use of jetbrains.buildServer.util.TimeService in project teamcity-rest by JetBrains.
the class BuildRequest method setFinishedTime.
* Experimental support for finishing the build. The actual build finish process can be long and can finish after the request has returned.
* Use with caution: this API is not yet stable and is subject to change.
@Consumes({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN })
@Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN })
@ApiOperation(value = "Marks the running build as finished by passing agent the current time of the build to finish.", nickname = "setBuildFinishDate")
public String setFinishedTime(@ApiParam(format = LocatorName.BUILD) @PathParam("buildLocator") String buildLocator, final String date) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(date)) {
throw new BadRequestException("Body should contain finish date");
TimeService timeService = myBeanContext.getSingletonService(TimeService.class);
Date finishTime = !StringUtil.isEmpty(date) ? TimeWithPrecision.parse(date, timeService).getTime() : new Date(;
return finishBuild(buildLocator, finishTime);