Search in sources :

Example 1 with Library

use of in project processing by processing.

the class ExamplesFrame method buildTree.

protected DefaultMutableTreeNode buildTree() {
    DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
    try {
        // Get the list of Mode-specific examples, in the order the Mode wants
        // to present them (i.e. Basics, then Topics, then Demos...)
        File[] examples = mode.getExampleCategoryFolders();
        for (File subFolder : examples) {
            DefaultMutableTreeNode subNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(subFolder.getName());
            if (base.addSketches(subNode, subFolder, true)) {
        DefaultMutableTreeNode foundationLibraries = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Language.text("examples.core_libraries"));
        // Get examples for core libraries
        for (Library lib : mode.coreLibraries) {
            if (lib.hasExamples()) {
                DefaultMutableTreeNode libNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(lib.getName());
                if (base.addSketches(libNode, lib.getExamplesFolder(), true)) {
        if (foundationLibraries.getChildCount() > 0) {
        // Get examples for third party libraries
        DefaultMutableTreeNode contributedLibExamples = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Language.text("examples.libraries"));
        for (Library lib : mode.contribLibraries) {
            if (lib.hasExamples()) {
                DefaultMutableTreeNode libNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(lib.getName());
                base.addSketches(libNode, lib.getExamplesFolder(), true);
        if (contributedLibExamples.getChildCount() > 0) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    DefaultMutableTreeNode contributedExamplesNode = buildContribTree();
    if (contributedExamplesNode.getChildCount() > 0) {
    return root;
Also used : DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) Library( IOException( File(

Example 2 with Library

use of in project processing by processing.

the class Recent method updateMenuRecord.

private static void updateMenuRecord(JMenu menu, final Record rec, String sketchbookPath) {
    try {
        String recPath = new File(rec.getPath()).getParent();
        String purtyPath = null;
        if (recPath.startsWith(sketchbookPath)) {
            purtyPath = "sketchbook → " + recPath.substring(sketchbookPath.length() + 1);
        } else {
            List<Mode> modes = base.getModeList();
            for (Mode mode : modes) {
                File examplesFolder = mode.getExamplesFolder();
                String examplesPath = examplesFolder.getAbsolutePath();
                if (recPath.startsWith(examplesPath)) {
                    String modePrefix = mode.getTitle() + " ";
                    if (mode.getTitle().equals("Standard")) {
                        // "Standard examples" is dorky
                        modePrefix = "";
                    purtyPath = modePrefix + "examples → " + recPath.substring(examplesPath.length() + 1);
                if (mode.coreLibraries != null) {
                    for (Library lib : mode.coreLibraries) {
                        examplesFolder = lib.getExamplesFolder();
                        examplesPath = examplesFolder.getAbsolutePath();
                        if (recPath.startsWith(examplesPath)) {
                            purtyPath = lib.getName() + " examples → " + recPath.substring(examplesPath.length() + 1);
                if (mode.contribLibraries != null) {
                    for (Library lib : mode.contribLibraries) {
                        examplesFolder = lib.getExamplesFolder();
                        examplesPath = examplesFolder.getAbsolutePath();
                        if (recPath.startsWith(examplesPath)) {
                            purtyPath = lib.getName() + " examples → " + recPath.substring(examplesPath.length() + 1);
        if (purtyPath == null) {
            String homePath = System.getProperty("user.home");
            if (recPath.startsWith(homePath)) {
                // Not localized, but this is gravy. It'll work on OS X & EN Windows
                String desktopPath = homePath + File.separator + "Desktop";
                if (recPath.startsWith(desktopPath)) {
                    purtyPath = "Desktop → " + recPath.substring(desktopPath.length() + 1);
                } else {
                    //purtyPath = "⌂ → " + recPath.substring(homePath.length() + 1);
                    //purtyPath = "Home → " + recPath.substring(homePath.length() + 1);
                    String userName = new File(homePath).getName();
                    //purtyPath = "⌂ " + userName + " → " + recPath.substring(homePath.length() + 1);
                    purtyPath = userName + " → " + recPath.substring(homePath.length() + 1);
            } else {
                purtyPath = recPath;
        //      JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(rec.getName() + " | " + purtyPath);
        JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(purtyPath);
        item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                // Base will call handle() (below) which will cause this entry to
                // be removed from the list and re-added to the end. If already
                // opened, Base will bring the window forward, and also call handle()
                // so that it's re-queued to the newest slot in the Recent menu.
            //          if (rec.sketch == null) {
            //            // this will later call 'add' to put it back on the stack
            //            base.handleOpen(rec.path); //, rec.state);
            ////            int index = findRecord(rec);
            ////            if (index != -1) {
            ////              records.remove(index);  // remove from the list
            ////              save();  // write the recent file with the latest
            ////            }
            //          } else {
            ////              System.out.println("sketch not null in handleOpen: " + record.getPath());
            //          }
        menu.insert(item, 0);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Strange things can happen... report them for the geeky and move on:
Also used : ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) Mode( Library( JMenuItem(javax.swing.JMenuItem) File( IOException(

Example 3 with Library

use of in project processing by processing.

the class JavaBuild method preprocess.

   * @param srcFolder location where the .java source files will be placed
   * @param packageName null, or the package name that should be used as default
   * @param preprocessor the preprocessor object ready to do the work
   * @return main PApplet class name found during preprocess, or null if error
   * @throws SketchException
public String preprocess(File srcFolder, String packageName, PdePreprocessor preprocessor, boolean sizeWarning) throws SketchException {
    // make sure the user isn't playing "hide the sketch folder"
    //    System.out.println("srcFolder is " + srcFolder);
    classPath = binFolder.getAbsolutePath();
    // figure out the contents of the code folder to see if there
    // are files that need to be added to the imports
    StringList codeFolderPackages = null;
    if (sketch.hasCodeFolder()) {
        File codeFolder = sketch.getCodeFolder();
        javaLibraryPath = codeFolder.getAbsolutePath();
        // get a list of .jar files in the "code" folder
        // (class files in subfolders should also be picked up)
        String codeFolderClassPath = Util.contentsToClassPath(codeFolder);
        // append the jar files in the code folder to the class path
        classPath += File.pathSeparator + codeFolderClassPath;
        // get list of packages found in those jars
        codeFolderPackages = Util.packageListFromClassPath(codeFolderClassPath);
    } else {
        javaLibraryPath = "";
    // 1. concatenate all .pde files to the 'main' pde
    //    store line number for starting point of each code bit
    StringBuilder bigCode = new StringBuilder();
    int bigCount = 0;
    for (SketchCode sc : sketch.getCode()) {
        if (sc.isExtension("pde")) {
            bigCount += sc.getLineCount();
    // initSketchSize() sets the internal sketchWidth/Height/Renderer vars
    // in the preprocessor. Those are used in preproc.write() so that they
    // can be used to add methods (settings() or sketchXxxx())
    //String[] sizeParts =
    SurfaceInfo sizeInfo = preprocessor.initSketchSize(sketch.getMainProgram(), sizeWarning);
    if (sizeInfo == null) {
        // An error occurred while trying to pull out the size, so exit here
        return null;
    // by writeFooter() when it emits the settings() method.
    if (sizeInfo != null && sizeInfo.hasSettings()) {
        //      String sizeStatement = sizeInfo.getStatement();
        for (String stmt : sizeInfo.getStatements()) {
            //System.out.format("size stmt is '%s'%n", sizeStatement);
            // Don't remove newlines (and while you're at it, just keep spaces)
            stmt = stmt.trim();
            int index = bigCode.indexOf(stmt);
            if (index != -1) {
                bigCode.delete(index, index + stmt.length());
            } else {
                // TODO remove once we hit final; but prevent an exception like in
                System.err.format("Error removing '%s' from the code.", stmt);
    PreprocessorResult result;
    try {
        File outputFolder = (packageName == null) ? srcFolder : new File(srcFolder, packageName.replace('.', '/'));
        //      Base.openFolder(outputFolder);
        final File java = new File(outputFolder, sketch.getName() + ".java");
        final PrintWriter stream = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(java));
        try {
            result = preprocessor.write(stream, bigCode.toString(), codeFolderPackages);
        } finally {
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
        String msg = "Build folder disappeared or could not be written";
        throw new SketchException(msg);
    } catch (antlr.RecognitionException re) {
        // re also returns a column that we're not bothering with for now
        // first assume that it's the main file
        //      int errorFile = 0;
        int errorLine = re.getLine() - 1;
        // then search through for anyone else whose preprocName is null,
        // since they've also been combined into the main pde.
        int errorFile = findErrorFile(errorLine);
        //      System.out.println("error line is " + errorLine + ", file is " + errorFile);
        errorLine -= sketch.getCode(errorFile).getPreprocOffset();
        //      System.out.println("  preproc offset for that file: " + sketch.getCode(errorFile).getPreprocOffset());
        //      System.out.println("i found this guy snooping around..");
        //      System.out.println("whatcha want me to do with 'im boss?");
        //      System.out.println(errorLine + " " + errorFile + " " + code[errorFile].getPreprocOffset());
        String msg = re.getMessage();
        if (msg.contains("expecting RCURLY")) {
            // useful for other similar situations).
            throw new SketchException("Found one too many { characters " + "without a } to match it.", errorFile, errorLine, re.getColumn(), false);
        if (msg.contains("expecting LCURLY")) {
            String suffix = ".";
            String[] m = PApplet.match(msg, "found ('.*')");
            if (m != null) {
                suffix = ", not " + m[1] + ".";
            throw new SketchException("Was expecting a { character" + suffix, errorFile, errorLine, re.getColumn(), false);
        if (msg.indexOf("expecting RBRACK") != -1) {
            throw new SketchException("Syntax error, " + "maybe a missing ] character?", errorFile, errorLine, re.getColumn(), false);
        if (msg.indexOf("expecting SEMI") != -1) {
            throw new SketchException("Syntax error, " + "maybe a missing semicolon?", errorFile, errorLine, re.getColumn(), false);
        if (msg.indexOf("expecting RPAREN") != -1) {
            throw new SketchException("Syntax error, " + "maybe a missing right parenthesis?", errorFile, errorLine, re.getColumn(), false);
        if (msg.indexOf("preproc.web_colors") != -1) {
            throw new SketchException("A web color (such as #ffcc00) " + "must be six digits.", errorFile, errorLine, re.getColumn(), false);
        //System.out.println("msg is " + msg);
        throw new SketchException(msg, errorFile, errorLine, re.getColumn(), false);
    } catch (antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException tsre) {
        // while this seems to store line and column internally,
        // there doesn't seem to be a method to grab it..
        // so instead it's done using a regexp
        //      System.err.println("and then she tells me " + tsre.toString());
        // TODO not tested since removing ORO matcher.. ^ could be a problem
        String mess = "^line (\\d+):(\\d+):\\s";
        String[] matches = PApplet.match(tsre.toString(), mess);
        if (matches != null) {
            int errorLine = Integer.parseInt(matches[1]) - 1;
            int errorColumn = Integer.parseInt(matches[2]);
            int errorFile = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < sketch.getCodeCount(); i++) {
                SketchCode sc = sketch.getCode(i);
                if (sc.isExtension("pde") && (sc.getPreprocOffset() < errorLine)) {
                    errorFile = i;
            errorLine -= sketch.getCode(errorFile).getPreprocOffset();
            throw new SketchException(tsre.getMessage(), errorFile, errorLine, errorColumn);
        } else {
            // this is bad, defaults to the main class.. hrm.
            String msg = tsre.toString();
            throw new SketchException(msg, 0, -1, -1);
    } catch (SketchException pe) {
        // get lost in the more general "Exception" handler below.
        throw pe;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // TODO better method for handling this?
        System.err.println("Uncaught exception type:" + ex.getClass());
        throw new SketchException(ex.toString());
    // grab the imports from the code just preprocessed
    importedLibraries = new ArrayList<Library>();
    Library core = mode.getCoreLibrary();
    if (core != null) {
        classPath += core.getClassPath();
        javaLibraryPath += File.pathSeparator + core.getNativePath();
    //    System.out.println("extra imports: " + result.extraImports);
    for (String item : result.extraImports) {
        //      System.out.println("item = '" + item + "'");
        // remove things up to the last dot
        int dot = item.lastIndexOf('.');
        String entry = (dot == -1) ? item : item.substring(0, dot);
        if (item.startsWith("static ")) {
            // import static -
            // Remove more stuff.
            int dot2 = item.lastIndexOf('.');
            entry = entry.substring(7, (dot2 == -1) ? entry.length() : dot2);
        //        System.out.println(entry);
        //      System.out.println("library searching for " + entry);
        Library library = mode.getLibrary(entry);
        if (library != null) {
            if (!importedLibraries.contains(library)) {
                classPath += library.getClassPath();
                javaLibraryPath += File.pathSeparator + library.getNativePath();
        } else {
            boolean found = false;
            // import, don't show an error for it.
            if (codeFolderPackages != null) {
                String itemPkg = entry;
                for (String pkg : codeFolderPackages) {
                    if (pkg.equals(itemPkg)) {
                        found = true;
            if (ignorableImport(entry + '.')) {
                found = true;
            if (!found) {
                System.err.println("No library found for " + entry);
    //    PApplet.println(PApplet.split(libraryPath, File.pathSeparatorChar));
    // Finally, add the regular Java CLASSPATH. This contains everything
    // imported by the PDE itself (core.jar, pde.jar, quaqua.jar) which may
    // in fact be more of a problem.
    String javaClassPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
    // Remove quotes if any.. A messy (and frequent) Windows problem
    if (javaClassPath.startsWith("\"") && javaClassPath.endsWith("\"")) {
        javaClassPath = javaClassPath.substring(1, javaClassPath.length() - 1);
    classPath += File.pathSeparator + javaClassPath;
    for (SketchCode sc : sketch.getCode()) {
        if (sc.isExtension("java")) {
            // In most cases, no pre-processing services necessary for Java files.
            // Just write the the contents of 'program' to a .java file
            // into the build directory. However, if a default package is being
            // used (as in Android), and no package is specified in the source,
            // then we need to move this code to the same package as the sketch.
            // Otherwise, the class may not be found, or at a minimum, the default
            // access across the packages will mean that things behave incorrectly.
            // For instance, desktop code that uses a .java file with no packages,
            // will be fine with the default access, but since Android's PApplet
            // requires a package, code from that (default) package (such as the
            // PApplet itself) won't have access to methods/variables from the
            // package-less .java file (unless they're all marked public).
            String filename = sc.getFileName();
            try {
                String javaCode = sc.getProgram();
                String[] packageMatch = PApplet.match(javaCode, PACKAGE_REGEX);
                if (packageMatch == null && packageName == null) {
                    sc.copyTo(new File(srcFolder, filename));
                } else {
                    if (packageMatch == null) {
                        // use the default package name, since mixing with package-less code will break
                        packageMatch = new String[] { "", packageName };
                        // add the package name to the source before writing it
                        javaCode = "package " + packageName + ";" + javaCode;
                    File packageFolder = new File(srcFolder, packageMatch[1].replace('.', File.separatorChar));
                    Util.saveFile(javaCode, new File(packageFolder, filename));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Problem moving " + filename + " to the build folder";
                throw new SketchException(msg);
        } else if (sc.isExtension("pde")) {
            // The compiler and runner will need this to have a proper offset
    foundMain = preprocessor.hasMethod("main");
    return result.className;
Also used : SketchCode( StringList( SketchException( BuildException( PreprocessorResult( SketchException( Library( ZipFile( SurfaceInfo(

Example 4 with Library

use of in project processing by processing.

the class JavaBuild method exportApplication.

   * Export to application without GUI. Also called by the Commander.
protected boolean exportApplication(File destFolder, int exportPlatform, String exportVariant, boolean embedJava) throws IOException, SketchException {
    for (Library library : importedLibraries) {
        if (!library.supportsArch(exportPlatform, exportVariant)) {
            String pn = PConstants.platformNames[exportPlatform];
            Messages.showWarning("Quibbles 'n Bits", "The application." + pn + exportVariant + " folder will not be created\n" + "because no " + exportVariant + " version of " + library.getName() + " is available for " + pn, null);
            // don't cancel all exports for this, just move along
            return true;
    /// prep the output directory
    /// figure out where the jar files will be placed
    File jarFolder = new File(destFolder, "lib");
    /// where all the skeleton info lives
    /// on macosx, need to copy .app skeleton since that's
    /// also where the jar files will be placed
    File dotAppFolder = null;
    String jvmRuntime = "";
    String jdkPath = null;
    if (exportPlatform == PConstants.MACOSX) {
        dotAppFolder = new File(destFolder, sketch.getName() + ".app");
        File contentsOrig = new File(Platform.getJavaHome(), "../../../../..");
        if (embedJava) {
            File jdkFolder = new File(Platform.getJavaHome(), "../../..");
            String jdkFolderName = jdkFolder.getCanonicalFile().getName();
            jvmRuntime = "<key>JVMRuntime</key>\n    <string>" + jdkFolderName + "</string>";
            jdkPath = new File(dotAppFolder, "Contents/PlugIns/" + jdkFolderName).getAbsolutePath();
        File contentsFolder = new File(dotAppFolder, "Contents");
        // Info.plist will be written later
        // set the jar folder to a different location than windows/linux
        //jarFolder = new File(dotAppFolder, "Contents/Resources/Java");
        jarFolder = new File(contentsFolder, "Java");
        File macosFolder = new File(contentsFolder, "MacOS");
        Util.copyFile(new File(contentsOrig, "MacOS/Processing"), new File(contentsFolder, "MacOS/" + sketch.getName()));
        File pkgInfo = new File(contentsFolder, "PkgInfo");
        PrintWriter writer = PApplet.createWriter(pkgInfo);
        // Use faster(?) native copy here (also to do sym links)
        if (embedJava) {
            Util.copyDirNative(new File(contentsOrig, "PlugIns"), new File(contentsFolder, "PlugIns"));
        File resourcesFolder = new File(contentsFolder, "Resources");
        Util.copyDir(new File(contentsOrig, "Resources/en.lproj"), new File(resourcesFolder, "en.lproj"));
        Util.copyFile(mode.getContentFile("application/sketch.icns"), new File(resourcesFolder, "sketch.icns"));
    } else if (exportPlatform == PConstants.LINUX) {
        if (embedJava) {
            Util.copyDirNative(Platform.getJavaHome(), new File(destFolder, "java"));
    } else if (exportPlatform == PConstants.WINDOWS) {
        if (embedJava) {
            Util.copyDir(Platform.getJavaHome(), new File(destFolder, "java"));
    if (!jarFolder.exists())
    /// start copying all jar files
    StringList jarList = new StringList();
    /// create the main .jar file
    //    HashMap<String,Object> zipFileContents = new HashMap<String,Object>();
    FileOutputStream zipOutputFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(jarFolder, sketch.getName() + ".jar"));
    ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(zipOutputFile);
    //    ZipEntry entry;
    // add the manifest file so that the .jar can be double clickable
    // add the project's .class files to the jar
    // (just grabs everything from the build directory,
    // since there may be some inner classes)
    // TODO this needs to be recursive (for packages)
    //    File classFiles[] = tempClassesFolder.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
    //      public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
    //        return name.endsWith(".class");
    //      }
    //    });
    //    for (File file : classFiles) {
    //      entry = new ZipEntry(file.getName());
    //      zos.putNextEntry(entry);
    //      zos.write(Base.loadBytesRaw(file));
    //      zos.closeEntry();
    //    }
    addClasses(zos, binFolder);
    // 'data' folder next to 'lib'.
    if (sketch.hasDataFolder()) {
        if (exportPlatform == PConstants.MACOSX) {
            Util.copyDir(sketch.getDataFolder(), new File(jarFolder, "data"));
        } else {
            Util.copyDir(sketch.getDataFolder(), new File(destFolder, "data"));
    // add the contents of the code folder to the jar
    if (sketch.hasCodeFolder()) {
        String includes = Util.contentsToClassPath(sketch.getCodeFolder());
        // Use tokens to get rid of extra blanks, which causes huge exports
        String[] codeList = PApplet.splitTokens(includes, File.pathSeparator);
        for (int i = 0; i < codeList.length; i++) {
            if (codeList[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") || codeList[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
                File exportFile = new File(codeList[i]);
                String exportFilename = exportFile.getName();
                Util.copyFile(exportFile, new File(jarFolder, exportFilename));
            } else {
            //          cp += codeList[i] + File.pathSeparator;
    jarList.append(sketch.getName() + ".jar");
    /// add contents of 'library' folders to the export
    for (Library library : importedLibraries) {
        // add each item from the library folder / export list to the output
        for (File exportFile : library.getApplicationExports(exportPlatform, exportVariant)) {
            //        System.out.println("export: " + exportFile);
            String exportName = exportFile.getName();
            if (!exportFile.exists()) {
                System.err.println(exportFile.getName() + " is mentioned in export.txt, but it's " + "a big fat lie and does not exist.");
            } else if (exportFile.isDirectory()) {
                Util.copyDir(exportFile, new File(jarFolder, exportName));
            } else if (exportName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || exportName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
                Util.copyFile(exportFile, new File(jarFolder, exportName));
            } else {
                // Starting with 2.0a2 put extra export files (DLLs, plugins folder,
                // anything else for libraries) inside lib or Contents/Resources/Java
                Util.copyFile(exportFile, new File(jarFolder, exportName));
    /// create platform-specific CLASSPATH based on included jars
    String exportClassPath = null;
    if (exportPlatform == PConstants.MACOSX) {
        exportClassPath = "$JAVAROOT/" + jarList.join(":$JAVAROOT/");
    } else if (exportPlatform == PConstants.WINDOWS) {
        exportClassPath = jarList.join(",");
    } else if (exportPlatform == PConstants.LINUX) {
        // why is $APPDIR at the front of this list?
        exportClassPath = "$APPDIR" + ":$APPDIR/lib/" + jarList.join(":$APPDIR/lib/");
    /// figure out run options for the VM
    StringList runOptions = new StringList();
    if (Preferences.getBoolean("run.options.memory") && !exportVariant.equals("armv6hf")) {
        runOptions.append("-Xms" + Preferences.get("run.options.memory.initial") + "m");
        runOptions.append("-Xmx" + Preferences.get("run.options.memory.maximum") + "m");
    if (embedJava) {
        // if people don't embed Java, it might be a mess, but what can we do?
        if (exportPlatform == PConstants.MACOSX) {
            runOptions.append("-Djava.ext.dirs=$APP_ROOT/Contents/PlugIns/jdk" + PApplet.javaVersionName + ".jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext");
        } else if (exportPlatform == PConstants.WINDOWS) {
        } else if (exportPlatform == PConstants.LINUX) {
    if (exportPlatform == PConstants.WINDOWS) {
    if (exportPlatform == PConstants.MACOSX) {
        StringBuilder runOptionsXML = new StringBuilder();
        for (String opt : runOptions) {
            runOptionsXML.append("      <string>");
        String PLIST_TEMPLATE = "Info.plist.tmpl";
        File plistTemplate = new File(sketch.getFolder(), PLIST_TEMPLATE);
        if (!plistTemplate.exists()) {
            plistTemplate = mode.getContentFile("application/" + PLIST_TEMPLATE);
        File plistFile = new File(dotAppFolder, "Contents/Info.plist");
        PrintWriter pw = PApplet.createWriter(plistFile);
        String[] lines = PApplet.loadStrings(plistTemplate);
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            if (lines[i].indexOf("@@") != -1) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(lines[i]);
                int index = 0;
                while ((index = sb.indexOf("@@jvm_runtime@@")) != -1) {
                    sb.replace(index, index + "@@jvm_runtime@@".length(), jvmRuntime);
                while ((index = sb.indexOf("@@jvm_options_list@@")) != -1) {
                    sb.replace(index, index + "@@jvm_options_list@@".length(), runOptionsXML.toString());
                while ((index = sb.indexOf("@@sketch@@")) != -1) {
                    sb.replace(index, index + "@@sketch@@".length(), sketch.getName());
                while ((index = sb.indexOf("@@lsuipresentationmode@@")) != -1) {
                    sb.replace(index, index + "@@lsuipresentationmode@@".length(), Preferences.getBoolean("export.application.present") ? "4" : "0");
                lines[i] = sb.toString();
            // explicit newlines to avoid Windows CRLF
            pw.print(lines[i] + "\n");
        // attempt to code sign if the Xcode tools appear to be installed
        if (Platform.isMacOS() && isXcodeInstalled()) {
            if (embedJava) {
                ProcessHelper.ffs("codesign", "--force", "--sign", "-", jdkPath);
            String appPath = dotAppFolder.getAbsolutePath();
            ProcessHelper.ffs("codesign", "--force", "--sign", "-", appPath);
    } else if (exportPlatform == PConstants.WINDOWS) {
        File buildFile = new File(destFolder, "launch4j-build.xml");
        File configFile = new File(destFolder, "launch4j-config.xml");
        XML project = new XML("project");
        XML target = project.addChild("target");
        target.setString("name", "windows");
        XML taskdef = target.addChild("taskdef");
        taskdef.setString("name", "launch4j");
        taskdef.setString("classname", "net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask");
        String launchPath = mode.getContentFile("application/launch4j").getAbsolutePath();
        taskdef.setString("classpath", launchPath + "/launch4j.jar:" + launchPath + "/lib/xstream.jar");
        XML launch4j = target.addChild("launch4j");
        // not all launch4j options are available when embedded inside the ant
        // build file (i.e. the icon param doesn't work), so use a config file
        //<launch4j configFile="windows/work/config.xml" />
        launch4j.setString("configFile", configFile.getAbsolutePath());
        XML config = new XML("launch4jConfig");
        File exeFile = new File(destFolder, sketch.getName() + ".exe");
        File iconFile = mode.getContentFile("application/sketch.ico");
        XML clazzPath = config.addChild("classPath");
        for (String jarName : jarList) {
            clazzPath.addChild("cp").setContent("lib/" + jarName);
        XML jre = config.addChild("jre");
        if (embedJava) {
        // Need u74 for a major JavaFX issue (upside-down display)
        for (String opt : runOptions) {
        if (!buildWindowsLauncher(buildFile, "windows")) {
            // don't delete the build file, might be useful for debugging
            return false;
    } else {
        File shellScript = new File(destFolder, sketch.getName());
        PrintWriter pw = PApplet.createWriter(shellScript);
        // Do the newlines explicitly so that Windows CRLF
        // isn't used when exporting for Unix.
        // allow symlinks
        pw.print("APPDIR=$(readlink -f \"$0\")\n");
        // more POSIX compliant
        pw.print("APPDIR=$(dirname \"$APPDIR\")\n");
        if (embedJava) {
        String runOptionsStr = runOptions.join(" ");
        pw.print("java " + runOptionsStr + " -Djava.library.path=\"$APPDIR:$APPDIR/lib\"" + //" -Djna.nosys=true" +
        " -cp \"" + exportClassPath + "\"" + " " + sketch.getName() + " \"$@\"\n");
        String shellPath = shellScript.getAbsolutePath();
        // will work on osx or *nix, but just dies on windows, oh well..
        if (!Platform.isWindows()) {
            Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "chmod", "+x", shellPath });
    /// copy the source files to the target
    /// (we like to encourage people to share their code)
    File sourceFolder = new File(destFolder, "source");
    for (SketchCode code : sketch.getCode()) {
        try {
            code.copyTo(new File(sourceFolder, code.getFileName()));
        } catch (IOException e) {
    // move the .java file from the preproc there too
    String preprocFilename = sketch.getName() + ".java";
    File preprocFile = new File(srcFolder, preprocFilename);
    if (preprocFile.exists()) {
        Util.copyFile(preprocFile, new File(sourceFolder, preprocFilename));
    } else {
        System.err.println("Could not copy source file: " + preprocFile.getAbsolutePath());
    /// goodbye
    return true;
Also used : SketchCode( StringList( ZipOutputStream( XML( Library( ZipFile(

Example 5 with Library

use of in project processing by processing.

the class PreprocessingService method buildModeClassPath.

private static List<String> buildModeClassPath(JavaMode mode, boolean search) {
    StringBuilder classPath = new StringBuilder();
    if (search) {
        String searchClassPath = mode.getSearchPath();
        if (searchClassPath != null) {
    } else {
        Library coreLibrary = mode.getCoreLibrary();
        String coreClassPath = coreLibrary != null ? coreLibrary.getClassPath() : mode.getSearchPath();
        if (coreClassPath != null) {
    return sanitizeClassPath(classPath.toString());
Also used : Library(


Library ( File ( IOException ( ZipFile ( SketchCode ( StringList ( ActionEvent (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)1 ActionListener (java.awt.event.ActionListener)1 ZipOutputStream ( JMenuItem (javax.swing.JMenuItem)1 DefaultMutableTreeNode (javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode)1 BuildException ( Mode ( SketchException ( XML ( PreprocessorResult ( SurfaceInfo (