use of in project Jota-Text-Editor-old by jiro-aqua.
the class StaticLayout method generate.
/* package */
void generate(CharSequence source, int bufstart, int bufend, TextPaint paint, int outerwidth, Alignment align, float spacingmult, float spacingadd, boolean includepad, boolean trackpad, boolean breakOnlyAtSpaces, float ellipsizedWidth, TextUtils.TruncateAt where, boolean showTab) {
// Jota Text Editor
mLineCount = 0;
int v = 0;
boolean needMultiply = (spacingmult != 1 || spacingadd != 0);
Paint.FontMetricsInt fm = mFontMetricsInt;
int[] choosehtv = null;
int end = TextUtils.indexOf(source, '\n', bufstart, bufend);
int bufsiz = end >= 0 ? end - bufstart : bufend - bufstart;
boolean first = true;
if (mChdirs == null) {
mChdirs = new byte[ArrayUtils.idealByteArraySize(bufsiz + 1)];
mChs = new char[ArrayUtils.idealCharArraySize(bufsiz + 1)];
mWidths = new float[ArrayUtils.idealIntArraySize((bufsiz + 1) * 2)];
byte[] chdirs = mChdirs;
char[] chs = mChs;
float[] widths = mWidths;
AlteredCharSequence alter = null;
// Jota Text Editor
// Spanned spanned = null;
// if (source instanceof Spanned)
// spanned = (Spanned) source;
// XXX
for (int start = bufstart; start <= bufend; start = end) {
if (first)
first = false;
end = TextUtils.indexOf(source, '\n', start, bufend);
if (end < 0)
end = bufend;
int firstWidthLineCount = 1;
int firstwidth = outerwidth;
int restwidth = outerwidth;
LineHeightSpan[] chooseht = null;
if (end - start > chdirs.length) {
chdirs = new byte[ArrayUtils.idealByteArraySize(end - start)];
mChdirs = chdirs;
if (end - start > chs.length) {
chs = new char[ArrayUtils.idealCharArraySize(end - start)];
mChs = chs;
if ((end - start) * 2 > widths.length) {
widths = new float[ArrayUtils.idealIntArraySize((end - start) * 2)];
mWidths = widths;
TextUtils.getChars(source, start, end, chs, 0);
final int n = end - start;
boolean easy = true;
boolean altered = false;
// XXX
int dir = DEFAULT_DIR;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (chs[i] >= FIRST_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
easy = false;
if (!easy) {
// XXX put override flags, etc. into chdirs
dir = bidi(dir, chs, chdirs, n, false);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (chdirs[i] == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
int j;
for (j = i; j < n; j++) {
if (chdirs[j] != Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
if (AndroidCharacter.mirror(chs, i, j - i))
altered = true;
i = j - 1;
CharSequence sub;
if (altered) {
if (alter == null)
alter = AlteredCharSequence.make(source, chs, start, end);
alter.update(chs, start, end);
sub = alter;
} else {
sub = source;
int width = firstwidth;
float w = 0;
int here = start;
int ok = start;
float okwidth = w;
int okascent = 0, okdescent = 0, oktop = 0, okbottom = 0;
int fit = start;
float fitwidth = w;
int fitascent = 0, fitdescent = 0, fittop = 0, fitbottom = 0;
boolean tab = false;
int next;
for (int i = start; i < end; i = next) {
// Jota Text Editor
// if (spanned == null)
next = end;
// else
// next = spanned.nextSpanTransition(i, end,
// MetricAffectingSpan.
// class);
// if (spanned == null) {
paint.getTextWidths(sub, i, next, widths);
System.arraycopy(widths, 0, widths, end - start + (i - start), next - i);
// Jota Text Editor
// } else {
// mWorkPaint.baselineShift = 0;
// Styled.getTextWidths(paint, mWorkPaint,
// spanned, i, next,
// widths, fm);
// System.arraycopy(widths, 0, widths,
// end - start + (i - start), next - i);
// if (mWorkPaint.baselineShift < 0) {
// fm.ascent += mWorkPaint.baselineShift;
// += mWorkPaint.baselineShift;
// } else {
// fm.descent += mWorkPaint.baselineShift;
// fm.bottom += mWorkPaint.baselineShift;
// }
// }
int fmtop =;
int fmbottom = fm.bottom;
int fmascent = fm.ascent;
int fmdescent = fm.descent;
for (int j = i; j < next; j++) {
char c = chs[j - start];
if (c == '\n') {
// Jota Text Editor
if (!tab)
tab = showTab;
} else if (c == '\t') {
w = Layout.nextTab(sub, start, end, w, null);
tab = true;
} else if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF && j + 1 < next) {
int emoji = Character.codePointAt(chs, j - start);
if (emoji >= MIN_EMOJI && emoji <= MAX_EMOJI) {
Bitmap bm = EMOJI_FACTORY.getBitmapFromAndroidPua(emoji);
if (bm != null) {
Paint whichPaint;
// Jota Text Editor
// if (spanned == null) {
whichPaint = paint;
// } else {
// whichPaint = mWorkPaint;
// }
float wid = (float) bm.getWidth() * -whichPaint.ascent() / bm.getHeight();
w += wid;
tab = true;
} else {
w += widths[j - start + (end - start)];
} else {
w += widths[j - start + (end - start)];
} else {
// Jota Text Editor
if (c == 0x3000) {
// ideographic space ( for Japanese )
if (!tab)
tab = showTab;
w += widths[j - start + (end - start)];
if (w <= width) {
fitwidth = w;
fit = j + 1;
if (fmtop < fittop)
fittop = fmtop;
if (fmascent < fitascent)
fitascent = fmascent;
if (fmdescent > fitdescent)
fitdescent = fmdescent;
if (fmbottom > fitbottom)
fitbottom = fmbottom;
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || ((c == '.' || c == ',' || c == ':' || c == ';') && (j - 1 < here || !Character.isDigit(chs[j - 1 - start])) && (j + 1 >= next || !Character.isDigit(chs[j + 1 - start]))) || ((c == '/' || c == '-') && (j + 1 >= next || !Character.isDigit(chs[j + 1 - start]))) || (c >= FIRST_CJK && isIdeographic(c, true) && j + 1 < next && isIdeographic(chs[j + 1 - start], false))) {
okwidth = w;
ok = j + 1;
if (fittop < oktop)
oktop = fittop;
if (fitascent < okascent)
okascent = fitascent;
if (fitdescent > okdescent)
okdescent = fitdescent;
if (fitbottom > okbottom)
okbottom = fitbottom;
} else if (breakOnlyAtSpaces) {
if (ok != here) {
while (ok < next && chs[ok - start] == ' ') {
v = out(source, here, ok, okascent, okdescent, oktop, okbottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseht, choosehtv, fm, tab, needMultiply, start, chdirs, dir, easy, ok == bufend, includepad, trackpad, widths, start, end - start, where, ellipsizedWidth, okwidth, paint);
here = ok;
} else {
// Act like it fit even though it didn't.
fitwidth = w;
fit = j + 1;
if (fmtop < fittop)
fittop = fmtop;
if (fmascent < fitascent)
fitascent = fmascent;
if (fmdescent > fitdescent)
fitdescent = fmdescent;
if (fmbottom > fitbottom)
fitbottom = fmbottom;
} else {
if (ok != here) {
while (ok < next && chs[ok - start] == ' ') {
v = out(source, here, ok, okascent, okdescent, oktop, okbottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseht, choosehtv, fm, tab, needMultiply, start, chdirs, dir, easy, ok == bufend, includepad, trackpad, widths, start, end - start, where, ellipsizedWidth, okwidth, paint);
here = ok;
} else if (fit != here) {
// Log.e("text", "output fit " + here + " to " +fit);
v = out(source, here, fit, fitascent, fitdescent, fittop, fitbottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseht, choosehtv, fm, tab, needMultiply, start, chdirs, dir, easy, fit == bufend, includepad, trackpad, widths, start, end - start, where, ellipsizedWidth, fitwidth, paint);
here = fit;
} else {
// Log.e("text", "output one " + here + " to " +(here + 1));
measureText(paint, mWorkPaint, source, here, here + 1, fm, tab, null);
v = out(source, here, here + 1, fm.ascent, fm.descent,, fm.bottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseht, choosehtv, fm, tab, needMultiply, start, chdirs, dir, easy, here + 1 == bufend, includepad, trackpad, widths, start, end - start, where, ellipsizedWidth, widths[here - start], paint);
here = here + 1;
if (here < i) {
// must remeasure
j = next = here;
} else {
// continue looping
j = here - 1;
ok = fit = here;
w = 0;
fitascent = fitdescent = fittop = fitbottom = 0;
okascent = okdescent = oktop = okbottom = 0;
if (--firstWidthLineCount <= 0) {
width = restwidth;
if (end != here) {
if ((fittop | fitbottom | fitdescent | fitascent) == 0) {
fittop =;
fitbottom = fm.bottom;
fitascent = fm.ascent;
fitdescent = fm.descent;
// Log.e("text", "output rest " + here + " to " + end);
v = out(source, here, end, fitascent, fitdescent, fittop, fitbottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, chooseht, choosehtv, fm, tab, needMultiply, start, chdirs, dir, easy, end == bufend, includepad, trackpad, widths, start, end - start, where, ellipsizedWidth, w, paint);
start = end;
if (end == bufend)
if (bufend == bufstart || source.charAt(bufend - 1) == '\n') {
// Log.e("text", "output last " + bufend);
v = out(source, bufend, bufend, fm.ascent, fm.descent,, fm.bottom, v, spacingmult, spacingadd, null, null, fm, false, needMultiply, bufend, chdirs, DEFAULT_DIR, true, true, includepad, trackpad, widths, bufstart, 0, where, ellipsizedWidth, 0, paint);