use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class Rect2DTest method rangeTest.
public void rangeTest() {
RectDouble2D rect = new RectDouble2D(0, 0, 4, 3);
double xRange = rect.range(0);
double yRange = rect.range(1);
assertTrue(xRange == 4.0d, "Bad range in dimension X - expected " + 4.0 + " but was " + xRange);
assertTrue(yRange == 3.0d, "Bad range in dimension Y - expected " + 3.0 + " but was " + yRange);
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class Rect2DTest method mbrTest.
public void mbrTest() {
RectDouble2D rect = new RectDouble2D(0, 0, 4, 3);
// shouldn't affect MBR
RectDouble2D rectInside = new RectDouble2D(0, 0, 1, 1);
RectDouble2D mbr = rect.mbr(rectInside);
double expectedMinX = rect.min.x;
double expectedMinY = rect.min.y;
double expectedMaxX = rect.max.x;
double expectedMaxY = rect.max.y;
double actualMinX = mbr.min.x;
double actualMinY = mbr.min.y;
double actualMaxX = mbr.max.x;
double actualMaxY = mbr.max.y;
assertTrue(actualMinX == expectedMinX, "Bad minX - Expected: " + expectedMinX + " Actual: " + actualMinX);
assertTrue(actualMinY == expectedMinY, "Bad minY - Expected: " + expectedMinY + " Actual: " + actualMinY);
assertTrue(actualMaxX == expectedMaxX, "Bad maxX - Expected: " + expectedMaxX + " Actual: " + actualMaxX);
assertTrue(actualMaxY == expectedMaxY, "Bad maxY - Expected: " + expectedMaxY + " Actual: " + actualMaxY);
// should affect MBR
RectDouble2D rectOverlap = new RectDouble2D(3, 1, 5, 4);
mbr = rect.mbr(rectOverlap);
expectedMinX = 0.0d;
expectedMinY = 0.0d;
expectedMaxX = 5.0d;
expectedMaxY = 4.0d;
actualMinX = mbr.min.x;
actualMinY = mbr.min.y;
actualMaxX = mbr.max.x;
actualMaxY = mbr.max.y;
assertTrue(actualMinX == expectedMinX, "Bad minX - Expected: " + expectedMinX + " Actual: " + actualMinX);
assertTrue(actualMinY == expectedMinY, "Bad minY - Expected: " + expectedMinY + " Actual: " + actualMinY);
assertTrue(actualMaxX == expectedMaxX, "Bad maxX - Expected: " + expectedMaxX + " Actual: " + actualMaxX);
assertTrue(actualMaxY == expectedMaxY, "Bad maxY - Expected: " + expectedMaxY + " Actual: " + actualMaxY);
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class Rect2DTest method containsTest.
public void containsTest() {
RectDouble2D rect = new RectDouble2D(0, 0, 4, 3);
// shares an edge on the outside, not contained
RectDouble2D rectOutsideNotContained = new RectDouble2D(4, 2, 5, 3);
assertTrue(!rect.contains(rectOutsideNotContained), "Shares an edge but should not be 'contained'");
// shares an edge on the inside, not contained
RectDouble2D rectInsideNotContained = new RectDouble2D(0, 1, 4, 5);
assertTrue(!rect.contains(rectInsideNotContained), "Shares an edge but should not be 'contained'");
// shares an edge on the inside, contained
RectDouble2D rectInsideContained = new RectDouble2D(0, 1, 1, 2);
assertTrue(rect.contains(rectInsideContained), "Shares an edge and should be 'contained'");
// intersects
RectDouble2D rectIntersects = new RectDouble2D(3, 2, 5, 4);
assertTrue(!rect.contains(rectIntersects), "Intersects but should not be 'contained'");
// contains
RectDouble2D rectContained = new RectDouble2D(1, 1, 2, 2);
assertTrue(rect.contains(rectContained), "Contains and should be 'contained'");
// does not contain or intersect
RectDouble2D rectNotContained = new RectDouble2D(5, 0, 6, 1);
assertTrue(!rect.contains(rectNotContained), "Does not contain and should not be 'contained'");
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class RTree2DTest method treeSingleRemovalTest.
public void treeSingleRemovalTest() {
final RTree<RectDouble2D> rTree = createRect2DTree(Spatialization.DefaultSplits.QUADRATIC);
RectDouble2D rect = new RectDouble2D(0, 0, 2, 2);
assertTrue(rTree.size() > 0, "Did not add HyperRect to Tree");
assertTrue(rTree.size() == 0, "Did not remove HyperRect from Tree");
assertTrue(rTree.size() > 0, "Tree nulled out and could not add HyperRect back in");
use of jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectDouble2D in project narchy by automenta.
the class RTree2DTest method pointSearchTest.
public void pointSearchTest() {
final RTree<Double2D> pTree = new RTree<>(new Double2D.Builder(), 2, 8, Spatialization.DefaultSplits.AXIAL);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pTree.add(new Double2D(i, i));
assertEquals(i + 1, pTree.size());
assertEquals(i + 1, Iterators.size(pTree.iterator()));
final RectDouble2D rect = new RectDouble2D(new Double2D(2, 2), new Double2D(8, 8));
final Double2D[] result = new Double2D[10];
final int n = pTree.containedToArray(rect, result);
assertEquals(7, n, () -> Arrays.toString(result));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
assertTrue(result[i].x >= 2);
assertTrue(result[i].x <= 8);
assertTrue(result[i].y >= 2);
assertTrue(result[i].y <= 8);