use of kutch.biff.marvin.widget.widgetbuilder.OnDemandTabBuilder in project Board-Instrumentation-Framework by intel.
the class ConfigurationReader method ReadAppSettings.
private boolean ReadAppSettings(Document doc, boolean basicInfoOnly) {
NodeList appStuff = doc.getElementsByTagName("Application");
if (appStuff.getLength() < 1) {
LOGGER.severe("No <Application> section of config file");
return false;
if (appStuff.getLength() > 1) {
LOGGER.warning("More than one <Application> section found, only using first.");
boolean NetworkSettingsRead = false;
FrameworkNode baseNode = new FrameworkNode(appStuff.item(0));
boolean currErrorBool = Configuration.getConfig().DoNotReportAliasErrors();
ArrayList<String> DeclaredTabList = new ArrayList<>();
for (FrameworkNode node : baseNode.getChildNodes()) {
if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("#Text") || node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("#Comment")) {
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Title")) {
LOGGER.config("Application Title = " + _Configuration.getAppTitle());
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Heartbeat")) {
if (node.hasAttribute("rate")) {
_Configuration.setHeartbeatInterval(node.getIntegerAttribute("rate", _Configuration.getHeartbeatInterval()));
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("StyleSheet")) {
LOGGER.config("Setting application CSS to " + _Configuration.getCSSFile());
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("IgnoreWebCerts")) {
LOGGER.config("Ignoring Web Certifications");
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("MonitorNumber")) {
if (false == basicInfoOnly) {
int count = Screen.getScreens().size();
if (count == 1) {
try {
int monitorNum = Integer.parseInt(node.getTextContent());
if (monitorNum < 1) {
LOGGER.warning("<MonitorNumber> set to " + node.getTextContent() + " smallest valid value is 1.Ignoring");
if (monitorNum <= count) {
Screen primary = Screen.getScreens().get(monitorNum - 1);
if (false == basicInfoOnly) {
LOGGER.config("Setting Primary Screen to monitor #" + node.getTextContent());
} else if (false == basicInfoOnly) {
LOGGER.warning("<MonitorNumber> set to " + node.getTextContent() + " however there are only " + Integer.toHexString(count) + " monitors. Ignoring");
} catch (Exception Ex) {
LOGGER.severe("Invalid MonitorNumber specified. Ignoring.");
// return false;
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("CreationSize")) {
Utility.ValidateAttributes(new String[] { "Height", "Width" }, node);
if (node.hasAttribute("Height") && node.hasAttribute("Width")) {
_Configuration.setCreationWidth(node.getIntegerAttribute("Width", 0));
_Configuration.setCreationHeight(node.getIntegerAttribute("Height", 0));
} else if (false == basicInfoOnly) {
LOGGER.severe("Invalid CreationSize specified");
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Tasks")) {
if (basicInfoOnly) {
Utility.ValidateAttributes(new String[] { "Enabled" }, node);
if (node.hasAttribute("Enabled")) {
String str = node.getAttribute("Enabled");
if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("True")) {
LOGGER.config("Tasks Enabled");
} else {
LOGGER.config("Tasks Disabled");
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Network")) {
if (basicInfoOnly) {
Utility.ValidateAttributes(new String[] { "IP", "Port" }, node);
boolean fPort = false;
if (node.hasAttribute("IP")) {
String str = node.getAttribute("IP");
} else {
LOGGER.config("No IP specified in <Network> settings. Will listen on all interfaces");
if (node.hasAttribute("Port")) {
String str = node.getAttribute("Port");
try {
fPort = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.severe("Invalid Network port: " + str);
} else {"Port not attribute for <Network> settings.");
if (fPort) {
NetworkSettingsRead = true;
} else {
return false;
for (FrameworkNode oscarNode : node.getChildNodes()) {
if (oscarNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("#Text") || oscarNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("#Comment")) {
} else if (oscarNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Oscar")) {
if (false == ReadOscarConnection(oscarNode)) {
return false;
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Padding")) {
if (basicInfoOnly) {
Utility.ValidateAttributes(new String[] { "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "legacymode" }, node);
String strTop = "-1";
String strBottom = "-1";
String strLeft = "-1";
String strRight = "-1";
if (node.hasAttribute("top")) {
strTop = node.getAttribute("top");
if (node.hasAttribute("bottom")) {
strBottom = node.getAttribute("bottom");
if (node.hasAttribute("left")) {
strLeft = node.getAttribute("left");
if (node.hasAttribute("right")) {
strRight = node.getAttribute("right");
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
LOGGER.severe("Invalid Application <Inset> configuration.");
return false;
if (node.hasAttribute("legacymode")) {
if (_Configuration.getLegacyInsetMode()) {
LOGGER.config("Using LEGACY mode of padding.");
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("MainMenu")) {
if (false == ReadAppMenu(node, basicInfoOnly)) {
return false;
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("UnregisteredData")) {
if (basicInfoOnly) {
if (false == ReadUnregisteredDataInfo(node)) {
return false;
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Tabs")) {
Utility.ValidateAttributes(new String[] { "side" }, node);
if (// where the tabs should be located.
node.hasAttribute("Side")) {
String sideStr = node.getAttribute("Side");
if (sideStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Top")) {
} else if (sideStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Bottom")) {
} else if (sideStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Left")) {
} else if (sideStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Right")) {
} else {
LOGGER.warning("Invalid <Tabs Side=> attribute: " + sideStr + ". Ignoring");
if (basicInfoOnly) {
int tabCount = 0;
for (FrameworkNode tabNode : node.getChildNodes(true)) {
if (tabNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("#Text")) {
if (tabNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("Tab")) {
if (tabNode.hasAttributes()) {
String ID = tabNode.getAttribute("ID");
if (ID != null && ID.length() > 0) {
if (tabNode.hasChild("OnDemand")) {
DynamicItemInfoContainer dynaInfo = ReadOnDemandInfo(tabNode.getChild("OnDemand"));
if (null != dynaInfo) {
OnDemandTabBuilder objBuilder = new OnDemandTabBuilder(ID, tabCount, dynaInfo);
DataManager.getDataManager().AddOnDemandWidgetCriterea(dynaInfo, objBuilder);
} else {
} else {
LOGGER.warning("Tab defined in <Tabs> without an ID");
} else if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("RefreshInterval")) {
if (basicInfoOnly) {
String strInterval = node.getTextContent();
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
LOGGER.severe("Invalid Application <RefreshInterval> configuration.");
return false;
} else {
LOGGER.warning("Unexpected section in <Application>: " + node.getNodeName());
if (basicInfoOnly) {
return true;
if (DeclaredTabList.isEmpty() && !DataManager.getDataManager().DynamicTabRegistered()) {
LOGGER.severe("No Tabs defined in <Application> section of configuration file.");
return false;
if (VerifyTabList(DeclaredTabList)) {
_tabs = ReadTabs(doc, DeclaredTabList);
if (null == _tabs) {
return false;
if (DataManager.getDataManager().DynamicTabRegistered()) {
if (false == NetworkSettingsRead) {
LOGGER.severe("No <Network> section found in Application.xml");
return NetworkSettingsRead;
use of kutch.biff.marvin.widget.widgetbuilder.OnDemandTabBuilder in project Board-Instrumentation-Framework by intel.
the class DataManager method ChangeValue.
public void ChangeValue(String ID, String Namespace, String Value) {
boolean OnDemandItemFound = false;
boolean OnDemandTabFound = false;
synchronized (this) {
for (Pair<DynamicItemInfoContainer, OnDemandWidgetBuilder> entry : _OnDemandQueue) {
if (entry.getKey().Matches(Namespace, ID, Value)) {
LateCreateTask objTask = new LateCreateTask(entry.getValue(), Namespace, ID, Value, entry.getKey().getLastMatchedSortStr());
OnDemandItemFound = true;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof OnDemandTabBuilder) {
OnDemandTabFound = true;
if (OnDemandItemFound) {
// go and handle any GenerateDatapoint stuff
for (GenerateDatapointInfo info : __GenerateDatapointList) {
if (info.Matches(Namespace, ID)) {
info.BuildDatapoint(Namespace, ID);
synchronized (this) {
String Key = Utility.generateKey(Namespace, ID);
boolean inWildcard = HandleWildcardChangeValue(ID, Namespace, Value);
if (false == _DataMap.containsKey(Key)) {
_DataMap.put(Key, new DataSet());
if (false == inWildcard) {
// nifty stuff to dynamically add a tab to show 'unregistered' data points.
if (kutch.biff.marvin.widget.DynamicTabWidget.isEnabled()) {
DynamicDebugWidgetTask objTask = new DynamicDebugWidgetTask(Namespace, ID, Value);
TaskManager.getTaskManager().AddPostponedTask(objTask, 0);
if (// if didn't exist, is created above
_DataMap.containsKey(Key)) {
if (true == OnDemandTabFound) {
// ApplyOnDemandTabStyle objTask = new ApplyOnDemandTabStyle();
// TaskManager.getTaskManager().AddPostponedTask(objTask, 1000);
use of kutch.biff.marvin.widget.widgetbuilder.OnDemandTabBuilder in project Board-Instrumentation-Framework by intel.
the class ApplyOnDemandTabStyle method PerformTask.
public void PerformTask() {
for (Pair<DynamicItemInfoContainer, OnDemandWidgetBuilder> entry : DataManager.getDataManager().getOnDemandList()) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof OnDemandTabBuilder) {
OnDemandTabBuilder tabBuilder = (OnDemandTabBuilder) entry.getValue();