use of jodd.datetime.JDateTime in project hive by apache.
the class NanoTimeUtils method getNanoTime.
* Constructs a julian date from the floating time Timestamp.
* If the timezone of the calendar is different from the current local
* timezone, then the timestamp value will be adjusted.
* Possible adjustments:
* - UTC Ts -> Local Ts copied to TableTZ Calendar -> UTC Ts -> JD
* @param ts floating time timestamp to store
* @param calendar timezone used to adjust the timestamp for parquet
* @return adjusted julian date
public static NanoTime getNanoTime(Timestamp ts, Calendar calendar) {
Calendar localCalendar = getLocalCalendar();
Calendar adjustedCalendar = copyToCalendarWithTZ(localCalendar, calendar);
Calendar utcCalendar = getUTCCalendar();
int year = utcCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
if (utcCalendar.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) {
year = 1 - year;
JDateTime jDateTime = new JDateTime(year, //java calendar index starting at 1.
utcCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, utcCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
int days = jDateTime.getJulianDayNumber();
long hour = utcCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
long minute = utcCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
long second = utcCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
long nanos = ts.getNanos();
long nanosOfDay = nanos + NANOS_PER_SECOND * second + NANOS_PER_MINUTE * minute + NANOS_PER_HOUR * hour;
return new NanoTime(days, nanosOfDay);
use of jodd.datetime.JDateTime in project hive by apache.
the class NanoTimeUtils method getTimestamp.
* Constructs a floating time Timestamp from the julian date contained in NanoTime.
* If the timezone of the calendar is different from the current local
* timezone, then the timestamp value will be adjusted.
* Possible adjustments:
* - JD -> UTC Ts -> TableTZ Calendar copied to LocalTZ Calendar -> UTC Ts
* @param nt stored julian date
* @param calendar timezone used to adjust the timestamp for parquet
* @return floating time represented as a timestamp. Guaranteed to display
* the same when formatted using the current local timezone as with the local
* timezone at the time it was stored.
public static Timestamp getTimestamp(NanoTime nt, Calendar calendar) {
int julianDay = nt.getJulianDay();
long nanosOfDay = nt.getTimeOfDayNanos();
long remainder = nanosOfDay;
julianDay += remainder / NANOS_PER_DAY;
remainder %= NANOS_PER_DAY;
if (remainder < 0) {
remainder += NANOS_PER_DAY;
JDateTime jDateTime = new JDateTime((double) julianDay);
Calendar utcCalendar = getUTCCalendar();
utcCalendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, jDateTime.getYear());
//java calendar index starting at 1.
utcCalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, jDateTime.getMonth() - 1);
utcCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, jDateTime.getDay());
int hour = (int) (remainder / (NANOS_PER_HOUR));
remainder = remainder % (NANOS_PER_HOUR);
int minutes = (int) (remainder / (NANOS_PER_MINUTE));
remainder = remainder % (NANOS_PER_MINUTE);
int seconds = (int) (remainder / (NANOS_PER_SECOND));
long nanos = remainder % NANOS_PER_SECOND;
utcCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
utcCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes);
utcCalendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, seconds);
Calendar adjusterCalendar = copyToCalendarWithTZ(calendar, Calendar.getInstance());
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(adjusterCalendar.getTimeInMillis());
ts.setNanos((int) nanos);
return ts;
use of jodd.datetime.JDateTime in project jodd by oblac.
the class MappingTest method testMapping.
public void testMapping() throws SQLException {
DbSession session = new DbThreadSession(cp);
executeUpdate(session, "drop table FOO if exists");
String sql = "create table FOO (" + "ID integer not null," + "NUMBER integer not null," + "STRING integer not null," + "STRING2 integer not null," + "BOO integer not null," + "COLOR varchar(50) not null," + "WEIGHT integer not null," + "TIMESTAMP timestamp not null," + "TIMESTAMP2 timestamp not null," + "CLOB longvarchar not null," + "BLOB longvarbinary not null," + "DECIMAL real not null," + "DECIMAL2 varchar(50) not null," + "JDT1 bigint not null," + "JDT2 varchar(50) not null," + "primary key (ID)" + ')';
executeUpdate(session, sql);
sql = "insert into FOO values (1, 555, 173, 7, 999, 'red', 1, '2009-08-07 06:05:04.3333', '2010-01-20 01:02:03.4444', 'W173', 'ABCDEF', 1.01, '-7.17', 0, '0')";
executeUpdate(session, sql);
DbOomManager dbOom = DbOomManager.getInstance();
SqlTypeManager.register(Boo.class, BooSqlType.class);
SqlTypeManager.register(FooWeight.class, FooWeigthSqlType.class);
List<Foo> foos = new DbOomQuery("select * from FOO").list(Foo.class);
assertEquals(1, foos.size());
Foo foo = foos.get(0);
assertEquals(555, foo.number.value);
assertEquals("173", foo.string);
assertEquals("7", foo.string2);
assertEquals(, foo.color);
assertEquals(FooWeight.light, foo.weight);
assertEquals(109, foo.timestamp.getYear());
assertEquals(6, foo.timestamp.getHours());
assertEquals(5, foo.timestamp.getMinutes());
assertEquals(2010, foo.timestamp2.getYear());
assertEquals(1, foo.timestamp2.getHour());
assertEquals(2, foo.timestamp2.getMinute());
assertEquals(4, foo.clob.length());
assertEquals("W173", foo.clob.getSubString(1, 4));
assertEquals(3, foo.blob.length());
assertEquals((byte) 0xAB, foo.blob.getBytes(1, 3)[0]);
assertEquals((byte) 0xCD, foo.blob.getBytes(1, 3)[1]);
assertEquals((byte) 0xEF, foo.blob.getBytes(1, 3)[2]);
assertEquals("1.01", foo.decimal.toString().substring(0, 4));
assertEquals("-7.17", foo.decimal2.toString().substring(0, 5));
assertEquals("1970-01-01", foo.jdt1.toString("YYYY-MM-DD"));
assertEquals("1970-01-01", foo.jdt2.toString("YYYY-MM-DD"));
foo.string = "371";
foo.string2 = "007"; = 213;
foo.color = FooColor.yellow;
foo.weight = FooWeight.heavy;
foo.number.value = 222;
foo.decimal = new Double("34.12");
foo.decimal2 = new BigDecimal("1.099");
DbOomQuery doq = new DbOomQuery(DbEntitySql.update(foo));
doq = new DbOomQuery(DbEntitySql.updateColumn(foo, "timestamp2", new JDateTime("2010-02-02 20:20:20.222")));
foos = new DbOomQuery("select * from FOO").list(Foo.class);
assertEquals(1, foos.size());
foo = foos.get(0);
assertEquals("371", foo.string);
assertEquals("7", foo.string2);
assertEquals(222, foo.number.value);
assertEquals(FooColor.yellow, foo.color);
assertEquals(FooWeight.heavy, foo.weight);
assertEquals(108, foo.timestamp.getYear());
assertEquals(2010, foo.timestamp2.getYear());
assertEquals(20, foo.timestamp2.getHour());
assertEquals(20, foo.timestamp2.getMinute());
assertEquals(4, foo.clob.length());
assertEquals("W173", foo.clob.getSubString(1, 4));
assertEquals(3, foo.blob.length());
assertEquals("34.12", foo.decimal.toString());
assertEquals("1.099", foo.decimal2.toString().substring(0, 5));
assertEquals("3000-01-02", foo.jdt1.toString("YYYY-MM-DD"));
assertEquals("2900-01-03", foo.jdt2.toString("YYYY-MM-DD"));
executeUpdate(session, "drop table FOO if exists");
use of jodd.datetime.JDateTime in project jodd by oblac.
the class LiveMapperDbTest method insertEntry.
protected Tester2 insertEntry() {
DbSession session = new DbSession();
Tester2 tester2 = new Tester2(); = 1; = "Hello";
tester2.value = Integer.valueOf(123);
tester2.time = new JDateTime(2014, 1, 30, 10, 42, 34, 0).convertToSqlTimestamp();
tester2.time2 = new JDateTime(2014, 1, 31, 11, 41, 32, 0);
DbOomQuery dbOomQuery = DbOomQuery.query(session, DbEntitySql.insert(tester2));
int result = dbOomQuery.executeUpdate();
assertEquals(1, result);
return tester2;
use of jodd.datetime.JDateTime in project jodd by oblac.
the class EMLParserTest method testParseEML.
public void testParseEML() throws FileNotFoundException, MessagingException {
File emlFile = new File(testDataRoot, "example.eml");
ReceivedEmail email = EMLParser.create().parse(emlFile);
assertEquals("Example <>", email.getFrom().toString());
assertEquals("", email.getTo()[0].toString());
assertEquals("test!", email.getSubject());
// the time is specified in GMT zone
JDateTime jdt = new JDateTime(2010, 3, 27, 12, 11, 21, 0);
jdt.changeTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), TimeZone.getDefault());
// compare
assertEquals(jdt.convertToDate(), email.getSentDate());
Map<String, String> headers = email.getAllHeaders();
assertEquals("1.0", headers.get("MIME-Version"));
List<EmailMessage> messages = email.getAllMessages();
assertEquals(2, messages.size());
EmailMessage msg1 = messages.get(0);
assertEquals("Test", msg1.getContent().trim());
assertEquals("text/plain", msg1.getMimeType());
assertEquals("us-ascii", msg1.getEncoding());
EmailMessage msg2 = messages.get(1);
assertEquals("text/html", msg2.getMimeType());
assertEquals("us-ascii", msg2.getEncoding());
List<EmailAttachment> attachments = email.getAttachments();
List<ReceivedEmail> attachedMessages = email.getAttachedMessages();
assertEquals(1, attachedMessages.size());
email = attachedMessages.get(0);
// attached message
assertEquals("Example <>", email.getFrom().toString());
assertEquals("", email.getTo()[0].toString());
assertEquals("test", email.getSubject());
jdt = new JDateTime(2010, 3, 27, 12, 9, 46, 0);
jdt.changeTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), TimeZone.getDefault());
assertEquals(jdt.convertToDate(), email.getSentDate());
headers = email.getAllHeaders();
assertEquals("1.0", headers.get("MIME-Version"));
messages = email.getAllMessages();
assertEquals(2, messages.size());
msg1 = messages.get(0);
assertEquals("test", msg1.getContent().trim());
assertEquals("text/plain", msg1.getMimeType());
assertEquals("us-ascii", msg1.getEncoding());
msg2 = messages.get(1);
assertEquals("text/html", msg2.getMimeType());
assertEquals("us-ascii", msg2.getEncoding());
attachments = email.getAttachments();
attachedMessages = email.getAttachedMessages();