use of kafka.log.Log in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class KafkaJournal method flushDirtyLogs.
* A Java transliteration of what the scala implementation does, which unfortunately is declared as private
protected void flushDirtyLogs() {
LOG.debug("Checking for dirty logs to flush...");
final Set<Map.Entry<TopicAndPartition, Log>> entries = JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(logManager.logsByTopicPartition()).entrySet();
for (final Map.Entry<TopicAndPartition, Log> topicAndPartitionLogEntry : entries) {
final TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = topicAndPartitionLogEntry.getKey();
final Log kafkaLog = topicAndPartitionLogEntry.getValue();
final long timeSinceLastFlush = JODA_TIME.milliseconds() - kafkaLog.lastFlushTime();
try {
LOG.debug("Checking if flush is needed on {} flush interval {} last flushed {} time since last flush: {}", topicAndPartition.topic(), kafkaLog.config().flushInterval(), kafkaLog.lastFlushTime(), timeSinceLastFlush);
if (timeSinceLastFlush >= kafkaLog.config().flushMs()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error flushing topic " + topicAndPartition.topic(), e);