use of javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode in project binnavi by google.
the class CAddressSpaceNodeTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, FileReadException, CouldntLoadDataException, CouldntSaveDataException, LoadCancelledException {
m_database = new MockDatabase(m_provider);
m_project = new CProject(1, "Mock Project", "Mock Project Description", new Date(), new Date(), 0, new ArrayList<DebuggerTemplate>(), m_provider);
m_addressSpace = m_project.getContent().createAddressSpace("Address Space");
final CProjectTreeModel model = new CProjectTreeModel(m_tree);
model.setRoot(new DefaultMutableTreeNode());
assertTrue(((LinkedHashSet<?>) ReflectionHelpers.getField(ReflectionHelpers.getField(m_database, "listeners"), "m_listeners")) == null);
assertTrue(((LinkedHashSet<?>) ReflectionHelpers.getField(ReflectionHelpers.getField(m_project, "m_listeners"), "m_listeners")) == null);
assertTrue(((LinkedHashSet<?>) ReflectionHelpers.getField(ReflectionHelpers.getField(m_addressSpace, "m_listeners"), "m_listeners")) == null);
assertTrue(((LinkedHashSet<?>) ReflectionHelpers.getField(ReflectionHelpers.getField(ZyGraphBuilderManager.instance(), "m_listeners"), "m_listeners")) == null);
m_container = new CProjectContainer(m_database, m_project, m_addressSpace);
use of javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode in project processing by processing.
the class Base method addSketches.
public boolean addSketches(DefaultMutableTreeNode node, File folder, boolean examples) throws IOException {
// skip .DS_Store files, etc (this shouldn't actually be necessary)
if (!folder.isDirectory()) {
return false;
final String folderName = folder.getName();
// Don't look inside the 'libraries' folders in the sketchbook
if (folderName.equals("libraries")) {
return false;
// to be named 'examples'.
if (!examples && folderName.equals("examples")) {
return false;
// // Conversely, when looking for examples, ignore the other folders
// // (to avoid going through hoops with the tree node setup).
// if (examples && !folderName.equals("examples")) {
// return false;
// }
// // Doesn't quite work because the parent will be 'examples', and we want
// // to walk inside that, but the folder itself will have a different name
String[] fileList = folder.list();
// If a bad folder or unreadable or whatever, this will come back null
if (fileList == null) {
return false;
// Alphabetize the list, since it's not always alpha order
Arrays.sort(fileList, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
boolean found = false;
for (String name : fileList) {
if (name.charAt(0) == '.') {
// Skip hidden files
File subfolder = new File(folder, name);
if (subfolder.isDirectory()) {
File entry = checkSketchFolder(subfolder, name);
if (entry != null) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode item = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new SketchReference(name, entry));
found = true;
} else {
// not a sketch folder, but maybe a subfolder containing sketches
DefaultMutableTreeNode subnode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(name);
// needs to be separate var otherwise would set ifound to false
boolean anything = addSketches(subnode, subfolder, examples);
if (anything) {
found = true;
return found;
use of javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode in project processing by processing.
the class ExamplesFrame method expandTree.
void expandTree(JTree tree, Object object, String[] items, DefaultMutableTreeNode[] nodes, int index) {
// if (object == null) {
// object = model.getRoot();
// }
TreeModel model = tree.getModel();
if (index == 0) {
nodes[0] = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) model.getRoot();
expandTree(tree, nodes[0], items, nodes, 1);
} else if (index < items.length) {
// String item = items[0];
// TreeModel model = object.getModel();
// System.out.println(object.getClass().getName());
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) object;
int count = model.getChildCount(node);
// System.out.println("child count is " + count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) model.getChild(node, i);
if (items[index].equals(child.getUserObject())) {
nodes[index] = child;
expandTree(tree, child, items, nodes, index + 1);
} else {
// last one
// PApplet.println(nodes);
tree.expandPath(new TreePath(nodes));
use of javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode in project processing by processing.
the class ExamplesFrame method updateExpanded.
protected void updateExpanded(JTree tree) {
Enumeration en = tree.getExpandedDescendants(new TreePath(tree.getModel().getRoot()));
//en.nextElement(); // skip the root "Examples" node
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
TreePath tp = (TreePath) en.nextElement();
Object[] path = tp.getPath();
for (Object o : path) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode p = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) o;
String name = (String) p.getUserObject();
//System.out.print(p.getUserObject().getClass().getName() + ":" + p.getUserObject() + " -> ");
//System.out.print(name + " -> ");
s.setCharAt(s.length() - 1, File.pathSeparatorChar);
// nix that last separator
s.setLength(s.length() - 1);
String pref = "examples." + getClass().getName() + ".visible";
Preferences.set(pref, s.toString());;
// System.out.println(s);
// System.out.println();
use of javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode in project processing by processing.
the class ExamplesFrame method buildTree.
protected DefaultMutableTreeNode buildTree() {
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
try {
// Get the list of Mode-specific examples, in the order the Mode wants
// to present them (i.e. Basics, then Topics, then Demos...)
File[] examples = mode.getExampleCategoryFolders();
for (File subFolder : examples) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode subNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(subFolder.getName());
if (base.addSketches(subNode, subFolder, true)) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode foundationLibraries = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Language.text("examples.core_libraries"));
// Get examples for core libraries
for (Library lib : mode.coreLibraries) {
if (lib.hasExamples()) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode libNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(lib.getName());
if (base.addSketches(libNode, lib.getExamplesFolder(), true)) {
if (foundationLibraries.getChildCount() > 0) {
// Get examples for third party libraries
DefaultMutableTreeNode contributedLibExamples = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Language.text("examples.libraries"));
for (Library lib : mode.contribLibraries) {
if (lib.hasExamples()) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode libNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(lib.getName());
base.addSketches(libNode, lib.getExamplesFolder(), true);
if (contributedLibExamples.getChildCount() > 0) {
} catch (IOException e) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode contributedExamplesNode = buildContribTree();
if (contributedExamplesNode.getChildCount() > 0) {
return root;