use of in project che by eclipse.
the class SshService method createPair.
@GenerateLink(rel = Constants.LINK_REL_CREATE_PAIR)
public Response createPair(Iterator<FileItem> formData) throws BadRequestException, ServerException, ConflictException {
String service = null;
String name = null;
String privateKey = null;
String publicKey = null;
while (formData.hasNext()) {
FileItem item =;
String fieldName = item.getFieldName();
switch(fieldName) {
case "service":
service = item.getString();
case "name":
name = item.getString();
case "privateKey":
privateKey = item.getString();
case "publicKey":
publicKey = item.getString();
requiredNotNull(service, "Service name required");
requiredNotNull(name, "Name required");
if (privateKey == null && publicKey == null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Key content was not provided.");
sshManager.createPair(new SshPairImpl(getCurrentUserId(), service, name, publicKey, privateKey));
// through specific of html form that doesn't invoke complete submit handler
return Response.ok("", MediaType.TEXT_HTML).build();
use of in project SimianArmy by Netflix.
the class JanitorMonkeyResource method addEvent.
* POST /api/v1/janitor will try a add a new event with the information in the url context.
* @param content
* the Json content passed to the http POST request
* @return the response
* @throws IOException
public Response addEvent(String content) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();"JSON content: '%s'", content));
JsonNode input = mapper.readTree(content);
String eventType = getStringField(input, "eventType");
String resourceId = getStringField(input, "resourceId");
String region = getStringField(input, "region");
Response.Status responseStatus;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JsonGenerator gen = JSON_FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(baos, JsonEncoding.UTF8);
gen.writeStringField("eventType", eventType);
gen.writeStringField("resourceId", resourceId);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(eventType) || StringUtils.isEmpty(resourceId)) {
responseStatus = Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST;
gen.writeStringField("message", "eventType and resourceId parameters are all required");
} else {
if (eventType.equals("OPTIN")) {
responseStatus = optInResource(resourceId, true, region, gen);
} else if (eventType.equals("OPTOUT")) {
responseStatus = optInResource(resourceId, false, region, gen);
} else {
responseStatus = Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST;
gen.writeStringField("message", String.format("Unrecognized event type: %s", eventType));
gen.close();"entity content is '{}'", baos.toString("UTF-8"));
return Response.status(responseStatus).entity(baos.toString("UTF-8")).build();
use of in project eureka by Netflix.
the class ApplicationResource method addInstance.
* Registers information about a particular instance for an
* {@link}.
* @param info
* {@link InstanceInfo} information of the instance.
* @param isReplication
* a header parameter containing information whether this is
* replicated from other nodes.
@Consumes({ "application/json", "application/xml" })
public Response addInstance(InstanceInfo info, @HeaderParam(PeerEurekaNode.HEADER_REPLICATION) String isReplication) {
logger.debug("Registering instance {} (replication={})", info.getId(), isReplication);
// validate that the instanceinfo contains all the necessary required fields
if (isBlank(info.getId())) {
return Response.status(400).entity("Missing instanceId").build();
} else if (isBlank(info.getHostName())) {
return Response.status(400).entity("Missing hostname").build();
} else if (isBlank(info.getAppName())) {
return Response.status(400).entity("Missing appName").build();
} else if (!appName.equals(info.getAppName())) {
return Response.status(400).entity("Mismatched appName, expecting " + appName + " but was " + info.getAppName()).build();
} else if (info.getDataCenterInfo() == null) {
return Response.status(400).entity("Missing dataCenterInfo").build();
} else if (info.getDataCenterInfo().getName() == null) {
return Response.status(400).entity("Missing dataCenterInfo Name").build();
// handle cases where clients may be registering with bad DataCenterInfo with missing data
DataCenterInfo dataCenterInfo = info.getDataCenterInfo();
if (dataCenterInfo instanceof UniqueIdentifier) {
String dataCenterInfoId = ((UniqueIdentifier) dataCenterInfo).getId();
if (isBlank(dataCenterInfoId)) {
boolean experimental = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(serverConfig.getExperimental("registration.validation.dataCenterInfoId"));
if (experimental) {
String entity = "DataCenterInfo of type " + dataCenterInfo.getClass() + " must contain a valid id";
return Response.status(400).entity(entity).build();
} else if (dataCenterInfo instanceof AmazonInfo) {
AmazonInfo amazonInfo = (AmazonInfo) dataCenterInfo;
String effectiveId = amazonInfo.get(AmazonInfo.MetaDataKey.instanceId);
if (effectiveId == null) {
amazonInfo.getMetadata().put(AmazonInfo.MetaDataKey.instanceId.getName(), info.getId());
} else {
logger.warn("Registering DataCenterInfo of type {} without an appropriate id", dataCenterInfo.getClass());
registry.register(info, "true".equals(isReplication));
// 204 to be backwards compatible
return Response.status(204).build();
use of in project OpenAttestation by OpenAttestation.
the class AbstractSimpleResource method deleteOne.
// /**
// * Add an item to the collection. Input Content-Type is any of
// * application/json, application/xml, application/yaml, or text/yaml Output
// * Content-Type is any of application/json, application/xml,
// * application/yaml, or text/yaml
// *
// * The input must represent a single item NOT wrapped in a collection.
// *
// * @param item
// * @return
// */
// @POST
// public T createOne(@BeanParam L locator, T item, @Context HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, @Context HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse){
// //try { log.debug("createOne: {}", mapper.writeValueAsString(locator)); } catch(JsonProcessingException e) { log.debug("createOne: cannot serialize locator: {}", e.getMessage()); }
// try { log.debug("createOne: {}", mapper.writeValueAsString(locator)); } catch(Exception e) { log.debug("createOne: cannot serialize locator: {}", e.getMessage()); }
// locator.copyTo(item);
// ValidationUtil.validate(item); // throw new MWException(e, ErrorCode.AS_INPUT_VALIDATION_ERROR, input, method.getName());
// if (item.getId() == null) {
// item.setId(new UUID());
// }
// getRepository().create(item);
// httpServletResponse.setStatus(Status.CREATED.getStatusCode());
// return item;
// }
// the delete method is on a specific resource id and because we don't return any content it's the same whether its simple object or json api
// jersey automatically returns status code 204 No Content (successful) to the client because
// we have a void return type
public void deleteOne(@BeanParam L locator, @Context HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, @Context HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws IOException {
try {
log.debug("deleteOne: {}", mapper.writeValueAsString(locator));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
log.debug("deleteOne: cannot serialize locator: {}", e.getMessage());
// subclass is responsible for validating the id in whatever manner it needs to; most will return null if !UUID.isValid(id) but we don't do it here because a resource might want to allow using something other than uuid as the url key, for example uuid OR hostname for hosts
T item = getRepository().retrieve(locator);
if (item == null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
T item = getRepository().retrieve(id); // subclass is responsible for validating the id in whatever manner it needs to; most will return null if !UUID.isValid(id) but we don't do it here because a resource might want to allow using something other than uuid as the url key, for example uuid OR hostname for hosts
if (item == null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
// C collection = getRepository().search(selector);
// if( collection.getDocuments().isEmpty() ) {
// throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
// }
// T item = collection.getDocuments().get(0);
// getRepository().delete(item.getId().toString());
* */
use of in project OpenAttestation by OpenAttestation.
the class AbstractJsonapiResource method createJsonapiCollection.
* Add an item to the collection. Input Content-Type is
* application/vnd.api+json Output Content-Type is application/vnd.api+json
* The input must represent a collection of items to add, even if the
* collection only contains a single item.
* @param collection
* @return
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public C createJsonapiCollection(C collection) {
// this behavior of autmoatically generating uuids if client didn't provide could be implemented in one place and reused in all create() methods... the utility could accept a DocumentCollection and set the ids...
for (T item : collection.getDocuments()) {
if (item.getId() == null) {
item.setId(new UUID());
return collection;