use of jodd.madvoc.meta.MadvocAction in project jodd by oblac.
the class ActionMethodParser method readPackageActionPath.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- readers
* Reads action path for package. It can be used only if root package is set in
* {@link MadvocConfig madvoc configuration}.
* If annotation is not set on package-level, class package will be used for
* package action path part.
protected void readPackageActionPath(ActionNames actionNames, Class actionClass) {
Package actionPackage = actionClass.getPackage();
String actionPackageName = actionPackage.getName();
final RootPackages rootPackages = madvocConfig.getRootPackages();
String packagePath = rootPackages.getPackageActionPath(actionPackageName);
if (packagePath == null) {
packagePath = rootPackages.findPackagePathForActionPackage(actionPackageName);
String rootPackage = null;
if (packagePath != null) {
rootPackage = rootPackages.findRootPackageForActionPath(packagePath);
// try locating marker class
String packageName = actionPackageName;
String madvocRootPackageClassName = madvocConfig.getMadvocRootPackageClassName();
if (madvocRootPackageClassName != null) {
while (true) {
String className = packageName + '.' + madvocRootPackageClassName;
try {
Class<?> madvocRootPackageClass = ClassLoaderUtil.loadClass(className, actionClass.getClassLoader());
// class found, find the mapping
String mapping = StringPool.EMPTY;
MadvocAction madvocAction = madvocRootPackageClass.getAnnotation(MadvocAction.class);
if (madvocAction != null) {
mapping = madvocAction.value();
// register root package - so not to lookup twice
madvocConfig.getRootPackages().addRootPackage(packageName, mapping);
// repeat lookup
packagePath = rootPackages.findPackagePathForActionPackage(actionPackageName);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {
// continue
int dotNdx = packageName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotNdx == -1) {
packageName = packageName.substring(0, dotNdx);
if (rootPackage != null) {
// don't go beyond found root package
if (packageName.equals(rootPackage)) {
rootPackages.registerPackageActionPath(actionPackageName, packagePath);
// read package-level annotation
MadvocAction madvocActionAnnotation = actionPackage.getAnnotation(MadvocAction.class);
String packageActionPath = madvocActionAnnotation != null ? madvocActionAnnotation.value().trim() : null;
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(packageActionPath)) {
packageActionPath = null;
// if not set, resolve value
if (packageActionPath == null) {
// no package-level annotation
if (packagePath == null) {
// no root package path, just return
packageActionPath = packagePath;
actionNames.setPackageNames(StringUtil.stripChar(packagePath, '/'), StringUtil.surround(packageActionPath, StringPool.SLASH));
use of jodd.madvoc.meta.MadvocAction in project jodd by oblac.
the class ActionMethodParser method readClassActionPath.
* Reads action path from class. If the class is annotated with {@link MadvocAction} annotation,
* class action path will be read from annotation value. Otherwise, action class path will be built from the
* class name. This is done by removing the package name and the last contained word
* (if there is more then one) from the class name. Such name is finally uncapitalized.
* <p>
* If this method returns <code>null</code> class will be ignored.
protected void readClassActionPath(ActionNames actionNames, Class actionClass) {
// read annotation
MadvocAction madvocActionAnnotation = ((Class<?>) actionClass).getAnnotation(MadvocAction.class);
String classActionPath = madvocActionAnnotation != null ? madvocActionAnnotation.value().trim() : null;
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(classActionPath)) {
classActionPath = null;
String name = actionClass.getSimpleName();
name = StringUtil.uncapitalize(name);
name = MadvocUtil.stripLastCamelWord(name);
if (classActionPath == null) {
classActionPath = name;
actionNames.setClassNames(name, classActionPath);