOFactory.getUpdateDAO(dsName).updateBySQL(sql1);
//							DAOFactory.getUpdateDAO(dsName).updateBySQL(sql2);						
//						}
//					});
//					break;
//				}
//			} catch (Exception e) {
//				throw new DAOException("", e);
//			}
//		}
//	}
	 * 多对一级联查询 1.获取当前idVal,然后作为条件查询出其外键值,接着通过其外键值查出主对象数据,注入到当前
public void select() {
    if (this.fields == null || this.fields.size() == 0)
    if (idVal == null || "0".equals(idVal) || "".equals(idVal)) {
        log.warn("skip cascade select cause this pojo has no @Id value");
    for (Field f : fields) {
        Method tarGetter = ru.getGetter(f.getName());
        if (tarGetter == null)
        String fk = null;
        OneToOne ann = tarGetter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
        if (ann == null)
            ann = f.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
        if (ann == null) {
            ManyToOne moAn = tarGetter.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
            if (moAn == null)
                moAn = f.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
            if (moAn == null)
        String refCol = null;
        JoinColumn joinCol = f.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
        if (joinCol == null)
            joinCol = tarGetter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
        if (joinCol == null)
            fk = f.getName() + "_id";
        else {
            fk =;
            refCol = joinCol.referencedColumnName();
        Class<?> tarClass = f.getType();
        if (refCol == null || refCol.trim().length() == 0)
            refCol = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(tarClass);
        String refField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(tarClass, refCol);
        try {
            Object _tarObj = tarGetter.invoke(t);
            Object tarObj = null;
            boolean flag = false;
            if (_tarObj != null) {
                Method refFieldGetter = new ReflectUtil(_tarObj).getGetter(refField);
                if (refFieldGetter != null && refFieldGetter.invoke(_tarObj) != null)
                    tarObj = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectOne(_tarObj, refField);
                    flag = true;
            } else
                flag = true;
            if (flag) {
                // select * from {tarTable} where {referencedColumn} = (select {fk} from {table} where {idColumn} = {idVal})
                String format = "select %s from %s where %s = (select %s from %s where %s = %s )";
                String tarTable = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(tarClass, true);
                String sql = String.format(format, ORMConfigBeanUtil.getSelectAllColumn(tarClass), tarTable, refCol, fk, table, idColumn, idVal);
                List<?> tarList = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO(dsName).selectBySQL(tarClass, sql);
                if (tarList == null || tarList.size() == 0)
                tarObj = tarList.get(0);
            if (tarObj == null)
            Method tarSetter = ru.getSetter(f.getName());
            tarSetter.invoke(t, tarObj);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DAOException("", e);
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) DAOException(org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) OneToOne(javax.persistence.OneToOne) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn)

Example 18 with ManyToOne

use of javax.persistence.ManyToOne in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class PojoAnnotationConfig method getProperties.

private static List<Property> getProperties(Class<?> clazz, final List<Property> pList, final boolean requireSuper, Log log) throws Throwable {
    List<Property> result = new ArrayList<Property>();
    ReflectUtil ru;
    try {
        ru = new ReflectUtil(clazz);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.warn(e.toString(), e);
        throw e;
    for (Field f : ru.getFields()) {
        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()))
        String name = f.getName();
        Method getter = ru.getGetter(name);
        if (getter == null)
        Ignore igAnn = f.getAnnotation(Ignore.class);
        if (igAnn == null)
            igAnn = getter.getAnnotation(Ignore.class);
        if (igAnn != null)
        Transient trans = f.getAnnotation(Transient.class);
        if (trans == null)
            trans = getter.getAnnotation(Transient.class);
        if (trans != null)
        OneToMany manyAnn = getter.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
        if (manyAnn != null)
        else {
            manyAnn = f.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
            if (manyAnn != null)
        ManyToMany manyManyAnn = getter.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class);
        if (manyManyAnn != null)
        else {
            manyManyAnn = f.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class);
            if (manyManyAnn != null)
        Property p = new Property();
        if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()) || long.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()))
        else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()) || int.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()))
        else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()))
        else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()) || boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()))
        else if (Float.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()) || float.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()))
        Id idAnn = getter.getAnnotation(Id.class);
        if (idAnn == null)
            idAnn = f.getAnnotation(Id.class);
        if (idAnn != null) {
            if (pList != null && hasIdProperty(pList))
        Column colAnn = getter.getAnnotation(Column.class);
        if (colAnn == null) {
            colAnn = f.getAnnotation(Column.class);
        String column = colAnn == null ? "" :;
        column = "".equals(column.trim()) ? name : column;
        if (colAnn != null) {
            // int size = colAnn.length();
        if (ClassUtil.isPojo(f.getType())) {
            OneToOne oneAnn = getter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
            if (oneAnn == null)
                oneAnn = f.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
            ManyToOne manyToOneAnn = null;
            if (oneAnn == null) {
                manyToOneAnn = getter.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                if (manyToOneAnn == null)
                    manyToOneAnn = f.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
            if (oneAnn != null || manyToOneAnn != null) {
                if (oneAnn != null)
                JoinColumn joinColumn = getter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                if (joinColumn == null)
                    joinColumn = f.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                if (joinColumn != null && > 0)
                    p.setColumn(f.getName() + "_id");
                String refCol = null;
                if (joinColumn != null && joinColumn.referencedColumnName().trim().length() > 0) {
                    refCol = joinColumn.referencedColumnName();
                    if (refCol != null && refCol.trim().length() > 0) {
                        String relField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(f.getType(), refCol);
                        if (relField != null && relField.trim().length() > 0)
    return result;
Also used : Ignore(org.eweb4j.orm.annotation.Ignore) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ManyToMany(javax.persistence.ManyToMany) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) OneToMany(javax.persistence.OneToMany) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) OneToOne(javax.persistence.OneToOne) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn) Column(javax.persistence.Column) Transient(javax.persistence.Transient) Id(javax.persistence.Id) Property(org.eweb4j.orm.config.bean.Property)

Example 19 with ManyToOne

use of javax.persistence.ManyToOne in project eweb4j-framework by laiweiwei.

the class UpdateSqlCreator method makeSQL.

private Sql makeSQL(T t, String[] fields) throws SqlCreateException {
    Sql sql = new Sql();
    Class<?> clazz = t.getClass();
    //if fields is empty
    if (fields == null || fields.length == 0) {
        fields = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getFields(clazz);
    String table = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getTable(clazz, false);
    StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder();
    ReflectUtil ru = new ReflectUtil(t);
    String[] columns = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getColumns(clazz, fields);
    String idColumn = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdColumn(clazz);
    String idField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdField(clazz);
    Method idGetter = ru.getGetter(idField);
    if (idGetter == null)
        throw new SqlCreateException("can not find id getter.");
    Object idValue = null;
    try {
        idValue = idGetter.invoke(t);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SqlCreateException(idGetter + " invoke exception " + e.toString(), e);
    for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
        String field = fields[i];
        String column = columns[i];
        Method getter = ru.getGetter(field);
        if (getter == null)
        try {
            Object _value = getter.invoke(t);
            if (_value == null)
            Object value = null;
            if (ClassUtil.isPojo(_value.getClass())) {
                Field f = ru.getField(field);
                OneToOne oneAnn = getter.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
                if (oneAnn == null)
                    oneAnn = f.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class);
                ManyToOne manyToOneAnn = null;
                if (oneAnn == null) {
                    manyToOneAnn = getter.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                    if (manyToOneAnn == null)
                        manyToOneAnn = f.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                if (oneAnn != null || manyToOneAnn != null) {
                    JoinColumn joinColAnn = getter.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                    if (joinColAnn == null)
                        joinColAnn = f.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
                    if (joinColAnn != null && joinColAnn.referencedColumnName().trim().length() > 0) {
                        String refCol = joinColAnn.referencedColumnName();
                        String refField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getField(_value.getClass(), refCol);
                        ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(_value);
                        Method tarFKGetter = tarRu.getGetter(refField);
                        value = tarFKGetter.invoke(_value);
                    } else {
                        ReflectUtil tarRu = new ReflectUtil(_value);
                        String tarFKField = ORMConfigBeanUtil.getIdField(_value.getClass());
                        if (tarFKField != null) {
                            Method tarFKGetter = tarRu.getGetter(tarFKField);
                            value = tarFKGetter.invoke(_value);
                if (value == null)
            } else {
                value = _value;
            if (values.length() > 0)
                values.append(", ");
            //				values.append(column).append(" = '").append(value).append("'");
            values.append(column).append(" = ? ");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SqlCreateException(idGetter + " invoke exception " + e.toString(), e);
    //		String condition = new StringBuilder().append(idColumn).append(" = ").append("'").append(idValue).append("'").toString();
    String condition = new StringBuilder().append(idColumn).append(" = ? ").toString();
    sql.sql = String.format("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s ;", table, values, condition);
    return sql;
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) ReflectUtil(org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) OneToOne(javax.persistence.OneToOne) JoinColumn(javax.persistence.JoinColumn)

Example 20 with ManyToOne

use of javax.persistence.ManyToOne in project simplejpa by appoxy.

the class Save method persistOnly.

protected void persistOnly(Object o, String id) throws AmazonClientException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, IOException {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    em.invokeEntityListener(o, newObject ? PrePersist.class : PreUpdate.class);
    AnnotationInfo ai = em.getFactory().getAnnotationManager().getAnnotationInfo(o);
    UpdateCondition expected = null;
    PersistentProperty versionField = null;
    Long nextVersion = -1L;
    String domainName;
    if (ai.getRootClass() != null) {
        domainName = em.getOrCreateDomain(ai.getRootClass());
    } else {
        domainName = em.getOrCreateDomain(o.getClass());
    // Item item = DomainHelper.findItemById(this.em.getSimpleDb(),
    // domainName, id);
    // now set attributes
    List<ReplaceableAttribute> attsToPut = new ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute>();
    List<Attribute> attsToDelete = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
    if (ai.getDiscriminatorValue() != null) {
        attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.DTYPE, ai.getDiscriminatorValue(), true));
    LazyInterceptor interceptor = null;
    if (o instanceof Factory) {
        Factory factory = (Factory) o;
             * for (Callback callback2 : factory.getCallbacks()) {
             * if(logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.finer("callback=" +
             * callback2); if (callback2 instanceof LazyInterceptor) {
             * interceptor = (LazyInterceptor) callback2; } }
        interceptor = (LazyInterceptor) factory.getCallback(0);
    for (PersistentProperty field : ai.getPersistentProperties()) {
        Object ob = field.getProperty(o);
        String columnName = field.getColumnName();
        if (ob == null) {
            attsToDelete.add(new Attribute(columnName, null));
        if (field.isForeignKeyRelationship()) {
            // store the id of this object
            if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getRawClass())) {
                for (Object each : (Collection) ob) {
                    String id2 = em.getId(each);
                    attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(columnName, id2, true));
            } else {
                String id2 = em.getId(ob);
                attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(columnName, id2, true));
                /* check if we should persist this */
                boolean persistRelationship = false;
                ManyToOne a = field.getGetter().getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
                if (a != null && null != a.cascade()) {
                    CascadeType[] cascadeType = a.cascade();
                    for (CascadeType type : cascadeType) {
                        if (CascadeType.ALL == type || CascadeType.PERSIST == type) {
                            persistRelationship = true;
                if (persistRelationship) {
        } else if (field.isVersioned()) {
            Long curVersion = Long.parseLong("" + ob);
            nextVersion = (1 + curVersion);
            attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(columnName, em.padOrConvertIfRequired(nextVersion), true));
            if (curVersion > 0) {
                expected = new UpdateCondition(columnName, em.padOrConvertIfRequired(curVersion), true);
            } else {
                expected = new UpdateCondition().withName(columnName).withExists(false);
            versionField = field;
        } else if (field.isInverseRelationship()) {
            // ... except for cascading persistence down to all items in the
            // OneToMany collection
            /* check if we should persist this */
            boolean persistRelationship = false;
            OneToMany a = field.getGetter().getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
            CascadeType[] cascadeType = a.cascade();
            for (CascadeType type : cascadeType) {
                if (CascadeType.ALL == type || CascadeType.PERSIST == type) {
                    persistRelationship = true;
            if (persistRelationship) {
                if (ob instanceof Collection) {
                    // shouldn't it?
                    for (Object _item : (Collection) ob) {
                        // persist each item in the collection
        } else if (field.isLob()) {
            // store in s3
            AmazonS3 s3 = null;
            // todo: need to make sure we only store to S3 if it's changed,
            // too slow.
            logger.fine("putting lob to s3");
            long start3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            s3 = em.getS3Service();
            String bucketName = em.getS3BucketName();
            String s3ObjectId = id + "-" + field.getFieldName();
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
            byte[] contentBytes = bos.toByteArray();
            InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(contentBytes);
            s3.putObject(bucketName, s3ObjectId, input, null);
            em.statsS3Put(System.currentTimeMillis() - start3);
            logger.finer("setting lobkeyattribute=" + columnName + " - " + s3ObjectId);
            attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(columnName, s3ObjectId, true));
        } else if (field.getEnumType() != null) {
            String toSet = getEnumValue(field, o);
            attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(columnName, toSet, true));
        } else if (field.isId()) {
        } else if (Collection.class.isInstance(ob)) {
            for (Object each : ((Collection) ob)) {
                String toSet = each != null ? em.padOrConvertIfRequired(each) : "";
                // todo: throw an exception if this is going to exceed
                // maximum size, suggest using @Lob
                attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(columnName, toSet, true));
        } else {
            String toSet = ob != null ? em.padOrConvertIfRequired(ob) : "";
            // todo: throw an exception if this is going to exceed maximum
            // size, suggest using @Lob
            attsToPut.add(new ReplaceableAttribute(columnName, toSet, true));
    // Now finally send it for storage (If have attributes to add)
    long start2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long duration2;
    if (!attsToPut.isEmpty()) {
        this.em.getSimpleDb().putAttributes(new PutAttributesRequest().withDomainName(domainName).withItemName(id).withAttributes(attsToPut).withExpected(expected));
        duration2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - start2;
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            logger.fine("putAttributes time=" + (duration2));
        em.statsAttsPut(attsToPut.size(), duration2);
        if (null != versionField)
            versionField.setProperty(o, nextVersion);
         * Check for nulled attributes so we can send a delete call. Don't
         * delete attributes if this is a new object AND don't delete atts if
         * it's not dirty AND don't delete if no nulls were set (nulledField on
         * LazyInterceptor)
    if (interceptor != null) {
        if (interceptor.getNulledFields() != null && interceptor.getNulledFields().size() > 0) {
            List<Attribute> attsToDelete2 = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
            for (String s : interceptor.getNulledFields().keySet()) {
                String columnName = ai.getPersistentProperty(s).getColumnName();
                attsToDelete2.add(new Attribute(columnName, null));
            start2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            this.em.getSimpleDb().deleteAttributes(new DeleteAttributesRequest().withDomainName(domainName).withItemName(id).withAttributes(attsToDelete2));
            // todo: what about lobs? need to delete from s3
            duration2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - start2;
            logger.fine("deleteAttributes time=" + (duration2));
            em.statsAttsDeleted(attsToDelete2.size(), duration2);
        } else {
            logger.fine("deleteAttributes time= no nulled fields, nothing to delete.");
    } else {
        if (!newObject && attsToDelete.size() > 0) {
            // not enhanced, but still have to deal with deleted attributes
            start2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // for (ItemAttribute itemAttribute : attsToDelete) {
            // System.out.println("itemAttr=" + itemAttribute.getName() +
            // ": " + itemAttribute.getValue());
            // }
            this.em.getSimpleDb().deleteAttributes(new DeleteAttributesRequest().withDomainName(domainName).withItemName(id).withAttributes(attsToDelete));
            // todo: what about lobs? need to delete from s3
            duration2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - start2;
            logger.fine("deleteAttributes time=" + (duration2));
            em.statsAttsDeleted(attsToDelete.size(), duration2);
    if (interceptor != null) {
        // reset the interceptor since we're all synced with the db now
    em.invokeEntityListener(o, newObject ? PostPersist.class : PostUpdate.class);
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
        logger.fine("persistOnly time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
Also used : AmazonS3( Attribute( ReplaceableAttribute( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Factory(net.sf.cglib.proxy.Factory) PersistentProperty(com.spaceprogram.simplejpa.PersistentProperty) ObjectOutputStream( ManyToOne(javax.persistence.ManyToOne) PreUpdate(javax.persistence.PreUpdate) ReplaceableAttribute( PostUpdate(javax.persistence.PostUpdate) PrePersist(javax.persistence.PrePersist) DeleteAttributesRequest( LazyInterceptor(com.spaceprogram.simplejpa.LazyInterceptor) UpdateCondition( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( PostPersist(javax.persistence.PostPersist) ByteArrayOutputStream( OneToMany(javax.persistence.OneToMany) ByteArrayInputStream( CascadeType(javax.persistence.CascadeType) Collection(java.util.Collection) PutAttributesRequest( AnnotationInfo(com.spaceprogram.simplejpa.AnnotationInfo)


ManyToOne (javax.persistence.ManyToOne)22 OneToOne (javax.persistence.OneToOne)13 JoinColumn (javax.persistence.JoinColumn)11 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)10 ReflectUtil (org.eweb4j.util.ReflectUtil)10 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)9 OneToMany (javax.persistence.OneToMany)7 Test (org.junit.Test)5 ManyToMany (javax.persistence.ManyToMany)4 Column (javax.persistence.Column)3 FetchType (javax.persistence.FetchType)3 Id (javax.persistence.Id)3 JoinTable (javax.persistence.JoinTable)3 DAOException (org.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 AnnotationException (org.hibernate.AnnotationException)2 AssertionFailure (org.hibernate.AssertionFailure)2 AmazonS3 ( Attribute ( DeleteAttributesRequest (