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Example 1 with MessageBus

use of jgnash.engine.message.MessageBus in project jgnash by ccavanaugh.

the class UIApplication method restartUI.

     * Forces a restart of the UI without having to reload the engine. Useful when changing the look and feel
public static void restartUI() {
    EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> {
        final Engine engine = EngineFactory.getEngine(EngineFactory.DEFAULT);
        if (engine != null) {
            MessageBus messageBus = MessageBus.getInstance(engine.getName());
            Message message = new Message(MessageChannel.SYSTEM, ChannelEvent.UI_RESTARTING, engine);
        // recreate the main UI twice to flush look and feel info from the JXSwing components
        mainFrame = new MainFrame();
        mainFrame = new MainFrame();
        if (engine != null) {
            MessageBus messageBus = MessageBus.getInstance(engine.getName());
            Message message = new Message(MessageChannel.SYSTEM, ChannelEvent.UI_RESTARTED, engine);
Also used : MessageBus(jgnash.engine.message.MessageBus) Message(jgnash.engine.message.Message) Engine(jgnash.engine.Engine)

Example 2 with MessageBus

use of jgnash.engine.message.MessageBus in project jgnash by ccavanaugh.

the class EngineFactory method bootClientEngine.

public static synchronized Engine bootClientEngine(final String host, final int port, final char[] password, final String engineName) throws Exception {
    if (engineMap.get(engineName) != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("A stale engine was found in the map");
    final Preferences pref = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(EngineFactory.class);
    Engine engine = null;
    // start the client message bus
    if (MessageBus.getInstance(engineName).setRemote(host, port + JpaNetworkServer.MESSAGE_SERVER_INCREMENT, password)) {
        pref.putInt(LAST_PORT, port);
        pref.put(LAST_HOST, host);
        pref.putBoolean(LAST_REMOTE, true);
        final MessageBus messageBus = MessageBus.getInstance(engineName);
        // after starting the remote message bus, it should receive the path on the server
        final String remoteDataBasePath = messageBus.getRemoteDataBasePath();
        final DataStoreType dataStoreType = messageBus.getRemoteDataStoreType();
        if (remoteDataBasePath == null || remoteDataBasePath.isEmpty() || dataStoreType == null) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid connection wih the message bus");
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Remote path was {0}", remoteDataBasePath);
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Remote data store was {0}",;
        logger.log(Level.INFO, "Engine name was {0}", engineName);
        DataStore dataStore = dataStoreType.getDataStore();
        // connect to the remote server
        engine = dataStore.getClientEngine(host, port, password, remoteDataBasePath);
        if (engine != null) {
            engineMap.put(engineName, engine);
            dataStoreMap.put(engineName, dataStore);
            // remember if the user used a password for the last session
            pref.putBoolean(USED_PASSWORD, password.length > 0);
            final Message message = new Message(MessageChannel.SYSTEM, ChannelEvent.FILE_LOAD_SUCCESS, engine);
    return engine;
Also used : MessageBus(jgnash.engine.message.MessageBus) Message(jgnash.engine.message.Message) BinaryXStreamDataStore(jgnash.engine.xstream.BinaryXStreamDataStore) XMLDataStore(jgnash.engine.xstream.XMLDataStore) Preferences(java.util.prefs.Preferences) IOException(


Message (jgnash.engine.message.Message)2 MessageBus (jgnash.engine.message.MessageBus)2 IOException ( Preferences (java.util.prefs.Preferences)1 Engine (jgnash.engine.Engine)1 BinaryXStreamDataStore (jgnash.engine.xstream.BinaryXStreamDataStore)1 XMLDataStore (jgnash.engine.xstream.XMLDataStore)1