Search in sources :

Example 11 with IFDList

use of loci.formats.tiff.IFDList in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class TiffReader method parseCommentImageJ.

private void parseCommentImageJ(String comment) throws FormatException, IOException {
    int nl = comment.indexOf("\n");
    put("ImageJ", nl < 0 ? comment.substring(7) : comment.substring(7, nl));
    description = "";
    int z = 1, t = 1;
    int c = getSizeC();
    int images = 1;
    CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
    if (ifds.get(0).containsKey(IMAGEJ_TAG)) {
        comment += "\n" + ifds.get(0).getIFDTextValue(IMAGEJ_TAG);
    // parse ImageJ metadata (ZCT sizes, calibration units, etc.)
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(comment, "\n");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String token = st.nextToken();
        String value = null;
        int eq = token.indexOf('=');
        if (eq >= 0)
            value = token.substring(eq + 1);
        if (token.startsWith("channels="))
            c = parseInt(value);
        else if (token.startsWith("slices="))
            z = parseInt(value);
        else if (token.startsWith("frames="))
            t = parseInt(value);
        else if (token.startsWith("images=")) {
            images = parseInt(value);
        } else if (token.startsWith("mode=")) {
            put("Color mode", value);
        } else if (token.startsWith("unit=")) {
            calibrationUnit = value;
            put("Unit", calibrationUnit);
        } else if (token.startsWith("finterval=")) {
            Double valueDouble = parseDouble(value);
            if (valueDouble != null) {
                timeIncrement = new Time(valueDouble, UNITS.SECOND);
                put("Frame Interval", timeIncrement);
        } else if (token.startsWith("spacing=")) {
            physicalSizeZ = parseDouble(value);
            put("Spacing", physicalSizeZ);
        } else if (token.startsWith("xorigin=")) {
            xOrigin = parseInt(value);
            put("X Origin", xOrigin);
        } else if (token.startsWith("yorigin=")) {
            yOrigin = parseInt(value);
            put("Y Origin", yOrigin);
        } else if (eq > 0) {
            put(token.substring(0, eq).trim(), value);
    if (z * c * t == c && isRGB()) {
        t = getImageCount();
    m.dimensionOrder = "XYCZT";
    if (z * t * (isRGB() ? 1 : c) == ifds.size()) {
        m.sizeZ = z;
        m.sizeT = t;
        m.sizeC = isRGB() ? getSizeC() : c;
    } else if (z * c * t == ifds.size() && isRGB()) {
        m.sizeZ = z;
        m.sizeT = t;
        m.sizeC *= c;
    } else if (ifds.size() == 1 && images > ifds.size() && ifds.get(0).getCompression() == TiffCompression.UNCOMPRESSED) {
        // file is likely corrupt or larger than 4GB (missing end IFDs)
        // ImageJ writes TIFF files like this:
        // IFD #0
        // comment
        // all pixel data
        // IFD #1
        // IFD #2
        // ...
        // since we know where the pixel data is, we can create fake
        // IFDs in an attempt to read the rest of the pixels
        IFD firstIFD = ifds.get(0);
        int planeSize = getSizeX() * getSizeY() * getRGBChannelCount() * FormatTools.getBytesPerPixel(getPixelType());
        long[] stripOffsets = firstIFD.getStripOffsets();
        long[] stripByteCounts = firstIFD.getStripByteCounts();
        long endOfFirstPlane = stripOffsets[stripOffsets.length - 1] + stripByteCounts[stripByteCounts.length - 1];
        long totalBytes = in.length() - endOfFirstPlane;
        int totalPlanes = (int) (totalBytes / planeSize) + 1;
        ifds = new IFDList();
        for (int i = 1; i < totalPlanes; i++) {
            IFD ifd = new IFD(firstIFD);
            long[] prevOffsets = ifds.get(i - 1).getStripOffsets();
            long[] offsets = new long[stripOffsets.length];
            offsets[0] = prevOffsets[prevOffsets.length - 1] + stripByteCounts[stripByteCounts.length - 1];
            for (int j = 1; j < offsets.length; j++) {
                offsets[j] = offsets[j - 1] + stripByteCounts[j - 1];
            ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.STRIP_OFFSETS, offsets);
        if (z * c * t == ifds.size()) {
            m.sizeZ = z;
            m.sizeT = t;
            m.sizeC = c;
        } else if (z * t == ifds.size()) {
            m.sizeZ = z;
            m.sizeT = t;
        } else
            m.sizeZ = ifds.size();
        m.imageCount = ifds.size();
    } else {
        m.sizeT = ifds.size();
        m.imageCount = ifds.size();
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) IFD(loci.formats.tiff.IFD) IFDList(loci.formats.tiff.IFDList) Time(ome.units.quantity.Time) CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata)

Example 12 with IFDList

use of loci.formats.tiff.IFDList in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class OMETiffReader method openBytes.

   * @see loci.formats.IFormatReader#openBytes(int, byte[], int, int, int, int)
public byte[] openBytes(int no, byte[] buf, int x, int y, int w, int h) throws FormatException, IOException {
    FormatTools.checkPlaneParameters(this, no, buf.length, x, y, w, h);
    int series = getSeries();
    lastPlane = no;
    int i = info[series][no].ifd;
    if (!info[series][no].exists) {
        Arrays.fill(buf, (byte) 0);
        return buf;
    MinimalTiffReader r = (MinimalTiffReader) info[series][no].reader;
    if (r.getCurrentFile() == null) {
    r.lastPlane = i;
    IFDList ifdList = r.getIFDs();
    if (i >= ifdList.size()) {
        LOGGER.warn("Error untangling IFDs; the OME-TIFF file may be malformed (IFD #{} missing).", i);
        return buf;
    IFD ifd = ifdList.get(i);
    RandomAccessInputStream s = new RandomAccessInputStream(info[series][no].id, 16);
    TiffParser p = new TiffParser(s);
    p.getSamples(ifd, buf, x, y, w, h);
    // lower-right-most tile from a single plane file has been read
    if (r.getImageCount() == 1 && w + x == getSizeX() && h + y == getSizeY()) {
    return buf;
Also used : IFD(loci.formats.tiff.IFD) IFDList(loci.formats.tiff.IFDList) TiffParser(loci.formats.tiff.TiffParser) RandomAccessInputStream(loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream)

Example 13 with IFDList

use of loci.formats.tiff.IFDList in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class MicromanagerReader method parsePosition.

// -- Helper methods --
private void parsePosition(int posIndex) throws IOException, FormatException {
    Position p = positions.get(posIndex);
    String s = DataTools.readFile(p.metadataFile);
    parsePosition(s, posIndex);
    // parse original metadata from each TIFF's JSON
    p.positions = new Double[p.tiffs.size()][3];
    int digits = String.valueOf(p.tiffs.size() - 1).length();
    boolean parseMMJSONTag = true;
    for (int plane = 0; plane < p.tiffs.size(); ) {
        String path = p.tiffs.get(plane);
        // file ordering is correct
        if (p.tiffs.size() == p.fileNameMap.size() && plane < getImageCount()) {
            path = p.getFile(plane);
        if (path == null || !new Location(path).exists()) {
        try {
            TiffParser parser = new TiffParser(path);
            int nIFDs = parser.getIFDs().size();
            IFD firstIFD = parser.getFirstIFD();
            // ensure that the plane dimensions and pixel type are correct
            CoreMetadata ms = core.get(posIndex);
            ms.sizeX = (int) firstIFD.getImageWidth();
            ms.sizeY = (int) firstIFD.getImageLength();
            ms.pixelType = firstIFD.getPixelType();
            ms.littleEndian = firstIFD.isLittleEndian();
            String json = firstIFD.getIFDTextValue(JSON_TAG);
            if (json != null) {
                String[] lines = json.split("\n");
                for (String line : lines) {
                    String toSplit = line.trim();
                    if (toSplit.length() == 0) {
                    toSplit = toSplit.substring(0, toSplit.length() - 1);
                    String[] values = toSplit.split("\": ");
                    if (values.length < 2) {
                    String key = values[0].replaceAll("\"", "");
                    String value = values[1].replaceAll("\"", "");
                    if (key.length() > 0 && value.length() > 0) {
                        parseKeyAndValue(key, value, digits, plane * nIFDs, nIFDs);
            IFDList ifds = parser.getIFDs();
            for (int i = 0; i < ifds.size(); i++) {
                if (!parseMMJSONTag) {
                IFD ifd = ifds.get(i);
                json = ifd.getIFDTextValue(MM_JSON_TAG);
                LOGGER.trace("JSON for IFD #{} = {}", i, json);
                if (json == null) {
                    // if one of the files is missing the per-plane JSON tag,
                    // assume all files are missing it (for performance)
                    parseMMJSONTag = false;
                String[] tokens = json.split("[\\{\\}:,\"]");
                String key = null, value = null, propType = null;
                int nEmptyTokens = 0;
                for (int q = 0; q < tokens.length; q++) {
                    String token = tokens[q];
                    if (token.length() == 0) {
                    if (nEmptyTokens == 5 && value == null) {
                        key = null;
                    if (key == null && value == null && propType == null) {
                        // don't use completeCoords as a key, defer to child attributes
                        if (!token.equals("completeCoords")) {
                            key = token;
                        nEmptyTokens = 0;
                    } else if (token.equals("PropVal") || token.equals("[")) {
                        value = token;
                    } else if (token.equals("PropType")) {
                        propType = token;
                    } else if (value != null && value.equals("PropVal") && propType == null) {
                        value = token;
                    } else if (value != null && propType == null && value.startsWith("[") && !token.startsWith("]")) {
                        value += token;
                        value += ", ";
                    } else if (((propType != null && propType.equals("PropType")) || token.equals("]")) || (key != null && value == null)) {
                        if (value == null && (propType == null || !propType.equals("PropType"))) {
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(token);
                            while (q + 1 < tokens.length && tokens[q + 1].trim().length() > 0) {
                                sb.append(tokens[q + 1]);
                            value = sb.toString();
                        if (!value.equals("PropVal")) {
                            parseKeyAndValue(key, value, digits, plane + i, 1);
                        propType = null;
                        key = null;
                        value = null;
                        nEmptyTokens = 0;
            plane += ifds.size();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Failed to read metadata from " + path, e);
Also used : IFD(loci.formats.tiff.IFD) IFDList(loci.formats.tiff.IFDList) TiffParser(loci.formats.tiff.TiffParser) IOException( CoreMetadata(loci.formats.CoreMetadata) Location(loci.common.Location)

Example 14 with IFDList

use of loci.formats.tiff.IFDList in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class BaseTiffReader method initStandardMetadata.

 * Parses standard metadata.
 * NOTE: Absolutely <b>no</b> calls to the metadata store should be made in
 * this method or methods that override this method. Data <b>will</b> be
 * overwritten if you do so.
protected void initStandardMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
    if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() == MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ifds.size(); i++) {
        put("PageName #" + i, ifds.get(i), IFD.PAGE_NAME);
    IFD firstIFD = ifds.get(0);
    put("ImageWidth", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_WIDTH);
    put("ImageLength", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_LENGTH);
    put("BitsPerSample", firstIFD, IFD.BITS_PER_SAMPLE);
    if (ifds.get(0).containsKey(IFD.EXIF)) {
        IFDList exifIFDs = tiffParser.getExifIFDs();
        if (exifIFDs.size() > 0) {
            IFD exif = exifIFDs.get(0);
            for (Integer key : exif.keySet()) {
                int k = key.intValue();
                addGlobalMeta(getExifTagName(k), exif.get(key));
    TiffCompression comp = firstIFD.getCompression();
    put("Compression", comp.getCodecName());
    PhotoInterp photo = firstIFD.getPhotometricInterpretation();
    String photoInterp = photo.getName();
    String metaDataPhotoInterp = photo.getMetadataType();
    put("PhotometricInterpretation", photoInterp);
    put("MetaDataPhotometricInterpretation", metaDataPhotoInterp);
    putInt("CellWidth", firstIFD, IFD.CELL_WIDTH);
    putInt("CellLength", firstIFD, IFD.CELL_LENGTH);
    int or = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.ORIENTATION);
    // adjust the width and height if necessary
    if (or == 8) {
        put("ImageWidth", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_LENGTH);
        put("ImageLength", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_WIDTH);
    String orientation = null;
    // there is no case 0
    switch(or) {
        case 1:
            orientation = "1st row -> top; 1st column -> left";
        case 2:
            orientation = "1st row -> top; 1st column -> right";
        case 3:
            orientation = "1st row -> bottom; 1st column -> right";
        case 4:
            orientation = "1st row -> bottom; 1st column -> left";
        case 5:
            orientation = "1st row -> left; 1st column -> top";
        case 6:
            orientation = "1st row -> right; 1st column -> top";
        case 7:
            orientation = "1st row -> right; 1st column -> bottom";
        case 8:
            orientation = "1st row -> left; 1st column -> bottom";
    put("Orientation", orientation);
    putInt("SamplesPerPixel", firstIFD, IFD.SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL);
    put("Software", firstIFD, IFD.SOFTWARE);
    put("Instrument Make", firstIFD, IFD.MAKE);
    put("Instrument Model", firstIFD, IFD.MODEL);
    put("Document Name", firstIFD, IFD.DOCUMENT_NAME);
    put("DateTime", getImageCreationDate());
    put("Artist", firstIFD, IFD.ARTIST);
    put("HostComputer", firstIFD, IFD.HOST_COMPUTER);
    put("Copyright", firstIFD, IFD.COPYRIGHT);
    put("NewSubfileType", firstIFD, IFD.NEW_SUBFILE_TYPE);
    int thresh = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.THRESHHOLDING);
    String threshholding = null;
    switch(thresh) {
        case 1:
            threshholding = "No dithering or halftoning";
        case 2:
            threshholding = "Ordered dithering or halftoning";
        case 3:
            threshholding = "Randomized error diffusion";
    put("Threshholding", threshholding);
    int fill = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.FILL_ORDER);
    String fillOrder = null;
    switch(fill) {
        case 1:
            fillOrder = "Pixels with lower column values are stored " + "in the higher order bits of a byte";
        case 2:
            fillOrder = "Pixels with lower column values are stored " + "in the lower order bits of a byte";
    put("FillOrder", fillOrder);
    putInt("Make", firstIFD, IFD.MAKE);
    putInt("Model", firstIFD, IFD.MODEL);
    putInt("MinSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE);
    putInt("MaxSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);
    TiffRational xResolution = firstIFD.getIFDRationalValue(IFD.X_RESOLUTION);
    TiffRational yResolution = firstIFD.getIFDRationalValue(IFD.Y_RESOLUTION);
    if (xResolution != null) {
        put("XResolution", xResolution.doubleValue());
    if (yResolution != null) {
        put("YResolution", yResolution.doubleValue());
    int planar = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.PLANAR_CONFIGURATION);
    String planarConfig = null;
    switch(planar) {
        case 1:
            planarConfig = "Chunky";
        case 2:
            planarConfig = "Planar";
    put("PlanarConfiguration", planarConfig);
    putInt("XPosition", firstIFD, IFD.X_POSITION);
    putInt("YPosition", firstIFD, IFD.Y_POSITION);
    putInt("FreeOffsets", firstIFD, IFD.FREE_OFFSETS);
    putInt("FreeByteCounts", firstIFD, IFD.FREE_BYTE_COUNTS);
    putInt("GrayResponseUnit", firstIFD, IFD.GRAY_RESPONSE_UNIT);
    putInt("GrayResponseCurve", firstIFD, IFD.GRAY_RESPONSE_CURVE);
    putInt("T4Options", firstIFD, IFD.T4_OPTIONS);
    putInt("T6Options", firstIFD, IFD.T6_OPTIONS);
    int res = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.RESOLUTION_UNIT);
    String resUnit = null;
    switch(res) {
        case 1:
            resUnit = "None";
        case 2:
            resUnit = "Inch";
        case 3:
            resUnit = "Centimeter";
    put("ResolutionUnit", resUnit);
    putString("PageNumber", firstIFD, IFD.PAGE_NUMBER);
    putInt("TransferFunction", firstIFD, IFD.TRANSFER_FUNCTION);
    int predict = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.PREDICTOR);
    String predictor = null;
    switch(predict) {
        case 1:
            predictor = "No prediction scheme";
        case 2:
            predictor = "Horizontal differencing";
    put("Predictor", predictor);
    putInt("WhitePoint", firstIFD, IFD.WHITE_POINT);
    putInt("PrimaryChromacities", firstIFD, IFD.PRIMARY_CHROMATICITIES);
    putInt("HalftoneHints", firstIFD, IFD.HALFTONE_HINTS);
    putInt("TileWidth", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_WIDTH);
    putInt("TileLength", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_LENGTH);
    putInt("TileOffsets", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_OFFSETS);
    putInt("TileByteCounts", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_BYTE_COUNTS);
    int ink = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.INK_SET);
    String inkSet = null;
    switch(ink) {
        case 1:
            inkSet = "CMYK";
        case 2:
            inkSet = "Other";
    put("InkSet", inkSet);
    putInt("InkNames", firstIFD, IFD.INK_NAMES);
    putInt("NumberOfInks", firstIFD, IFD.NUMBER_OF_INKS);
    putInt("DotRange", firstIFD, IFD.DOT_RANGE);
    put("TargetPrinter", firstIFD, IFD.TARGET_PRINTER);
    putInt("ExtraSamples", firstIFD, IFD.EXTRA_SAMPLES);
    int fmt = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.SAMPLE_FORMAT);
    String sampleFormat = null;
    switch(fmt) {
        case 1:
            sampleFormat = "unsigned integer";
        case 2:
            sampleFormat = "two's complement signed integer";
        case 3:
            sampleFormat = "IEEE floating point";
        case 4:
            sampleFormat = "undefined";
    put("SampleFormat", sampleFormat);
    putInt("SMinSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.S_MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE);
    putInt("SMaxSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.S_MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);
    putInt("TransferRange", firstIFD, IFD.TRANSFER_RANGE);
    int jpeg = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.JPEG_PROC);
    String jpegProc = null;
    switch(jpeg) {
        case 1:
            jpegProc = "baseline sequential process";
        case 14:
            jpegProc = "lossless process with Huffman coding";
    put("JPEGProc", jpegProc);
    putInt("JPEGInterchangeFormat", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT);
    putInt("JPEGRestartInterval", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_RESTART_INTERVAL);
    putInt("JPEGLosslessPredictors", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_LOSSLESS_PREDICTORS);
    putInt("JPEGPointTransforms", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_POINT_TRANSFORMS);
    putInt("JPEGQTables", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_Q_TABLES);
    putInt("JPEGDCTables", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_DC_TABLES);
    putInt("JPEGACTables", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_AC_TABLES);
    putInt("YCbCrCoefficients", firstIFD, IFD.Y_CB_CR_COEFFICIENTS);
    int ycbcr = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.Y_CB_CR_SUB_SAMPLING);
    String subSampling = null;
    switch(ycbcr) {
        case 1:
            subSampling = "chroma image dimensions = luma image dimensions";
        case 2:
            subSampling = "chroma image dimensions are " + "half the luma image dimensions";
        case 4:
            subSampling = "chroma image dimensions are " + "1/4 the luma image dimensions";
    put("YCbCrSubSampling", subSampling);
    putInt("YCbCrPositioning", firstIFD, IFD.Y_CB_CR_POSITIONING);
    putInt("ReferenceBlackWhite", firstIFD, IFD.REFERENCE_BLACK_WHITE);
    // bits per sample and number of channels
    int[] q = firstIFD.getBitsPerSample();
    int bps = q[0];
    int numC = q.length;
    if (photo == PhotoInterp.RGB_PALETTE || photo == PhotoInterp.CFA_ARRAY) {
        numC = 3;
    put("BitsPerSample", bps);
    put("NumberOfChannels", numC);
Also used : IFD(loci.formats.tiff.IFD) TiffCompression(loci.formats.tiff.TiffCompression) IFDList(loci.formats.tiff.IFDList) PhotoInterp(loci.formats.tiff.PhotoInterp) TiffRational(loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational)

Example 15 with IFDList

use of loci.formats.tiff.IFDList in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.

the class BaseTiffReader method initMetadataStore.

 * Populates the metadata store using the data parsed in
 * {@link #initStandardMetadata()} along with some further parsing done in
 * the method itself.
 * All calls to the active <code>MetadataStore</code> should be made in this
 * method and <b>only</b> in this method. This is especially important for
 * sub-classes that override the getters for pixel set array size, etc.
protected void initMetadataStore() throws FormatException {"Populating OME metadata");
    // the metadata store we're working with
    MetadataStore store = makeFilterMetadata();
    IFD firstIFD = ifds.get(0);
    IFD exif = null;
    if (ifds.get(0).containsKey(IFD.EXIF)) {
        try {
            IFDList exifIFDs = tiffParser.getExifIFDs();
            if (exifIFDs.size() > 0) {
                exif = exifIFDs.get(0);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Could not read EXIF IFDs", e);
    MetadataTools.populatePixels(store, this, exif != null);
    // format the creation date to ISO 8601
    String creationDate = getImageCreationDate();
    String date = DateTools.formatDate(creationDate, DATE_FORMATS, ".");
    if (creationDate != null && date == null) {
        LOGGER.warn("unknown creation date format: {}", creationDate);
    creationDate = date;
    if (creationDate != null) {
        store.setImageAcquisitionDate(new Timestamp(creationDate), 0);
    if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
        // populate Experimenter
        String artist = firstIFD.getIFDTextValue(IFD.ARTIST);
        if (artist != null) {
            String firstName = null, lastName = null;
            int ndx = artist.indexOf(' ');
            if (ndx < 0)
                lastName = artist;
            else {
                firstName = artist.substring(0, ndx);
                lastName = artist.substring(ndx + 1);
            String email = firstIFD.getIFDStringValue(IFD.HOST_COMPUTER);
            store.setExperimenterFirstName(firstName, 0);
            store.setExperimenterLastName(lastName, 0);
            store.setExperimenterEmail(email, 0);
            store.setExperimenterID(MetadataTools.createLSID("Experimenter", 0), 0);
        store.setImageDescription(firstIFD.getComment(), 0);
        // set the X and Y pixel dimensions
        double pixX = firstIFD.getXResolution();
        double pixY = firstIFD.getYResolution();
        String unit = getResolutionUnitFromComment(firstIFD);
        Length sizeX = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeX(pixX, unit);
        Length sizeY = FormatTools.getPhysicalSizeY(pixY, unit);
        if (sizeX != null) {
            store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(sizeX, 0);
        if (sizeY != null) {
            store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(sizeY, 0);
        store.setPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(null, 0);
        if (exif != null) {
            if (exif.containsKey(IFD.EXPOSURE_TIME)) {
                Object exp = exif.get(IFD.EXPOSURE_TIME);
                if (exp instanceof TiffRational) {
                    Time exposure = new Time(((TiffRational) exp).doubleValue(), UNITS.SECOND);
                    for (int i = 0; i < getImageCount(); i++) {
                        store.setPlaneExposureTime(exposure, 0, i);
Also used : MetadataStore(loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore) Length(ome.units.quantity.Length) IFD(loci.formats.tiff.IFD) IFDList(loci.formats.tiff.IFDList) TiffRational(loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational) Time(ome.units.quantity.Time) IOException( Timestamp(ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp)


IFDList (loci.formats.tiff.IFDList)23 IFD (loci.formats.tiff.IFD)20 RandomAccessInputStream (loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream)15 CoreMetadata (loci.formats.CoreMetadata)15 TiffParser (loci.formats.tiff.TiffParser)15 MetadataStore (loci.formats.meta.MetadataStore)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 FormatException (loci.formats.FormatException)9 IOException ( Length (ome.units.quantity.Length)8 Timestamp (ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp)8 PhotoInterp (loci.formats.tiff.PhotoInterp)7 Location (loci.common.Location)6 TiffRational (loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational)5 Time (ome.units.quantity.Time)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 File ( List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)2