use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class ClientShutdownLeakResource method invokeClient.
public String invokeClient() {
WebTarget target2 ="Washington", "Irving");
Invocation.Builder req = target2.request().property("how", "now");
req.buildGet().property("Irving", "Washington");
return target.toString();
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class ChatResource method postMessage.
public String postMessage(final Message message) throws InterruptedException {
final AsyncResponse asyncResponse = suspended.take();
return "Sent!";
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class DomainResource method post.
public Response post(@DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("testSources") int testSources) {
final Process process = new Process(testSources);
processes.put(process.getId(), process);
final URI processIdUri = UriBuilder.fromResource(DomainResource.class).path("process/{id}").build(process.getId());
return Response.created(processIdUri).build();
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class FormResource method processForm.
* Process the form submission. Produces a table showing the form field
* values submitted.
* @return a dynamically generated HTML table.
* @param formData the data from the form submission
public String processForm(MultivaluedMap<String, String> formData) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append("<html><head><title>Form results</title></head><body>");
buf.append("<p>Hello, you entered the following information: </p><table border='1'>");
for (String key : formData.keySet()) {
if (key.equals("submit")) {
for (Cookie c : headers.getCookies().values()) {
buf.append("<tr><td>Cookie: ");
return buf.toString();
use of in project pinot by linkedin.
the class DetectionJobResource method computeSeverity.
* Returns the weight of the metric at the given window. The calculation of baseline (history) data is specified by
* seasonal period (in days) and season count. Seasonal period is the difference of duration from one window to the
* other. For instance, to use the data that is one week before current window, set seasonal period to 7. The season
* count specify how many seasons of history data to retrieve. If there are more than 1 season, then the baseline is
* the average of all seasons.
* Examples of the configuration of baseline:
* 1. Week-Over-Week: seasonalPeriodInDays = 7, seasonCount = 1
* 2. Week-Over-4-Weeks-Mean: seasonalPeriodInDays = 7, seasonCount = 4
* 3. Month-Over-Month: seasonalPeriodInDays = 30, seasonCount = 1
* @param collectionName the collection to which the metric belong
* @param metricName the metric name
* @param startTimeIso start time of current window, inclusive
* @param endTimeIso end time of current window, exclusive
* @param seasonalPeriodInDays the difference of duration between the start time of each window
* @param seasonCount the number of history windows
* @return the weight of the metric at the given window
* @throws Exception
public Response computeSeverity(@NotNull @QueryParam("collection") String collectionName, @NotNull @QueryParam("metric") String metricName, @NotNull @QueryParam("start") String startTimeIso, @NotNull @QueryParam("end") String endTimeIso, @QueryParam("period") String seasonalPeriodInDays, @QueryParam("seasonCount") String seasonCount) throws Exception {
DateTime startTime = null;
DateTime endTime = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startTimeIso)) {
startTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser().parseDateTime(startTimeIso);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endTimeIso)) {
endTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser().parseDateTime(endTimeIso);
long currentWindowStart = startTime.getMillis();
long currentWindowEnd = endTime.getMillis();
// Default is using one week data priors current values for calculating weight
long seasonalPeriodMillis = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(seasonalPeriodInDays)) {
seasonalPeriodMillis = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(Integer.parseInt(seasonalPeriodInDays));
int seasonCountInt = 1;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(seasonCount)) {
seasonCountInt = Integer.parseInt(seasonCount);
ThirdEyeClient thirdEyeClient = CACHE_REGISTRY_INSTANCE.getQueryCache().getClient();
SeverityComputationUtil util = new SeverityComputationUtil(thirdEyeClient, collectionName, metricName);
Map<String, Object> severity = util.computeSeverity(currentWindowStart, currentWindowEnd, seasonalPeriodMillis, seasonCountInt);
return Response.ok(severity.toString(), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE).build();