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Example 1 with javax.print

use of javax.print in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class CPrinterJob method print.

public void print(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws PrinterException {
    // NOTE: Some of this code is copied from RasterPrinterJob.
    // this code uses javax.print APIs
    // this will make it print directly to the printer
    // this will not work if the user clicks on the "Preview" button
    // However if the printer is a StreamPrintService, its the right path.
    PrintService psvc = getPrintService();
    if (psvc == null) {
        throw new PrinterException("No print service found.");
    if (psvc instanceof StreamPrintService) {
        spoolToService(psvc, attributes);
    // throw exception for invalid destination
    if (destinationAttr != null) {
    /* Get the range of pages we are to print. If the
         * last page to print is unknown, then we print to
         * the end of the document. Note that firstPage
         * and lastPage are 0 based page indices.
    int firstPage = getFirstPage();
    int lastPage = getLastPage();
    if (lastPage == Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES) {
        int totalPages = mDocument.getNumberOfPages();
        if (totalPages != Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES) {
            lastPage = mDocument.getNumberOfPages() - 1;
    try {
        synchronized (this) {
            performingPrinting = true;
            userCancelled = false;
        //Add support for PageRange
        PageRanges pr = (attributes == null) ? null : (PageRanges) attributes.get(PageRanges.class);
        int[][] prMembers = (pr == null) ? new int[0][0] : pr.getMembers();
        int loopi = 0;
        do {
            if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
                // This is an AWT EventQueue, and this print rendering loop needs to block it.
                onEventThread = true;
                printingLoop = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<SecondaryLoop>() {

                    public SecondaryLoop run() {
                        return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().createSecondaryLoop();
                try {
                    //  it wait and block this thread.
                    if (printLoop(false, firstPage, lastPage)) {
                        // Start a secondary loop on EDT until printing operation is finished or cancelled
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else {
                // Fire off the print rendering loop on the AppKit, and block this thread
                //  until it is done.
                // But don't actually block... we need to come back here!
                onEventThread = false;
                try {
                    printLoop(true, firstPage, lastPage);
                } catch (Exception e) {
            if (++loopi < prMembers.length) {
                firstPage = prMembers[loopi][0] - 1;
                lastPage = prMembers[loopi][1] - 1;
        } while (loopi < prMembers.length);
    } finally {
        synchronized (this) {
            // NOTE: Native code shouldn't allow exceptions out while
            // printing. They should cancel the print loop.
            performingPrinting = false;
        if (printingLoop != null) {
// Normalize the collated, # copies, numPages, first/last pages. Need to
//  make note of pageRangesAttr.
// Set up NSPrintInfo with the java settings (PageFormat & Paper).
// Create an NSView for printing. Have knowsPageRange return YES, and give the correct
//  range, or MAX? if unknown. Have rectForPage do a peekGraphics check before returning
//  the rectangle. Have drawRect do the real render of the page. Have printJobTitle do
//  the right thing.
// Call NSPrintOperation, it will call NSView.drawRect: for each page.
// NSView.drawRect: will create a CPrinterGraphics with the current CGContextRef, and then
//  pass this Graphics onto the Printable with the appropriate PageFormat and index.
// Need to be able to cancel the NSPrintOperation (using code from RasterPrinterJob, be
//  sure to initialize userCancelled and performingPrinting member variables).
// Extensions available from AppKit: Print to PDF or EPS file!
Also used : PageRanges(javax.print.attribute.standard.PageRanges) PrivilegedAction( java.awt.print(java.awt.print) javax.print(javax.print) sun.print(sun.print)


java.awt.print (java.awt.print)1 PrivilegedAction ( javax.print (javax.print)1 PageRanges (javax.print.attribute.standard.PageRanges)1 sun.print (sun.print)1