use of jmri.Section in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class TransitTableAction method addAlternateForSeqPressed.
void addAlternateForSeqPressed(ActionEvent e) {
if (sectionList.size() > maxSections) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("Message23"), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int seq = getSeqNum();
if (seq == 0) {
Section primarySection = null;
ArrayList<Section> altOldList = new ArrayList<>();
Section beforeSection = null;
int beforeSectionDirection = 0;
Section afterSection = null;
int afterSectionDirection = 0;
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < sectionList.size(); i++) {
if ((sequence[i] == seq) && (!alternate[i])) {
primarySection = sectionList.get(i);
index = i;
if ((sequence[i] == seq) && alternate[i]) {
if ((sequence[i] == (seq - 1)) && (!alternate[i])) {
beforeSection = sectionList.get(i);
beforeSectionDirection = direction[i];
if ((sequence[i] == (seq + 1)) && (!alternate[i])) {
afterSection = sectionList.get(i);
afterSectionDirection = Section.FORWARD;
if (afterSectionDirection == direction[i]) {
afterSectionDirection = Section.REVERSE;
if (primarySection == null) {
log.error("Missing primary Section for seq = " + seq);
ArrayList<Section> possibles = new ArrayList<>();
int[] possiblesDirection = new int[150];
ArrayList<String> possibleNames = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> allSections = sectionManager.getSystemNameList();
for (int i = 0; i < allSections.size(); i++) {
Section mayBeSection = null;
String mayBeName = allSections.get(i);
int mayBeDirection = 0;
Section s = sectionManager.getBySystemName(mayBeName);
if ((s != null) && (s != primarySection) && (s != beforeSection) && (s != afterSection) && (!inSectionList(s, altOldList))) {
if (beforeSection != null) {
if (forwardConnected(s, beforeSection, beforeSectionDirection)) {
String uname = s.getUserName();
if ((uname != null) && (!uname.equals(""))) {
mayBeName = mayBeName + "( " + uname + " )";
mayBeSection = s;
mayBeDirection = Section.FORWARD;
} else if (reverseConnected(s, beforeSection, beforeSectionDirection)) {
String uname = s.getUserName();
if ((uname != null) && (!uname.equals(""))) {
mayBeName = mayBeName + "( " + uname + " )";
mayBeSection = s;
mayBeDirection = Section.REVERSE;
if ((mayBeSection != null) && (afterSection != null)) {
if (mayBeDirection == Section.REVERSE) {
if (!forwardConnected(s, afterSection, afterSectionDirection)) {
mayBeSection = null;
} else {
if (!reverseConnected(s, afterSection, afterSectionDirection)) {
mayBeSection = null;
} else if (afterSection != null) {
if (forwardConnected(s, afterSection, afterSectionDirection)) {
String uname = s.getUserName();
if ((uname != null) && (!uname.equals(""))) {
mayBeName = mayBeName + "( " + uname + " )";
mayBeSection = s;
mayBeDirection = Section.REVERSE;
} else if (reverseConnected(s, afterSection, afterSectionDirection)) {
String uname = s.getUserName();
if ((uname != null) && (!uname.equals(""))) {
mayBeName = mayBeName + "( " + uname + " )";
mayBeSection = s;
mayBeDirection = Section.FORWARD;
} else {
mayBeSection = s;
mayBeDirection = Section.FORWARD;
if (mayBeSection != null) {
possiblesDirection[possibles.size() - 1] = mayBeDirection;
if (possibles.size() == 0) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, java.text.MessageFormat.format(rbx.getString("Message37"), new Object[] { "" + seq }), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int k = 0;
if (possibles.size() > 1) {
Object[] choices = new Object[possibles.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < possibles.size(); j++) {
choices[j] = possibleNames.get(j);
Object selName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("AddAlternateChoice"), rbx.getString("AddAlternateTitle"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, choices, choices[0]);
if (selName == null) {
for (int j = 0; j < possibles.size(); j++) {
if (selName.equals(choices[j])) {
k = j;
index = index + 1 + altOldList.size();
sectionList.add(index, possibles.get(k));
for (int i = sectionList.size() - 2; i >= index; i--) {
direction[i + 1] = direction[i];
alternate[i + 1] = alternate[i];
action[i + 1] = action[i];
sequence[i + 1] = sequence[i];
direction[index] = possiblesDirection[k];
sequence[index] = sequence[index - 1];
alternate[index] = true;
action[index] = new ArrayList<>();
use of jmri.Section in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class TransitTableAction method addNextSectionPressed.
void addNextSectionPressed(ActionEvent e) {
if (sectionList.size() > maxSections) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("Message23"), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if (primarySectionBoxList.size() == 0) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("Message25"), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int index = primarySectionBox.getSelectedIndex();
Section s = primarySectionBoxList.get(index);
if (s != null) {
int j = sectionList.size();
direction[j] = priSectionDirection[index];
sequence[j] = curSequenceNum;
action[j] = new ArrayList<>();
alternate[j] = false;
if ((sectionList.size() == 2) && (curSection != null)) {
if (forwardConnected(curSection, s, 0)) {
direction[0] = Section.REVERSE;
curSectionDirection = direction[0];
prevSection = curSection;
prevSectionDirection = curSectionDirection;
curSection = s;
if (prevSection != null) {
curSectionDirection = direction[j];
use of jmri.Section in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class TransitTableAction method addAlternateSectionPressed.
void addAlternateSectionPressed(ActionEvent e) {
if (sectionList.size() > maxSections) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("Message23"), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if (alternateSectionBoxList.size() == 0) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("Message24"), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int index = alternateSectionBox.getSelectedIndex();
Section s = alternateSectionBoxList.get(index);
if (s != null) {
int j = sectionList.size();
direction[j] = altSectionDirection[index];
sequence[j] = curSequenceNum;
action[j] = new ArrayList<>();
alternate[j] = true;
use of jmri.Section in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class TransitTableAction method insertAtBeginningPressed.
void insertAtBeginningPressed(ActionEvent e) {
if (sectionList.size() > maxSections) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("Message23"), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
if (insertAtBeginningBoxList.size() == 0) {
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(addFrame, rbx.getString("Message35"), Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
int index = insertAtBeginningBox.getSelectedIndex();
Section s = insertAtBeginningBoxList.get(index);
if (s != null) {
sectionList.add(0, s);
for (int i = sectionList.size() - 2; i > 0; i--) {
direction[i + 1] = direction[i];
alternate[i + 1] = alternate[i];
action[i + 1] = action[i];
sequence[i + 1] = sequence[i] + 1;
direction[0] = insertAtBeginningDirection[index];
sequence[0] = 1;
alternate[0] = false;
action[0] = new ArrayList<>();
if (curSequenceNum == 2) {
prevSectionDirection = direction[0];
prevSection = s;
use of jmri.Section in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class AutoActiveTrain method addAllocatedSection.
private void addAllocatedSection(AllocatedSection as) {
if (!_initialized) {
// this is first allocated section, get things started
_initialized = true;
_nextSection = as.getSection();
_currentBlock = _activeTrain.getStartBlock();
if (as.getSection().containsBlock(_currentBlock)) {
// starting Block is in this allocated section - find next Block
_nextBlock = getNextBlock(_currentBlock, as);
} else if (as.getSection().connectsToBlock(_currentBlock)) {
// starting Block is connected to a Block in this allocated section
EntryPoint ep = as.getSection().getEntryPointFromBlock(_currentBlock, as.getDirection());
if (ep != null) {
_nextBlock = ep.getBlock();
} else {
log.error("failure to get entry point to Transit from Block " + _currentBlock.getSystemName());
if (_nextBlock != null) {
// set up new current signal
// if train is stopping for lack of an allocation, set flag to restart it
if (!_pausingActive && (_lastAllocatedSection == _currentAllocatedSection) && isStopping() && (_activeTrain.getStatus() == ActiveTrain.RUNNING)) {
_needSetSpeed = true;
// request next allocation if appropriate--Dispatcher must decide whether to allocate it and when
if ((!DispatcherFrame.instance().getAutoAllocate()) && ((_lastAllocatedSection == null) || (_lastAllocatedSection.getNextSection() == as.getSection()))) {
// if AutoAllocate, this is now done in for all trains
_lastAllocatedSection = as;
if (as.getNextSection() != null) {
Section nSection = as.getNextSection();
int nextSeq = as.getNextSectionSequence();
int nextDir = _activeTrain.getAllocationDirectionFromSectionAndSeq(nSection, nextSeq);
DispatcherFrame.instance().requestAllocation(_activeTrain, nSection, nextDir, nextSeq, true, null);