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Example 1 with Matrix4d

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix4d in project mmtf-spark by sbl-sdsc.

the class StructureToBioassembly2 method call.

public Iterator<Tuple2<String, StructureDataInterface>> call(Tuple2<String, StructureDataInterface> t) throws Exception {
    StructureDataInterface structure = t._2;
    // Map<Integer, Integer> atomMap = new HashMap<>();
    List<Tuple2<String, StructureDataInterface>> resList = new ArrayList<>();
    // for each of them, create one structure.
    for (int i = 0; i < structure.getNumBioassemblies(); i++) {
        int[] chainsPerModel = new int[structure.getNumModels()];
        // initiate the bioassembly structure.
        AdapterToStructureData bioAssembly = new AdapterToStructureData();
        // set the structureID.
        String structureId = structure.getStructureId() + "-BioAssembly" + structure.getBioassemblyName(i);
        int totAtoms = 0, totBonds = 0, totGroups = 0, totChains = 0, totModels = 0;
        int numTrans = structure.getNumTransInBioassembly(i);
        totModels = structure.getNumModels();
        int[][] bioChainList = new int[numTrans][];
        double[][] transMatrix = new double[numTrans][];
        // calculate the total data we will use to initialize the structure.
        for (int ii = 0; ii < numTrans; ii++) {
            bioChainList[ii] = structure.getChainIndexListForTransform(i, ii);
            transMatrix[ii] = structure.getMatrixForTransform(i, ii);
            for (int j = 0; j < totModels; j++) {
                totChains += bioChainList[ii].length;
                chainsPerModel[j] += bioChainList[ii].length;
                // System.out.println(bioChainList[ii].length + " "  + Arrays.toString(bioChainList[ii]));
                for (int k = 0, groupCounter = 0; k < structure.getChainsPerModel()[j]; k++) {
                    boolean adding = false;
                    for (int currChain : bioChainList[ii]) {
                        if (currChain == k)
                            adding = true;
                    if (adding) {
                        // System.out.println("adding groups");
                        totGroups += structure.getGroupsPerChain()[k];
                    for (int h = 0; h < structure.getGroupsPerChain()[k]; h++, groupCounter++) {
                        if (adding) {
                            int groupIndex = structure.getGroupTypeIndices()[groupCounter];
                            totAtoms += structure.getNumAtomsInGroup(groupIndex);
                            totBonds += structure.getGroupBondOrders(groupIndex).length;
        // init
        // System.out.println("Initializing the structure with\n"
        // + " totModel = " + totModels + ", totChains = " + totChains + ", totGroups = " + totGroups + ", totAtoms = "
        // + totAtoms + ", totBonds = " + totBonds + ", name : " + structureId);
        bioAssembly.initStructure(totBonds, totAtoms, totGroups, totChains, totModels, structureId);
        DecoderUtils.addXtalographicInfo(structure, bioAssembly);
        DecoderUtils.addHeaderInfo(structure, bioAssembly);
			 * Now we have bioChainList and transMatrix.
			 * bioChainList[i] is the ith trans' list of chains it has.  
			 * transMatrix[i] is the matrix that is going to be applied on those chains.
        // initialize the indices.
        int modelIndex = 0;
        int chainIndex = 0;
        int groupIndex = 0;
        int atomIndex = 0;
        int chainCounter = 0;
        // loop through models
        for (int ii = 0; ii < structure.getNumModels(); ii++) {
            // precalculate indices
            // this number is not correct if BA has fewer chains than the AU
            // int numChainsPerModel = structure.getChainsPerModel()[modelIndex] * numTrans;
            int numChainsPerModel = chainsPerModel[ii];
            System.out.println("numChainsPerModel: " + numChainsPerModel);
            bioAssembly.setModelInfo(modelIndex, numChainsPerModel);
            int[] chainToEntityIndex = getChainToEntityIndex(structure);
            // loop through chains
            for (int j = 0; j < structure.getChainsPerModel()[modelIndex]; j++) {
                // loop through each trans
                int currGroupIndex = groupIndex;
                int currAtomIndex = atomIndex;
                for (int k = 0; k < numTrans; k++) {
                    // get the currChainList that needs to be added
                    int[] currChainList = bioChainList[k];
                    double[] currMatrix = transMatrix[k];
                    boolean addThisChain = false;
                    for (int currChain : currChainList) {
                        if (currChain == j)
                            addThisChain = true;
                    groupIndex = currGroupIndex;
                    atomIndex = currAtomIndex;
                    float[] xCoords = structure.getxCoords();
                    float[] yCoords = structure.getyCoords();
                    float[] zCoords = structure.getzCoords();
                    // float[] floatMatrix = Floats.toArray(Doubles.asList(currMatrix));
                    // Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f(floatMatrix);
                    Matrix4d md = new Matrix4d(currMatrix);
                    if (addThisChain) {
                        int entityToChainIndex = chainToEntityIndex[chainIndex];
                        // System.out.println("adding chain : " + chainIndex);
                        // TODO
                        // not sure
                        bioAssembly.setEntityInfo(new int[] { chainCounter }, structure.getEntitySequence(entityToChainIndex), structure.getEntityDescription(entityToChainIndex), structure.getEntityType(entityToChainIndex));
                        // TODO create unique chain ids
                        bioAssembly.setChainInfo(structure.getChainIds()[chainIndex] + (k + 1), structure.getChainNames()[chainIndex] + (k + 1), // bioAssembly.setChainInfo(structure.getChainIds()[chainIndex], structure.getChainNames()[chainIndex],
                    // loop through the groups in the chain
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < structure.getGroupsPerChain()[chainIndex]; jj++) {
                        int currgroup = structure.getGroupTypeIndices()[groupIndex];
                        if (addThisChain) {
                            bioAssembly.setGroupInfo(structure.getGroupName(currgroup), structure.getGroupIds()[groupIndex], structure.getInsCodes()[groupIndex], structure.getGroupChemCompType(currgroup), structure.getNumAtomsInGroup(currgroup), structure.getGroupBondOrders(currgroup).length, structure.getGroupSingleLetterCode(currgroup), structure.getGroupSequenceIndices()[groupIndex], structure.getSecStructList()[groupIndex]);
                        for (int kk = 0; kk < structure.getNumAtomsInGroup(currgroup); kk++) {
                            // System.out.println("currgroup : " + currgroup + " curratom : " + kk);
                            if (addThisChain) {
                                Point3f p1 = new Point3f(xCoords[atomIndex], yCoords[atomIndex], zCoords[atomIndex]);
                                // m.transform(p1);
                                // System.out.println(kk + " " + currgroup);
                                bioAssembly.setAtomInfo(structure.getGroupAtomNames(currgroup)[kk], structure.getAtomIds()[atomIndex], structure.getAltLocIds()[atomIndex], p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, structure.getOccupancies()[atomIndex], structure.getbFactors()[atomIndex], structure.getGroupElementNames(currgroup)[kk], structure.getGroupAtomCharges(currgroup)[kk]);
                            // inc the atomIndex
                        if (addThisChain) {
                            for (int l = 0; l < structure.getGroupBondOrders(currgroup).length; l++) {
                                // System.out.println(structure.getGroupBondOrders(currgroup).length + " " + l);
                                int bondIndOne = structure.getGroupBondIndices(currgroup)[l * 2];
                                int bondIndTwo = structure.getGroupBondIndices(currgroup)[l * 2 + 1];
                                int bondOrder = structure.getGroupBondOrders(currgroup)[l];
                                bioAssembly.setGroupBond(bondIndOne, bondIndTwo, bondOrder);
                        // inc the groupIndex
                    if (addThisChain) {
                    // Add inter-group bond info
                    // for(int l = 0;  l < structure.getInterGroupBondOrders().length; l++){
                    // int bondIndOne = structure.getInterGroupBondIndices()[l*2];
                    // int bondIndTwo = structure.getInterGroupBondIndices()[l*2+1];
                    // int bondOrder = structure.getInterGroupBondOrders()[l];
                    // Integer indexOne = atomMap.get(bondIndOne);
                    // if (indexOne != null) {
                    // Integer indexTwo = atomMap.get(bondIndTwo);
                    // if (indexTwo != null) {
                    // bioAssembly.setInterGroupBond(indexOne, indexTwo, bondOrder);
                    // }
                    // }
                // inc the chainIndex
            // inc the modelIndex
        resList.add(new Tuple2<String, StructureDataInterface>(structureId, bioAssembly));
    return resList.iterator();
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StructureDataInterface(org.rcsb.mmtf.api.StructureDataInterface) Matrix4d(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d) AdapterToStructureData(org.rcsb.mmtf.encoder.AdapterToStructureData) Point3f(javax.vecmath.Point3f) Tuple2(scala.Tuple2)

Example 2 with Matrix4d

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix4d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class MiniGen method kill.

public void kill() {
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Matrix4d> e : trans.index.entrySet()) {
        if (!inBounds(e.getValue(), bounds))
        File absRoot = Tweed.toWorkspace(MiniGen.this.root);
        System.out.println("loading mesh " + e.getKey() + " from " + absRoot);
        File f = new File(absRoot, e.getKey() + "/model.obj");
        tweed.getAssetManager().deleteFromCache(new ModelKey(tweed.makeWorkspaceRelative(f).toString()));
Also used : Matrix4d(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d) ModelKey(com.jme3.asset.ModelKey) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) File(

Example 3 with Matrix4d

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix4d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class MiniGen method inBounds.

private boolean inBounds(Matrix4d mini, List<double[]> bounds) {
    // mini matrix is in mini-mesh format: a translation from a 255^3 cube in the first quadrant
    // trans.offset is a transform from that space, into jme rendered space (cartesian in meters, around the origin)
    Matrix4d m = new Matrix4d();
    m.mul(Jme3z.fromMatrix(trans.offset), mini);
    for (Point2d p : -> {
        Point3d tmp = new Point3d();
        m.transform(c, tmp);
        return new Point2d(tmp.x, tmp.z);
    }).collect(Collectors.toList())) {
        for (double[] bound : bounds) {
            if (bound[0] < p.x && bound[1] > p.x && bound[2] < p.y && bound[3] > p.y)
                return true;
    return false;
Also used : Matrix4d(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d) XStream(com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) Matrix4d(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d) Face(org.twak.utils.geom.ObjDump.Face) Mode(com.jme3.scene.Mesh.Mode) Tuple3d(javax.vecmath.Tuple3d) MiniTransform(org.twak.readTrace.MiniTransform) Loop(org.twak.utils.collections.Loop) Node(com.jme3.scene.Node) AlignTool( Map(java.util.Map) Material(com.jme3.material.Material) ChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener) Point3d(javax.vecmath.Point3d) ChangeEvent(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) ListDownLayout(org.twak.utils.ui.ListDownLayout) Collectors( FileNotFoundException( List(java.util.List) JSlider(javax.swing.JSlider) JCheckBox(javax.swing.JCheckBox) Mesh(com.jme3.scene.Mesh) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) Geometry(com.jme3.scene.Geometry) ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) LinearForm3D(org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm3D) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Callable(java.util.concurrent.Callable) Pair(org.twak.utils.Pair) Vector3d(javax.vecmath.Vector3d) Filez(org.twak.utils.Filez) Tweed(org.twak.tweed.Tweed) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Spatial(com.jme3.scene.Spatial) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) Files(java.nio.file.Files) FileOutputStream( IOException( BlendMode(com.jme3.material.RenderState.BlendMode) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) File( Loopz(org.twak.utils.collections.Loopz) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) Jme3z(org.twak.siteplan.jme.Jme3z) EventMoveHandle(org.twak.tweed.EventMoveHandle) HandleMe(org.twak.tweed.handles.HandleMe) ObjDump(org.twak.utils.geom.ObjDump) ModelKey(com.jme3.asset.ModelKey) ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) Collections(java.util.Collections) Transform(com.jme3.math.Transform) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) Point3d(javax.vecmath.Point3d)

Example 4 with Matrix4d

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix4d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class MiniGen method clip.

public void clip(Loop<Point3d> in, File objLocation) {
    ObjDump obj = new ObjDump();
    double[] bounds = Loopz.minMaxXZ(in);
    List<LinearForm3D> halfPlanes = new ArrayList();
    File writeFolder = objLocation.getParentFile();
    for (Pair<Point3d, Point3d> p : in.pairs()) {
        Vector3d norm = new Vector3d(p.second());
        norm = new Vector3d(-norm.z, 0, norm.x);
        halfPlanes.add(new LinearForm3D(norm, p.first()));
    Map<File, File> copied = new HashMap<>();
    int nameCount = 0;
    double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE, maxY = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Matrix4d> e : trans.index.entrySet()) {
        if (!inBounds(e.getValue(), Collections.singletonList(bounds)))
        else {
            Matrix4d m = new Matrix4d();
            m.mul(Jme3z.fromMatrix(trans.offset), e.getValue());
            File readFolder = new File(Tweed.toWorkspace(root), e.getKey() + "");
            ObjDump or = new ObjDump(new File(readFolder, "model.obj"));
            for (ObjDump.Material mat : or.material2Face.keySet()) {
                f: for (Face f : or.material2Face.get(mat)) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < f.vtIndexes.size(); j++) {
                        Point3d pt = new Point3d(or.orderVert.get(f.vtIndexes.get(j)));
                        if (pt.x > bounds[0] && pt.x < bounds[1] && pt.z > bounds[2] && pt.z < bounds[3])
                            if (inside(pt, halfPlanes)) {
                                if (IMPORT_TEXTURES && !((obj.currentMaterial != null && obj.currentMaterial.equals(mat)) || (obj.currentMaterial == null && mat == null))) {
                                    File source = new File(readFolder, mat.filename);
                                    ObjDump.Material newMat;
                                    if (copied.containsKey(source)) {
                                        newMat = new ObjDump.Material(mat);
                                        newMat.filename = copied.get(source).getName();
                                    } else {
                                        newMat = makeUnique(mat, writeFolder);
                                        File destFile = new File(writeFolder, newMat.filename);
                                        copied.put(source, destFile);
                                        try {
                                            Files.copy(source.toPath(), new FileOutputStream(destFile));
                                        } catch (IOException e1) {
                                    newMat.diffuse = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                                    newMat.ambient = new double[] { 1, 1, 1 };
                                    newMat.specular = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                           = "mat_" + (nameCount++);
                                List<Point3d> fVerts = new ArrayList<>(3), fNorms = new ArrayList<>(3);
                                List<Point2d> fUVs = new ArrayList<>(2);
                                for (int i = 0; i < f.vtIndexes.size(); i++) {
                                    Point3d vts = new Point3d(or.orderVert.get(f.vtIndexes.get(i)));
                                    Point3d ns = new Point3d(or.orderNorm.get(f.normIndexes.get(i)));
                                    minY = Math.min(vts.y, minY);
                                    maxY = Math.max(vts.y, maxY);
                                    fUVs.add(new Point2d(or.orderUV.get(f.uvIndexes.get(i))));
                                obj.addFace(fVerts, fNorms, fUVs);
                                continue f;
    for (Tuple3d t : obj.orderVert) t.y -= (maxY - minY) * 0.03 + minY;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjDump(org.twak.utils.geom.ObjDump) Point3d(javax.vecmath.Point3d) Face(org.twak.utils.geom.ObjDump.Face) IOException( LinearForm3D(org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm3D) Matrix4d(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d) Vector3d(javax.vecmath.Vector3d) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) Tuple3d(javax.vecmath.Tuple3d) FileOutputStream( File( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 5 with Matrix4d

use of javax.vecmath.Matrix4d in project chordatlas by twak.

the class MiniGen method calculate.

public void calculate() {
    for (Spatial s : gNode.getChildren()) s.removeFromParent();
    Material mat;
    if (transparency == 1)
        mat = new Material(tweed.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Light/Lighting.j3md");
    else {
        mat = new Material(tweed.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
        mat.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(color.getRed() / 255f, color.getGreen() / 255f, color.getBlue() / 255f, transparency));
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Matrix4d> e : trans.index.entrySet()) {
        if (!inBounds(e.getValue(), bounds))
        File absRoot = Tweed.toWorkspace(MiniGen.this.root);
        System.out.println("loading mesh " + e.getKey() + " from " + absRoot);
        File f = new File(absRoot, e.getKey() + "/model.obj");
        Spatial mesh = tweed.getAssetManager().loadModel(tweed.makeWorkspaceRelative(f).toString());
        Mode mode = renderLines ? Mesh.Mode.Lines : Mesh.Mode.Triangles;
        List<Spatial> ls;
        if (mesh instanceof Node)
            ls = ((Node) mesh).getChildren();
            ls = Collections.singletonList(mesh);
        for (Spatial g : ls) {
            Geometry geometry = (Geometry) g;
            Mesh m = geometry.getMesh();
            if (geometry.getMaterial().getName() == null)
            mesh.setUserData(Gen.class.getSimpleName(), new Object[] { this });
    Transform t = new Transform();
    gNode.setUserData(Gen.class.getSimpleName(), new Object[] { this });
    gNode.setUserData(HandleMe.class.getSimpleName(), true);
    gNode.setUserData(EventMoveHandle.class.getSimpleName(), new Object[] { new EventMoveHandle() {

        public void posChanged() {
    } });
Also used : EventMoveHandle(org.twak.tweed.EventMoveHandle) Mode(com.jme3.scene.Mesh.Mode) BlendMode(com.jme3.material.RenderState.BlendMode) Node(com.jme3.scene.Node) Mesh(com.jme3.scene.Mesh) Material(com.jme3.material.Material) Matrix4d(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d) Geometry(com.jme3.scene.Geometry) ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) Spatial(com.jme3.scene.Spatial) HandleMe(org.twak.tweed.handles.HandleMe) MiniTransform(org.twak.readTrace.MiniTransform) Transform(com.jme3.math.Transform) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) File(


Matrix4d (javax.vecmath.Matrix4d)18 Vector3d (javax.vecmath.Vector3d)8 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 Point3d (javax.vecmath.Point3d)6 Map (java.util.Map)5 Point2d (javax.vecmath.Point2d)5 IOException ( ObjDump (org.twak.utils.geom.ObjDump)4 Transform (com.jme3.math.Transform)3 XStream (com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream)3 FileOutputStream ( List (java.util.List)3 Tuple3d (javax.vecmath.Tuple3d)3 Loop (org.twak.utils.collections.Loop)3 LinearForm3D (org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm3D)3 Face (org.twak.utils.geom.ObjDump.Face)3 ModelKey (com.jme3.asset.ModelKey)2 Material (com.jme3.material.Material)2