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Example 1 with PasswordCredential

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class ManagedConnectionImplTest method testGetConnectionWithSubject.

public void testGetConnectionWithSubject() throws ResourceException {
    String user = new String("user");
    char[] password = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
    PasswordCredential creds = new PasswordCredential(user, password);
    Object o = mci.getConnection(subj, cri);
Also used : PasswordCredential( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with PasswordCredential

use of in project teiid by teiid.

the class PassthroughIdentityLoginModule method commit.

public boolean commit() throws LoginException {
    // Put the principal name into the sharedState map
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    sharedState.put("", userName);
    if (this.addPrincipal) {
        // Add the PasswordCredential
        if (this.password != null) {
            PasswordCredential cred = new PasswordCredential(userName, password);
            SecurityActions.addCredentials(subject, cred);
    if (this.callerSubject != null) {
        GSSCredential rawCredential = getGssCredential(this.callerSubject);
        if (rawCredential != null) {
            log.trace("Kerberos passthough mechanism in works");
            this.storedCredential = wrapGssCredential ? wrapCredential(rawCredential) : rawCredential;
            this.intermediateSubject = GSSUtil.createGssSubject(rawCredential, storedCredential);
            if (this.intermediateSubject == null) {
                throw new LoginException(;
            log.tracef("created a subject from deletegate credential");
            makeCopy(intermediateSubject, this.subject);
            log.tracef("Copied contents of temporary Subject to Subject from the LoginContext");
            addPrivateCredential(this.subject, storedCredential);
            log.trace("Also add the GSSCredential to the Subject");
        } else {
            makeCopy(this.callerSubject, this.subject);
    log.trace("Adding module option properties as private credential");
    // if oauth credential available in calling context then add the OAuthCredential.
    if (OAuthCredentialContext.getCredential() != null) {
        addPrivateCredential(this.subject, OAuthCredentialContext.getCredential());
        log.trace("Adding OAuth credential as private credential");
    return true;
Also used : GSSCredential(org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential) PasswordCredential( LoginException(

Example 3 with PasswordCredential

use of in project activemq-artemis by apache.

the class ActiveMQRACredential method getCredential.

 * Get credentials
 * @param mcf     The managed connection factory
 * @param subject The subject
 * @param info    The connection request info
 * @return The credentials
 * @throws SecurityException Thrown if the credentials can't be retrieved
public static ActiveMQRACredential getCredential(final ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, final Subject subject, final ConnectionRequestInfo info) throws SecurityException {
    if (ActiveMQRACredential.trace) {
        ActiveMQRALogger.LOGGER.trace("getCredential(" + mcf + ", " + subject + ", " + info + ")");
    ActiveMQRACredential jc = new ActiveMQRACredential();
    if (subject == null && info != null) {
        jc.setUserName(((ActiveMQRAConnectionRequestInfo) info).getUserName());
        jc.setPassword(((ActiveMQRAConnectionRequestInfo) info).getPassword());
    } else if (subject != null) {
        PasswordCredential pwdc = GetCredentialAction.getCredential(subject, mcf);
        if (pwdc == null) {
            throw new SecurityException("No password credentials found");
        jc.setPassword(new String(pwdc.getPassword()));
    } else {
        throw new SecurityException("No Subject or ConnectionRequestInfo set, could not get credentials");
    return jc;
Also used : PasswordCredential( SecurityException(javax.resource.spi.SecurityException)

Example 4 with PasswordCredential

use of in project wildfly by wildfly.

the class ElytronCallbackHandler method handleInternal.

protected void handleInternal(final CallerPrincipalCallback callerPrincipalCallback, final GroupPrincipalCallback groupPrincipalCallback, final PasswordValidationCallback passwordValidationCallback) throws IOException {
    if (this.executionSubject == null) {
        throw SUBSYSTEM_RA_LOGGER.executionSubjectNotSetInHandler();
    SecurityIdentity identity = this.securityDomain.getAnonymousSecurityIdentity();
    // establish the caller principal using the info from the callback.
    Principal callerPrincipal = null;
    if (callerPrincipalCallback != null) {
        Principal callbackPrincipal = callerPrincipalCallback.getPrincipal();
        callerPrincipal = callbackPrincipal != null ? new NamePrincipal(callbackPrincipal.getName()) : callerPrincipalCallback.getName() != null ? new NamePrincipal(callerPrincipalCallback.getName()) : null;
    // a null principal is the ra contract for requiring the use of the unauthenticated identity - no point in attempting to authenticate.
    if (callerPrincipal != null) {
        // check if we have a username/password pair to authenticate - first try the password validation callback.
        if (passwordValidationCallback != null) {
            final String username = passwordValidationCallback.getUsername();
            final char[] password = passwordValidationCallback.getPassword();
            try {
                identity = this.authenticate(username, password);
                // add a password credential to the execution subject and set the successful result in the callback.
                this.addPrivateCredential(this.executionSubject, new PasswordCredential(username, password));
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
        } else {
            // identity not established using the callback - check if the execution subject contains a password credential.
            PasswordCredential passwordCredential = this.getPrivateCredential(this.executionSubject, PasswordCredential.class);
            if (passwordCredential != null) {
                try {
                    identity = this.authenticate(passwordCredential.getUserName(), passwordCredential.getPassword());
                } catch (SecurityException e) {
            } else {
                identity = securityDomain.createAdHocIdentity(callerPrincipal);
        // is different from the identity principal and switch to the caller principal identity if needed.
        if (!callerPrincipal.equals(identity.getPrincipal())) {
            identity = identity.createRunAsIdentity(callerPrincipal.getName());
        // if we have new roles coming from the group callback, set a new mapper in the identity.
        if (groupPrincipalCallback != null) {
            String[] groups = groupPrincipalCallback.getGroups();
            if (groups != null) {
                Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(groups));
                // TODO what category should we use here?
                identity = identity.withRoleMapper(ElytronSecurityIntegration.SECURITY_IDENTITY_ROLE, RoleMapper.constant(Roles.fromSet(roles)));
    // set the authenticated identity as a private credential in the subject.
    this.addPrivateCredential(executionSubject, identity);
Also used : SecurityIdentity( NamePrincipal( PasswordCredential( NamePrincipal( Principal( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 5 with PasswordCredential

use of in project wildfly by wildfly.

the class ElytronSubjectFactory method createSubject.

 * Create a {@link Subject} with the principal and password credential obtained from the authentication configuration
 * that matches the target {@link URI}.
 * @param authenticationContext the {@link AuthenticationContext} used to select a configuration that matches the
 *                              target {@link URI}.
 * @return the constructed {@link Subject}. It contains a single principal and a {@link PasswordCredential}.
private Subject createSubject(final AuthenticationContext authenticationContext) {
    final AuthenticationConfiguration configuration = AUTH_CONFIG_CLIENT.getAuthenticationConfiguration(this.targetURI, authenticationContext);
    final CallbackHandler handler = AUTH_CONFIG_CLIENT.getCallbackHandler(configuration);
    final NameCallback nameCallback = new NameCallback("Username: ");
    final PasswordCallback passwordCallback = new PasswordCallback("Password: ", false);
    final CredentialCallback credentialCallback = new CredentialCallback(GSSKerberosCredential.class);
    try {
        handler.handle(new Callback[] { nameCallback, passwordCallback, credentialCallback });
        Subject subject = new Subject();
        // if a GSSKerberosCredential was found, add the enclosed GSSCredential and KerberosTicket to the private set in the Subject.
        if (credentialCallback.getCredential() != null) {
            GSSKerberosCredential kerberosCredential = GSSKerberosCredential.class.cast(credentialCallback.getCredential());
            this.addPrivateCredential(subject, kerberosCredential.getKerberosTicket());
            this.addPrivateCredential(subject, kerberosCredential.getGssCredential());
            // use the GSSName to build a kerberos principal and set it in the Subject.
            GSSName gssName = kerberosCredential.getGssCredential().getName();
            subject.getPrincipals().add(new KerberosPrincipal(gssName.toString()));
        // use the name from the callback, if available, to build a principal and set it in the Subject.
        if (nameCallback.getName() != null) {
            subject.getPrincipals().add(new NamePrincipal(nameCallback.getName()));
        // use the password from the callback, if available, to build a credential and set it as a private credential in the Subject.
        if (passwordCallback.getPassword() != null) {
            this.addPrivateCredential(subject, new PasswordCredential(nameCallback.getName(), passwordCallback.getPassword()));
        return subject;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SecurityException(e);
Also used : AuthenticationConfiguration( GSSName(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName) KerberosPrincipal( CallbackHandler( NamePrincipal( PasswordCredential( CredentialCallback( Subject( GSSKerberosCredential( NameCallback( PasswordCallback(


PasswordCredential ( DataSourceObjectBuilder (com.sun.gjc.common.DataSourceObjectBuilder)4 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)4 ResourceException (javax.resource.ResourceException)4 Subject ( StringManager (com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager)3 Principal ( ResourceAllocationException (javax.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException)3 ResourcePrincipal (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourcePrincipal)2 Properties (java.util.Properties)2 NamingException (javax.naming.NamingException)2 ManagedConnection (javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection)2 ManagedConnectionFactory (javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory)2 XAResource (javax.transaction.xa.XAResource)2 PoolInfo (org.glassfish.resourcebase.resources.api.PoolInfo)2 ResourceInfo (org.glassfish.resourcebase.resources.api.ResourceInfo)2 NamePrincipal ( ConnectorRuntime (com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntime)1 ConnectorRuntimeException (com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntimeException)1 Config (com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Config)1