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Example 26 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class BlockValueFile method readBlockValues.

     *  Reads Block values from a file in the user's preferences directory
     *  If the file containing block values does not exist this routine returns quietly.
     *  If a Block named in the file does not exist currently, that entry is quietly ignored.
public void readBlockValues() throws org.jdom2.JDOMException, {
    log.debug("entered readBlockValues");
    List<String> blocks = blockManager.getSystemNameList();
    // check if file exists
    if (checkFile(defaultFileName)) {
        // file is present, 
        root = rootFromName(defaultFileName);
        if ((root != null) && (blocks.size() > 0)) {
            // there is a file and there are Blocks defined
            Element blockvalues = root.getChild("blockvalues");
            if (blockvalues != null) {
                // there are values defined, read and set block values if Block exists.
                List<Element> blockList = blockvalues.getChildren("block");
                for (int i = 0; i < blockList.size(); i++) {
                    if ((blockList.get(i)).getAttribute("systemname") == null) {
                        log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + blockList.get(i) + " " + blockList.get(i).getAttributes());
                    String sysName = blockList.get(i).getAttribute("systemname").getValue();
                    // get Block - ignore entry if block not found
                    Block b = blockManager.getBySystemName(sysName);
                    if (b != null) {
                        // Block was found, set its value
                        Object v = blockList.get(i).getAttribute("value").getValue();
                        if (blockList.get(i).getAttribute("valueClass") != null) {
                            if (blockList.get(i).getAttribute("valueClass").getValue().equals("jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterEntry")) {
                                jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterEntry re = jmri.jmrit.roster.Roster.getDefault().getEntryForId(((String) v));
                                if (re != null) {
                                    v = re;
                        // set direction if there is one
                        int dd = jmri.Path.NONE;
                        Attribute a = blockList.get(i).getAttribute("dir");
                        if (a != null) {
                            try {
                                dd = a.getIntValue();
                            } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) {
                                log.error("failed to convert direction attribute");
Also used : Attribute(org.jdom2.Attribute) Element(org.jdom2.Element) Block(jmri.Block)

Example 27 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class LayoutBlock method removeAdjacency.

void removeAdjacency(LayoutBlock layoutBlock) {
    if (enableDeleteRouteLogging) {"From " + this.getDisplayName() + " Adjacency to be removed " + layoutBlock.getDisplayName());
    Block removedBlock = layoutBlock.getBlock();
    //Work our way backward through the list of neighbours
    //We need to work out which routes to remove first.
    //here we simply remove the routes which are advertised from the removed neighbour
    ArrayList<Routes> tmpBlock = removeRouteRecievedFromNeighbour(removedBlock);
    for (int i = neighbours.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
        //Use to check against direction but don't now.
        if ((neighbours.get(i).getBlock() == removedBlock)) {
            //Was previously before the for loop.
            //Pos move the remove list and remove thoughpath out of this for loop.
            if (enableDeleteRouteLogging) {
      "From " + this.getDisplayName() + " block " + removedBlock.getDisplayName() + " found and removed");
            LayoutBlock layoutBlockToNotify = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlockManager.class).getLayoutBlock(neighbours.get(i).getBlock());
    for (int i = throughPaths.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
        if (throughPaths.get(i).getSourceBlock() == removedBlock) {
            //only mark for removal if the source isn't in the adjcency table
            if (getAdjacency(throughPaths.get(i).getSourceBlock()) == null) {
                if (enableDeleteRouteLogging) {
          "remove " + throughPaths.get(i).getSourceBlock().getDisplayName() + " to " + throughPaths.get(i).getDestinationBlock().getDisplayName());
        } else if (throughPaths.get(i).getDestinationBlock() == removedBlock) {
            //only mark for removal if the destination isn't in the adjcency table
            if (getAdjacency(throughPaths.get(i).getDestinationBlock()) == null) {
                if (enableDeleteRouteLogging) {
          "remove " + throughPaths.get(i).getSourceBlock().getDisplayName() + " to " + throughPaths.get(i).getDestinationBlock().getDisplayName());
    if (enableDeleteRouteLogging) {"From " + this.getDisplayName() + " neighbour has been removed - Number of routes to this neighbour removed" + tmpBlock.size());
    notifyNeighboursOfRemoval(tmpBlock, removedBlock);
Also used : Block(jmri.Block)

Example 28 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class ConnectivityUtil method getDirectionFromAnchor.

     * Matches the anchor point to an Entry Point, and returns the direction
     * specified in the Entry Point If no match is found, UNKNOWN is returned,
     * indicating that the block boundary is internal to the Section.
public int getDirectionFromAnchor(ArrayList<EntryPoint> mForwardEntryPoints, ArrayList<EntryPoint> mReverseEntryPoints, PositionablePoint p) {
    Block block1 = p.getConnect1().getLayoutBlock().getBlock();
    Block block2 = p.getConnect2().getLayoutBlock().getBlock();
    for (int i = 0; i < mForwardEntryPoints.size(); i++) {
        EntryPoint ep = mForwardEntryPoints.get(i);
        if (((ep.getBlock() == block1) && (ep.getFromBlock() == block2)) || ((ep.getBlock() == block2) && (ep.getFromBlock() == block1))) {
            return EntryPoint.FORWARD;
    for (int j = 0; j < mReverseEntryPoints.size(); j++) {
        EntryPoint ep = mReverseEntryPoints.get(j);
        if (((ep.getBlock() == block1) && (ep.getFromBlock() == block2)) || ((ep.getBlock() == block2) && (ep.getFromBlock() == block1))) {
            return EntryPoint.REVERSE;
    return EntryPoint.UNKNOWN;
Also used : Block(jmri.Block) EntryPoint(jmri.EntryPoint) EntryPoint(jmri.EntryPoint)

Example 29 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class LayoutBlock method addAdjacency.

//This works out our direction of route flow correctly
void addAdjacency(jmri.Path addPath) {
    if (enableAddRouteLogging) {"From " + this.getDisplayName() + " path to be added " + addPath.getBlock().getDisplayName() + " " + Path.decodeDirection(addPath.getToBlockDirection()));
    Block destBlockToAdd = addPath.getBlock();
    int ourWorkingDirection = RXTX;
    if (destBlockToAdd == null) {
        log.error("Found null destination block for path from " + this.getDisplayName());
    if (this.getBlock().isBlockDenied(destBlockToAdd.getDisplayName())) {
        ourWorkingDirection = RXONLY;
    } else if (destBlockToAdd.isBlockDenied(this.getBlock().getDisplayName())) {
        ourWorkingDirection = TXONLY;
    if (enableAddRouteLogging) {"From " + this.getDisplayName() + " to block " + addPath.getBlock().getDisplayName() + " we should therefore be... " + decodePacketFlow(ourWorkingDirection));
    addNeighbour(addPath.getBlock(), addPath.getToBlockDirection(), ourWorkingDirection);
Also used : Block(jmri.Block)

Example 30 with Block

use of jmri.Block in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class DefaultSignalMastLogicManagerXml method loadSignalMastLogic.

public boolean loadSignalMastLogic(Element signalMastLogic) {
    List<Element> logicList = signalMastLogic.getChildren("signalmastlogic");
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Found " + logicList.size() + " signal mast logics");
    SignalMastManager sm = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SignalMastManager.class);
    SignalMastLogicManager sml = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SignalMastLogicManager.class);
    try {
        String logicDelay = signalMastLogic.getChild("logicDelay").getText();
    } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
    //Considered normal if it doesn't exists
    boolean loadOk = true;
    for (Element so : logicList) {
        String source = so.getChild("sourceSignalMast").getText();
        SignalMast sourceMast = sm.getSignalMast(source);
        if (sourceMast != null) {
            SignalMastLogic logic = sml.newSignalMastLogic(sourceMast);
            List<Element> destList = so.getChildren("destinationMast");
            for (Element s : destList) {
                String destination = s.getChild("destinationSignalMast").getText();
                SignalMast dest = sm.getSignalMast(destination);
                if (dest != null) {
                    if (s.getChild("comment") != null) {
                        logic.setComment(s.getChild("comment").getText(), dest);
                    if (s.getChild("enabled") != null) {
                        if (s.getChild("enabled").getText().equals("yes")) {
                        } else {
                    if (s.getChild("allowAutoMaticSignalMastGeneration") != null) {
                        if (s.getChild("allowAutoMaticSignalMastGeneration").getText().equals("no")) {
                            logic.allowAutoMaticSignalMastGeneration(false, dest);
                        } else {
                            logic.allowAutoMaticSignalMastGeneration(true, dest);
                    boolean useLayoutEditorTurnout = true;
                    boolean useLayoutEditorBlock = true;
                    if (s.getChild("useLayoutEditorTurnouts") != null) {
                        if (s.getChild("useLayoutEditorTurnouts").getText().equals("no")) {
                            useLayoutEditorTurnout = false;
                    if (s.getChild("useLayoutEditorBlocks") != null) {
                        if (s.getChild("useLayoutEditorBlocks").getText().equals("no")) {
                            useLayoutEditorBlock = false;
                    try {
                        logic.useLayoutEditorDetails(useLayoutEditorTurnout, useLayoutEditorBlock, dest);
                    } catch (jmri.JmriException ex) {
                    if (s.getChild("useLayoutEditor") != null) {
                        try {
                            if (s.getChild("useLayoutEditor").getText().equals("yes")) {
                                logic.useLayoutEditor(true, dest);
                            } else {
                                logic.useLayoutEditor(false, dest);
                        } catch (jmri.JmriException e) {
                        //Considered normal if layout editor hasn't yet been set up.
                    if (s.getChild("associatedSection") != null) {
                        Section sect = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SectionManager.class).getSection(s.getChild("associatedSection").getText());
                        logic.setAssociatedSection(sect, dest);
                    Element turnoutElem = s.getChild("turnouts");
                    if (turnoutElem != null) {
                        List<Element> turnoutList = turnoutElem.getChildren("turnout");
                        if (turnoutList.size() > 0) {
                            Hashtable<NamedBeanHandle<Turnout>, Integer> list = new Hashtable<NamedBeanHandle<Turnout>, Integer>();
                            for (Element t : turnoutList) {
                                String turnout = t.getChild("turnoutName").getText();
                                String state = t.getChild("turnoutState").getText();
                                int value = Turnout.CLOSED;
                                if (state.equals("thrown")) {
                                    value = Turnout.THROWN;
                                Turnout turn = InstanceManager.turnoutManagerInstance().getTurnout(turnout);
                                if (turn != null) {
                                    NamedBeanHandle<Turnout> namedTurnout = nbhm.getNamedBeanHandle(turnout, turn);
                                    list.put(namedTurnout, value);
                                log.debug("Unable to add Turnout {} as it does not exist in the panel file", turnout);
                            logic.setTurnouts(list, dest);
                    Element sensorElem = s.getChild("sensors");
                    if (sensorElem != null) {
                        List<Element> sensorList = sensorElem.getChildren("sensor");
                        if (sensorList.size() > 0) {
                            Hashtable<NamedBeanHandle<Sensor>, Integer> list = new Hashtable<NamedBeanHandle<Sensor>, Integer>();
                            for (Element sl : sensorList) {
                                String sensorName = sl.getChild("sensorName").getText();
                                String state = sl.getChild("sensorState").getText();
                                int value = Sensor.INACTIVE;
                                if (state.equals("active")) {
                                    value = Sensor.ACTIVE;
                                Sensor sen = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().getSensor(sensorName);
                                if (sen != null) {
                                    NamedBeanHandle<Sensor> namedSensor = nbhm.getNamedBeanHandle(sensorName, sen);
                                    list.put(namedSensor, value);
                                log.debug("Unable to add sensor {} as it does not exist in the panel file", sensorName);
                            logic.setSensors(list, dest);
                    Element blockElem = s.getChild("blocks");
                    if (blockElem != null) {
                        List<Element> blockList = blockElem.getChildren("block");
                        if (blockList.size() > 0) {
                            Hashtable<Block, Integer> list = new Hashtable<Block, Integer>();
                            for (Element b : blockList) {
                                String block = b.getChild("blockName").getText();
                                String state = b.getChild("blockState").getText();
                                int value = 0x03;
                                if (state.equals("occupied")) {
                                    value = Block.OCCUPIED;
                                } else if (state.equals("unoccupied")) {
                                    value = Block.UNOCCUPIED;
                                Block blk = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class).getBlock(block);
                                if (blk != null) {
                                    list.put(blk, value);
                                log.debug("Unable to add Block {} as it does not exist in the panel file", block);
                            logic.setBlocks(list, dest);
                    Element mastElem = s.getChild("masts");
                    if (mastElem != null) {
                        List<Element> mastList = mastElem.getChildren("mast");
                        if (mastList.size() > 0) {
                            Hashtable<SignalMast, String> list = new Hashtable<SignalMast, String>();
                            for (Element m : mastList) {
                                String mast = m.getChild("mastName").getText();
                                String state = m.getChild("mastState").getText();
                                SignalMast mst = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SignalMastManager.class).getSignalMast(mast);
                                if (mst != null) {
                                    list.put(mst, state);
                                log.debug("Unable to add Signal Mast {} as it does not exist in the panel file", mast);
                            logic.setMasts(list, dest);
                } else {
                    log.error("Destination Mast " + destination + " Not found, logic not loaded");
                    loadOk = false;
        } else {
            log.error("Source Mast " + source + " Not found, logic not loaded");
            loadOk = false;
    return loadOk;
Also used : Element(org.jdom2.Element) SignalMastLogicManager(jmri.SignalMastLogicManager) SignalMast(jmri.SignalMast) NamedBeanHandle(jmri.NamedBeanHandle) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) SignalMastManager(jmri.SignalMastManager) Section(jmri.Section) SignalMastLogic(jmri.SignalMastLogic) Block(jmri.Block) Turnout(jmri.Turnout) Sensor(jmri.Sensor)


Block (jmri.Block)84 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)19 EntryPoint (jmri.EntryPoint)16 Sensor (jmri.Sensor)10 Element (org.jdom2.Element)9 BlockManager (jmri.BlockManager)8 SignalMast (jmri.SignalMast)8 Turnout (jmri.Turnout)8 Test (org.junit.Test)7 Path (jmri.Path)6 Reporter (jmri.Reporter)6 ActionEvent (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)5 ActionListener (java.awt.event.ActionListener)5 Section (jmri.Section)5 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)4 NamedBean (jmri.NamedBean)4 SignalHead (jmri.SignalHead)4 LayoutBlockManager (jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlockManager)4 PropertyChangeEvent (java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent)3 PropertyChangeListener (java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)3