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Example 26 with Point2d

use of javax.vecmath.Point2d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class Concarnie method tidy.

private void tidy(Graph2D graph) {
    UnionWalker uw = new UnionWalker();
    for (Point2d a : {
        for (Line l : graph.get(a)) {
            uw.addEdge(l.start, l.end);
        // PaintThing.debug.put("flibble", l);
    out = uw.findAll();
    // if (false)
    for (Loop<Point2d> loop : out) {
        for (Loopable<Point2d> pt : loop.loopableIterator()) {
            Line prev = findSupporting(pt, 1), next = findSupporting(pt, -1);
            if (prev != null && next != null) {
                Point2d bestFit = prev.intersects(next, false);
                if (bestFit != null && pt.get().distance(bestFit) < P.CON_TOL && // if nearer other ends of lines, don't use
                bestFit.distanceSquared(prev.start) < bestFit.distanceSquared(prev.end) && bestFit.distanceSquared(next.end) < bestFit.distanceSquared(next.start)) {
    Iterator<Loop<Point2d>> lit = out.iterator();
    // if (false)
    while (lit.hasNext()) {
        Loop<Point2d> loop =;
        Loopable<Point2d> start = loop.start, current = start;
        int size = loop.count();
        boolean again;
        do {
            again = false;
            Point2d a = current.getPrev().get(), b = current.get(), c = current.getNext().get();
            Line ab = new Line(a, b), bc = new Line(b, c);
            double angle = Anglez.dist(ab.aTan2(), bc.aTan2());
            if (// corner filter moves corners to same point!
            a.distanceSquared(b) < 0.0001 || b.distanceSquared(c) < 0.0001 || // nearly parallel, but small area removed
            angle < 0.2 && Math.abs(Mathz.area(a, b, c)) < 50 * P.CON_TOL * P.CON_TOL) // ab.length() + bc.length() > TOL/2 &&
            // angle > Math.PI - 0.1 ) // pointy corner
            // a.distanceSquared(c) < 0.0001 )
                if (start == current)
                    loop.start = start = current.getPrev();
                again = true;
                current = current.getPrev();
            } else
                current = current.getNext();
        } while ((again || current != start) && size > 2);
        if (size <= 2)
Also used : Line(org.twak.utils.Line) Loop(org.twak.utils.collections.Loop) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) UnionWalker(org.twak.utils.geom.UnionWalker) Paint(java.awt.Paint)

Example 27 with Point2d

use of javax.vecmath.Point2d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class Concarnie method mergeConsecutive.

private List<Portal> mergeConsecutive(Set<Line> portals) {
    // merge consecutive portals
    List<Portal> portalsOut = new ArrayList();
    Map<Point2d, Line> starts = new HashMap<>(), ends = new HashMap<>();
    for (Line l : portals) {
        Line replace = starts.put(l.start, l);
        if (replace != null)
            portalsOut.add(new Portal(replace));
        replace = ends.put(l.end, l);
        if (replace != null)
            portalsOut.add(new Portal(replace));
    while (!starts.isEmpty()) {
        Portal p = new Portal();
        Line start = starts.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(), current = start;
        do {
            p.length += current.length();
            current = starts.get(current.end);
        } while (current != null);
        current = start;
        current = ends.get(current.start);
        if (current != null)
            do {
                p.lines.add(0, current);
                p.length += current.length();
                current = ends.get(current.start);
            } while (current != null);
        p.summary = new Line(p.lines.get(0).start, p.lines.get(p.lines.size() - 1).end);
    Collections.sort(portalsOut, (a, b) ->, b.length));
    return portalsOut;
Also used : Line(org.twak.utils.Line) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 28 with Point2d

use of javax.vecmath.Point2d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class LineSoup method clique.

public Map<Line, Integer> clique(double highTol, double lowTol) {
    int currentC = 0;
    Graph2D lookup = new Graph2D(all);
    Set<Line> remaining = new LinkedHashSet<>(all), visited = new HashSet<>();
    Map<Line, Integer> out = new HashMap<>();
    while (!remaining.isEmpty()) {
        Set<Line> queue = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            Line l = queue.iterator().next();
            out.put(l, currentC);
            for (Point2d pt : l.points()) {
                // find nearest with parity one
                double tol = lookup.get(pt).size() % 2 == 0 ? highTol : lowTol;
                for (Line l2 : getNear(pt, tol)) {
                    if (!visited.contains(l2) && l2.distance(pt, true) < tol)
    return out;
Also used : Line(org.twak.utils.Line) QLine(org.twak.viewTrace.QuadTree.QLine) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) Graph2D(org.twak.utils.geom.Graph2D) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 29 with Point2d

use of javax.vecmath.Point2d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class SolverState method miniPainter.

public ICanPaint miniPainter() {
    return new ICanPaint() {

        public void paint(Graphics2D g, PanMouseAdaptor ma) {
            // for ( MegaFeatures f : SS.minis.keySet() ) {
            // for ( MFPoint mfp : SS.minis.get( f ) ) {
            // Line l = mfp.image.mega.megafacade;
            // spreadImages( g, ma, l, mfp,  Listz.from( mfp.left, mfp.right ) );
            // }
            // }
            // if (SS.minis == null)
            int brake = 100;
            for (HalfFace f : mesh) {
                for (HalfEdge e : f) {
                    if (e.over != null)
                    if (brake-- < 0)
                    SuperEdge se = (SuperEdge) e;
                    if ( == null)
                    List<MiniFacade> mfs = new ArrayList(;
                    // while (mfs .size() < 2)
                    // mfs.add(null);
                    spreadImages(g, ma, se.line(), se.line().fromPPram(0.5), mfs);
            int i = 0;
            if (minis != null)
                for (MegaFeatures f : minis.keySet()) {
                    // PaintThing.paint (f.megafacade, g, ma);
                    DumbCluster1D<MFPoint> res = GurobiSkelSolver.clusterMinis(f, minis);
                    Vector2d dir = f.megafacade.dir();
                    Vector2d out = new Vector2d(dir);
                    out.set(-out.y, out.x);
                    out.scale(ma.toZoom(2) / out.length());
                    for (Cluster<MFPoint> c : res) {
                        for (MFPoint mfp : c.things) {
                            Point2d pt = new Point2d(mfp);
                            g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.2f));
                            PaintThing.paint(pt, g, ma);
                            g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.2f));
                            for (HalfEdge e : GurobiSkelSolver.findNear(f.megafacade, mfp, mesh)) g.drawLine(ma.toX(pt.x), ma.toY(pt.y), ma.toX(e.end.x), ma.toY(e.end.y));
                            if (mfp.selectedEdge != null) {
                                g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f));
                                g.drawLine(ma.toX(pt.x), ma.toY(pt.y), ma.toX(mfp.selectedEdge.end.x), ma.toY(mfp.selectedEdge.end.y));
            g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));

        private void spreadImages(Graphics2D g, PanMouseAdaptor ma, Line sel, Point2d cen, List<MiniFacade> mfs) {
            Vector2d perp = sel.dir();
            perp.set(-perp.y, perp.x);
            for (int i = 0; i < mfs.size(); i++) {
                MiniFacade mf = mfs.get(i);
                Vector2d p2 = new Vector2d(perp);
                p2.scale((i + 1) * 10);
                if (mf == null) {
                    g.fillRect(ma.toX(p2.x - 1), ma.toY(p2.y - 3), ma.toZoom(2), ma.toZoom(6));
                double w = mf.width * 0.1;
                double h = mf.height * 0.1;
                mf.paintImage(g, ma, p2.x - w, p2.y - h, p2.x + w, p2.y + h);
Also used : BasicStroke(java.awt.BasicStroke) MiniFacade(org.twak.viewTrace.facades.MiniFacade) MegaFeatures(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MegaFeatures) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Cluster(org.twak.utils.DumbCluster1D.Cluster) HalfEdge(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge) HalfFace(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfFace) DumbCluster1D(org.twak.utils.DumbCluster1D) ICanPaint(org.twak.utils.PaintThing.ICanPaint) MFPoint(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint) ICanPaint(org.twak.utils.PaintThing.ICanPaint) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) Line(org.twak.utils.Line) SuperLine(org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine) Vector2d(javax.vecmath.Vector2d) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) PanMouseAdaptor(org.twak.utils.PanMouseAdaptor) MFPoint(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 30 with Point2d

use of javax.vecmath.Point2d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class CompareGens method go.

private void go(SkelGen skelGen, BlockGen blockGen) {
    LoopL<Point2d> pts = Loopz.toXZLoop(blockGen.polies);
    double[] minMax = Loopz.minMax2d(pts);
    double skirt = 20;
    minMax[0] -= skirt;
    minMax[1] += skirt;
    minMax[2] -= skirt;
    minMax[3] += skirt;
    double sample = 0.25;
    int xMin = (int) (minMax[0] / sample), yMin = (int) (minMax[2] / sample), xRange = (int) Math.ceil(minMax[1] / sample) - xMin, yRange = (int) Math.ceil(minMax[3] / sample) - yMin;
    double[][] dists = new double[xRange][yRange];
    double minD = Double.MAX_VALUE, maxD = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double mse = 0;
    int ptCount = 0;
    for (int xi = 0; xi < xRange; xi++) {
        System.out.println(xi + "/" + xRange);
        for (int yi = 0; yi < yRange; yi++) {
            double x = (xi + xMin) * sample;
            double y = (yi + yMin) * sample;
            Point2d p2d = new Point2d(x, y);
            CollisionResults resultsB = new CollisionResults();
            blockGen.gNode.collideWith(new Ray(Jme3z.toJmeV(x, 0, y), Jme3z.UP), resultsB);
            CollisionResult crB = resultsB.getFarthestCollision();
            CollisionResults resultsS = new CollisionResults();
            skelGen.gNode.collideWith(new Ray(Jme3z.toJmeV(x, 0, y), Jme3z.UP), resultsS);
            CollisionResult crS = resultsS.getFarthestCollision();
            if (crB != null && crS != null) {
                double dist = Math.abs(crB.getDistance() - crS.getDistance());
                minD = Math.min(minD, dist);
                maxD = Math.max(maxD, dist);
                dists[xi][yi] = dist;
                mse += dist * dist;
            } else
                dists[xi][yi] = Double.NaN;
    BufferedImage render = new BufferedImage(xRange, yRange, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
    WritableRaster raster = render.getRaster();
    for (int xi = 0; xi < xRange; xi++) for (int yi = 0; yi < yRange; yi++) {
        double d = dists[xi][yi];
        if (Double.isNaN(d))
            raster.setPixel(xi, yi, new int[] { 0, 0, 0 });
        else {
            d = (d - minD) / (maxD - minD);
            raster.setPixel(xi, yi, colourMap(d));
    double range = 150;
    for (int y = 0; y < range; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) raster.setPixel(x, y, colourMap(y / range));
    try {
        ImageIO.write(render, "png", new File(Tweed.SCRATCH + "distanceMap"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("min : " + minD + "max : " + maxD + " mse: " + (mse / ptCount));
    new Show(render);
Also used : CollisionResult(com.jme3.collision.CollisionResult) Ray(com.jme3.math.Ray) IOException( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) CollisionResults(com.jme3.collision.CollisionResults) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) Show(org.twak.utils.ui.Show) File(


Point2d (javax.vecmath.Point2d)84 Line (org.twak.utils.Line)37 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)29 Point3d (javax.vecmath.Point3d)27 List (java.util.List)18 Vector2d (javax.vecmath.Vector2d)17 SuperLine (org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine)17 File ( Vector3d (javax.vecmath.Vector3d)15 Map (java.util.Map)14 HalfEdge (org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge)14 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)13 Loop (org.twak.utils.collections.Loop)13 Collectors ( IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)11 Set (java.util.Set)11 Tweed (org.twak.tweed.Tweed)11 Matrix4d (javax.vecmath.Matrix4d)10 LinearForm (org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm)10