use of jmri.util.JmriLocalEntityResolver in project JMRI by JMRI.
the class XmlFile method getBuilder.
public static SAXBuilder getBuilder(Validate validate) {
// should really be a Verify enum
SAXBuilder builder;
boolean verifyDTD = (validate == Validate.CheckDtd) || (validate == Validate.CheckDtdThenSchema);
boolean verifySchema = (validate == Validate.RequireSchema) || (validate == Validate.CheckDtdThenSchema);
// old style
// argument controls DTD validation
builder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser", verifyDTD);
// insert local resolver for includes, schema, DTDs
builder.setEntityResolver(new JmriLocalEntityResolver());
// configure XInclude handling
builder.setFeature("", true);
builder.setFeature("", false);
// only validate if grammar is available, making ABSENT OK
builder.setFeature("", verifyDTD && !verifySchema);
// control Schema validation
builder.setFeature("", verifySchema);
builder.setFeature("", verifySchema);
// if not validating DTD, just validate Schema
builder.setFeature("", verifyDTD);
if (!verifyDTD) {
builder.setProperty("", "");
// allow Java character encodings
builder.setFeature("", true);
return builder;