use of kalang.MethodNotFoundException in project kalang by kasonyang.
the class BoxUtil method castPrimitive2Object.
private static ExprNode castPrimitive2Object(ExprNode expr, PrimitiveType fromType) {
ObjectType classType = Types.getClassType(fromType);
if (classType == null) {
throw new UnknownError("unknown primitive type:" + fromType);
InvocationExpr inv;
try {
inv = StaticInvokeExpr.create(new ClassReference(classType.getClassNode()), "valueOf", new ExprNode[] { expr });
} catch (MethodNotFoundException | AmbiguousMethodException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return inv;
use of kalang.MethodNotFoundException in project kalang by kasonyang.
the class AstBuilder method visitForEachStat.
public Object visitForEachStat(KalangParser.ForEachStatContext ctx) {
BlockStmt block = newBlock();
ExprNode expr = this.visitExpression(ctx.expression());
Type exprType = expr.getType();
List<TerminalNode> idsCtx = ctx.Identifier();
VarExpr indexVarExpr = null;
TerminalNode varId;
if (idsCtx.size() == 1) {
varId = idsCtx.get(0);
} else {
TerminalNode indexId = idsCtx.get(0);
LocalVarNode indexVar = this.declareLocalVar(indexId.getText(), Types.INT_TYPE, Modifier.FINAL, ctx);
if (indexVar == null)
return null;
block.statements.add(new VarDeclStmt(indexVar));
indexVarExpr = new VarExpr(indexVar);
varId = idsCtx.get(1);
LoopStmt loopStmt;
if (exprType instanceof ArrayType) {
LocalVarNode localVarNode = this.declareLocalVar(varId.getText(), ((ArrayType) exprType).getComponentType(), Modifier.FINAL, ctx);
if (localVarNode == null)
return null;
VarExpr localVariable = new VarExpr(localVarNode);
block.statements.add(new VarDeclStmt(localVarNode));
LocalVarNode lenVar = this.declareTempLocalVar(Types.INT_TYPE);
LocalVarNode counterVar = this.declareTempLocalVar(Types.INT_TYPE);
// var len
block.statements.add(new VarDeclStmt(lenVar));
// var i
block.statements.add(new VarDeclStmt(counterVar));
VarExpr counterVarExpr = new VarExpr(counterVar);
VarExpr lenVarExpr = new VarExpr(lenVar);
block.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(lenVarExpr, new ArrayLengthExpr(expr))));
// l = array.length
block.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(counterVarExpr, new ConstExpr(0))));
// i=0
ExprNode cnd = new CompareExpr(counterVarExpr, lenVarExpr, CompareExpr.OP_LT);
BlockStmt loopBody = this.newBlock();
loopBody.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(localVariable, new ElementExpr(expr, counterVarExpr))));
if (indexVarExpr != null) {
loopBody.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(indexVarExpr, counterVarExpr)));
BlockStmt updateBs = newBlock();
// increment counter
updateBs.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(counterVarExpr, new MathExpr(counterVarExpr, new ConstExpr(1), MathExpr.OP_ADD))));
loopStmt = new LoopStmt(cnd, null, loopBody, updateBs);
} else {
ObjectType iterType = Types.getIterableClassType();
if (iterType.isAssignableFrom(exprType)) {
ObjectInvokeExpr getIterableExpr;
try {
getIterableExpr = ObjectInvokeExpr.create(expr, "iterator", null);
} catch (MethodNotFoundException | AmbiguousMethodException ex) {
throw Exceptions.unexceptedException(ex);
LocalVarNode iterableVarNode = this.declareTempLocalVar(getIterableExpr.getType());
block.statements.add(new VarDeclStmt(iterableVarNode));
VarExpr iterableVarExpr = new VarExpr(iterableVarNode);
block.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(iterableVarExpr, getIterableExpr)));
// set index = 0
if (indexVarExpr != null) {
block.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(indexVarExpr, new ConstExpr(0))));
ObjectInvokeExpr cnd;
try {
cnd = ObjectInvokeExpr.create(iterableVarExpr, "hasNext", null);
} catch (MethodNotFoundException | AmbiguousMethodException ex) {
throw Exceptions.unexceptedException(ex);
BlockStmt loopBody = this.newBlock();
ObjectInvokeExpr nextInvokeExpr;
try {
nextInvokeExpr = ObjectInvokeExpr.create(iterableVarExpr, "next", null);
} catch (MethodNotFoundException | AmbiguousMethodException ex) {
throw Exceptions.unexceptedException(ex);
LocalVarNode localVarNode = this.declareLocalVar(varId.getText(), nextInvokeExpr.getType(), Modifier.FINAL, ctx);
if (localVarNode == null)
return null;
VarExpr localVariable = new VarExpr(localVarNode);
loopBody.statements.add(new VarDeclStmt(localVarNode));
loopBody.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(localVariable, new CastExpr(localVariable.getType(), nextInvokeExpr))));
BlockStmt updateBs = newBlock();
if (indexVarExpr != null) {
// do index++
updateBs.statements.add(new ExprStmt(new AssignExpr(indexVarExpr, new MathExpr(indexVarExpr, new ConstExpr(1), BinaryExpr.OP_ADD))));
loopStmt = new LoopStmt(cnd, null, loopBody, updateBs);
} else {
this.handleSyntaxError("require array type or iterable type", ctx.expression());
loopStmt = null;
if (loopStmt != null)
return block;
use of kalang.MethodNotFoundException in project kalang by kasonyang.
the class AstBuilder method getStaticInvokeExpr.
private ExprNode getStaticInvokeExpr(ClassReference clazz, String methodName, ExprNode[] argumentsCtx, ParserRuleContext ctx) {
ExprNode[] args = argumentsCtx;
ExprNode expr;
try {
expr = StaticInvokeExpr.create(clazz, methodName, args);
} catch (MethodNotFoundException ex) {
methodNotFound(ctx.start, className, methodName, args);
expr = new UnknownInvocationExpr(clazz, methodName, args);
} catch (AmbiguousMethodException ex) {
methodIsAmbiguous(ctx.start, ex);
return null;
mapAst(expr, ctx);
return expr;
use of kalang.MethodNotFoundException in project kalang by kasonyang.
the class AstBuilder method visitMemberInvocationExpr.
public ExprNode visitMemberInvocationExpr(MemberInvocationExprContext ctx) {
String methodName;
ExprNode target;
ObjectType clazz;
if (ctx.key != null) {
methodName = ctx.key.getText();
} else {
methodName = ctx.Identifier().getText();
if (methodName.equals("this")) {
methodName = "<init>";
target = new ThisExpr(this.getThisType());
clazz = this.getThisType();
} else if (methodName.equals("super")) {
methodName = "<init>";
target = new SuperExpr(thisClazz);
clazz = thisClazz.getSuperType();
} else {
target = new ThisExpr(this.getThisType());
clazz = this.getThisType();
List<Object> argsList = visitAll(ctx.params);
if (argsList.contains(null))
return null;
ExprNode[] args = argsList.toArray(new ExprNode[argsList.size()]);
ExprNode ie;
if (methodName.equals("<init>")) {
if (clazz == null)
throw Exceptions.unexceptedValue(clazz);
try {
InvocationExpr.MethodSelection apply = InvocationExpr.applyMethod(clazz, methodName, args, clazz.getConstructorDescriptors(thisClazz));
ie = new ObjectInvokeExpr(target, apply.selectedMethod, apply.appliedArguments);
} catch (MethodNotFoundException | AmbiguousMethodException ex) {
this.methodNotFound(ctx.start, clazz.getName(), methodName, args);
return null;
} else {
ie = getImplicitInvokeExpr(methodName, args, ctx);
return ie;
use of kalang.MethodNotFoundException in project kalang by kasonyang.
the class AstBuilder method visitNewExpr.
public AstNode visitNewExpr(NewExprContext ctx) {
ObjectType clsType = parseClassType(ctx.classType());
if (clsType == null)
return null;
ExprNode[] params = visitAll(ctx.params).toArray(new ExprNode[0]);
List<ExprNode> paramList = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(params));
NewObjectExpr newExpr;
try {
if (this.isNonStaticInnerClass(clsType.getClassNode())) {
paramList.add(0, new ThisExpr(this.getThisType()));
params = paramList.toArray(new ExprNode[paramList.size()]);
newExpr = new NewObjectExpr(clsType, params);
mapAst(newExpr, ctx);
return newExpr;
} catch (MethodNotFoundException ex) {
methodNotFound(ctx.classType().rawClass, clsType.getName(), "<init>", params);
return null;
} catch (AmbiguousMethodException ex) {
methodIsAmbiguous(ctx.classType().rawClass, ex);
return null;