use of jolie.runtime.typing.TypeCastingException in project jolie by jolie.
the class HttpProtocol method recv_internal.
public CommMessage recv_internal(InputStream istream, OutputStream ostream) throws IOException {
HttpMessage message = new HttpParser(istream).parse();
String charset = HttpUtils.getCharset(null, message);
CommMessage retVal = null;
DecodedMessage decodedMessage = new DecodedMessage();
HttpUtils.recv_checkForChannelClosing(message, channel());
if (checkBooleanParameter(Parameters.DEBUG)) {
boolean showContent = false;
if (getParameterFirstValue(Parameters.DEBUG).getFirstChild("showContent").intValue() > 0 && message.size() > 0) {
showContent = true;
Interpreter.getInstance().logInfo(getDebugMessage(message, charset, showContent));
// tracer
Interpreter.getInstance().tracer().trace(() -> {
try {
final String traceMessage = getDebugMessage(message, charset, message.size() > 0);
return new ProtocolTraceAction(ProtocolTraceAction.Type.HTTP, "HTTP MESSAGE RECEIVED", message.requestPath(), traceMessage, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new ProtocolTraceAction(ProtocolTraceAction.Type.HTTP, "HTTP MESSAGE RECEIVED", message.requestPath(), e.getMessage(), null);
encoding = message.getProperty("accept-encoding");
headRequest = inInputPort && message.isHead();
String contentType = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;
if (message.getProperty("content-type") != null) {
contentType = message.getProperty("content-type").split(";", 2)[0].toLowerCase();
// URI parameter parsing
if (message.requestPath() != null) {
boolean strictEncoding = checkStringParameter(Parameters.JSON_ENCODING, "strict");
recv_parseQueryString(message, decodedMessage.value, contentType, strictEncoding);
if (!message.isResponse()) {
recv_checkReceivingOperation(message, decodedMessage);
/* */
if (!message.isGet() && !message.isHead()) {
// body parsing
if (message.size() > 0) {
recv_parseMessage(message, decodedMessage, contentType, charset);
if (!message.isResponse()) {
recv_checkDefaultOp(message, decodedMessage);
if (checkBooleanParameter(Parameters.CONCURRENT)) {
String messageId = message.getProperty(Headers.JOLIE_MESSAGE_ID);
if (messageId != null) {
try { = Long.parseLong(messageId);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (message.isResponse()) {
String responseHeader = "";
if (hasParameter(Parameters.RESPONSE_HEADER) || hasOperationSpecificParameter(inputId, Parameters.RESPONSE_HEADER)) {
if (hasOperationSpecificParameter(inputId, Parameters.RESPONSE_HEADER)) {
responseHeader = getOperationSpecificStringParameter(inputId, Parameters.RESPONSE_HEADER);
} else {
responseHeader = getStringParameter(Parameters.RESPONSE_HEADER);
for (Entry<String, String> param : {
recv_checkForSetCookie(message, decodedMessage.value);
retVal = new CommMessage(, inputId, decodedMessage.resourcePath, decodedMessage.value, null);
} else if (message.isError() == false) {
recv_checkForMessageProperties(message, decodedMessage);
retVal = new CommMessage(, decodedMessage.operationName, decodedMessage.resourcePath, decodedMessage.value, null);
if (retVal != null && "/".equals(retVal.resourcePath()) && channel().parentPort() != null && (channel().parentPort().getInterface().containsOperation(retVal.operationName()) || (channel().parentInputPort() != null && channel().parentInputPort().getAggregatedOperation(retVal.operationName()) != null))) {
try {
// The message is for this service
boolean hasInput = false;
OneWayTypeDescription oneWayTypeDescription = null;
if (channel().parentInputPort() != null) {
if (channel().parentInputPort().getAggregatedOperation(retVal.operationName()) != null) {
oneWayTypeDescription = channel().parentInputPort().getAggregatedOperation(retVal.operationName()).getOperationTypeDescription().asOneWayTypeDescription();
hasInput = true;
if (!hasInput) {
Interface iface = channel().parentPort().getInterface();
oneWayTypeDescription = iface.oneWayOperations().get(retVal.operationName());
if (oneWayTypeDescription != null) {
// We are receiving a One-Way message
} else {
hasInput = false;
RequestResponseTypeDescription rrTypeDescription = null;
if (channel().parentInputPort() != null) {
if (channel().parentInputPort().getAggregatedOperation(retVal.operationName()) != null) {
rrTypeDescription = channel().parentInputPort().getAggregatedOperation(retVal.operationName()).getOperationTypeDescription().asRequestResponseTypeDescription();
hasInput = true;
if (!hasInput) {
Interface iface = channel().parentPort().getInterface();
rrTypeDescription = iface.requestResponseOperations().get(retVal.operationName());
if (retVal.isFault()) {
Type faultType = rrTypeDescription.faults().get(retVal.fault().faultName());
if (faultType != null) {
} else {
if (message.isResponse()) {
} else {
} catch (TypeCastingException e) {
// TODO: do something here?
return retVal;
use of jolie.runtime.typing.TypeCastingException in project jolie by jolie.
the class SoapProtocol method recv_internal.
* private Schema getRecvMessageValidationSchema() throws IOException { List< Source > sources = new
* ArrayList< Source >(); Definition definition = getWSDLDefinition(); if ( definition != null ) {
* Types types = definition.getTypes(); if ( types != null ) { List< ExtensibilityElement > list =
* types.getExtensibilityElements(); for( ExtensibilityElement element : list ) { if ( element
* instanceof SchemaImpl ) { sources.add( new DOMSource( ((SchemaImpl)element).getElement() ) ); } }
* } } SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance( XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI
* ); try { return schemaFactory.newSchema( sources.toArray( new Source[sources.size()] ) ); }
* catch( SAXException e ) { throw new IOException( e ); } }
public CommMessage recv_internal(InputStream istream, OutputStream ostream) throws IOException {
HttpParser parser = new HttpParser(istream);
HttpMessage message = parser.parse();
String charset = HttpUtils.getCharset(null, message);
HttpUtils.recv_checkForChannelClosing(message, channel());
if (inInputPort && message.type() != HttpMessage.Type.POST) {
throw new UnsupportedMethodException("Only HTTP method POST allowed!", Method.POST);
encoding = message.getProperty("accept-encoding");
CommMessage retVal = null;
String messageId = "";
FaultException fault = null;
Value value = Value.create();
try {
if (message.size() > 0) {
if (checkBooleanParameter("debug")) {
interpreter.logInfo("[SOAP debug] Receiving:\n" + new String(message.content(), charset));
SOAPMessage soapMessage = messageFactory.createMessage();
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
* Schema messageSchema = getRecvMessageValidationSchema(); if ( messageSchema != null ) {
* factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace( true ); factory.setSchema( messageSchema ); }
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
InputSource src = new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.content()));
Document doc = builder.parse(src);
DOMSource dom = new DOMSource(doc);
* if ( checkBooleanParameter( "debugAfter" ) ) { ByteArrayOutputStream tmpStream = new
* ByteArrayOutputStream(); soapMessage.writeTo( tmpStream ); interpreter.logInfo(
* "[SOAP debug] Receiving:\n" + tmpStream.toString() ); }
SOAPFault soapFault = soapMessage.getSOAPBody().getFault();
if (soapFault == null) {
Element soapValueElement = getFirstElement(soapMessage.getSOAPBody());
messageId = soapValueElement.getLocalName();
if (!channel().parentPort().getInterface().containsOperation(messageId)) {
String[] soapAction = message.getPropertyOrEmptyString("soapaction").replaceAll("\"", "").split("/");
messageId = soapAction[soapAction.length - 1];
if (checkBooleanParameter("debug")) {
interpreter.logInfo("Operation from SoapAction:" + messageId);
// explanation:
xmlNodeToValue(value, soapValueElement, checkBooleanParameter("dropRootValue", false));
ValueVector schemaPaths = getParameterVector("schema");
if (schemaPaths.size() > 0) {
List<Source> sources = new LinkedList<>();
Value schemaPath;
for (int i = 0; i < schemaPaths.size(); i++) {
schemaPath = schemaPaths.get(i);
if (schemaPath.getChildren("validate").first().intValue() > 0) {
sources.add(new StreamSource(new File(schemaPaths.get(i).strValue())));
if (!sources.isEmpty()) {
Schema schema = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI).newSchema(sources.toArray(new Source[0]));
schema.newValidator().validate(new DOMSource(soapMessage.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild()));
} else {
String faultName = "UnknownFault";
Value faultValue = Value.create();
Detail d = soapFault.getDetail();
if (d != null) {
Node n = d.getFirstChild();
if (n != null) {
faultName = n.getLocalName();
xmlNodeToValue(faultValue, n, true);
} else {
fault = new FaultException(faultName, faultValue);
String resourcePath = recv_getResourcePath(message);
if (message.isResponse()) {
if (fault != null && message.statusCode() == 500) {
fault = new FaultException("InternalServerError", "");
retVal = new CommMessage(CommMessage.GENERIC_ID, inputId, resourcePath, value, fault);
} else if (!message.isError()) {
if (messageId.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("Received SOAP Message without a specified operation");
retVal = new CommMessage(CommMessage.GENERIC_ID, messageId, resourcePath, value, fault);
final String mId = messageId;
interpreter.tracer().trace(() -> {
final StringBuilder traceMessage = new StringBuilder();
try {
traceMessage.append(getHeadersFromHttpMessage(message)).append("\n").append(new String(message.content(), charset));
return new ProtocolTraceAction(ProtocolTraceAction.Type.SOAP, "SOAP MESSAGE RECEIVED", mId, traceMessage.toString(), null);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return new ProtocolTraceAction(ProtocolTraceAction.Type.SOAP, "SOAP MESSAGE RECEIVED", mId, e.getMessage(), null);
} catch (SOAPException | ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
// TODO support resourcePath
retVal = new CommMessage(CommMessage.GENERIC_ID, messageId, "/", value, new FaultException("TypeMismatch", e));
received = true;
if (retVal != null && "/".equals(retVal.resourcePath()) && channel().parentPort() != null && channel().parentPort().getInterface().containsOperation(retVal.operationName())) {
try {
// The message is for this service
Interface iface = channel().parentPort().getInterface();
OneWayTypeDescription oneWayTypeDescription = iface.oneWayOperations().get(retVal.operationName());
if (oneWayTypeDescription != null) {
// We are receiving a One-Way message
if (message.isResponse() == false) {
} else {
RequestResponseTypeDescription rrTypeDescription = iface.requestResponseOperations().get(retVal.operationName());
if (retVal.isFault()) {
Type faultType = rrTypeDescription.faults().get(retVal.fault().faultName());
if (faultType != null) {
} else if (message.isResponse()) {
} else {
} catch (TypeCastingException e) {
// TODO: do something here?
return retVal;
use of jolie.runtime.typing.TypeCastingException in project jolie by jolie.
the class Value method boolValueStrict.
public boolean boolValueStrict() throws TypeCastingException {
boolean r = false;
Object o = valueObject();
if (o == null) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
} else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
r = ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
} else if (o instanceof Number) {
if (((Number) o).longValue() > 0) {
r = true;
} else if (o instanceof String) {
r = Boolean.parseBoolean(((String) o).trim());
} else if (o instanceof ByteArray) {
try {
return new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((ByteArray) o).getBytes())).readBoolean();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
return r;
use of jolie.runtime.typing.TypeCastingException in project jolie by jolie.
the class Value method doubleValueStrict.
public final double doubleValueStrict() throws TypeCastingException {
double r = 0.0;
Object o = valueObject();
if (o == null) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
} else if (o instanceof Integer) {
r = ((Integer) o).doubleValue();
} else if (o instanceof Double) {
r = ((Double) o).doubleValue();
} else if (o instanceof Long) {
r = ((Long) o).doubleValue();
} else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
r = (((Boolean) o).booleanValue() == true) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
} else if (o instanceof String) {
try {
r = Double.parseDouble(((String) o).trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
} else if (o instanceof ByteArray) {
try {
return new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((ByteArray) o).getBytes())).readDouble();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
return r;
use of jolie.runtime.typing.TypeCastingException in project jolie by jolie.
the class Value method longValueStrict.
public final long longValueStrict() throws TypeCastingException {
long r = 0L;
Object o = valueObject();
if (o == null) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
} else if (o instanceof Long) {
r = ((Long) o).longValue();
} else if (o instanceof Integer) {
// added by Balint Maschio
r = ((Integer) o).longValue();
} else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
r = (((Boolean) o).booleanValue() == true) ? 1L : 0L;
} else if (o instanceof Double) {
r = ((Double) o).longValue();
} else if (o instanceof String) {
try {
r = Long.parseLong(((String) o).trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
} else if (o instanceof ByteArray) {
try {
return new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((ByteArray) o).getBytes())).readLong();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TypeCastingException();
return r;