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Example 1 with JepException

use of jep.JepException in project apex-malhar by apache.

the class InterpreterThread method eval.

 * Evaluates a string expression by passing in any variable subsitution into the Interpreter space if required. Also
 * handles the garbage collection of the variables passed and offers a configurable way to delete any variable created
 *  as part of the evaluation expression.
 * @param command The string equivalent of the command
 * @param variableToExtract The name of the variable that would need to be extracted from the python interpreter space
 *                          to the JVM space.
 * @param variableSubstituionParams Key value pairs representing the variables that need to be passed into the
 *                                  interpreter space and are part of the eval expression.
 * @param deleteExtractedVariable if the L.H.S. of an assignment expression variable needs to be deleted. This is
 *                                essentially the variable that is being requested to extract i.e. the second
 *                                parameter to this method.
 * @param expectedReturnType Class representing the expected return type
 * @param <T> Template signature for the expected return type
 * @return The value that is extracted from the interpreter space ( possibly created as part of the eval expression or
 *  otherwise ). Returns null if any error
private <T> T eval(String command, String variableToExtract, Map<String, Object> variableSubstituionParams, boolean deleteExtractedVariable, Class<T> expectedReturnType) {
    T variableToReturn = null;
    LOG.debug("Executing eval expression " + command + " with return type : " + expectedReturnType);
    try {
        for (String aKey : variableSubstituionParams.keySet()) {
            Object keyVal = variableSubstituionParams.get(aKey);
            if (keyVal instanceof NDimensionalArray) {
                keyVal = ((NDimensionalArray) keyVal).toNDArray();
            JEP_INSTANCE.set(aKey, keyVal);
    } catch (JepException e) {
        errorEncountered = true;
        LOG.error("Error while setting the params for eval expression " + command, e);
        return null;
    try {
        LOG.debug("Executing the eval expression in the interpreter instance " + command);
    } catch (JepException e) {
        errorEncountered = true;
        LOG.error("Error while evaluating the expression " + command, e);
        return null;
    try {
        if (variableToExtract != null) {
            Object extractedVariable = JEP_INSTANCE.getValue(variableToExtract);
            if (extractedVariable instanceof NDArray) {
                LOG.debug(" Return type is a NumPy Array. Hence converting to NDimensionalArray instance");
                NDArray ndArrayJepVal = (NDArray) extractedVariable;
                NDimensionalArray nDimArray = new NDimensionalArray();
                int[] dimensions = ndArrayJepVal.getDimensions();
                int lengthInOneDimension = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
                    lengthInOneDimension *= dimensions[i];
                variableToReturn = expectedReturnType.cast(nDimArray);
            } else {
                variableToReturn = expectedReturnType.cast(extractedVariable);
            if (deleteExtractedVariable) {
                LOG.debug("Deleting the extracted variable from the Python interpreter space");
                JEP_INSTANCE.eval(PYTHON_DEL_COMMAND + variableToExtract);
        LOG.debug("Deleting all the variables from the python interpreter space ");
        for (String aKey : variableSubstituionParams.keySet()) {
            LOG.debug("Deleting " + aKey);
            JEP_INSTANCE.eval(PYTHON_DEL_COMMAND + aKey);
    } catch (JepException e) {
        errorEncountered = true;
        LOG.error("Error while evaluating delete part of expression " + command, e);
        return null;
    return variableToReturn;
Also used : NDimensionalArray(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.util.NDimensionalArray) NDArray(jep.NDArray) JepException(jep.JepException)

Example 2 with JepException

use of jep.JepException in project apex-malhar by apache.

the class InterpreterThread method processCommand.

 * Responsible for polling the request queue and formatting the request payload to make it compatible to the
 *  individual processing logic of the functionalities provided by the interpreter API methods.
 * @param <T> Java templating signature enforcement
 * @throws ApexPythonInterpreterException if an unrecognized command is issued.
 * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while trying to wait for a request from request queue
private <T> void processCommand() throws ApexPythonInterpreterException, InterruptedException {
    PythonRequestResponse requestResponseHandle = requestQueue.poll(timeOutToPollFromRequestQueue, timeUnitsToPollFromRequestQueue);
    if (requestResponseHandle != null) {
        LOG.debug("Processing command " + requestResponseHandle.getPythonInterpreterRequest().getCommandType());
        busyFlag = true;
        if (errorEncountered) {
            LOG.debug("Error state detected from a previous command. Resetting state to  the previous" + " state of the error");
            try {
                errorEncountered = false;
            } catch (JepException e) {
                LOG.error("Error while trying to clear the state of the interpreter due to previous command" + " " + e.getMessage(), e);
        PythonInterpreterRequest<T> request = requestResponseHandle.getPythonInterpreterRequest();
        PythonInterpreterResponse<T> response = requestResponseHandle.getPythonInterpreterResponse();
        Map<String, Boolean> commandStatus = new HashMap<>(1);
        switch(request.getCommandType()) {
            case EVAL_COMMAND:
                EvalCommandRequestPayload evalPayload = request.getEvalCommandRequestPayload();
                T responseVal = eval(evalPayload.getEvalCommand(), evalPayload.getVariableNameToExtractInEvalCall(), evalPayload.getParamsForEvalCommand(), evalPayload.isDeleteVariableAfterEvalCall(), request.getExpectedReturnType());
                if (responseVal != null) {
                    commandStatus.put(evalPayload.getEvalCommand(), Boolean.TRUE);
                } else {
                    commandStatus.put(evalPayload.getEvalCommand(), Boolean.FALSE);
            case SCRIPT_COMMAND:
                ScriptExecutionRequestPayload scriptPayload = request.getScriptExecutionRequestPayload();
                if (executeScript(scriptPayload.getScriptName())) {
                    commandStatus.put(scriptPayload.getScriptName(), Boolean.TRUE);
                } else {
                    commandStatus.put(scriptPayload.getScriptName(), Boolean.FALSE);
                MethodCallRequestPayload requestpayload = request.getMethodCallRequest();
                response.setResponse(executeMethodCall(requestpayload.getNameOfMethod(), requestpayload.getArgs(), request.getExpectedReturnType()));
                if (response.getResponse() == null) {
                    commandStatus.put(requestpayload.getNameOfMethod(), Boolean.FALSE);
                } else {
                    commandStatus.put(requestpayload.getNameOfMethod(), Boolean.TRUE);
            case GENERIC_COMMANDS:
                throw new ApexPythonInterpreterException(new Exception("Unspecified Interpreter command"));
        LOG.debug("Submitted the response and executed " + response.getCommandStatus().size() + " instances of command");
    busyFlag = false;
Also used : EvalCommandRequestPayload(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.EvalCommandRequestPayload) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) PythonRequestResponse(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.PythonRequestResponse) JepException(jep.JepException) JepException(jep.JepException) ApexPythonInterpreterException(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.ApexPythonInterpreterException) ScriptExecutionRequestPayload(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.ScriptExecutionRequestPayload) ApexPythonInterpreterException(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.ApexPythonInterpreterException) MethodCallRequestPayload(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.MethodCallRequestPayload)

Example 3 with JepException

use of jep.JepException in project apex-malhar by apache.

the class InterpreterThread method startInterpreter.

 * Starts the interpreter by loading the shared libraries
 * @throws ApexPythonInterpreterException if the interpreter could not be started
public void startInterpreter() throws ApexPythonInterpreterException {
    // To allow for time aware calls
    JepConfig config = new JepConfig().setRedirectOutputStreams(true).setInteractive(false).setClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
    if (initConfigs.containsKey(PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATHS)) {
        List<String> includePaths = (List<String>) initConfigs.get(PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATHS);
        if (includePaths != null) {
  "Adding include path for the in-memory interpreter instance");
            for (String anIncludePath : includePaths) {
    if (initConfigs.containsKey(PYTHON_SHARED_LIBS)) {
        Set<String> sharedLibs = (Set<String>) initConfigs.get(PYTHON_SHARED_LIBS);
        if (sharedLibs != null) {
  "Loaded " + sharedLibs.size() + " shared libraries as config");
    } else {" No shared libraries loaded");
    if (initConfigs.containsKey(IDLE_INTERPRETER_SPIN_POLICY)) {
        spinPolicy = SpinPolicy.valueOf((String) initConfigs.get(IDLE_INTERPRETER_SPIN_POLICY));
        LOG.debug("Configuring spin policy to be " + spinPolicy);
    if (initConfigs.containsKey(SLEEP_TIME_MS_IN_CASE_OF_NO_REQUESTS)) {
        sleepTimeMsInCaseOfNoRequests = (Long) initConfigs.get(SLEEP_TIME_MS_IN_CASE_OF_NO_REQUESTS);
        LOG.debug("Configuring sleep time for no requests situation to be " + sleepTimeMsInCaseOfNoRequests);
    try {"Launching the in-memory interpreter");
        JEP_INSTANCE = new Jep(config);
    } catch (JepException e) {
        // Purposefully logging as this will help in startup issues being captured inline
        LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new ApexPythonInterpreterException(e);
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) Jep(jep.Jep) ApexPythonInterpreterException(org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.ApexPythonInterpreterException) JepConfig(jep.JepConfig) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) JepException(jep.JepException)

Example 4 with JepException

use of jep.JepException in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.

the class AbstractPythonProcessor method initialValue.

protected Jep initialValue() {
    try {
        // get the jep instance for this thread
        Jep jep = JepInstance.getInstance();
        // todo temporary workaround for JepArray issue.
        // This won't be a significant performance bottleneck though
        String lambdaString = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes);
        jep.set("func_bin", lambdaString);
        jep.eval(this.objectId + " = cp.loads(base64.b64decode(func_bin))");
        jep.eval("del func_bin");
        return jep;
    } catch (JepException e) {
        throw new Twister2RuntimeException("Error in building lambda function", e);
Also used : Twister2RuntimeException(edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.exceptions.Twister2RuntimeException) Jep(jep.Jep) JepException(jep.JepException)

Example 5 with JepException

use of jep.JepException in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.

the class JepInstance method initialValue.

protected Jep initialValue() {
    JepConfig jepConfig = new JepConfig();
    // );
    try {
        TSharedInterpreter jep = new TSharedInterpreter(jepConfig);
        jep.eval("import cloudpickle as cp");
        jep.eval("import base64");
        jep.eval("from abc import ABC, abstractmethod");
        jep.eval("import numpy as np");
        jep.eval("import twister2.utils as utils");
        return jep;
    } catch (JepException jex) {
        throw new Twister2RuntimeException("Couldn't create a JEP instance", jex);
Also used : Twister2RuntimeException(edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.exceptions.Twister2RuntimeException) JepConfig(jep.JepConfig) JepException(jep.JepException)


JepException (jep.JepException)5 Twister2RuntimeException (edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.exceptions.Twister2RuntimeException)2 Jep (jep.Jep)2 JepConfig (jep.JepConfig)2 ApexPythonInterpreterException (org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.ApexPythonInterpreterException)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 List (java.util.List)1 Set (java.util.Set)1 NDArray (jep.NDArray)1 EvalCommandRequestPayload (org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.EvalCommandRequestPayload)1 MethodCallRequestPayload (org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.MethodCallRequestPayload)1 PythonRequestResponse (org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.PythonRequestResponse)1 ScriptExecutionRequestPayload (org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.ScriptExecutionRequestPayload)1 NDimensionalArray (org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.util.NDimensionalArray)1