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Example 1 with DialogState

use of javax.sip.DialogState in project jain-sip.ha by RestComm.

the class AbstractHASipDialog method setState.

public void setState(int state) {
    DialogState oldState = this.getState();
    final ReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy = ((ClusteredSipStack) getStack()).getReplicationStrategy();
    if (replicationStrategy == ReplicationStrategy.EarlyDialog && (oldState == null || oldState.getValue() != state)) {
        dialogStateChanged = true;
        if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(StackLogger.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
Also used : DialogState(javax.sip.DialogState) ReplicationStrategy(org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip.ReplicationStrategy) ClusteredSipStack(org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip.ClusteredSipStack)

Example 2 with DialogState

use of javax.sip.DialogState in project jain-sip.ha by RestComm.

the class ConfirmedNoAppDataReplicationSipDialog method replicateState.

protected void replicateState() {
    final DialogState dialogState = getState();
    final ReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy = ((ClusteredSipStack) getStack()).getReplicationStrategy();
    boolean replicationStateVsDialogStateOK = false;
    if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(StackLogger.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
        logger.logDebug("dialogState = " + dialogState + ", replicationStrategy = " + replicationStrategy);
    if (dialogState == DialogState.CONFIRMED && (replicationStrategy == ReplicationStrategy.ConfirmedDialog || replicationStrategy == ReplicationStrategy.ConfirmedDialogNoApplicationData)) {
        replicationStateVsDialogStateOK = true;
    if ((dialogState == DialogState.EARLY || dialogState == DialogState.CONFIRMED || // Added as part of
    dialogState == DialogState.TERMINATED) && replicationStrategy == ReplicationStrategy.EarlyDialog) {
        replicationStateVsDialogStateOK = true;
    if (replicationStateVsDialogStateOK && isCreated && super.dialogId != null && isRemoteTagSet() && isLocalTagSet() && getStack().getDialog(getDialogIdToReplicate()) != null) {
        try {
            ((ClusteredSipStack) getStack()).getSipCache().putDialog(this);
        } catch (SipCacheException e) {
            logger.logError("problem storing dialog " + getDialogId() + " into the distributed cache", e);
Also used : DialogState(javax.sip.DialogState) ReplicationStrategy(org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip.ReplicationStrategy) ClusteredSipStack(org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip.ClusteredSipStack) SipCacheException(org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip.cache.SipCacheException)

Example 3 with DialogState

use of javax.sip.DialogState in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class SIPServerTransaction method sendResponse.

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.sip.ServerTransaction#sendResponse(javax.sip.message.Response)
public void sendResponse(Response response) throws SipException {
    SIPResponse sipResponse = (SIPResponse) response;
    SIPDialog dialog = this.dialog;
    if (response == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("null response");
    try {
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
        throw new SipException(ex.getMessage());
    // check for meaningful response.
    if (!sipResponse.getCSeq().getMethod().equals(this.getMethod())) {
        throw new SipException("CSeq method does not match Request method of request that created the tx.");
         * 200-class responses to SUBSCRIBE requests also MUST contain an "Expires" header. The
         * period of time in the response MAY be shorter but MUST NOT be longer than specified in
         * the request.
    if (this.getMethod().equals(Request.SUBSCRIBE) && response.getStatusCode() / 100 == 2) {
        if (response.getHeader(ExpiresHeader.NAME) == null) {
            throw new SipException("Expires header is mandatory in 2xx response of SUBSCRIBE");
        } else {
            Expires requestExpires = (Expires) this.getOriginalRequest().getExpires();
            Expires responseExpires = (Expires) response.getExpires();
                 * If no "Expires" header is present in a SUBSCRIBE request, the implied default
                 * is defined by the event package being used.
            if (requestExpires != null && responseExpires.getExpires() > requestExpires.getExpires()) {
                throw new SipException("Response Expires time exceeds request Expires time : See RFC 3265 3.1.1");
    // Check for mandatory header.
    if (sipResponse.getStatusCode() == 200 && sipResponse.getCSeq().getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE) && sipResponse.getHeader(ContactHeader.NAME) == null)
        throw new SipException("Contact Header is mandatory for the OK to the INVITE");
    if (!this.isMessagePartOfTransaction((SIPMessage) response)) {
        throw new SipException("Response does not belong to this transaction.");
    // Fix up the response if the dialog has already been established.
    try {
             * The UAS MAY send a final response to the initial request before
             * having received PRACKs for all unacknowledged reliable provisional responses,
             * unless the final response is 2xx and any of the unacknowledged reliable provisional
             * responses contained a session description. In that case, it MUST NOT send a final
             * response until those provisional responses are acknowledged.
        if (this.pendingReliableResponse != null && this.getDialog() != null && this.getState() != TransactionState.TERMINATED && ((SIPResponse) response).getContentTypeHeader() != null && response.getStatusCode() / 100 == 2 && ((SIPResponse) response).getContentTypeHeader().getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application") && ((SIPResponse) response).getContentTypeHeader().getContentSubType().equalsIgnoreCase("sdp")) {
            try {
                boolean acquired = this.provisionalResponseSem.tryAcquire(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                if (!acquired) {
                    throw new SipException("cannot send response -- unacked povisional");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                this.sipStack.getStackLogger().logError("Could not acquire PRACK sem ", ex);
        } else {
            // pending response task.
            if (this.pendingReliableResponse != null && sipResponse.isFinalResponse()) {
                this.provisionalResponseTask = null;
        // being sent makes sense.
        if (dialog != null) {
            if (sipResponse.getStatusCode() / 100 == 2 && sipStack.isDialogCreated(sipResponse.getCSeq().getMethod())) {
                if (dialog.getLocalTag() == null && sipResponse.getTo().getTag() == null) {
                    // Trying to send final response and user forgot to set
                    // to
                    // tag on the response -- be nice and assign the tag for
                    // the user.
                } else if (dialog.getLocalTag() != null && sipResponse.getToTag() == null) {
                } else if (dialog.getLocalTag() != null && sipResponse.getToTag() != null && !dialog.getLocalTag().equals(sipResponse.getToTag())) {
                    throw new SipException("Tag mismatch dialogTag is " + dialog.getLocalTag() + " responseTag is " + sipResponse.getToTag());
            if (!sipResponse.getCallId().getCallId().equals(dialog.getCallId().getCallId())) {
                throw new SipException("Dialog mismatch!");
        // Backward compatibility slippery slope....
        // Only set the from tag in the response when the
        // incoming request has a from tag.
        String fromTag = ((SIPRequest) this.getRequest()).getFrom().getTag();
        if (fromTag != null && sipResponse.getFromTag() != null && !sipResponse.getFromTag().equals(fromTag)) {
            throw new SipException("From tag of request does not match response from tag");
        } else if (fromTag != null) {
        } else {
            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
                sipStack.getStackLogger().logDebug("WARNING -- Null From tag in request!!");
        // or if the state of the dialog needs to be changed.
        if (dialog != null && response.getStatusCode() != 100) {
            DialogState oldState = dialog.getState();
            dialog.setLastResponse(this, (SIPResponse) response);
            if (oldState == null && dialog.getState() == DialogState.TERMINATED) {
                DialogTerminatedEvent event = new DialogTerminatedEvent(dialog.getSipProvider(), dialog);
                // Provide notification to the listener that the dialog has
                // ended.
                dialog.getSipProvider().handleEvent(event, this);
        } else if (dialog == null && this.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE) && this.retransmissionAlertEnabled && this.retransmissionAlertTimerTask == null && response.getStatusCode() / 100 == 2) {
            String dialogId = ((SIPResponse) response).getDialogId(true);
            this.retransmissionAlertTimerTask = new RetransmissionAlertTimerTask(dialogId);
            sipStack.retransmissionAlertTransactions.put(dialogId, this);
            sipStack.getTimer().schedule(this.retransmissionAlertTimerTask, 0, SIPTransactionStack.BASE_TIMER_INTERVAL);
        // Send message after possibly inserting the Dialog
        // into the dialog table to avoid a possible race condition.
        this.sendMessage((SIPResponse) response);
        if (dialog != null) {
            dialog.startRetransmitTimer(this, (SIPResponse) response);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
        throw new SipException(ex.getMessage());
    } catch (java.text.ParseException ex1) {
        if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
        throw new SipException(ex1.getMessage());
Also used : DialogState(javax.sip.DialogState) IOException( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) SipException(javax.sip.SipException) IOException( ObjectInUseException(javax.sip.ObjectInUseException) SIPResponse(gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPResponse) DialogTerminatedEvent(javax.sip.DialogTerminatedEvent) SIPMessage(gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPMessage) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Expires(gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Expires) SipException(javax.sip.SipException) ParseException(java.text.ParseException)

Example 4 with DialogState

use of javax.sip.DialogState in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class SIPTransactionStack method auditDialogs.

     * Audits SIP dialogs for leaks - Compares the dialogs in the dialogTable with a list of Call
     * IDs passed by the application. - Dialogs that are not known by the application are leak
     * suspects. - Kill the dialogs that are still around after the timer specified.
     * @return Audit report, null if no dialog leaks were found
private String auditDialogs(Set activeCallIDs, long leakedDialogTimer) {
    String auditReport = "  Leaked dialogs:\n";
    int leakedDialogs = 0;
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Make a shallow copy of the dialog list.
    // This copy will remain intact as leaked dialogs are removed by the
    // stack.
    LinkedList dialogs;
    synchronized (dialogTable) {
        dialogs = new LinkedList(dialogTable.values());
    // Iterate through the dialogDialog, get the callID of each dialog and
    // check if it's in the
    // list of active calls passed by the application. If it isn't, start
    // the timer on it.
    // If the timer has expired, kill the dialog.
    Iterator it = dialogs.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        // Get the next dialog
        SIPDialog itDialog = (SIPDialog);
        // Get the call id associated with this dialog
        CallIdHeader callIdHeader = (itDialog != null ? itDialog.getCallId() : null);
        String callID = (callIdHeader != null ? callIdHeader.getCallId() : null);
        // Check if the application knows about this call id
        if (itDialog != null && callID != null && !activeCallIDs.contains(callID)) {
            // Application doesn't know anything about this dialog...
            if (itDialog.auditTag == 0) {
                // Mark this dialog as suspect
                itDialog.auditTag = currentTime;
            } else {
                // time's up.
                if (currentTime - itDialog.auditTag >= leakedDialogTimer) {
                    // Leaked dialog found
                    // Generate report
                    DialogState dialogState = itDialog.getState();
                    String dialogReport = "dialog id: " + itDialog.getDialogId() + ", dialog state: " + (dialogState != null ? dialogState.toString() : "null");
                    auditReport += "    " + dialogReport + "\n";
                    // Kill it
                    if (stackLogger.isLoggingEnabled())
                        stackLogger.logDebug("auditDialogs: leaked " + dialogReport);
    // Return final report
    if (leakedDialogs > 0) {
        auditReport += "    Total: " + Integer.toString(leakedDialogs) + " leaked dialogs detected and removed.\n";
    } else {
        auditReport = null;
    return auditReport;
Also used : DialogState(javax.sip.DialogState) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) CallIdHeader(javax.sip.header.CallIdHeader) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 5 with DialogState

use of javax.sip.DialogState in project load-balancer by RestComm.

the class BackToBackUserAgent method processRequest.

public void processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
    try {
        Request request = requestEvent.getRequest();
        if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) {
            ServerTransaction st = sp.getNewServerTransaction(requestEvent.getRequest());
            incomingDialog = st.getDialog();
            try {
                replyToRequestEvent(requestEvent.getRequest(), st, Response.TRYING);
                Request newRequest = (Request) request.clone();
                FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) newRequest.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME);
                fromHeader.setTag(Long.toString(Math.abs(new Random().nextLong())));
                ViaHeader viaHeader = ((ListeningPointExt) sp.getListeningPoint(transport)).createViaHeader();
                ContactHeader contactHeader = ((ListeningPointExt) sp.getListeningPoint(transport)).createContactHeader();
                SipURI route = this.protocolObjects.addressFactory.createSipURI("lbint", lbAddress + ":" + lbPort);
                route.setParameter("node_host", "");
                route.setParameter("node_port", "" + port);
                RouteHeader routeHeader = (RouteHeader) this.protocolObjects.headerFactory.createRouteHeader(this.protocolObjects.addressFactory.createAddress(route));
                clientTransaction = sp.getNewClientTransaction(newRequest);
                outgoingDialog = clientTransaction.getDialog();
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                replyToRequestEvent(request, st, Response.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
        } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) {
            ServerTransaction st = requestEvent.getServerTransaction();
            replyToRequestEvent(requestEvent.getRequest(), st, Response.OK);
            Dialog peerDialog = getPeerDialog(requestEvent.getDialog());
            Request outgoingRequest = peerDialog.createRequest(requestEvent.getRequest().getMethod());
            final ClientTransaction ct = sp.getNewClientTransaction(outgoingRequest);
        } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL)) {
            try {
                final Dialog peerDialog = outgoingDialog;
                final DialogState peerDialogState = peerDialog.getState();
                if (peerDialogState == null || peerDialogState == DialogState.EARLY) {
                    Request cancelRequest = clientTransaction.createCancel();
                } else {
                    clientTransaction = sp.getNewClientTransaction(peerDialog.createRequest(Request.BYE));
            } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
Also used : ContactHeader(javax.sip.header.ContactHeader) RouteHeader(javax.sip.header.RouteHeader) RecordRouteHeader(javax.sip.header.RecordRouteHeader) DialogState(javax.sip.DialogState) FromHeader(javax.sip.header.FromHeader) ClientTransaction(javax.sip.ClientTransaction) Request(javax.sip.message.Request) SipURI(javax.sip.address.SipURI) InvalidArgumentException(javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) SipException(javax.sip.SipException) ListeningPointExt(gov.nist.javax.sip.ListeningPointExt) Random(java.util.Random) ViaHeader(javax.sip.header.ViaHeader) Dialog(javax.sip.Dialog) ServerTransaction(javax.sip.ServerTransaction)


DialogState (javax.sip.DialogState)5 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)2 SipException (javax.sip.SipException)2 ClusteredSipStack (org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip.ClusteredSipStack)2 ReplicationStrategy (org.mobicents.ha.javax.sip.ReplicationStrategy)2 ListeningPointExt (gov.nist.javax.sip.ListeningPointExt)1 Expires (gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Expires)1 SIPMessage (gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPMessage)1 SIPResponse (gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPResponse)1 IOException ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 ClientTransaction (javax.sip.ClientTransaction)1 Dialog (javax.sip.Dialog)1 DialogTerminatedEvent (javax.sip.DialogTerminatedEvent)1 InvalidArgumentException (javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException)1 ObjectInUseException (javax.sip.ObjectInUseException)1 ServerTransaction (javax.sip.ServerTransaction)1 SipURI (javax.sip.address.SipURI)1