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Example 1 with Reporter

use of kodkod.engine.config.Reporter in project org.alloytools.alloy by AlloyTools.

the class A4Solution method solve.

// ===================================================================================================//
 * Solve for the solution if not solved already; if cmd==null, we will simply
 * use the lowerbound of each relation as its value.
A4Solution solve(final A4Reporter rep, Command cmd, Simplifier simp, boolean tryBookExamples) throws Err, IOException {
    // If already solved, then return this object as is
    if (solved)
        return this;
    // the lower bound of each relation
    if (cmd == null) {
        Instance inst = new Instance(bounds.universe());
        for (int max = max(), i = min(); i <= max; i++) {
            Tuple it = factory.tuple("" + i);
            inst.add(i, factory.range(it, it));
        for (Relation r : bounds.relations()) inst.add(r, bounds.lowerBound(r));
        eval = new Evaluator(inst, solver.options());
        rename(this, null, null, new UniqueNameGenerator());
        return this;
    // Otherwise, prepare to do the solve...
    final A4Options opt = originalOptions;
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    rep.debug("Simplifying the bounds...\n");
    if (opt.inferPartialInstance && simp != null && formulas.size() > 0 && !simp.simplify(rep, this, formulas))
        addFormula(Formula.FALSE, Pos.UNKNOWN);
    rep.translate(, bitwidth, maxseq, solver.options().skolemDepth(), solver.options().symmetryBreaking());
    Formula fgoal = Formula.and(formulas);
    rep.debug("Generating the solution...\n");
    kEnumerator = null;
    Solution sol = null;
    final Reporter oldReporter = solver.options().reporter();
    final boolean[] solved = new boolean[] { true };
    solver.options().setReporter(new // Set up a
    AbstractReporter() {

        // reporter to
        // catch the
        // type+pos of
        // skolems
        public void skolemizing(Decl decl, Relation skolem, List<Decl> predecl) {
            try {
                Type t = kv2typepos(decl.variable()).a;
                if (t == Type.EMPTY)
                for (int i = (predecl == null ? -1 : predecl.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
                    Type pp = kv2typepos(predecl.get(i).variable()).a;
                    if (pp == Type.EMPTY)
                    t = pp.product(t);
                kr2type(skolem, t);
            }// Exception here is not fatal
             catch (Throwable ex) {

        public void solvingCNF(int primaryVars, int vars, int clauses) {
            if (solved[0])
                // initially solved[0] is true, so we
                solved[0] = true;
            // won't report the # of vars/clauses
            if (rep != null)
                rep.solve(primaryVars, vars, clauses);
    if (!opt.solver.equals(SatSolver.CNF) && !opt.solver.equals(SatSolver.KK) && tryBookExamples) {
        // try
        // book
        // examples
        A4Reporter r = AlloyCore.isDebug() ? rep : null;
        try {
            sol = BookExamples.trial(r, this, fgoal, solver, cmd.check);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            sol = null;
    // this allows the reporter to report the # of
    solved[0] = false;
    // vars/clauses
    for (Relation r : bounds.relations()) {
    // Without this, kodkod refuses to grow unmentioned relations
    fgoal = Formula.and(formulas);
    // Now pick the solver and solve it!
    if (opt.solver.equals(SatSolver.KK)) {
        File tmpCNF = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".java", new File(opt.tempDirectory));
        String out = tmpCNF.getAbsolutePath();
        Util.writeAll(out, debugExtractKInput());
        return null;
    if (opt.solver.equals(SatSolver.CNF)) {
        File tmpCNF = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".cnf", new File(opt.tempDirectory));
        String out = tmpCNF.getAbsolutePath();
        try {
            sol = solver.solve(fgoal, bounds);
        } catch (WriteCNF.WriteCNFCompleted ex) {
            return null;
        // The formula is trivial (otherwise, it would have thrown an
        // exception)
        // Since the user wants it in CNF format, we manually generate a
        // trivially satisfiable (or unsatisfiable) CNF file.
        Util.writeAll(out, sol.instance() != null ? "p cnf 1 1\n1 0\n" : "p cnf 1 2\n1 0\n-1 0\n");
        return null;
    if (!solver.options().solver().incremental()) /*
                                                      * || solver.options().solver()==SATFactory. ZChaffMincost
        if (sol == null)
            sol = solver.solve(fgoal, bounds);
    } else {
        kEnumerator = new Peeker<Solution>(solver.solveAll(fgoal, bounds));
        if (sol == null)
            sol =;
    if (!solved[0])
        rep.solve(0, 0, 0);
    final Instance inst = sol.instance();
    // To ensure no more output during SolutionEnumeration
    // If unsatisfiable, then retreive the unsat core if desired
    if (inst == null && solver.options().solver() == SATFactory.MiniSatProver) {
        try {
            lCore = new LinkedHashSet<Node>();
            Proof p = sol.proof();
            if (sol.outcome() == UNSATISFIABLE) {
                // only perform the minimization if it was UNSATISFIABLE,
                // rather than TRIVIALLY_UNSATISFIABLE
                int i = p.highLevelCore().size();
                rep.minimizing(cmd, i);
                if (opt.coreMinimization == 0)
                    try {
                        p.minimize(new RCEStrategy(p.log()));
                    } catch (Throwable ex) {
                if (opt.coreMinimization == 1)
                    try {
                        p.minimize(new HybridStrategy(p.log()));
                    } catch (Throwable ex) {
                rep.minimized(cmd, i, p.highLevelCore().size());
            for (Iterator<TranslationRecord> it = p.core(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                Object n =;
                if (n instanceof Formula)
                    lCore.add((Formula) n);
            Map<Formula, Node> map = p.highLevelCore();
            hCore = new LinkedHashSet<Node>(map.keySet());
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            lCore = hCore = null;
    // If satisfiable, then add/rename the atoms and skolems
    if (inst != null) {
        eval = new Evaluator(inst, solver.options());
        rename(this, null, null, new UniqueNameGenerator());
    // report the result
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
    if (inst != null)
        rep.resultSAT(cmd, time, this);
        rep.resultUNSAT(cmd, time, this);
    return this;
Also used : HybridStrategy(kodkod.engine.ucore.HybridStrategy) Instance(kodkod.instance.Instance) Node(kodkod.ast.Node) BinaryFormula(kodkod.ast.BinaryFormula) Formula(kodkod.ast.Formula) Relation(kodkod.ast.Relation) RCEStrategy(kodkod.engine.ucore.RCEStrategy) Solution(kodkod.engine.Solution) A4Reporter( A4Reporter( AbstractReporter(kodkod.engine.config.AbstractReporter) Reporter(kodkod.engine.config.Reporter) TranslationRecord(kodkod.engine.fol2sat.TranslationRecord) Decl(kodkod.ast.Decl) Evaluator(kodkod.engine.Evaluator) UniqueNameGenerator( Type( Proof(kodkod.engine.Proof) File( Tuple(kodkod.instance.Tuple)


A4Reporter ( UniqueNameGenerator ( Type ( File ( BinaryFormula (kodkod.ast.BinaryFormula)1 Decl (kodkod.ast.Decl)1 Formula (kodkod.ast.Formula)1 Node (kodkod.ast.Node)1 Relation (kodkod.ast.Relation)1 Evaluator (kodkod.engine.Evaluator)1 Proof (kodkod.engine.Proof)1 Solution (kodkod.engine.Solution)1 AbstractReporter (kodkod.engine.config.AbstractReporter)1 Reporter (kodkod.engine.config.Reporter)1 TranslationRecord (kodkod.engine.fol2sat.TranslationRecord)1 HybridStrategy (kodkod.engine.ucore.HybridStrategy)1 RCEStrategy (kodkod.engine.ucore.RCEStrategy)1 Instance (kodkod.instance.Instance)1 Tuple (kodkod.instance.Tuple)1