use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class NMWebServices method getContainerLogsInfo.
* Returns log file's name as well as current file size for a container.
* @param hsr
* HttpServletRequest
* @param res
* HttpServletResponse
* @param containerIdStr
* The container ID
* @return
* The log file's name and current file size
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + "; " + JettyUtils.UTF_8, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML + "; " + JettyUtils.UTF_8 })
public Response getContainerLogsInfo( HttpServletRequest hsr, HttpServletResponse res, @PathParam(YarnWebServiceParams.CONTAINER_ID) String containerIdStr) {
ContainerId containerId = null;
try {
containerId = ContainerId.fromString(containerIdStr);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new BadRequestException("invalid container id, " + containerIdStr);
try {
List<ContainerLogsInfo> containersLogsInfo = new ArrayList<>();
containersLogsInfo.add(new NMContainerLogsInfo(this.nmContext, containerId, hsr.getRemoteUser(), ContainerLogAggregationType.LOCAL));
// check whether we have aggregated logs in RemoteFS. If exists, show the
// the log meta for the aggregated logs as well.
ApplicationId appId = containerId.getApplicationAttemptId().getApplicationId();
Application app = this.nmContext.getApplications().get(appId);
String appOwner = app == null ? null : app.getUser();
try {
List<ContainerLogMeta> containerLogMeta = LogToolUtils.getContainerLogMetaFromRemoteFS(this.nmContext.getConf(), appId, containerIdStr, this.nmContext.getNodeId().toString(), appOwner);
if (!containerLogMeta.isEmpty()) {
for (ContainerLogMeta logMeta : containerLogMeta) {
containersLogsInfo.add(new ContainerLogsInfo(logMeta, ContainerLogAggregationType.AGGREGATED));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Skip it and do nothing
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
GenericEntity<List<ContainerLogsInfo>> meta = new GenericEntity<List<ContainerLogsInfo>>(containersLogsInfo) {
ResponseBuilder resp = Response.ok(meta);
// Sending the X-Content-Type-Options response header with the value
// nosniff will prevent Internet Explorer from MIME-sniffing a response
// away from the declared content-type.
resp.header("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (redirectWSUrl == null || redirectWSUrl.isEmpty()) {
throw new WebApplicationException(ex);
// redirect the request to the configured log server
String redirectURI = "/containers/" + containerIdStr + "/logs";
return createRedirectResponse(hsr, redirectWSUrl, redirectURI);
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class RequestUtil method getEntityParameters.
* Returns the form parameters from a request entity as a multi-valued map.
* If the request does not have a POST method, or the media type is not
* x-www-form-urlencoded, then null is returned.
* @param request the client request containing the entity to extract parameters from.
* @return a {@link} containing the entity form parameters.
public static MultivaluedMap<String, String> getEntityParameters(ClientRequestContext request, MessageBodyWorkers messageBodyWorkers) {
Object entity = request.getEntity();
String method = request.getMethod();
MediaType mediaType = request.getMediaType();
// no entity, not a post or not x-www-form-urlencoded: return empty map
if (entity == null || method == null || !HttpMethod.POST.equalsIgnoreCase(method) || mediaType == null || !mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE)) {
return new MultivaluedHashMap<String, String>();
// it's ready to go if already expressed as a multi-valued map
if (entity instanceof MultivaluedMap) {
return (MultivaluedMap<String, String>) entity;
Type entityType = entity.getClass();
// if the entity is generic, get specific type and class
if (entity instanceof GenericEntity) {
final GenericEntity generic = (GenericEntity) entity;
// overwrite
entityType = generic.getType();
entity = generic.getEntity();
final Class entityClass = entity.getClass();
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
MessageBodyWriter writer = messageBodyWorkers.getMessageBodyWriter(entityClass, entityType, EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE);
try {
writer.writeTo(entity, entityClass, entityType, EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE, null, out);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
throw new IllegalStateException(wae);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ioe);
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
MessageBodyReader reader = messageBodyWorkers.getMessageBodyReader(MultivaluedMap.class, MultivaluedMap.class, EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE);
try {
return (MultivaluedMap<String, String>) reader.readFrom(MultivaluedMap.class, MultivaluedMap.class, EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE, null, in);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ioe);
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class EntityTypesTest method testJAXBListRepresentationJSON.
public void testJAXBListRepresentationJSON() throws Exception {
final WebTarget target = target("JAXBListResourceJSON");
Collection<JaxbBean> a = target.request().get(new GenericType<Collection<JaxbBean>>() {
Collection<JaxbBean> b = target.request().post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity<Collection<JaxbBean>>(a) {
}, "application/json"), new GenericType<Collection<JaxbBean>>() {
assertEquals(a, b);
b = target.path("type").request().post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity<Collection<JaxbBean>>(a) {
}, "application/json"), new GenericType<Collection<JaxbBean>>() {
assertEquals(a, b);
a = new LinkedList<>(a);
b = target.path("queue").request().post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity<Queue<JaxbBean>>((Queue<JaxbBean>) a) {
}, "application/json"), new GenericType<Queue<JaxbBean>>() {
assertEquals(a, b);
a = new HashSet<>(a);
b = target.path("set").request().post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity<Set<JaxbBean>>((Set<JaxbBean>) a) {
}, "application/json"), new GenericType<Set<JaxbBean>>() {
final Comparator<JaxbBean> c = new Comparator<JaxbBean>() {
public int compare(final JaxbBean t, final JaxbBean t1) {
return t.value.compareTo(t1.value);
final TreeSet<JaxbBean> t1 = new TreeSet<>(c);
final TreeSet<JaxbBean> t2 = new TreeSet<>(c);
assertEquals(t1, t2);
final Stack<JaxbBean> s = new Stack<>();
b = target.path("stack").request().post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity<Stack<JaxbBean>>(s) {
}, "application/json"), new GenericType<Stack<JaxbBean>>() {
assertEquals(s, b);
a = new MyArrayList<>(a);
b = target.path("custom").request().post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity<MyArrayList<JaxbBean>>((MyArrayList<JaxbBean>) a) {
}, "application/json"), new GenericType<MyArrayList<JaxbBean>>() {
assertEquals(a, b);
// TODO: would be nice to produce/consume a real JSON array like following
// instead of what we have now:
// JSONArray a = r.get(JSONArray.class);
// JSONArray b = new JSONArray().
// put(new JSONObject().put("value", "one")).
// put(new JSONObject().put("value", "two")).
// put(new JSONObject().put("value", "three"));
// assertEquals(a.toString(), b.toString());
// JSONArray c =, b);
// assertEquals(a.toString(), c.toString());
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class XmlMoxyTest method _testListOrArray.
public void _testListOrArray(final boolean isList, final MediaType mt) {
final Object in = isList ? getJAXBElementList() : getJAXBElementArray();
final GenericType gt = isList ? new GenericType<List<JAXBElement<String>>>() {
} : new GenericType<JAXBElement<String>[]>() {
final WebTarget target = target(isList ? "JAXBElementListResource" : "JAXBElementArrayResource");
final Object out = target.request(mt).post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity(in, gt.getType()), mt), gt);
final List<JAXBElement<String>> inList = isList ? ((List<JAXBElement<String>>) in) : Arrays.asList((JAXBElement<String>[]) in);
final List<JAXBElement<String>> outList = isList ? ((List<JAXBElement<String>>) out) : Arrays.asList((JAXBElement<String>[]) out);
assertEquals("Lengths differ", inList.size(), outList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < inList.size(); i++) {
assertEquals("Names of elements at index " + i + " differ", inList.get(i).getName(), outList.get(i).getName());
assertEquals("Values of elements at index " + i + " differ", inList.get(i).getValue(), outList.get(i).getValue());
use of in project jersey by jersey.
the class EntityTypesTest method _testListOrArray.
public void _testListOrArray(final boolean isList, final MediaType mt) {
final Object in = isList ? getJAXBElementList() : getJAXBElementArray();
final GenericType gt = isList ? new GenericType<List<JAXBElement<String>>>() {
} : new GenericType<JAXBElement<String>[]>() {
final WebTarget target = target(isList ? "JAXBElementListResource" : "JAXBElementArrayResource");
final Object out = target.request(mt).post(Entity.entity(new GenericEntity(in, gt.getType()), mt), gt);
final List<JAXBElement<String>> inList = isList ? ((List<JAXBElement<String>>) in) : Arrays.asList((JAXBElement<String>[]) in);
final List<JAXBElement<String>> outList = isList ? ((List<JAXBElement<String>>) out) : Arrays.asList((JAXBElement<String>[]) out);
assertEquals("Lengths differ", inList.size(), outList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < inList.size(); i++) {
assertEquals("Names of elements at index " + i + " differ", inList.get(i).getName(), outList.get(i).getName());
assertEquals("Values of elements at index " + i + " differ", inList.get(i).getValue(), outList.get(i).getValue());