use of javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class JPAJoin method join.
public JPAJoin join(final String relation) {
final QRelation rel = entity.getRelation(relation);
final JoinType joinType;
// For non-nullable non-collection joins, use an INNER join instead of a LEFT join
if (!rel.isNullable() && !rel.isCollection())
joinType = JoinType.INNER;
joinType = JoinType.LEFT;
final Join<Object, Object> join = root.join(relation, joinType);
return new JPAJoin(builder, rel, join, rel.isCollection());
use of javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType in project crnk-framework by crnk-project.
the class JoinRegistry method getOrCreateJoin.
private F getOrCreateJoin(MetaAttributePath srcPath, MetaAttribute targetAttr) {
MetaAttributePath path = srcPath.concat(targetAttr);
F parent = joinMap.get(srcPath);
F join = joinMap.get(path);
if (join == null) {
JoinType joinType = query.getJoinType(path);
join = backend.doJoin(targetAttr, joinType, parent);
joinMap.put(path, join);
return join;
use of javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.
the class SingularAttributeJoinTest method testEntityModeMapJoins.
* When building a join from a non-class based entity (EntityMode.MAP), make sure you get the Bindable from
* the SingularAttribute as the join model. If you don't, you'll get the first non-classed based entity
* you added to your configuration. Regression for HHH-9142.
public void testEntityModeMapJoins() throws Exception {
CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder = mock(CriteriaBuilderImpl.class);
PathSource pathSource = mock(PathSource.class);
SingularAttribute joinAttribute = mock(SingularAttribute.class);
Type joinType = mock(Type.class, withSettings().extraInterfaces(Bindable.class));
SingularAttributeJoin join = new SingularAttributeJoin(criteriaBuilder, null, pathSource, joinAttribute, JoinType.LEFT);
assertEquals(joinType, join.getModel());