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Example 1 with BlockManager

use of jmri.BlockManager in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class BlockManagerXml method store.

     * Store the contents of a BlockManager.
     * @param o Object to store, of type BlockManager
     * @return Element containing the complete info
public Element store(Object o) {
    Element blocks = new Element("blocks");
    BlockManager tm = (BlockManager) o;
    if (tm != null) {
        java.util.Iterator<String> iter = tm.getSystemNameList().iterator();
        // don't return an element if there are not blocks to include
        if (!iter.hasNext()) {
            return null;
        blocks.addContent(new Element("defaultspeed").addContent(tm.getDefaultSpeed()));
        // write out first set of blocks without contents
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            try {
                String sname =;
                if (sname == null) {
                    log.error("System name null during store");
                } else {
                    Block b = tm.getBySystemName(sname);
                    // the following null check is to catch a null pointer exception that sometimes was found to happen
                    if (b == null) {
                        log.error("Null block during store - sname = " + sname);
                    } else {
                        Element elem = new Element("block");
                        elem.addContent(new Element("systemName").addContent(sname));
                        // the following null check is to catch a null pointer exception that sometimes was found to happen
                        String uname = b.getUserName();
                        if ((uname != null) && (!uname.equals(""))) {
                            elem.addContent(new Element("userName").addContent(b.getUserName()));
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("initial store Block " + sname);
                        // and put this element out
            } catch (Exception e) {
        // write out again with contents
        iter = tm.getSystemNameList().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            String sname =;
            if (sname == null) {
                log.error("System name null during store skipped for this block");
            } else {
                Block b = tm.getBySystemName(sname);
                // the following null check is to catch a null pointer exception that sometimes was found to happen
                if (b == null) {
                    log.error("Null Block during store - second store skipped for this block - " + sname);
                } else {
                    String uname = b.getUserName();
                    if (uname == null) {
                        uname = "";
                    Element elem = new Element("block");
                    elem.addContent(new Element("systemName").addContent(sname));
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("second store Block " + sname + ":" + uname);
                    // store length and curvature attributes
                    elem.setAttribute("length", Float.toString(b.getLengthMm()));
                    elem.setAttribute("curve", Integer.toString(b.getCurvature()));
                    // store common parts
                    storeCommon(b, elem);
                    if ((!b.getBlockSpeed().equals("")) && !b.getBlockSpeed().contains("Global")) {
                        elem.addContent(new Element("speed").addContent(b.getBlockSpeed()));
                    String perm = "no";
                    if (b.getPermissiveWorking()) {
                        perm = "yes";
                    elem.addContent(new Element("permissive").addContent(perm));
                    // Add content. First, the sensor.
                    if (b.getNamedSensor() != null) {
                        elem.addContent(new Element("occupancysensor").addContent(b.getNamedSensor().getName()));
                    if (b.getDeniedBlocks().size() > 0) {
                        Element denied = new Element("deniedBlocks");
                        b.getDeniedBlocks().forEach((deniedBlock) -> {
                            denied.addContent(new Element("block").addContent(deniedBlock));
                    // Now the Reporter
                    Reporter r = b.getReporter();
                    if (r != null) {
                        Element re = new Element("reporter");
                        re.setAttribute("systemName", r.getSystemName());
                        re.setAttribute("useCurrent", b.isReportingCurrent() ? "yes" : "no");
                    if (tm.isSavedPathInfo()) {
                        // then the paths
                        List<Path> paths = b.getPaths();
                        for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
                            addPath(elem, paths.get(i));
                    // and put this element out
    return blocks;
Also used : Path(jmri.Path) BlockManager(jmri.BlockManager) Element(org.jdom2.Element) Reporter(jmri.Reporter) Block(jmri.Block)

Example 2 with BlockManager

use of jmri.BlockManager in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class ManageLocationsAction method actionPerformed.

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (f == null || !f.isVisible()) {
        // Handle the Listener
        listenerLoc = VSDecoderManager.instance().getVSDecoderPreferences().getListenerPosition();
        // Handle Reporters
        ReporterManager rmgr = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.ReporterManager.class);
        String[] reporterNameArray = rmgr.getSystemNameArray();
        Object[][] reporterTable = new Object[reporterNameArray.length][6];
        reporterMap = new HashMap<String, PhysicalLocation>();
        int i = 0;
        for (String s : reporterNameArray) {
            Reporter r = rmgr.getByDisplayName(s);
            if (r instanceof PhysicalLocationReporter) {
                reporterMap.put(s, ((PhysicalLocationReporter) r).getPhysicalLocation());
                PhysicalLocation p = ((PhysicalLocationReporter) r).getPhysicalLocation();
                reporterTable[i][0] = s;
                reporterTable[i][1] = true;
                reporterTable[i][2] = p.getX();
                reporterTable[i][3] = p.getY();
                reporterTable[i][4] = p.getZ();
                reporterTable[i][5] = p.isTunnel();
            } else {
                reporterTable[i][0] = s;
                reporterTable[i][1] = false;
                reporterTable[i][2] = Float.valueOf(0.0f);
                reporterTable[i][3] = Float.valueOf(0.0f);
                reporterTable[i][4] = Float.valueOf(0.0f);
                reporterTable[i][5] = false;
        // Handle Blocks
        BlockManager bmgr = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class);
        String[] blockNameArray = bmgr.getSystemNameArray();
        Object[][] blockTable = new Object[blockNameArray.length][6];
        blockMap = new HashMap<String, PhysicalLocation>();
        i = 0;
        for (String s : blockNameArray) {
            Block b = bmgr.getByDisplayName(s);
            // NOTE: Unlike Reporters, all Blocks are (now) PhysicalLocationReporters, so no need to do a check here.
            // We'll keep the explicit cast for now, but it's not actually necessary.
            blockMap.put(s, ((PhysicalLocationReporter) b).getPhysicalLocation());
            PhysicalLocation p = ((PhysicalLocationReporter) b).getPhysicalLocation();
            blockTable[i][0] = s;
            blockTable[i][1] = true;
            blockTable[i][2] = p.getX();
            blockTable[i][3] = p.getY();
            blockTable[i][4] = p.getZ();
            blockTable[i][5] = p.isTunnel();
        // Handle Ops Locations
        LocationManager lmgr = LocationManager.instance();
        List<Location> locations = lmgr.getLocationsByIdList();
        opsMap = new HashMap<String, PhysicalLocation>();
        log.debug("TableSize : " + locations.size());
        Object[][] opsTable = new Object[locations.size()][6];
        i = 0;
        for (Location l : locations) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("i = " + i + "MLA " + l.getId() + " Name: " + l.getName() + " table " + java.util.Arrays.toString(opsTable[i]));
            PhysicalLocation p = l.getPhysicalLocation();
            Boolean use = false;
            if (p == PhysicalLocation.Origin) {
                use = false;
            } else {
                use = true;
            opsTable[i][0] = l.getName();
            opsTable[i][1] = use;
            opsTable[i][2] = p.getX();
            opsTable[i][3] = p.getY();
            opsTable[i][4] = p.getZ();
            opsTable[i][5] = p.isTunnel();
            opsMap.put(l.getName(), l.getPhysicalLocation());
        f = new ManageLocationsFrame(listenerLoc, reporterTable, opsTable, blockTable);
Also used : LocationManager(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager) ReporterManager(jmri.ReporterManager) PhysicalLocationReporter(jmri.PhysicalLocationReporter) Reporter(jmri.Reporter) BlockManager(jmri.BlockManager) Block(jmri.Block) PhysicalLocationReporter(jmri.PhysicalLocationReporter) PhysicalLocation(jmri.util.PhysicalLocation) PhysicalLocation(jmri.util.PhysicalLocation) Location(jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location)

Example 3 with BlockManager

use of jmri.BlockManager in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class LEConnectivityTest method testShowAndClose.

public void testShowAndClose() throws Exception {
    if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
        // Can't Assume in TestCase
    jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager cm = new jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager() {
    // load and display test panel file f = new"java/test/jmri/jmrit/display/layoutEditor/valid/LEConnectTest.xml");
    // time for internal listeners to calm down
    // Find new window by name (should be more distinctive, comes from sample file)
    LayoutEditor le = (LayoutEditor) jmri.util.JmriJFrame.getFrame("Connectivity Test");
    // Panel is up, continue set up for tests.
    ConnectivityUtil cu = new ConnectivityUtil(le);
    BlockManager bm = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class);
    // Test right-handed crossover connectivity turnout settings
    Block cBlock = bm.getBlock("4");
    Block pBlock = bm.getBlock("6");
    Block nBlock = bm.getBlock("5");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    ArrayList<Integer> tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    int setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("6_4_5Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("5");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("6");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("5_4_6Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("5");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("2");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("5_4_2Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("2");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("1");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("3");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("1_2_3Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("3");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("1");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("3_2_1Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("1");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("4");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("1_2_4Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Test left-handed crossover connectivity turnout settings
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("14");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("13");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("17");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("13_14_17Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("17");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("13");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("17_14_13Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("17");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("12");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("17_14_12Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("12");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("11");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("15");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("11_12_15Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("15");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("11");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("15_12_11Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("15");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("14");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("15_12_14Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Test double crossover connectivity turnout settings
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("20");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("20_21_22Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("20");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("22_21_20Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("20");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("20_21_26Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("23");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("23_22_21Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("23");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("21_22_23Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("23");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("23_22_25Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("27");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("27_26_25Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("27");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("25_26_27Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("27");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("21");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("27_26_21Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("25");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("24");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("24_25_26Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("26");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("24");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("26_25_24Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("24");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("22");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("24_25_22Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Test right handed turnout (with "wings" in same block) connectivity turnout settings
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("62");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("64");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("64_62_61Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("64");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("61_62_64Connect", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("63");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("63_62_61Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("61");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("63");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("61_62_63Connect", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    // Test extended track following connectivity turnout settings
    //   Each path must go through two turnouts, whose settings are tested in order
    cBlock = bm.getBlock("32");
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("33");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_33ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_33ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("33");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("33_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("33_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("34");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_34ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_34ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("34");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("34_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("34_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("35");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_35ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_35ConnectB", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("35");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("35_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.CLOSED);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("35_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("36");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_36ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("31_32_36ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    pBlock = bm.getBlock("36");
    nBlock = bm.getBlock("31");
    cu.getTurnoutList(cBlock, pBlock, nBlock);
    tsList = cu.getTurnoutSettingList();
    setting = tsList.get(0).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("36_32_31ConnectA", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    setting = tsList.get(1).intValue();
    Assert.assertEquals("36_32_31ConnectB", setting, Turnout.THROWN);
    // Ask to close window
    TestHelper.disposeWindow(le, this);
    // Dialog has popped up, so handle that. First, locate it.
    List<JDialog> dialogList = new DialogFinder(null).findAll(le);
    JDialog d = dialogList.get(0);
    // Find the button that deletes the panel
    AbstractButtonFinder finder = new AbstractButtonFinder("Delete Panel");
    JButton button = (JButton) finder.find(d, 0);
    // Click button to delete panel and close window
    getHelper().enterClickAndLeave(new MouseEventData(this, button));
    // another dialog has popped up, so handle that by finding the "Yes - Delete" button.
    dialogList = new DialogFinder(null).findAll(le);
    d = dialogList.get(0);
    finder = new AbstractButtonFinder("Yes - Delete");
    button = (JButton) finder.find(d, 0);
    // Click to say yes, I really mean it.
    getHelper().enterClickAndLeave(new MouseEventData(this, button));
Also used : JButton(javax.swing.JButton) MouseEventData(junit.extensions.jfcunit.eventdata.MouseEventData) DialogFinder(junit.extensions.jfcunit.finder.DialogFinder) AbstractButtonFinder(junit.extensions.jfcunit.finder.AbstractButtonFinder) BlockManager(jmri.BlockManager) Block(jmri.Block) JDialog(javax.swing.JDialog)

Example 4 with BlockManager

use of jmri.BlockManager in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class LayoutBlockManager method getLayoutBlocksOccupiedByRosterEntry.

     * Returns a list of layout blocks which this roster entry appears to
     * be occupying. A layout block is assumed to contain this roster entry if the value
     * of the underlying block is the RosterEntry itself, or a string with the entry's
     * id or dcc address.
     * @param re the roster entry
     * @return list of layout block user names
public List<LayoutBlock> getLayoutBlocksOccupiedByRosterEntry(RosterEntry re) {
    BlockManager bm = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.BlockManager.class);
    List<Block> blockList = bm.getBlocksOccupiedByRosterEntry(re);
    List<LayoutBlock> layoutBlockList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Block block : blockList) {
        if (block.getUserName() != null) {
            LayoutBlock lb = getByUserName(block.getUserName());
            if (lb != null) {
    return layoutBlockList;
Also used : BlockManager(jmri.BlockManager) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Block(jmri.Block)

Example 5 with BlockManager

use of jmri.BlockManager in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class BlockManagerXml method load.

     * Load Blocks into the existing BlockManager.
     * <p>
     * The BlockManager in the InstanceManager is created automatically.
     * @param sharedBlocks  Element containing the block elements to load
     * @param perNodeBlocks Per-node block elements to load
     * @return true if successful
     * @throws jmri.configurexml.JmriConfigureXmlException if error during load
public boolean load(Element sharedBlocks, Element perNodeBlocks) throws JmriConfigureXmlException {
    boolean result = true;
    try {
        if (sharedBlocks.getChild("defaultspeed") != null) {
            String speed = sharedBlocks.getChild("defaultspeed").getText();
            if (speed != null && !speed.equals("")) {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    List<Element> list = sharedBlocks.getChildren("block");
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Found " + list.size() + " objects");
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        Element block = list.get(i);
    return result;
Also used : BlockManager(jmri.BlockManager) Element(org.jdom2.Element)


BlockManager (jmri.BlockManager)6 Block (jmri.Block)5 Reporter (jmri.Reporter)3 ReporterManager (jmri.ReporterManager)2 Location (jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location)2 LocationManager (jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager)2 PhysicalLocation (jmri.util.PhysicalLocation)2 Element (org.jdom2.Element)2 SuppressFBWarnings (edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 JButton (javax.swing.JButton)1 JDialog (javax.swing.JDialog)1 Path (jmri.Path)1 PhysicalLocationReporter (jmri.PhysicalLocationReporter)1 MouseEventData (junit.extensions.jfcunit.eventdata.MouseEventData)1 AbstractButtonFinder (junit.extensions.jfcunit.finder.AbstractButtonFinder)1 DialogFinder (junit.extensions.jfcunit.finder.DialogFinder)1