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Example 1 with Element

use of javax.swing.text.Element in project languagetool by languagetool-org.

the class ResultAreaHelper method setHeader.

private void setHeader(String txt) {
    HTMLDocument d = (HTMLDocument) statusPane.getDocument();
    Element e = d.getElement(HEADER);
    try {
        d.setInnerHTML(e, "<p class=\"grayed\">" + txt + "</p>");
    } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
Also used : HTMLDocument(javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument) Element(javax.swing.text.Element) IOException( BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)

Example 2 with Element

use of javax.swing.text.Element in project languagetool by languagetool-org.

the class ResultAreaHelper method setMain.

private void setMain(String html) {
    HTMLDocument d = (HTMLDocument) statusPane.getDocument();
    Element e = d.getElement(MAIN);
    try {
        d.setInnerHTML(e, html);
    } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
Also used : HTMLDocument(javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument) Element(javax.swing.text.Element) IOException( BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)

Example 3 with Element

use of javax.swing.text.Element in project sonarqube by SonarSource.

the class TextLineNumber method getOffsetY.

   * Determine the Y offset for the current row
private int getOffsetY(int rowStartOffset, FontMetrics fontMetrics) throws BadLocationException {
    // Get the bounding rectangle of the row
    Rectangle r = component.modelToView(rowStartOffset);
    int lineHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
    int y = r.y + r.height;
    int descent = 0;
    if (// default font is being used
    r.height == lineHeight) {
        descent = fontMetrics.getDescent();
    } else // We need to check all the attributes for font changes
        if (fonts == null)
            fonts = new HashMap<>();
        Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
        int index = root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset);
        Element line = root.getElement(index);
        for (int i = 0; i < line.getElementCount(); i++) {
            Element child = line.getElement(i);
            AttributeSet as = child.getAttributes();
            String fontFamily = (String) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontFamily);
            Integer fontSize = (Integer) as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize);
            String key = fontFamily + fontSize;
            FontMetrics fm = fonts.get(key);
            if (fm == null) {
                Font font = new Font(fontFamily, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
                fm = component.getFontMetrics(font);
                fonts.put(key, fm);
            descent = Math.max(descent, fm.getDescent());
    return y - descent;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AttributeSet(javax.swing.text.AttributeSet) FontMetrics(java.awt.FontMetrics) Element(javax.swing.text.Element) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Point(java.awt.Point) Font(java.awt.Font)

Example 4 with Element

use of javax.swing.text.Element in project sonarqube by SonarSource.

the class TextLineNumber method isCurrentLine.

   * We need to know if the caret is currently positioned on the line we
   * are about to paint so the line number can be highlighted.
private boolean isCurrentLine(int rowStartOffset) {
    int caretPosition = component.getCaretPosition();
    Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
    return root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset) == root.getElementIndex(caretPosition);
Also used : Element(javax.swing.text.Element) Point(java.awt.Point)

Example 5 with Element

use of javax.swing.text.Element in project sonarqube by SonarSource.

the class TextLineNumber method getTextLineNumber.

   * Get the line number to be drawn. The empty string will be returned
   * when a line of text has wrapped.
protected String getTextLineNumber(int rowStartOffset) {
    Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
    int index = root.getElementIndex(rowStartOffset);
    Element line = root.getElement(index);
    if (line.getStartOffset() == rowStartOffset)
        return String.valueOf(index + 1);
        return "";
Also used : Element(javax.swing.text.Element) Point(java.awt.Point)


Element (javax.swing.text.Element)90 BadLocationException (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)33 Point (java.awt.Point)16 AttributeSet (javax.swing.text.AttributeSet)14 Document (javax.swing.text.Document)14 HTMLDocument (javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument)11 View (javax.swing.text.View)5 FontMetrics (java.awt.FontMetrics)4 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)4 IOException ( AbstractDocument (javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument)4 java.awt (java.awt)3 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)3 Font (java.awt.Font)3 Objects (java.util.Objects)3 javax.swing (javax.swing)3 AbstractElement (javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement)3 HTML (javax.swing.text.html.HTML)3 HTMLEditorKit (javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit)3 TreePath (javax.swing.tree.TreePath)3