use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class RTreeNDTest method treeStructureStatsTest.
* Collect stats making the structure of trees of each split type
* more visible.
public // This test ignored because output needs to be manually evaluated.
void treeStructureStatsTest() {
final int entryCount = 50_000;
final RectDouble2D[] rects = generateRandomRects(entryCount);
for (Spatialization.DefaultSplits type : Spatialization.DefaultSplits.values()) {
RTree<RectDouble2D> rTree = createRectDouble2DTree(2, 8, type);
for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
Stats stats = rTree.stats();
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class RTreeNDTest method treeSearchStatsTest.
* Do a search and collect stats on how many nodes we hit and how many
* bounding boxes we had to evaluate to get all the results.
* <p>
* Preliminary findings:
* - Evals for QUADRATIC tree increases with size of the search bounding box.
* - QUADRATIC seems to be ideal for small search bounding boxes.
public // This test ignored because output needs to be manually evaluated.
void treeSearchStatsTest() {
final int entryCount = 5000;
final RectDouble2D[] rects = generateRandomRects(entryCount);
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
for (Spatialization.DefaultSplits type : Spatialization.DefaultSplits.values()) {
RTree<RectDouble2D> rTree = createRectDouble2DTree(2, 12, type);
for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
final RectDouble2D searchRect = new RectDouble2D(100, 100, 120, 120);
RectDouble2D[] results = new RectDouble2D[entryCount];
final long start = System.nanoTime();
int foundCount = rTree.containedToArray(searchRect, results);
final long end = System.nanoTime() - start;
CounterNode<RectDouble2D> root = (CounterNode<RectDouble2D>) rTree.root();
// System.out.println("[" + type + "] searched " + root.containingCount + " nodes, returning " + foundCount + " entries");
System.out.println("[" + type + "] evaluated " + CounterNode.bboxEvalCount + " b-boxes, returning " + foundCount + " entries");
System.out.println("Run was " + end / 1000 + " us");
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class RTreeNDTest method RectDouble2DSearchTest.
* Use an small bounding box to ensure that only expected rectangles are returned.
* Verifies the count returned from search AND the number of rectangles results.
public void RectDouble2DSearchTest() {
final int entryCount = 20;
for (Spatialization.DefaultSplits type : Spatialization.DefaultSplits.values()) {
RTree<RectDouble2D> rTree = createRectDouble2DTree(2, 8, type);
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
rTree.add(new RectDouble2D(i, i, i + 3, i + 3));
final RectDouble2D searchRect = new RectDouble2D(5, 5, 10, 10);
RectDouble2D[] results = new RectDouble2D[3];
final int foundCount = rTree.containedToArray(searchRect, results);
int resultCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i] != null) {
final int expectedCount = 3;
assertEquals(expectedCount, foundCount, "[" + type + "] Search returned incorrect search result count - expected: " + expectedCount + " actual: " + foundCount);
assertEquals(expectedCount, resultCount, "[" + type + "] Search returned incorrect number of rectangles - expected: " + expectedCount + " actual: " + resultCount);
// If the order of nodes in the tree changes, this test may fail while returning the correct results.
for (int i = 0; i < resultCount; i++) {
assertTrue(Util.equals(results[i].min.x, (double) (i + 5), Spatialization.EPSILON) && Util.equals(results[i].min.y, (double) (i + 5), Spatialization.EPSILON) && Util.equals(results[i].max.x, (double) (i + 8), Spatialization.EPSILON) && Util.equals(results[i].max.y, (double) (i + 8), Spatialization.EPSILON), "Unexpected result found:" + results[i]);
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class RTreeNDTest method treeSingleRemovalTest.
public void treeSingleRemovalTest() {
final RTree<RectDouble2D> rTree = createRectDouble2DTree(Spatialization.DefaultSplits.QUADRATIC);
RectDouble2D rect = new RectDouble2D(0, 0, 2, 2);
assertTrue(rTree.size() > 0, "Did not add HyperRect to Tree");
assertTrue(rTree.size() == 0, "Did not remove HyperRect from Tree");
assertTrue(rTree.size() > 0, "Tree nulled out and could not add HyperRect back in");
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class RTreeNDTest method testAddsubtreeWithSideTree.
public void testAddsubtreeWithSideTree() {
final RTree<RectDouble2D> rTree = createRectDouble2DTree(3, 6, Spatialization.DefaultSplits.QUADRATIC);
final RectDouble2D search;
rTree.add(new RectDouble2D(2, 2, 4, 4));
rTree.add(search = new RectDouble2D(5, 2, 6, 3));
// now make sure root node is a branch
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rTree.add(new RectDouble2D(3.0 - 1.0 / (10.0 + i), 3.0 - 1.0 / (10.0 + i), 3.0 + 1.0 / (10.0 + i), 3.0 + 1.0 / (10.0 + i)));
// add subtree/child on first rectangle - fully contained
rTree.add(new RectDouble2D(2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.5));
assertEquals(8, rTree.size());
final AtomicInteger hitCount = new AtomicInteger();
// but 5, 2, 6, 3 must still be found!
rTree.whileEachContaining(search, (closure) -> {
return true;
assertEquals(1, hitCount.get());