use of in project tomcat by apache.
the class AuthenticatorBase method authenticateJaspic.
private boolean authenticateJaspic(Request request, Response response, JaspicState state, boolean requirePrincipal) {
boolean cachedAuth = checkForCachedAuthentication(request, response, false);
Subject client = new Subject();
AuthStatus authStatus;
try {
authStatus = state.serverAuthContext.validateRequest(state.messageInfo, client, null);
} catch (AuthException e) {
log.debug(sm.getString("authenticator.loginFail"), e);
return false;
request.setRequest((HttpServletRequest) state.messageInfo.getRequestMessage());
response.setResponse((HttpServletResponse) state.messageInfo.getResponseMessage());
if (authStatus == AuthStatus.SUCCESS) {
GenericPrincipal principal = getPrincipal(client);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Authenticated user: " + principal);
if (principal == null) {
if (requirePrincipal) {
return false;
} else if (cachedAuth == false || !principal.getUserPrincipal().equals(request.getUserPrincipal())) {
// Skip registration if authentication credentials were
// cached and the Principal did not change.
request.setNote(Constants.REQ_JASPIC_SUBJECT_NOTE, client);
// JASPIC API uses raw types
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map map = state.messageInfo.getMap();
if (map != null && map.containsKey("javax.servlet.http.registerSession")) {
register(request, response, principal, "JASPIC", null, null, true, true);
} else {
register(request, response, principal, "JASPIC", null, null);
return true;
return false;
use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class JaspiAuthenticator method secureResponse.
public boolean secureResponse(JaspiMessageInfo messageInfo, Authentication validatedUser) throws ServerAuthException {
try {
String authContextId = _authConfig.getAuthContextID(messageInfo);
ServerAuthContext authContext = _authConfig.getAuthContext(authContextId, _serviceSubject, _authProperties);
// authContext.cleanSubject(messageInfo,validatedUser.getUserIdentity().getSubject());
AuthStatus status = authContext.secureResponse(messageInfo, _serviceSubject);
return (AuthStatus.SEND_SUCCESS.equals(status));
} catch (AuthException e) {
throw new ServerAuthException(e);
use of in project jetty.project by eclipse.
the class JaspiAuthenticator method validateRequest.
public Authentication validateRequest(JaspiMessageInfo messageInfo) throws ServerAuthException {
try {
String authContextId = _authConfig.getAuthContextID(messageInfo);
ServerAuthContext authContext = _authConfig.getAuthContext(authContextId, _serviceSubject, _authProperties);
Subject clientSubject = new Subject();
AuthStatus authStatus = authContext.validateRequest(messageInfo, clientSubject, _serviceSubject);
if (authStatus == AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE)
return Authentication.SEND_CONTINUE;
if (authStatus == AuthStatus.SEND_FAILURE)
return Authentication.SEND_FAILURE;
if (authStatus == AuthStatus.SUCCESS) {
Set<UserIdentity> ids = clientSubject.getPrivateCredentials(UserIdentity.class);
UserIdentity userIdentity;
if (ids.size() > 0) {
userIdentity = ids.iterator().next();
} else {
CallerPrincipalCallback principalCallback = _callbackHandler.getThreadCallerPrincipalCallback();
if (principalCallback == null) {
return Authentication.UNAUTHENTICATED;
Principal principal = principalCallback.getPrincipal();
if (principal == null) {
String principalName = principalCallback.getName();
Set<Principal> principals = principalCallback.getSubject().getPrincipals();
for (Principal p : principals) {
if (p.getName().equals(principalName)) {
principal = p;
if (principal == null) {
return Authentication.UNAUTHENTICATED;
GroupPrincipalCallback groupPrincipalCallback = _callbackHandler.getThreadGroupPrincipalCallback();
String[] groups = groupPrincipalCallback == null ? null : groupPrincipalCallback.getGroups();
userIdentity = _identityService.newUserIdentity(clientSubject, principal, groups);
HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) messageInfo.getRequestMessage()).getSession(false);
Authentication cached = (session == null ? null : (SessionAuthentication) session.getAttribute(SessionAuthentication.__J_AUTHENTICATED));
if (cached != null)
return cached;
return new UserAuthentication(getAuthMethod(), userIdentity);
if (authStatus == AuthStatus.SEND_SUCCESS) {
// we are processing a message in a secureResponse dialog.
return Authentication.SEND_SUCCESS;
if (authStatus == AuthStatus.FAILURE) {
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) messageInfo.getResponseMessage();
return Authentication.SEND_FAILURE;
// should not happen
throw new IllegalStateException("No AuthStatus returned");
} catch (IOException | AuthException e) {
throw new ServerAuthException(e);
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class JaspiAuthModuleWrapper method onLoginSuccess.
* Post processing of successful authentication, which initialises the underlying JASPI ServerAuthModule, as a new
* instance of this class is created for the Post Authentication Process, and then calls the subtypes
* onLoginSuccess method, and then finally calls the JASPI ServerAuthModule's secureResponse method.
* @param requestParamsMap {@inheritDoc}
* @param request {@inheritDoc}
* @param response {@inheritDoc}
* @param ssoToken {@inheritDoc}
* @throws AuthenticationException {@inheritDoc}
public void onLoginSuccess(Map requestParamsMap, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SSOToken ssoToken) throws AuthenticationException {
try {
Map<String, Object> config = initialize(requestParamsMap, request, response, ssoToken);
serverAuthModule.initialize(createRequestMessagePolicy(), null, null, config);
MessageInfo messageInfo = prepareMessageInfo(request, response);
onLoginSuccess(messageInfo, requestParamsMap, request, response, ssoToken);
AuthStatus authStatus = serverAuthModule.secureResponse(messageInfo, null);
if (AuthStatus.SEND_SUCCESS.equals(authStatus)) {
// nothing to do here just carry on
debug.message("Successfully secured response.");
} else if (AuthStatus.SEND_FAILURE.equals(authStatus)) {
// Send HttpServletResponse to client and exit.
debug.message("Failed to secured response, included response message");
throw new AuthenticationException(resourceBundleName, "authFailed", null);
} else if (AuthStatus.SEND_CONTINUE.equals(authStatus)) {
// Send HttpServletResponse to client and exit.
debug.message("Has not finished securing response. Requires more information from client.");
throw new AuthenticationException(resourceBundleName, "authFailed", null);
} else {
debug.error("Invalid AuthStatus, " + authStatus.toString());
throw new AuthenticationException(resourceBundleName, "authFailed", null);
} catch (AuthException e) {
debug.error("Authentication Failed", e);
throw new AuthenticationException(resourceBundleName, "authFailed", null);
use of in project tomcat by apache.
the class SimpleServerAuthContext method validateRequest.
// JASPIC API uses raw types
public AuthStatus validateRequest(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject clientSubject, Subject serviceSubject) throws AuthException {
for (int moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < modules.size(); moduleIndex++) {
ServerAuthModule module = modules.get(moduleIndex);
AuthStatus result = module.validateRequest(messageInfo, clientSubject, serviceSubject);
if (result != AuthStatus.SEND_FAILURE) {
messageInfo.getMap().put("moduleIndex", Integer.valueOf(moduleIndex));
return result;
return AuthStatus.SEND_FAILURE;