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Example 1 with DefaultConditional

use of jmri.implementation.DefaultConditional in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class DefaultConditionalManager method createNewConditional.

     * Method to create a new Conditional if the Conditional does not exist If
     * the parent Logix cannot be found, the userName cannot be checked, but the
     * Conditional is still created. The scenario can happen when a Logix is
     * loaded from a file after its Conditionals.
     * @param systemName properly formatted system name for the new Conditional
     * @param userName must not be null, use "" instead
     * @return null if a Conditional with the same systemName or userName
     *         already exists, or if there is trouble creating a new Conditional
public Conditional createNewConditional(String systemName, String userName) {
    Conditional c = null;
    // Check system name
    if (systemName == null || systemName.length() < 1) {
        log.error("createNewConditional: systemName is null or empty");
        return null;
    c = getBySystemName(systemName);
    if (c != null) {
        // Conditional already exists
        return null;
    // Get the potential parent Logix
    Logix lgx = getParentLogix(systemName);
    if (lgx == null) {
        log.error("Unable to find the parent logix for condtional '{}'", systemName);
        return null;
    // Check the user name
    if (userName != null && userName.length() > 0) {
        c = getByUserName(lgx, userName);
        if (c != null) {
            // Duplicate user name within the parent Logix
            return null;
    // Conditional does not exist, create a new Conditional
    if (systemName.startsWith(SensorGroupFrame.logixSysName)) {
        c = new SensorGroupConditional(systemName, userName);
    } else {
        c = new DefaultConditional(systemName, userName);
    // save in the maps
    //@        register(c);
    boolean addCompleted = lgx.addConditional(systemName, c);
    if (!addCompleted) {
        return null;
    return c;
Also used : DefaultConditional(jmri.implementation.DefaultConditional) Logix(jmri.Logix) SensorGroupConditional(jmri.implementation.SensorGroupConditional) SensorGroupConditional(jmri.implementation.SensorGroupConditional) DefaultConditional(jmri.implementation.DefaultConditional) Conditional(jmri.Conditional)

Example 2 with DefaultConditional

use of jmri.implementation.DefaultConditional in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class DefaultConditionalManagerXml method loadConditionals.

     * Utility method to load the individual Logix objects. If there's no
     * additional info needed for a specific logix type, invoke this with the
     * parent of the set of Logix elements.
     * @param conditionals Element containing the Logix elements to load.
public void loadConditionals(Element conditionals) {
    List<Element> conditionalList = conditionals.getChildren("conditional");
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Found " + conditionalList.size() + " conditionals");
    ConditionalManager tm = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.ConditionalManager.class);
    for (int i = 0; i < conditionalList.size(); i++) {
        Element condElem = conditionalList.get(i);
        String sysName = getSystemName(condElem);
        if (sysName == null) {
            log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + condElem);
        // omitted username is treated as empty, not null
        String userName = getUserName(condElem);
        if (userName == null) {
            userName = "";
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("create conditional: ({})({})", sysName, userName);
        // Try getting the conditional.  This should fail
        Conditional c = tm.getBySystemName(sysName);
        if (c == null) {
            // Check for parent Logix
            Logix x = tm.getParentLogix(sysName);
            if (x == null) {
                log.warn("Conditional '{}' has no parent Logix", sysName);
            // Found a potential parent Logix, check the Logix index
            boolean inIndex = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < x.getNumConditionals(); j++) {
                String cName = x.getConditionalByNumberOrder(j);
                if (sysName.equals(cName)) {
                    inIndex = true;
            if (!inIndex) {
                log.warn("Conditional '{}' is not in the Logix index", sysName);
            // Create the condtional
            c = tm.createNewConditional(sysName, userName);
        if (c == null) {
            // Should never get here
            log.error("Conditional '{}' cannot be created", sysName);
        // conditional already exists
        // load common parts
        loadCommon(c, condElem);
        String ant = "";
        int logicType = Conditional.ALL_AND;
        if (condElem.getAttribute("antecedent") != null) {
            ant = condElem.getAttribute("antecedent").getValue();
        if (condElem.getAttribute("logicType") != null) {
            logicType = Integer.parseInt(condElem.getAttribute("logicType").getValue());
        c.setLogicType(logicType, ant);
        // load state variables, if there are any
        List<Element> conditionalVarList = condElem.getChildren("conditionalStateVariable");
        if (conditionalVarList.size() == 0) {
            log.warn("No state variables found for conditional " + sysName);
        ArrayList<ConditionalVariable> variableList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int n = 0; n < conditionalVarList.size(); n++) {
            ConditionalVariable variable = new ConditionalVariable();
            if (conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("operator") == null) {
                log.warn("unexpected null in operator " + conditionalVarList.get(n) + " " + conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttributes());
            } else {
                int oper = Integer.parseInt(conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("operator").getValue());
                if (oper == Conditional.OPERATOR_AND_NOT) {
                    oper = Conditional.OPERATOR_AND;
                } else if (oper == Conditional.OPERATOR_NOT) {
                    oper = Conditional.OPERATOR_NONE;
            if (conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("negated") != null) {
                if ("yes".equals(conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("negated").getValue())) {
                } else {
            if (conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("dataString") != null) {
            if (conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("num1") != null) {
            if (conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("num2") != null) {
            if (conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("triggersCalc") != null) {
                if ("no".equals(conditionalVarList.get(n).getAttribute("triggersCalc").getValue())) {
        // load actions - there better be some
        List<Element> conditionalActionList = condElem.getChildren("conditionalAction");
        // Really OK, since a user may use such conditionals to define a reusable
        // expression of state variables.  These conditions are then used as a 
        // state variable in other conditionals.  (pwc)
        //if (conditionalActionList.size() == 0) {
        //    log.warn("No actions found for conditional "+sysName);
        ArrayList<ConditionalAction> actionList = ((DefaultConditional) c).getActionList();
        org.jdom2.Attribute attr = null;
        for (int n = 0; n < conditionalActionList.size(); n++) {
            ConditionalAction action = new DefaultConditionalAction();
            attr = conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttribute("option");
            if (attr != null) {
            } else {
                log.warn("unexpected null in option " + conditionalActionList.get(n) + " " + conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttributes());
            // actionDelay is removed.  delay data is stored as a String to allow
            // such data be referenced by internal memory.
            // For backward compatibility, set delay "int" as a string
            attr = conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttribute("delay");
            if (attr != null) {
            attr = conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttribute("type");
            if (attr != null) {
            } else {
                log.warn("unexpected null in type " + conditionalActionList.get(n) + " " + conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttributes());
            attr = conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttribute("systemName");
            if (attr != null) {
            } else {
                log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + conditionalActionList.get(n) + " " + conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttributes());
            attr = conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttribute("data");
            if (attr != null) {
            } else {
                log.warn("unexpected null in action data " + conditionalActionList.get(n) + " " + conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttributes());
            attr = conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttribute("string");
            if (attr != null) {
            } else {
                log.warn("unexpected null in action string " + conditionalActionList.get(n) + " " + conditionalActionList.get(n).getAttributes());
            if (!actionList.contains(action))
        // 1/16/2011 - trigger for execution of the action list changed to execute each 
        // time state is computed.  Formerly execution of the action list was done only
        // when state changes.  All conditionals are upgraded to this new policy.
        // However, for conditionals with actions that toggle on change of state
        // the old policy should be used.
        boolean triggerOnChange = false;
        if (condElem.getAttribute("triggerOnChange") != null) {
            if ("yes".equals(condElem.getAttribute("triggerOnChange").getValue())) {
                triggerOnChange = true;
        } else {
            /* Don't upgrade -Let old be as is
                 for (int k=0; k<actionList.size(); k++){
                 ConditionalAction action = actionList.get(k);
                 if (action.getOption()==Conditional.ACTION_OPTION_ON_CHANGE){
                 triggerOnChange = true;
            triggerOnChange = true;
Also used : DefaultConditionalAction(jmri.implementation.DefaultConditionalAction) Element(org.jdom2.Element) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DefaultConditional(jmri.implementation.DefaultConditional) Conditional(jmri.Conditional) ConditionalVariable(jmri.ConditionalVariable) DefaultConditional(jmri.implementation.DefaultConditional) Logix(jmri.Logix) ConditionalAction(jmri.ConditionalAction) DefaultConditionalAction(jmri.implementation.DefaultConditionalAction) DefaultConditionalManager(jmri.managers.DefaultConditionalManager) ConditionalManager(jmri.ConditionalManager)


Conditional (jmri.Conditional)2 Logix (jmri.Logix)2 DefaultConditional (jmri.implementation.DefaultConditional)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 ConditionalAction (jmri.ConditionalAction)1 ConditionalManager (jmri.ConditionalManager)1 ConditionalVariable (jmri.ConditionalVariable)1 DefaultConditionalAction (jmri.implementation.DefaultConditionalAction)1 SensorGroupConditional (jmri.implementation.SensorGroupConditional)1 DefaultConditionalManager (jmri.managers.DefaultConditionalManager)1 Element (org.jdom2.Element)1