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Example 1 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class SectionManagerXmlTest method testLoadCurrent.

public void testLoadCurrent() throws Exception {
    // load file
    // Note: This test assumes that BlockManagerXMLTest passes and more importantly (weakly)
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    // check existance of sections
    Assert.assertNull(InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("no section"));
    // check existance of a couple of blocks just to be sure 
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    Assert.assertNull(InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("no block"));
    // check existance of a couple of turmouts just to be sure
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    Assert.assertNull(InstanceManager.turnoutManagerInstance().getTurnout("no turnout"));
    // check existance of a couple of memories just to be sure        
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    Assert.assertNull(InstanceManager.memoryManagerInstance().getMemory("no memory"));
    // check existance of a couple of sensors just to be sure
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    Assert.assertNull(InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("no sensor"));
    // check existance of a couple of paths between blocks just to be sure
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    Block[] blockstotest;
    Sensor[] occupiedsensor;
    int[] expectedpreviouspaths;
    int[] expectednextpaths;
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    blockstotest = new Block[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    occupiedsensor = new Sensor[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedpreviouspaths = new int[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectednextpaths = new int[12];
    Boolean[] passprevioustest;
    Boolean[] passnexttest;
    //Make sure this is bigger than needed
    passprevioustest = new Boolean[4];
    //Make sure this is bigger than needed
    passnexttest = new Boolean[4];
    Block[][] previousblock;
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    previousblock = new Block[12][4];
    Block[][] nextblock;
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    nextblock = new Block[12][4];
    //  This matches up with the test file, ..., just be sure
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    blockstotest[0] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocknorthwest");
    occupiedsensor[0] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocknorthwestoccupied");
    blockstotest[1] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocknorth");
    occupiedsensor[1] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocknorthoccupied");
    blockstotest[2] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocknorthsiding");
    occupiedsensor[2] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocknorthsidingoccupied");
    blockstotest[3] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocknortheast");
    occupiedsensor[3] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocknortheastoccupied");
    blockstotest[4] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blockeast");
    occupiedsensor[4] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blockeastoccupied");
    blockstotest[5] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blockeastsiding");
    occupiedsensor[5] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blockeastsidingoccupied");
    blockstotest[6] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocksoutheast");
    occupiedsensor[6] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocksoutheastoccupied");
    blockstotest[7] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocksouth");
    occupiedsensor[7] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocksouthoccupied");
    blockstotest[8] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocksouthsiding");
    occupiedsensor[8] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocksouthsidingoccupied");
    blockstotest[9] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blocksouthwest");
    occupiedsensor[9] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blocksouthwestoccupied");
    blockstotest[10] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blockwest");
    occupiedsensor[10] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blockwestoccupied");
    blockstotest[11] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock("blockwestsiding");
    occupiedsensor[11] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("blockwestsidingoccupied");
    // The references are circular so the definitons are split up, ..., just be sure
    //       that LoadSectionManagerFileText.xml and LoadBlockManagerFileText.xml refer to the
    //       same block / section layout definition.
    expectedpreviouspaths[0] = 2;
    previousblock[0][0] = blockstotest[10];
    previousblock[0][1] = blockstotest[11];
    expectednextpaths[0] = 2;
    nextblock[0][0] = blockstotest[1];
    nextblock[0][1] = blockstotest[2];
    expectedpreviouspaths[1] = 1;
    previousblock[1][0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectednextpaths[1] = 1;
    nextblock[1][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectedpreviouspaths[2] = 1;
    previousblock[2][0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectednextpaths[2] = 1;
    nextblock[2][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectedpreviouspaths[3] = 2;
    previousblock[3][0] = blockstotest[1];
    previousblock[3][1] = blockstotest[2];
    expectednextpaths[3] = 2;
    nextblock[3][0] = blockstotest[4];
    nextblock[3][1] = blockstotest[5];
    expectedpreviouspaths[4] = 1;
    previousblock[4][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectednextpaths[4] = 1;
    nextblock[4][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectedpreviouspaths[5] = 1;
    previousblock[5][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectednextpaths[5] = 1;
    nextblock[5][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectedpreviouspaths[6] = 2;
    previousblock[6][0] = blockstotest[4];
    previousblock[6][1] = blockstotest[5];
    expectednextpaths[6] = 2;
    nextblock[6][0] = blockstotest[7];
    nextblock[6][1] = blockstotest[8];
    expectedpreviouspaths[7] = 1;
    previousblock[7][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectednextpaths[7] = 1;
    nextblock[7][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectedpreviouspaths[8] = 1;
    previousblock[8][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectednextpaths[8] = 1;
    nextblock[8][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectedpreviouspaths[9] = 2;
    previousblock[9][0] = blockstotest[7];
    previousblock[9][1] = blockstotest[8];
    expectednextpaths[9] = 2;
    nextblock[9][0] = blockstotest[10];
    nextblock[9][1] = blockstotest[11];
    expectedpreviouspaths[10] = 1;
    previousblock[10][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectednextpaths[10] = 1;
    nextblock[10][0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectedpreviouspaths[11] = 1;
    previousblock[11][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectednextpaths[11] = 1;
    nextblock[11][0] = blockstotest[0];
    for (int testblockfocus = 0; testblockfocus < 12; testblockfocus++) {
        // Set to one greater than above
        int expectedcentrepaths = expectedpreviouspaths[testblockfocus] + expectednextpaths[testblockfocus];
        Block focusBlock = blockstotest[testblockfocus];
        Memory expectedtestmemory = InstanceManager.memoryManagerInstance().getMemory("blocknorthmemory");
        expectedtestmemory.setValue("Memory test: " + testblockfocus);
        // TODO: BOB C: Memory Test
        //            Memory actualtestmemory = (Memory) focusBlock.getValue();
        //            Assert.assertNotNull(actualtestmemory);
        //            Assert.assertEquals("Memory where Focus was: " + testblockfocus, expectedtestmemory, actualtestmemory);
        Assert.assertEquals("Sensor where Focus was: " + testblockfocus, occupiedsensor[testblockfocus].getSystemName(), focusBlock.getSensor().getSystemName());
        List<Path> testpaths = focusBlock.getPaths();
        Assert.assertEquals("Block Path size where Block Focus was: " + testblockfocus, expectedcentrepaths, testpaths.size());
        for (int p = 0; p < expectedpreviouspaths[testblockfocus]; p++) {
            passprevioustest[p] = false;
        for (int n = 0; n < expectednextpaths[testblockfocus]; n++) {
            passnexttest[n] = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < testpaths.size(); i++) {
            Block testblock = testpaths.get(i).getBlock();
            for (int p = 0; p < expectedpreviouspaths[testblockfocus]; p++) {
                if (testblock == previousblock[testblockfocus][p]) {
                    passprevioustest[p] = true;
            for (int n = 0; n < expectednextpaths[testblockfocus]; n++) {
                if (testblock == nextblock[testblockfocus][n]) {
                    passnexttest[n] = true;
        for (int p = 0; p < expectedpreviouspaths[testblockfocus]; p++) {
            Assert.assertTrue("Block Focus was: " + testblockfocus + " previous path: " + p, passprevioustest[p]);
        for (int n = 0; n < expectednextpaths[testblockfocus]; n++) {
            Assert.assertTrue("Block Focus was: " + testblockfocus + " next path: " + n, passnexttest[n]);
    Section[] sectionstotest;
    Block[] expectedsectionentryblock;
    Block[][] expectedsectionforwardblock;
    Block[][] expectedsectionreverseblock;
    Sensor[] expectedForwardBlockingSensors;
    Sensor[] expectedReverseBlockingSensors;
    Sensor[] expectedForwardStoppingSensors;
    Sensor[] expectedReverseStoppingSensors;
    int[] expectedsectionblocklistsize;
    int[] expectedforwardEntryPointList;
    int[] expectedreverseEntryPointList;
    //        Sensor[] occupiedsensor;
    //        int[] expectedpreviouspaths;
    //        int[] expectednextpaths;
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    sectionstotest = new Section[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedsectionentryblock = new Block[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedsectionforwardblock = new Block[12][2];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedsectionreverseblock = new Block[12][2];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors = new Sensor[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors = new Sensor[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors = new Sensor[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors = new Sensor[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedsectionblocklistsize = new int[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedforwardEntryPointList = new int[12];
    //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    expectedreverseEntryPointList = new int[12];
    //        occupiedsensor = new Sensor[12];      //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    //        expectedpreviouspaths = new int[12];  //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    //        expectednextpaths = new int[12];      //Make sure this is bigger than the list below
    //  This matches up with the test file, ...
    sectionstotest[0] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("NorthWest");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[0] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[0] = 2;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[0][0] = blockstotest[10];
    expectedsectionforwardblock[0][1] = blockstotest[11];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[0] = 2;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[0][0] = blockstotest[1];
    expectedsectionreverseblock[0][1] = blockstotest[2];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[0] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF1");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[0] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR1");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[0] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF1");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[0] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR1");
    sectionstotest[1] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("North");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[1] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[1] = blockstotest[1];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[1] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[1][0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[1] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[1][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[1] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF2");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[1] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR2");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[1] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF2");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[1] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR2");
    sectionstotest[2] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("NorthSiding");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[2] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[2] = blockstotest[2];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[2] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[2][0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[2] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[2][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[2] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF3");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[2] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR3");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[2] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF3");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[2] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR3");
    sectionstotest[3] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("NorthEast");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[3] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[3] = blockstotest[3];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[3] = 2;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[3][0] = blockstotest[1];
    expectedsectionforwardblock[3][1] = blockstotest[2];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[3] = 2;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[3][0] = blockstotest[4];
    expectedsectionreverseblock[3][1] = blockstotest[5];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[3] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF4");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[3] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR4");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[3] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF4");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[3] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR4");
    sectionstotest[4] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("East");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[4] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[4] = blockstotest[4];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[4] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[4][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[4] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[4][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[4] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF5");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[4] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR5");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[4] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF5");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[4] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR5");
    sectionstotest[5] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("EastSiding");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[5] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[5] = blockstotest[5];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[5] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[5][0] = blockstotest[3];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[5] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[5][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[5] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF6");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[5] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR6");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[5] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF6");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[5] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR6");
    sectionstotest[6] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("SouthEast");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[6] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[6] = blockstotest[6];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[6] = 2;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[6][0] = blockstotest[4];
    expectedsectionforwardblock[6][1] = blockstotest[5];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[6] = 2;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[6][0] = blockstotest[7];
    expectedsectionreverseblock[6][1] = blockstotest[8];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[6] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF7");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[6] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR7");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[6] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF7");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[6] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR7");
    sectionstotest[7] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("South");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[7] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[7] = blockstotest[7];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[7] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[7][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[7] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[7][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[7] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF8");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[7] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR8");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[7] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF8");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[7] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR8");
    sectionstotest[8] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("SouthSiding");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[8] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[8] = blockstotest[8];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[8] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[8][0] = blockstotest[6];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[8] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[8][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[8] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF9");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[8] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR9");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[8] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF9");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[8] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR9");
    sectionstotest[9] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("SouthWest");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[9] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[9] = blockstotest[9];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[9] = 2;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[9][0] = blockstotest[7];
    expectedsectionforwardblock[9][1] = blockstotest[8];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[9] = 2;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[9][0] = blockstotest[10];
    expectedsectionreverseblock[9][1] = blockstotest[11];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[9] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF10");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[9] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR10");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[9] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF10");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[9] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR10");
    sectionstotest[10] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("West");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[10] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[10] = blockstotest[10];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[10] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[10][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[10] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[10][0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[10] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF11");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[10] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR11");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[10] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF11");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[10] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR11");
    sectionstotest[11] = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection("WestSiding");
    expectedsectionblocklistsize[11] = 1;
    expectedsectionentryblock[11] = blockstotest[11];
    expectedforwardEntryPointList[11] = 1;
    expectedsectionforwardblock[11][0] = blockstotest[9];
    expectedreverseEntryPointList[11] = 1;
    expectedsectionreverseblock[11][0] = blockstotest[0];
    expectedForwardBlockingSensors[11] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRF12");
    expectedReverseBlockingSensors[11] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSDIRR12");
    expectedForwardStoppingSensors[11] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPF12");
    expectedReverseStoppingSensors[11] = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor("ISSSTOPR12");
    for (int testsectionfocus = 0; testsectionfocus < 12; testsectionfocus++) {
        // Set to one greater than above
        // check existance of sections
        Section testsection = sectionstotest[testsectionfocus];
        ArrayList<Block> blockList = testsection.getBlockList();
        Assert.assertEquals("Section size where Focus was: " + testsectionfocus, expectedsectionblocklistsize[testsectionfocus], blockList.size());
        Block entryblock = testsection.getEntryBlock();
        Assert.assertEquals("Section entry block where Focus was: " + testsectionfocus, expectedsectionentryblock[testsectionfocus].getSystemName(), entryblock.getSystemName());
        List<EntryPoint> forwardEntryPointList = testsection.getForwardEntryPointList();
        Assert.assertEquals("Section forward size where Focus was: " + testsectionfocus, expectedforwardEntryPointList[testsectionfocus], forwardEntryPointList.size());
        for (int e = 0; e < forwardEntryPointList.size(); e++) {
            EntryPoint get = forwardEntryPointList.get(e);
            Assert.assertEquals("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " next forward entry point: " + e, expectedsectionentryblock[testsectionfocus].getSystemName(), get.getBlock().getSystemName());
            Assert.assertEquals("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " next forward from: " + e, expectedsectionforwardblock[testsectionfocus][e].getUserName(), get.getFromBlock().getUserName());
            Assert.assertEquals("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " next forward dir: " + e, 4, get.getDirection());
        List<EntryPoint> reverseEntryPointList = testsection.getReverseEntryPointList();
        Assert.assertEquals("Section forward size where Focus was: " + testsectionfocus, expectedreverseEntryPointList[testsectionfocus], reverseEntryPointList.size());
        for (int e = 0; e < reverseEntryPointList.size(); e++) {
            EntryPoint get = reverseEntryPointList.get(e);
            Assert.assertEquals("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " next reverse entry point: " + e, expectedsectionentryblock[testsectionfocus].getSystemName(), get.getBlock().getSystemName());
            Assert.assertEquals("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " next reverse from: " + e, expectedsectionreverseblock[testsectionfocus][e].getUserName(), get.getFromBlock().getUserName());
            Assert.assertEquals("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " next reverse dir: " + e, 8, get.getDirection());
        Sensor expectedForwardBlockingSensor = expectedForwardBlockingSensors[testsectionfocus];
        Sensor actualForwardBlockingSensor = testsection.getForwardBlockingSensor();
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " expectedForwardBlockingSensor", expectedForwardBlockingSensor);
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " actualForwardBlockingSensor", actualForwardBlockingSensor);
        Assert.assertTrue("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " ForwardBlockingSensor", expectedForwardBlockingSensor.getSystemName().equals(actualForwardBlockingSensor.getSystemName()));
        Sensor expectedReverseBlockingSensor = expectedReverseBlockingSensors[testsectionfocus];
        Sensor actualReverseBlockingSensor = testsection.getReverseBlockingSensor();
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " expectedReverseBlockingSensor", expectedReverseBlockingSensor);
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " actualReverseBlockingSensor", actualReverseBlockingSensor);
        Assert.assertTrue("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " ReverseBlockingSensor", expectedReverseBlockingSensor.getSystemName().equals(actualReverseBlockingSensor.getSystemName()));
        Sensor expectedForwardStoppingSensor = expectedForwardStoppingSensors[testsectionfocus];
        Sensor actualForwardStoppingSensor = testsection.getForwardStoppingSensor();
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " expectedForwardStoppingSensor", expectedForwardStoppingSensor);
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " actualForwardStoppingSensor", actualForwardStoppingSensor);
        Assert.assertTrue("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " ForwardStoppingSensor", expectedForwardStoppingSensor.getSystemName().equals(actualForwardStoppingSensor.getSystemName()));
        Sensor expectedReverseStoppingSensor = expectedReverseStoppingSensors[testsectionfocus];
        Sensor actualReverseStoppingSensor = testsection.getReverseStoppingSensor();
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " expectedReverseStoppingSensor", expectedReverseStoppingSensor);
        Assert.assertNotNull("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " actualReverseStoppingSensor", actualReverseStoppingSensor);
        Assert.assertTrue("Focus was: " + testsectionfocus + " ReverseStoppingSensor", expectedReverseStoppingSensor.getSystemName().equals(actualReverseStoppingSensor.getSystemName()));
Also used : Path(jmri.Path) Memory(jmri.Memory) EntryPoint(jmri.EntryPoint) Section(jmri.Section) EntryPoint(jmri.EntryPoint) ConfigureManager(jmri.ConfigureManager) Block(jmri.Block) Sensor(jmri.Sensor)

Example 2 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class LEConnectivityTest method testShowAndClose.

public void testShowAndClose() throws Exception {
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        // Can't Assume in TestCase
    jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager cm = new jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager() {
    // load and display test panel file f = new"java/test/jmri/jmrit/display/layoutEditor/valid/LEConnectTest.xml");
    // time for internal listeners to calm down
    // Find new window by name (should be more distinctive, comes from sample file)
    LayoutEditor le = (LayoutEditor) jmri.util.JmriJFrame.getFrame("Connectivity Test");
    // Panel is up, continue set up for tests.
    ConnectivityUtil cu = new ConnectivityUtil(le);
    BlockManager bm = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class);
    // Test right-handed crossover connectivity turnout settings
    Block cBlock = bm.getBlock("4");
    Block pBlock = bm.getBlock("6");
    Block nBlock = bm.getBlock("5");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    ArrayList<Integer> tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    int setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("6_4_5Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("5");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("6");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("5_4_6Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("5");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("2");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("5_4_2Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("2");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("1");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("3");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("1_2_3Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("3");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("1");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("3_2_1Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("1");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("4");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("1_2_4Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Test left-handed crossover connectivity turnout settings
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("14");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("13");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("17");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("13_14_17Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("17");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("13");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("17_14_13Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("17");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("12");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("17_14_12Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("12");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("11");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("15");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("11_12_15Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("15");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("11");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("15_12_11Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("15");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("14");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("15_12_14Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Test double crossover connectivity turnout settings
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("20");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("20_21_22Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("20");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("22_21_20Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("20");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("20_21_26Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("23");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("23_22_21Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("23");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("21_22_23Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("23");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("23_22_25Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("27");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("27_26_25Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("27");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("25_26_27Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("27");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("27_26_21Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("24");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("24_25_26Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("24");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("26_25_24Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("24");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("24_25_22Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Test right handed turnout (with "wings" in same block) connectivity turnout settings
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("62");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("64");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("64_62_61Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("64");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("61_62_64Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("63");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("63_62_61Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("63");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("61_62_63Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    // Test extended track following connectivity turnout settings
    //   Each path must go through two turnouts, whose settings are tested in order
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("32");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("33");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_33ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_33ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("33");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("33_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("33_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("34");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_34ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_34ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("34");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("34_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("34_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("35");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_35ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_35ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("35");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("35_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("35_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("36");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_36ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_36ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("36");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("36_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("36_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Ask to close window
    TestHelper.disposeWindow(le, this);
    // Dialog has popped up, so handle that. First, locate it.
    List<JDialog> dialogList = new DialogFinder(null).findAll(le);
    JDialog d = dialogList.get(0);
    // Find the button that deletes the panel
    AbstractButtonFinder finder = new AbstractButtonFinder("Delete Panel");
    JButton button = (JButton) finder.find(d, 0);
    // Click button to delete panel and close window
    getHelper().enterClickAndLeave(new MouseEventData(this, button));
    // another dialog has popped up, so handle that by finding the "Yes - Delete" button.
    dialogList = new DialogFinder(null).findAll(le);
    d = dialogList.get(0);
    finder = new AbstractButtonFinder("Yes - Delete");
    button = (JButton) finder.find(d, 0);
    // Click to say yes, I really mean it.
    getHelper().enterClickAndLeave(new MouseEventData(this, button));
Also used : JButton(javax.swing.JButton) MouseEventData(junit.extensions.jfcunit.eventdata.MouseEventData) DialogFinder(junit.extensions.jfcunit.finder.DialogFinder) AbstractButtonFinder(junit.extensions.jfcunit.finder.AbstractButtonFinder) BlockManager(jmri.BlockManager) Block(jmri.Block) JDialog(javax.swing.JDialog)

Example 3 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class BlockTableAction method createModel.

     * Create the JTable DataModel, along with the changes for the specific case
     * of Block objects.
protected void createModel() {
    // load graphic state column display preference
    _graphicState = InstanceManager.getDefault(GuiLafPreferencesManager.class).isGraphicTableState();
    m = new BeanTableDataModel() {

        public static final int EDITCOL = NUMCOLUMN;

        public static final int DIRECTIONCOL = EDITCOL + 1;

        public static final int LENGTHCOL = DIRECTIONCOL + 1;

        public static final int CURVECOL = LENGTHCOL + 1;

        public static final int STATECOL = CURVECOL + 1;

        public static final int SENSORCOL = STATECOL + 1;

        public static final int REPORTERCOL = SENSORCOL + 1;

        public static final int CURRENTREPCOL = REPORTERCOL + 1;

        public static final int PERMISCOL = CURRENTREPCOL + 1;

        public static final int SPEEDCOL = PERMISCOL + 1;

        public String getValue(String name) {
            if (name == null) {
                log.warn("requested getValue(null)");
                return "(no name)";
            Block b = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBySystemName(name);
            if (b == null) {
                log.debug("requested getValue(\"" + name + "\"), Block doesn't exist");
                return "(no Block)";
            Object m = b.getValue();
            if (m != null) {
                return m.toString();
            } else {
                return "";

        public Manager getManager() {
            return InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class);

        public NamedBean getBySystemName(String name) {
            return InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBySystemName(name);

        public NamedBean getByUserName(String name) {
            return InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getByUserName(name);

        protected String getMasterClassName() {
            return getClassName();

        public void clickOn(NamedBean t) {
        // don't do anything on click; not used in this class, because 
        // we override setValueAt

        //Permissive and speed columns are temp disabled
        public int getColumnCount() {
            return SPEEDCOL + 1;

        public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
            // some error checking
            if (row >= sysNameList.size()) {
                log.debug("requested getValueAt(\"" + row + "\"), row outside of range");
                return "Error table size";
            Block b = (Block) getBySystemName(sysNameList.get(row));
            if (b == null) {
                log.debug("requested getValueAt(\"" + row + "\"), Block doesn't exist");
                return "(no Block)";
            if (col == DIRECTIONCOL) {
                return jmri.Path.decodeDirection(b.getDirection());
            } else if (col == CURVECOL) {
                JComboBox<String> c = new JComboBox<String>(curveOptions);
                if (b.getCurvature() == Block.NONE) {
                } else if (b.getCurvature() == Block.GRADUAL) {
                } else if (b.getCurvature() == Block.TIGHT) {
                } else if (b.getCurvature() == Block.SEVERE) {
                return c;
            } else if (col == LENGTHCOL) {
                double len = 0.0;
                if (inchBox.isSelected()) {
                    len = b.getLengthIn();
                } else {
                    len = b.getLengthCm();
                return (twoDigit.format(len));
            } else if (col == PERMISCOL) {
                boolean val = b.getPermissiveWorking();
                return Boolean.valueOf(val);
            } else if (col == SPEEDCOL) {
                String speed = b.getBlockSpeed();
                if (!speedList.contains(speed)) {
                JComboBox<String> c = new JComboBox<String>(speedList);
                return c;
            } else if (col == STATECOL) {
                switch(b.getState()) {
                    case (Block.OCCUPIED):
                        return Bundle.getMessage("BlockOccupied");
                    case (Block.UNOCCUPIED):
                        return Bundle.getMessage("BlockUnOccupied");
                    case (Block.UNKNOWN):
                        return Bundle.getMessage("BlockUnknown");
                        return Bundle.getMessage("BlockInconsistent");
            } else if (col == SENSORCOL) {
                Sensor sensor = b.getSensor();
                JComboBox<String> c = new JComboBox<String>(sensorList);
                String name = "";
                if (sensor != null) {
                    name = sensor.getDisplayName();
                return c;
            } else if (col == REPORTERCOL) {
                Reporter r = b.getReporter();
                return (r != null) ? r.getDisplayName() : null;
            } else if (col == CURRENTREPCOL) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(b.isReportingCurrent());
            } else if (col == EDITCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("ButtonEdit");
            } else {
                return super.getValueAt(row, col);

        public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
            // no setting of block state from table
            Block b = (Block) getBySystemName(sysNameList.get(row));
            if (col == VALUECOL) {
                fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
            } else if (col == LENGTHCOL) {
                float len = 0.0f;
                try {
                    len = jmri.util.IntlUtilities.floatValue(value.toString());
                } catch (java.text.ParseException ex2) {
                    log.error("Error parsing length value of \"{}\"", value);
                if (inchBox.isSelected()) {
                    b.setLength(len * 25.4f);
                } else {
                    b.setLength(len * 10.0f);
                fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
            } else if (col == CURVECOL) {
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String cName = (String) ((JComboBox<String>) value).getSelectedItem();
                if (cName.equals(noneText)) {
                } else if (cName.equals(gradualText)) {
                } else if (cName.equals(tightText)) {
                } else if (cName.equals(severeText)) {
                fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
            } else if (col == PERMISCOL) {
                boolean boo = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
                fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
            } else if (col == SPEEDCOL) {
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String speed = (String) ((JComboBox<String>) value).getSelectedItem();
                try {
                } catch (jmri.JmriException ex) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ex.getMessage() + "\n" + speed);
                if (!speedList.contains(speed) && !speed.contains("Global")) {
                    // NOI18N
                fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
            } else if (col == REPORTERCOL) {
                Reporter r = null;
                if (value != null && !value.equals("")) {
                    r = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.ReporterManager.class).provideReporter((String) value);
                fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
            } else if (col == SENSORCOL) {
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") String strSensor = (String) ((JComboBox<String>) value).getSelectedItem();
            } else if (col == CURRENTREPCOL) {
                boolean boo = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
                fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row);
            } else if (col == EDITCOL) {
                class WindowMaker implements Runnable {

                    Block b;

                    WindowMaker(Block b) {
                        this.b = b;

                    public void run() {
                        // don't really want to stop Route w/o user action
                WindowMaker t = new WindowMaker(b);
            } else {
                super.setValueAt(value, row, col);

        public String getColumnName(int col) {
            if (col == DIRECTIONCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockDirection");
            if (col == VALUECOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockValue");
            if (col == CURVECOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockCurveColName");
            if (col == LENGTHCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockLengthColName");
            if (col == PERMISCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockPermColName");
            if (col == SPEEDCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockSpeedColName");
            if (col == STATECOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockState");
            if (col == REPORTERCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockReporter");
            if (col == SENSORCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockSensor");
            if (col == CURRENTREPCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("BlockReporterCurrent");
            if (col == EDITCOL) {
                return Bundle.getMessage("ButtonEdit");
            return super.getColumnName(col);

        public Class<?> getColumnClass(int col) {
            if (col == DIRECTIONCOL) {
                return String.class;
            if (col == VALUECOL) {
                // not a button
                return String.class;
            if (col == CURVECOL) {
                return JComboBox.class;
            if (col == LENGTHCOL) {
                return String.class;
            if (col == PERMISCOL) {
                return Boolean.class;
            if (col == SPEEDCOL) {
                return JComboBox.class;
            if (col == STATECOL) {
                if (_graphicState) {
                    // use an image to show block state
                    return JLabel.class;
                } else {
                    return String.class;
            if (col == REPORTERCOL) {
                return String.class;
            if (col == SENSORCOL) {
                return JComboBox.class;
            if (col == CURRENTREPCOL) {
                return Boolean.class;
            if (col == EDITCOL) {
                return JButton.class;
            } else {
                return super.getColumnClass(col);

        public int getPreferredWidth(int col) {
            if (col == DIRECTIONCOL) {
                return new JTextField(7).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == CURVECOL) {
                return new JTextField(8).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == LENGTHCOL) {
                return new JTextField(7).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == PERMISCOL) {
                return new JTextField(7).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == SPEEDCOL) {
                return new JTextField(7).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == STATECOL) {
                return new JTextField(8).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == REPORTERCOL) {
                return new JTextField(8).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == SENSORCOL) {
                return new JTextField(8).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == CURRENTREPCOL) {
                return new JTextField(7).getPreferredSize().width;
            if (col == EDITCOL) {
                return new JTextField(7).getPreferredSize().width;
            } else {
                return super.getPreferredWidth(col);

        public void configValueColumn(JTable table) {
        // value column isn't button, so config is null

        public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
            if (col == CURVECOL) {
                return true;
            } else if (col == LENGTHCOL) {
                return true;
            } else if (col == PERMISCOL) {
                return true;
            } else if (col == SPEEDCOL) {
                return true;
            } else if (col == STATECOL) {
                return false;
            } else if (col == REPORTERCOL) {
                return true;
            } else if (col == SENSORCOL) {
                return true;
            } else if (col == CURRENTREPCOL) {
                return true;
            } else if (col == EDITCOL) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return super.isCellEditable(row, col);

        public void configureTable(JTable table) {
            table.setDefaultRenderer(JComboBox.class, new jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.ValueRenderer());
            table.setDefaultEditor(JComboBox.class, new jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.ValueEditor());
            table.setDefaultRenderer(Boolean.class, new EnablingCheckboxRenderer());

        protected boolean matchPropertyName(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
            return true;
        // return (e.getPropertyName().indexOf("alue")>=0);

        public JButton configureButton() {
            log.error("configureButton should not have been called");
            return null;

        public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() instanceof jmri.SensorManager) {
                if (e.getPropertyName().equals("length") || e.getPropertyName().equals("DisplayListName")) {
            if (e.getPropertyName().equals("DefaultBlockSpeedChange")) {
            } else {

        protected String getBeanType() {
            return Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameBlock");

        public synchronized void dispose() {

             * Customize the block table State column to show an appropriate graphic for the block occupancy state
             * if _graphicState = true, or (default) just show the localized state text
             * when the TableDataModel is being called from ListedTableAction.
             * @param table a JTable of Blocks
        protected void configStateColumn(JTable table) {
            // have the state column hold a JPanel (icon)
            //setColumnToHoldButton(table, VALUECOL, new JLabel("1234")); // for small round icon, but cannot be converted to JButton
            // add extras, override BeanTableDataModel
            log.debug("Block configStateColumn (I am {})", super.toString());
            if (_graphicState) {
                // load icons, only once
                //table.setDefaultEditor(JLabel.class, new ImageIconRenderer()); // there's no editor for state column in BlockTable
                // item class copied from SwitchboardEditor panel
                table.setDefaultRenderer(JLabel.class, new ImageIconRenderer());
            // else, classic text style state indication, do nothing extra

             * Visualize state in table as a graphic, customized for Blocks (2 states).
             * Renderer and Editor are identical, as the cell contents are not actually edited.
             * @see jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor.SensorTableDataModel.ImageIconRenderer
             * @see jmri.jmrit.beantable.TurnoutTableAction#createModel()
             * @see jmri.jmrit.beantable.LightTableAction#createModel()
        class ImageIconRenderer extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellEditor, TableCellRenderer {

            protected JLabel label;

            // also used in display.switchboardEditor
            protected String rootPath = "resources/icons/misc/switchboard/";

            // reuse Sensor icon for block state
            protected char beanTypeChar = 'S';

            protected String onIconPath = rootPath + beanTypeChar + "-on-s.png";

            protected String offIconPath = rootPath + beanTypeChar + "-off-s.png";

            protected BufferedImage onImage;

            protected BufferedImage offImage;

            protected ImageIcon onIcon;

            protected ImageIcon offIcon;

            protected int iconHeight = -1;

            public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
                log.debug("Renderer Item = {}, State = {}", row, value);
                if (iconHeight < 0) {
                    // load resources only first time, either for renderer or editor
                    log.debug("icons loaded");
                return updateLabel((String) value, row);

            public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
                log.debug("Renderer Item = {}, State = {}", row, value);
                if (iconHeight < 0) {
                    // load resources only first time, either for renderer or editor
                    log.debug("icons loaded");
                return updateLabel((String) value, row);

            public JLabel updateLabel(String value, int row) {
                if (iconHeight > 0) {
                // if necessary, increase row height;
                //table.setRowHeight(row, Math.max(table.getRowHeight(), iconHeight - 5)); // TODO adjust table row height for Block icons
                if (value.equals(Bundle.getMessage("BlockUnOccupied")) && offIcon != null) {
                    label = new JLabel(offIcon);
                    log.debug("offIcon set");
                } else if (value.equals(Bundle.getMessage("BlockOccupied")) && onIcon != null) {
                    label = new JLabel(onIcon);
                    log.debug("onIcon set");
                } else if (value.equals(Bundle.getMessage("BlockInconsistent"))) {
                    // centered text alignment
                    label = new JLabel("X", JLabel.CENTER);
                    log.debug("Block state inconsistent");
                    iconHeight = 0;
                } else if (value.equals(Bundle.getMessage("BlockUnknown"))) {
                    // centered text alignment
                    label = new JLabel("?", JLabel.CENTER);
                    log.debug("Block state in transition");
                    iconHeight = 0;
                } else {
                    // failed to load icon
                    // centered text alignment
                    label = new JLabel(value, JLabel.CENTER);
                    log.warn("Error reading icons for BlockTable");
                    iconHeight = 0;
                label.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {

                    public final void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
                        log.debug("Clicked on icon in row {}", row);
                return label;

            public Object getCellEditorValue() {
                log.debug("getCellEditorValue, me = {})", this.toString());
                return this.toString();

                 * Read and buffer graphics. Only called once for this table.
                 * @see #getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int)
            protected void loadIcons() {
                try {
                    onImage = File(onIconPath));
                    offImage = File(offIconPath));
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    log.error("error reading image from {} or {}", onIconPath, offIconPath, ex);
                log.debug("Success reading images");
                int imageWidth = onImage.getWidth();
                int imageHeight = onImage.getHeight();
                // scale icons 50% to fit in table rows
                Image smallOnImage = onImage.getScaledInstance(imageWidth / 2, imageHeight / 2, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT);
                Image smallOffImage = offImage.getScaledInstance(imageWidth / 2, imageHeight / 2, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT);
                onIcon = new ImageIcon(smallOnImage);
                offIcon = new ImageIcon(smallOffImage);
                iconHeight = onIcon.getIconHeight();
// end of custom data model
Also used : ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) NamedBean(jmri.NamedBean) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) InstanceManager(jmri.InstanceManager) GuiLafPreferencesManager(apps.gui.GuiLafPreferencesManager) Manager(jmri.Manager) JTextField(javax.swing.JTextField) Image(java.awt.Image) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) AbstractCellEditor(javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor) TableCellEditor(javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor) TableCellRenderer(javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer) MouseEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) JComboBox(javax.swing.JComboBox) Reporter(jmri.Reporter) MouseAdapter(java.awt.event.MouseAdapter) JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) IOException( JTable(javax.swing.JTable) Block(jmri.Block) File( Sensor(jmri.Sensor)

Example 4 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class Maintenance method search.

     * Search if a given string is used as the name of a NamedBean.
     * @param name the string to look for
     * @param text body of the message to be displayed reporting the result
     * @return true if name is found at least once as a bean name
static boolean search(String name, JTextArea text) {
    String[] names = getTypeAndNames(name);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("search for " + name + " as " + names[0] + " \"" + names[1] + "\" (" + names[2] + ")");
    if (names[0].length() == 0) {
        if (text != null) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ElementNotFound"), (Object[]) names));
            return false;
    if (text != null) {
        text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceFollows"), (Object[]) names));
    String sysName = names[2];
    String userName = names[1];
    int referenceCount = 0;
    StringBuilder tempText = new StringBuilder();
    boolean found = false;
    boolean empty = true;
    // search for references among each class known to be listeners
    Iterator<String> iter1 = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.LogixManager.class).getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        Logix x = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.LogixManager.class).getBySystemName(sName);
        if (x == null) {
            log.error("Error getting Logix  - " + sName);
        tempText = new StringBuilder();
        String uName = x.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { "", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameLogix"), uName, sName });
        for (int i = 0; i < x.getNumConditionals(); i++) {
            sName = x.getConditionalByNumberOrder(i);
            if (sName == null) {
                log.error("Null conditional system name");
            Conditional c = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.ConditionalManager.class).getBySystemName(sName);
            if (c == null) {
                log.error("Invalid conditional system name - " + sName);
            uName = c.getUserName();
            String line2 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameConditional"), uName, sName });
            String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ConditionalReference"), "\t");
            if (sysName.equals(sName) || (userName != null && userName.length() > 0 && userName.equals(uName))) {
                if (testName(sysName, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
            ArrayList<ConditionalVariable> variableList = c.getCopyOfStateVariables();
            for (int k = 0; k < variableList.size(); k++) {
                ConditionalVariable v = variableList.get(k);
                line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("VariableReference"), new Object[] { "\t\t", v.getTestTypeString(), v.getDataString() });
                if (testName(v.getName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
            ArrayList<ConditionalAction> actionList = c.getCopyOfActions();
            for (int k = 0; k < actionList.size(); k++) {
                ConditionalAction a = actionList.get(k);
                line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ActionReference"), new Object[] { "\t\t", a.getTypeString(), a.getOptionString(false), a.getActionDataString() });
                if (testName(a.getDeviceName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
            if (text != null && found) {
                tempText = new StringBuilder();
                found = false;
                empty = false;
                line1 = null;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append("\t" + MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "Logix"));
        // cannot put escaped tab char at start of getString
        } else {
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    jmri.jmrit.logix.OBlockManager oBlockManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.logix.OBlockManager.class);
    iter1 = oBlockManager.getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.jmrit.logix.OBlock block = oBlockManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        String uName = block.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameOBlock"), uName, sName });
        Sensor sensor = block.getSensor();
        if (sensor != null) {
            String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("OBlockSensor"), "\t");
            if (testName(sensor.getSystemName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "OBlock"));
        } else {
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    jmri.RouteManager routeManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.RouteManager.class);
    iter1 = routeManager.getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.Route r = routeManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        if (r == null) {
            log.error("Error getting Route  - " + sName);
        String uName = r.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameRoute"), uName, sName });
        for (int i = 0; i < jmri.Route.MAX_CONTROL_SENSORS; i++) {
            String line = "\t" + MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ControlReference"), Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameSensor"));
            if (testName(r.getRouteSensorName(i), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
        String line = MessageFormat.format("TurnoutsAlignedSensor", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameSensor"));
        if (testName(r.getTurnoutsAlignedSensor(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = "\t" + MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ControlReference"), Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameTurnout"));
        if (testName(r.getControlTurnout(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format("LockControlTurnout", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameTurnout"));
        if (testName(r.getLockControlTurnout(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < r.getNumOutputTurnouts(); i++) {
            line = "\t" + MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("OutputReference"), Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameTurnout"));
            if (testName(r.getOutputTurnoutByIndex(i), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < r.getNumOutputSensors(); i++) {
            line = "\t" + MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("OutputReference"), Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameSensor"));
            if (testName(r.getOutputSensorByIndex(i), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "Route"));
        } else {
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    jmri.TransitManager transitManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.TransitManager.class);
    iter1 = transitManager.getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.Transit transit = transitManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        if (transit == null) {
            log.error("Error getting Transit - " + sName);
        String uName = transit.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameTransit"), uName, sName });
        ArrayList<jmri.TransitSection> sectionList = transit.getTransitSectionList();
        for (int i = 0; i < sectionList.size(); i++) {
            jmri.TransitSection transitSection = sectionList.get(i);
            jmri.Section section = transitSection.getSection();
            uName = section.getUserName();
            sName = section.getSystemName();
            String line2 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { "\t", rbm.getString("TransitSection"), uName, sName });
            if (sName.equals(sysName) || uName.equals(userName)) {
                tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("SectionReference"), "\t\t"));
                found = true;
            String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ForwardBlocking"), "\t\t");
            if (testName(section.getForwardBlockingSensorName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
            line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ForwardStopping"), "\t\t");
            if (testName(section.getForwardStoppingSensorName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
            line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReverseBlocking"), "\t\t");
            if (testName(section.getReverseBlockingSensorName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
            line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReverseStopping"), "\t\t");
            if (testName(section.getReverseStoppingSensorName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
            ArrayList<jmri.Block> blockList = section.getBlockList();
            for (int k = 0; k < blockList.size(); k++) {
                jmri.Block block = blockList.get(k);
                sName = block.getSystemName();
                uName = block.getUserName();
                tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { "\t\t", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameBlock"), uName, sName }));
                if (sName.equals(sysName) || uName.equals(userName)) {
                    tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("BlockReference"), "\t\t"));
                    found = true;
                Sensor sensor = block.getSensor();
                if (sensor != null) {
                    line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("BlockSensor"), "\t\t");
                    if (testName(sensor.getSystemName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                        found = true;
            if (text != null && found) {
                tempText = new StringBuilder();
                found = false;
                empty = false;
                line1 = null;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "Transit"));
        } else {
    // if (text != null) {
    //   text.append(rbm.getString("NestMessage"));
    // }
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    jmri.SectionManager sectionManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class);
    java.util.List<String> sysNameList = sectionManager.getSystemNameList();
    transitManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.TransitManager.class);
    iter1 = transitManager.getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.Transit transit = transitManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        if (transit != null) {
            ArrayList<jmri.TransitSection> sectionList = transit.getTransitSectionList();
            for (int i = 0; i < sectionList.size(); i++) {
                jmri.TransitSection transitSection = sectionList.get(i);
                jmri.Section section = transitSection.getSection();
    iter1 = sysNameList.iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.Section section = sectionManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        if (section == null) {
            log.error("Error getting Section - " + sName);
        String uName = section.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameSection"), uName, sName });
        if (sName.equals(sysName) || uName.equals(userName)) {
            tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("SectionReference"), "\t"));
            found = true;
        String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ForwardBlocking"), "\t");
        if (testName(section.getForwardBlockingSensorName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ForwardStopping"), "\t");
        if (testName(section.getForwardStoppingSensorName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReverseBlocking"), "\t");
        if (testName(section.getReverseBlockingSensorName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReverseStopping"), "\t");
        if (testName(section.getReverseStoppingSensorName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        ArrayList<jmri.Block> blockList = section.getBlockList();
        for (int k = 0; k < blockList.size(); k++) {
            jmri.Block block = blockList.get(k);
            sName = block.getSystemName();
            uName = block.getUserName();
            String line2 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameBlock"), uName, sName });
            if (sName.equals(sysName) || (uName != null && uName.equals(userName))) {
                tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("BlockReference"), "\t"));
                found = true;
            Sensor sensor = block.getSensor();
            if (sensor != null) {
                line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("BlockSensor"), "\t\t");
                if (testName(sensor.getSystemName(), found, names, line1, line2, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "Section"));
        } else {
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    jmri.BlockManager blockManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class);
    sysNameList = blockManager.getSystemNameList();
    sectionManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class);
    iter1 = sectionManager.getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        String sName =;
        jmri.Section section = sectionManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        if (section != null) {
            for (Block block : section.getBlockList()) {
    iter1 = sysNameList.iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.Block b = blockManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        String uName = b.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameBlock"), uName, sName });
        if (sName.equals(sysName) || (uName != null && uName.equals(userName))) {
            tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("BlockReference"), "\t"));
            found = true;
        jmri.Sensor s = b.getSensor();
        if (s != null) {
            String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("BlockSensor"), "\t\t");
            if (testName(s.getSystemName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "Block"));
        } else {
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlockManager lbm = InstanceManager.getDefault(LayoutBlockManager.class);
    iter1 = lbm.getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock lb = lbm.getBySystemName(sName);
        if (lb == null) {
            log.error("Error getting LayoutBlock - " + sName);
        String uName = lb.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", rbm.getString("LayoutBlock"), uName, sName });
        jmri.Sensor s = lb.getOccupancySensor();
        if (s != null) {
            String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("OccupancySensor"), "\t\t");
            if (testName(s.getSystemName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "LayoutBlock"));
        } else {
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    java.util.Enumeration<BlockBossLogic> enumeration = BlockBossLogic.entries();
    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        // get the next Logix
        BlockBossLogic bbl = enumeration.nextElement();
        String sName = bbl.getName();
        String uName = bbl.getDrivenSignal();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", rbm.getString("BlockBossLogic"), uName, sName });
        if (uName.equals(sysName) || uName.equals(userName) || sName.equals(sysName) || sName.equals(userName)) {
            tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("SignalReference"), "\t"));
            found = true;
        String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "1\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getSensor1(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "2\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getSensor2(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "3\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getSensor3(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "4\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getSensor4(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "5\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getSensor5(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchTurnoutReference"), "\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getTurnout(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSignalReference"), "1\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSignal1(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchTurnoutReference"), "1Alt\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSignal1Alt(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchTurnoutReference"), "2\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSignal2(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchTurnoutReference"), "2Alt\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSignal2Alt(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "1\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSensor1(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "1Alt\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSensor1Alt(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "2\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSensor2(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("WatchSensorReference"), "2Alt\t");
        if (testName(bbl.getWatchedSensor2Alt(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
            found = true;
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "BlockBossLogic"));
        } else {
    tempText = new StringBuilder();
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    jmri.ConditionalManager conditionalManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.ConditionalManager.class);
    sysNameList = conditionalManager.getSystemNameList();
    iter1 = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.LogixManager.class).getSystemNameList().iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        String sName =;
        Logix x = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.LogixManager.class).getBySystemName(sName);
        for (int i = 0; i < x.getNumConditionals(); i++) {
            sName = x.getConditionalByNumberOrder(i);
    iter1 = sysNameList.iterator();
    while (iter1.hasNext()) {
        // get the next Logix
        String sName =;
        jmri.Conditional c = conditionalManager.getBySystemName(sName);
        if (c == null) {
            log.error("Error getting Condition - " + sName);
        String uName = c.getUserName();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameConditional"), uName, sName });
        if (sName.equals(sysName) || uName.equals(userName)) {
            tempText.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ConditionalReference"), "\t"));
            found = true;
        //referenceCount++; Don't count, this conditional is orphaned by logix(es)
        ArrayList<ConditionalVariable> variableList = c.getCopyOfStateVariables();
        for (int k = 0; k < variableList.size(); k++) {
            ConditionalVariable v = variableList.get(k);
            String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("VariableReference"), new Object[] { "\t\t", v.getTestTypeString(), v.getDataString() });
            if (testName(v.getName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
            //referenceCount++; Don't count, this conditional is orphaned by logix(es)
        ArrayList<ConditionalAction> actionList = c.getCopyOfActions();
        for (int k = 0; k < actionList.size(); k++) {
            ConditionalAction a = actionList.get(k);
            String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ActionReference"), new Object[] { "\t\t", a.getTypeString(), a.getOptionString(false), a.getActionDataString() });
            if (testName(a.getDeviceName(), found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                found = true;
            //referenceCount++; Don't count, this conditional is orphaned by logix(es)
        if (text != null && found) {
            tempText = new StringBuilder();
            found = false;
            empty = false;
            line1 = null;
    if (text != null) {
        if (empty) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "Conditional"));
    found = false;
    empty = true;
    ArrayList<jmri.jmrit.display.Editor> panelList = jmri.jmrit.display.PanelMenu.instance().getEditorPanelList();
    for (int i = 0; i < panelList.size(); i++) {
        jmri.jmrit.display.Editor panelEditor = panelList.get(i);
        name = panelEditor.getTitle();
        String line1 = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceTitle"), new Object[] { " ", rbm.getString("Panel"), name, name });
        List<Positionable> contents = panelEditor.getContents();
        for (int k = 0; k < contents.size(); k++) {
            Positionable o = contents.get(k);
            if (o.getClass().getName().equals("jmri.jmrit.display.SensorIcon")) {
                name = ((jmri.jmrit.display.SensorIcon) o).getSensor().getSystemName();
                String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameSensor") });
                if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
            } else if (o.getClass().getName().equals("jmri.jmrit.display.TurnoutIcon")) {
                name = ((jmri.jmrit.display.TurnoutIcon) o).getTurnout().getSystemName();
                String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameTurnout") });
                if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
            } else if (o.getClass().getName().equals("jmri.jmrit.display.SignalHeadIcon")) {
                name = ((jmri.jmrit.display.SignalHeadIcon) o).getSignalHead().getSystemName();
                String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("BeanNameSignalHead") });
                if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
            } else if (o.getClass().getName().equals("jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon")) {
                jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon msi = (jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIcon) o;
                for (int j = 0; j < msi.getNumEntries(); j++) {
                    name = msi.getSensorName(j);
                    String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("MultiSensor") });
                    if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                        found = true;
            } else if (o.getClass().getName().equals("jmri.jmrit.display.IndicatorTurnoutIcon")) {
                jmri.jmrit.display.IndicatorTurnoutIcon ito = (jmri.jmrit.display.IndicatorTurnoutIcon) o;
                name = ito.getTurnout().getSystemName();
                String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("IndicatorTO") });
                if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                    found = true;
                Sensor sensor = ito.getOccSensor();
                if (sensor != null) {
                    name = sensor.getSystemName();
                    line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("IndicatorTO") });
                    if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                        found = true;
                jmri.jmrit.logix.OBlock block = ito.getOccBlock();
                if (block != null) {
                    sensor = block.getSensor();
                    if (sensor != null) {
                        name = sensor.getSystemName();
                        line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("IndicatorTO") });
                        if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                            found = true;
            } else if (o.getClass().getName().equals("jmri.jmrit.display.IndicatorTrackIcon")) {
                jmri.jmrit.display.IndicatorTrackIcon track = (jmri.jmrit.display.IndicatorTrackIcon) o;
                Sensor sensor = track.getOccSensor();
                if (sensor != null) {
                    name = sensor.getSystemName();
                    String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("IndicatorTrack") });
                    if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                        found = true;
                jmri.jmrit.logix.OBlock block = track.getOccBlock();
                if (block != null) {
                    sensor = block.getSensor();
                    if (sensor != null) {
                        name = sensor.getSystemName();
                        String line = MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("PanelReference"), new Object[] { "\t", Bundle.getMessage("IndicatorTrack") });
                        if (testName(name, found, names, line1, null, line, tempText)) {
                            found = true;
            if (text != null && found) {
                tempText = new StringBuilder();
                found = false;
                empty = false;
                line1 = null;
        if (text != null) {
            if (empty) {
                text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("NoReference"), "Panel"));
    if (text != null) {
        if (referenceCount == 0) {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("Orphan"), (Object[]) names));
        } else {
            text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("ReferenceFound"), new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(referenceCount), userName, sysName }));
    if (names[0] != null) {
        // The manager is always a listener
        int numListeners = Integer.parseInt(names[3]) - 1;
        // PickLists are also listeners
        numListeners = numListeners - jmri.jmrit.picker.PickListModel.getNumInstances(names[0]);
        if (names[0].equals("Sensor")) {
            // NOI18N
            numListeners = numListeners - jmri.jmrit.picker.PickListModel.getNumInstances("MultiSensor");
        if (numListeners > referenceCount) {
            if (names[0].length() == 0) {
                names[0] = "Unknown Type?";
                 MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("OrphanName"), (Object[])names)+" has "+numListeners+
                 " listeners installed and only "+referenceCount+
                 " references found.\n"+names[0]+
                 " Tables are listeneners.  Check that the table is closed.",
                 rbm.getString("infoTitle"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            if (text != null) {
                text.append(MessageFormat.format(rbm.getString("OrphanName"), (Object[]) names) + " has " + numListeners + " listeners installed and only " + referenceCount + " references found.\n" + names[0] + " Tables are listeneners.  Check that the table is closed.");
    return (referenceCount > 0);
Also used : Sensor(jmri.Sensor) Conditional(jmri.Conditional) Conditional(jmri.Conditional) Block(jmri.Block) Logix(jmri.Logix) LayoutBlockManager(jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlockManager) Block(jmri.Block) Sensor(jmri.Sensor) ConditionalAction(jmri.ConditionalAction) ConditionalVariable(jmri.ConditionalVariable) BlockBossLogic(jmri.jmrit.blockboss.BlockBossLogic) Positionable(jmri.jmrit.display.Positionable)

Example 5 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class DispatcherFrame method checkBlocksNotInAllocatedSection.

     * This is used to determine if the blocks in a section we want to allocate are already allocated to a section, or if they are now free.
protected Section checkBlocksNotInAllocatedSection(Section s, AllocationRequest ar) {
    for (AllocatedSection as : allocatedSections) {
        if (as.getSection() != s) {
            ArrayList<Block> blas = as.getSection().getBlockList();
            // When allocating the initial section for an Active Train, 
            // we need not be concerned with any blocks in the initial section
            // which are unoccupied and to the rear of any occupied blocks in
            // the section as the train is not expected to enter those blocks.
            // When sections include the OS section these blocks prevented 
            // allocation.
            // The procedure is to remove those blocks (for the moment) from
            // the blocklist for the section during the initial allocation.
            ArrayList<Block> bls = new ArrayList<>();
            if (ar != null && ar.getActiveTrain().getAllocatedSectionList().size() == 0) {
                int j;
                if (ar.getSectionDirection() == Section.FORWARD) {
                    j = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < s.getBlockList().size(); i++) {
                        if (j == 0 && s.getBlockList().get(i).getState() == Block.OCCUPIED) {
                            j = 1;
                        if (j == 1) {
                } else {
                    j = 0;
                    for (int i = s.getBlockList().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        if (j == 0 && s.getBlockList().get(i).getState() == Block.OCCUPIED) {
                            j = 1;
                        if (j == 1) {
            } else {
                bls = s.getBlockList();
            for (Block b : bls) {
                if (blas.contains(b)) {
                    if (as.getSection().getOccupancy() == Block.OCCUPIED) {
                        //The next check looks to see if the block has already been passed or not and therefore ready for allocation.
                        if (as.getSection().getState() == Section.FORWARD) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < blas.size(); i++) {
                                //The block we get to is occupied therefore the subsequent blocks have not been entered
                                if (blas.get(i).getState() == Block.OCCUPIED) {
                                    if (ar != null) {
                                    return as.getSection();
                                } else if (blas.get(i) == b) {
                        } else {
                            for (int i = blas.size(); i >= 0; i--) {
                                //The block we get to is occupied therefore the subsequent blocks have not been entered
                                if (blas.get(i).getState() == Block.OCCUPIED) {
                                    if (ar != null) {
                                    return as.getSection();
                                } else if (blas.get(i) == b) {
                    } else if (as.getSection().getOccupancy() != Section.FREE) {
                        if (ar != null) {
                        return as.getSection();
    return null;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Block(jmri.Block) EntryPoint(jmri.EntryPoint)


Block (jmri.Block)84 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)19 EntryPoint (jmri.EntryPoint)16 Sensor (jmri.Sensor)10 Element (org.jdom2.Element)9 BlockManager (jmri.BlockManager)8 SignalMast (jmri.SignalMast)8 Turnout (jmri.Turnout)8 Test (org.junit.Test)7 Path (jmri.Path)6 Reporter (jmri.Reporter)6 ActionEvent (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)5 ActionListener (java.awt.event.ActionListener)5 Section (jmri.Section)5 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)4 NamedBean (jmri.NamedBean)4 SignalHead (jmri.SignalHead)4 LayoutBlockManager (jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlockManager)4 PropertyChangeEvent (java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent)3 PropertyChangeListener (java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)3