use of loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class MetamorphReader method initStandardMetadata.
// -- Internal BaseTiffReader API methods --
/* @see BaseTiffReader#initStandardMetadata() */
protected void initStandardMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
CoreMetadata ms0 = core.get(0);
ms0.sizeZ = 1;
ms0.sizeT = 0;
int rgbChannels = getSizeC();
// Now that the base TIFF standard metadata has been parsed, we need to
// parse out the STK metadata from the UIC4TAG.
TiffIFDEntry uic1tagEntry = null;
TiffIFDEntry uic2tagEntry = null;
TiffIFDEntry uic4tagEntry = null;
try {
uic1tagEntry = tiffParser.getFirstIFDEntry(UIC1TAG);
uic2tagEntry = tiffParser.getFirstIFDEntry(UIC2TAG);
uic4tagEntry = tiffParser.getFirstIFDEntry(UIC4TAG);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {
LOGGER.debug("Unknown tag", exc);
try {
if (uic4tagEntry != null) {
mmPlanes = uic4tagEntry.getValueCount();
if (mmPlanes == 0) {
mmPlanes = ifds.size();
if (uic2tagEntry != null) {
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() != MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
if (uic4tagEntry != null) {
if (uic1tagEntry != null) {
parseUIC1Tags(uic1tagEntry.getValueOffset(), uic1tagEntry.getValueCount());
} catch (NullPointerException exc) {
LOGGER.debug("", exc);
} catch (IOException exc) {
LOGGER.debug("Failed to parse proprietary tags", exc);
try {
// copy ifds into a new array of Hashtables that will accommodate the
// additional image planes
IFD firstIFD = ifds.get(0);
long[] uic2 = firstIFD.getIFDLongArray(UIC2TAG);
if (uic2 == null) {
throw new FormatException("Invalid Metamorph file. Tag " + UIC2TAG + " not found.");
ms0.imageCount = uic2.length;
Object entry = firstIFD.getIFDValue(UIC3TAG);
TiffRational[] uic3 = entry instanceof TiffRational[] ? (TiffRational[]) entry : new TiffRational[] { (TiffRational) entry };
wave = new double[uic3.length];
final List<Double> uniqueWavelengths = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < uic3.length; i++) {
wave[i] = uic3[i].doubleValue();
addSeriesMeta("Wavelength [" + intFormatMax(i, mmPlanes) + "]", wave[i]);
final Double v = wave[i];
if (!uniqueWavelengths.contains(v))
if (getSizeC() == 1) {
ms0.sizeC = uniqueWavelengths.size();
if (getSizeC() < getImageCount() && getSizeC() > (getImageCount() - getSizeC()) && (getImageCount() % getSizeC()) != 0) {
ms0.sizeC = getImageCount();
IFDList tempIFDs = new IFDList();
long[] oldOffsets = firstIFD.getStripOffsets();
long[] stripByteCounts = firstIFD.getStripByteCounts();
int rowsPerStrip = (int) firstIFD.getRowsPerStrip()[0];
int stripsPerImage = getSizeY() / rowsPerStrip;
if (stripsPerImage * rowsPerStrip != getSizeY())
PhotoInterp check = firstIFD.getPhotometricInterpretation();
if (check == PhotoInterp.RGB_PALETTE) {
emWavelength = firstIFD.getIFDLongArray(UIC3TAG);
// for each image plane, construct an IFD hashtable
IFD temp;
for (int i = 0; i < getImageCount(); i++) {
// copy data from the first IFD
temp = new IFD(firstIFD);
// now we need a StripOffsets entry - the original IFD doesn't have this
long[] newOffsets = new long[stripsPerImage];
if (stripsPerImage * (i + 1) <= oldOffsets.length) {
System.arraycopy(oldOffsets, stripsPerImage * i, newOffsets, 0, stripsPerImage);
} else {
System.arraycopy(oldOffsets, 0, newOffsets, 0, stripsPerImage);
long image = (stripByteCounts[0] / rowsPerStrip) * getSizeY();
for (int q = 0; q < stripsPerImage; q++) {
newOffsets[q] += i * image;
temp.putIFDValue(IFD.STRIP_OFFSETS, newOffsets);
long[] newByteCounts = new long[stripsPerImage];
if (stripsPerImage * i < stripByteCounts.length) {
System.arraycopy(stripByteCounts, stripsPerImage * i, newByteCounts, 0, stripsPerImage);
} else {
Arrays.fill(newByteCounts, stripByteCounts[0]);
temp.putIFDValue(IFD.STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS, newByteCounts);
ifds = tempIFDs;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {
LOGGER.debug("Unknown tag", exc);
} catch (NullPointerException exc) {
LOGGER.debug("", exc);
} catch (FormatException exc) {
LOGGER.debug("Failed to build list of IFDs", exc);
// parse (mangle) TIFF comment
String descr = ifds.get(0).getComment();
if (descr != null) {
String[] lines = descr.split("\n");
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
String line = lines[i].trim();
if (line.startsWith("<") && line.endsWith(">")) {
// XML comment; this will have already been parsed so can be ignored
int colon = line.indexOf(':');
if (colon < 0) {
// normal line (not a key/value pair)
if (line.length() > 0) {
// not a blank line
sb.append(" ");
} else {
String descrValue = null;
if (i == 0) {
// first line could be mangled; make a reasonable guess
int dot = line.lastIndexOf(".", colon);
if (dot >= 0) {
descrValue = line.substring(0, dot + 1);
line = line.substring(dot + 1);
colon -= dot + 1;
// append value to description
if (descrValue != null) {
if (!descrValue.endsWith("."))
sb.append(" ");
// add key/value pair embedded in comment as separate metadata
String key = line.substring(0, colon);
String value = line.substring(colon + 1).trim();
addSeriesMeta(key, value);
if (key.equals("Exposure")) {
if (value.indexOf('=') != -1) {
value = value.substring(value.indexOf('=') + 1).trim();
if (value.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(' '));
try {
value = value.replace(',', '.');
double exposure = Double.parseDouble(value);
exposureTime = exposure / 1000;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} else if (key.equals("Bit Depth")) {
if (value.indexOf('-') != -1) {
value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf('-'));
try {
ms0.bitsPerPixel = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} else if (key.equals("Gain")) {
int space = value.indexOf(' ');
if (space != -1) {
int nextSpace = value.indexOf(" ", space + 1);
if (nextSpace < 0) {
nextSpace = value.length();
try {
gain = new Double(value.substring(space, nextSpace));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// replace comment with trimmed version
descr = sb.toString().trim();
if (descr.equals(""))
addSeriesMeta("Comment", descr);
ms0.sizeT = getImageCount() / (getSizeZ() * (getSizeC() / rgbChannels));
if (getSizeT() * getSizeZ() * (getSizeC() / rgbChannels) != getImageCount()) {
ms0.sizeT = 1;
ms0.sizeZ = getImageCount() / (getSizeC() / rgbChannels);
// if '_t' is present in the file name, swap Z and T sizes
// this file was probably part of a larger dataset, but the .nd file is
// missing
String filename = currentId.substring(currentId.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);
if (filename.contains("_t") && getSizeT() > 1) {
int z = getSizeZ();
ms0.sizeZ = getSizeT();
ms0.sizeT = z;
if (getSizeZ() == 0)
ms0.sizeZ = 1;
if (getSizeT() == 0)
ms0.sizeT = 1;
if (getSizeZ() * getSizeT() * (isRGB() ? 1 : getSizeC()) != getImageCount()) {
ms0.sizeZ = getImageCount();
ms0.sizeT = 1;
if (!isRGB())
ms0.sizeC = 1;
use of loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class DNGReader method initStandardMetadata.
// -- Internal BaseTiffReader API methods --
/* @see BaseTiffReader#initStandardMetadata() */
protected void initStandardMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
// reset image dimensions
// the actual image data is stored in IFDs referenced by the SubIFD tag
// in the 'real' IFD
CoreMetadata m = core.get(0);
m.imageCount = ifds.size();
IFD firstIFD = ifds.get(0);
PhotoInterp photo = firstIFD.getPhotometricInterpretation();
int samples = firstIFD.getSamplesPerPixel();
m.rgb = samples > 1 || photo == PhotoInterp.RGB || photo == PhotoInterp.CFA_ARRAY;
if (photo == PhotoInterp.CFA_ARRAY)
samples = 3;
m.sizeX = (int) firstIFD.getImageWidth();
m.sizeY = (int) firstIFD.getImageLength();
m.sizeZ = 1;
m.sizeC = isRGB() ? samples : 1;
m.sizeT = ifds.size();
m.pixelType = FormatTools.UINT16;
m.indexed = false;
// now look for the EXIF IFD pointer
IFDList exifIFDs = tiffParser.getExifIFDs();
if (exifIFDs.size() > 0) {
IFD exifIFD = exifIFDs.get(0);
for (Integer key : exifIFD.keySet()) {
int tag = key.intValue();
String name = IFD.getIFDTagName(tag);
if (tag == IFD.CFA_PATTERN) {
byte[] cfa = (byte[]) exifIFD.get(key);
int[] colorMap = new int[cfa.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cfa.length; i++) colorMap[i] = (int) cfa[i];
addGlobalMeta(name, colorMap);
cfaPattern = colorMap;
} else {
addGlobalMeta(name, exifIFD.get(key));
if (name.equals("MAKER_NOTE")) {
byte[] b = (byte[]) exifIFD.get(key);
int offset = DataTools.bytesToInt(b, b.length - 4, isLittleEndian());
byte[] buf = new byte[b.length + offset - 8];
System.arraycopy(b, b.length - 8, buf, 0, 8);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, buf, offset, b.length - 8);
RandomAccessInputStream makerNote = new RandomAccessInputStream(buf);
TiffParser tp = new TiffParser(makerNote);
IFD note = null;
try {
note = tp.getFirstIFD();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("Failed to parse first IFD", e);
if (note != null) {
for (Integer nextKey : note.keySet()) {
int nextTag = nextKey.intValue();
addGlobalMeta(name, note.get(nextKey));
if (note.get(nextTag) instanceof TiffRational[]) {
TiffRational[] wb = (TiffRational[]) note.get(nextTag);
whiteBalance = new double[wb.length];
for (int i = 0; i < wb.length; i++) {
whiteBalance[i] = wb[i].doubleValue();
} else {
// use a default white balance table
whiteBalance = new double[3];
whiteBalance[0] = 2.391381;
whiteBalance[1] = 0.929156;
whiteBalance[2] = 1.298254;
use of loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class TiffRationalTest method testEqualTiffRational.
public void testEqualTiffRational() {
TiffRational a = new TiffRational(1, 4);
TiffRational b = new TiffRational(1, 4);
assertTrue(a.equals((Object) b));
assertEquals(0, a.compareTo(b));
use of loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class TiffWriter method prepareToWriteImage.
* Performs the preparation for work prior to the usage of the TIFF saver.
* This method is factored out from <code>saveBytes()</code> in an attempt to
* ensure thread safety.
protected int prepareToWriteImage(int no, byte[] buf, IFD ifd, int x, int y, int w, int h) throws IOException, FormatException {
MetadataRetrieve retrieve = getMetadataRetrieve();
boolean littleEndian = false;
if (retrieve.getPixelsBigEndian(series) != null) {
littleEndian = !retrieve.getPixelsBigEndian(series).booleanValue();
} else if (retrieve.getPixelsBinDataCount(series) == 0) {
littleEndian = !retrieve.getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(series, 0).booleanValue();
// at one time.
synchronized (this) {
if (!initialized[series][no]) {
initialized[series][no] = true;
RandomAccessInputStream tmp = createInputStream();
if (tmp.length() == 0) {
synchronized (this) {
// write TIFF header
int c = getSamplesPerPixel();
int type = FormatTools.pixelTypeFromString(retrieve.getPixelsType(series).toString());
int bytesPerPixel = FormatTools.getBytesPerPixel(type);
int blockSize = w * h * c * bytesPerPixel;
if (blockSize > buf.length) {
c = buf.length / (w * h * bytesPerPixel);
byte[][] lut = AWTImageTools.get8BitLookupTable(cm);
if (lut != null) {
int[] colorMap = new int[lut.length * lut[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < lut.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < lut[0].length; j++) {
colorMap[i * lut[0].length + j] = (int) ((lut[i][j] & 0xff) << 8);
ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.COLOR_MAP, colorMap);
} else {
short[][] lut16 = AWTImageTools.getLookupTable(cm);
if (lut16 != null) {
int[] colorMap = new int[lut16.length * lut16[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < lut16.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < lut16[0].length; j++) {
colorMap[i * lut16[0].length + j] = (int) (lut16[i][j] & 0xffff);
ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.COLOR_MAP, colorMap);
int width = retrieve.getPixelsSizeX(series).getValue().intValue();
int height = retrieve.getPixelsSizeY(series).getValue().intValue();
ifd.put(new Integer(IFD.IMAGE_WIDTH), new Long(width));
ifd.put(new Integer(IFD.IMAGE_LENGTH), new Long(height));
Length px = retrieve.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(series);
Double physicalSizeX = px == null || px.value(UNITS.MICROMETER) == null ? null : px.value(UNITS.MICROMETER).doubleValue();
if (physicalSizeX == null || physicalSizeX.doubleValue() == 0) {
physicalSizeX = 0d;
} else
physicalSizeX = 1d / physicalSizeX;
Length py = retrieve.getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(series);
Double physicalSizeY = py == null || py.value(UNITS.MICROMETER) == null ? null : py.value(UNITS.MICROMETER).doubleValue();
if (physicalSizeY == null || physicalSizeY.doubleValue() == 0) {
physicalSizeY = 0d;
} else
physicalSizeY = 1d / physicalSizeY;
ifd.put(IFD.X_RESOLUTION, new TiffRational((long) (physicalSizeX * 1000 * 10000), 1000));
ifd.put(IFD.Y_RESOLUTION, new TiffRational((long) (physicalSizeY * 1000 * 10000), 1000));
if (!isBigTiff) {
isBigTiff = (out.length() + 2 * (width * height * c * bytesPerPixel)) >= 4294967296L;
if (isBigTiff) {
throw new FormatException("File is too large; call setBigTiff(true)");
// write the image
ifd.put(new Integer(IFD.LITTLE_ENDIAN), new Boolean(littleEndian));
if (!ifd.containsKey(IFD.REUSE)) {
ifd.put(IFD.REUSE, out.length());;
} else { ifd.get(IFD.REUSE));
ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.PLANAR_CONFIGURATION, interleaved || getSamplesPerPixel() == 1 ? 1 : 2);
int sampleFormat = 1;
if (FormatTools.isSigned(type))
sampleFormat = 2;
if (FormatTools.isFloatingPoint(type))
sampleFormat = 3;
ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.SAMPLE_FORMAT, sampleFormat);
int channels = retrieve.getPixelsSizeC(series).getValue().intValue();
int z = retrieve.getPixelsSizeZ(series).getValue().intValue();
int t = retrieve.getPixelsSizeT(series).getValue().intValue();
ifd.putIFDValue(IFD.IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, "ImageJ=\nhyperstack=true\nimages=" + (channels * z * t) + "\nchannels=" + channels + "\nslices=" + z + "\nframes=" + t);
int index = no;
for (int i = 0; i < getSeries(); i++) {
index += getPlaneCount(i);
return index;
use of loci.formats.tiff.TiffRational in project bioformats by openmicroscopy.
the class BaseTiffReader method initStandardMetadata.
* Parses standard metadata.
* NOTE: Absolutely <b>no</b> calls to the metadata store should be made in
* this method or methods that override this method. Data <b>will</b> be
* overwritten if you do so.
protected void initStandardMetadata() throws FormatException, IOException {
if (getMetadataOptions().getMetadataLevel() == MetadataLevel.MINIMUM) {
for (int i = 0; i < ifds.size(); i++) {
put("PageName #" + i, ifds.get(i), IFD.PAGE_NAME);
IFD firstIFD = ifds.get(0);
put("ImageWidth", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_WIDTH);
put("ImageLength", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_LENGTH);
put("BitsPerSample", firstIFD, IFD.BITS_PER_SAMPLE);
if (ifds.get(0).containsKey(IFD.EXIF)) {
IFDList exifIFDs = tiffParser.getExifIFDs();
if (exifIFDs.size() > 0) {
IFD exif = exifIFDs.get(0);
for (Integer key : exif.keySet()) {
int k = key.intValue();
addGlobalMeta(getExifTagName(k), exif.get(key));
TiffCompression comp = firstIFD.getCompression();
put("Compression", comp.getCodecName());
PhotoInterp photo = firstIFD.getPhotometricInterpretation();
String photoInterp = photo.getName();
String metaDataPhotoInterp = photo.getMetadataType();
put("PhotometricInterpretation", photoInterp);
put("MetaDataPhotometricInterpretation", metaDataPhotoInterp);
putInt("CellWidth", firstIFD, IFD.CELL_WIDTH);
putInt("CellLength", firstIFD, IFD.CELL_LENGTH);
int or = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.ORIENTATION);
// adjust the width and height if necessary
if (or == 8) {
put("ImageWidth", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_LENGTH);
put("ImageLength", firstIFD, IFD.IMAGE_WIDTH);
String orientation = null;
// there is no case 0
switch(or) {
case 1:
orientation = "1st row -> top; 1st column -> left";
case 2:
orientation = "1st row -> top; 1st column -> right";
case 3:
orientation = "1st row -> bottom; 1st column -> right";
case 4:
orientation = "1st row -> bottom; 1st column -> left";
case 5:
orientation = "1st row -> left; 1st column -> top";
case 6:
orientation = "1st row -> right; 1st column -> top";
case 7:
orientation = "1st row -> right; 1st column -> bottom";
case 8:
orientation = "1st row -> left; 1st column -> bottom";
put("Orientation", orientation);
putInt("SamplesPerPixel", firstIFD, IFD.SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL);
put("Software", firstIFD, IFD.SOFTWARE);
put("Instrument Make", firstIFD, IFD.MAKE);
put("Instrument Model", firstIFD, IFD.MODEL);
put("Document Name", firstIFD, IFD.DOCUMENT_NAME);
put("DateTime", getImageCreationDate());
put("Artist", firstIFD, IFD.ARTIST);
put("HostComputer", firstIFD, IFD.HOST_COMPUTER);
put("Copyright", firstIFD, IFD.COPYRIGHT);
put("NewSubfileType", firstIFD, IFD.NEW_SUBFILE_TYPE);
int thresh = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.THRESHHOLDING);
String threshholding = null;
switch(thresh) {
case 1:
threshholding = "No dithering or halftoning";
case 2:
threshholding = "Ordered dithering or halftoning";
case 3:
threshholding = "Randomized error diffusion";
put("Threshholding", threshholding);
int fill = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.FILL_ORDER);
String fillOrder = null;
switch(fill) {
case 1:
fillOrder = "Pixels with lower column values are stored " + "in the higher order bits of a byte";
case 2:
fillOrder = "Pixels with lower column values are stored " + "in the lower order bits of a byte";
put("FillOrder", fillOrder);
putInt("Make", firstIFD, IFD.MAKE);
putInt("Model", firstIFD, IFD.MODEL);
putInt("MinSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE);
putInt("MaxSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);
TiffRational xResolution = firstIFD.getIFDRationalValue(IFD.X_RESOLUTION);
TiffRational yResolution = firstIFD.getIFDRationalValue(IFD.Y_RESOLUTION);
if (xResolution != null) {
put("XResolution", xResolution.doubleValue());
if (yResolution != null) {
put("YResolution", yResolution.doubleValue());
int planar = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.PLANAR_CONFIGURATION);
String planarConfig = null;
switch(planar) {
case 1:
planarConfig = "Chunky";
case 2:
planarConfig = "Planar";
put("PlanarConfiguration", planarConfig);
putInt("XPosition", firstIFD, IFD.X_POSITION);
putInt("YPosition", firstIFD, IFD.Y_POSITION);
putInt("FreeOffsets", firstIFD, IFD.FREE_OFFSETS);
putInt("FreeByteCounts", firstIFD, IFD.FREE_BYTE_COUNTS);
putInt("GrayResponseUnit", firstIFD, IFD.GRAY_RESPONSE_UNIT);
putInt("GrayResponseCurve", firstIFD, IFD.GRAY_RESPONSE_CURVE);
putInt("T4Options", firstIFD, IFD.T4_OPTIONS);
putInt("T6Options", firstIFD, IFD.T6_OPTIONS);
int res = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.RESOLUTION_UNIT);
String resUnit = null;
switch(res) {
case 1:
resUnit = "None";
case 2:
resUnit = "Inch";
case 3:
resUnit = "Centimeter";
put("ResolutionUnit", resUnit);
putString("PageNumber", firstIFD, IFD.PAGE_NUMBER);
putInt("TransferFunction", firstIFD, IFD.TRANSFER_FUNCTION);
int predict = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.PREDICTOR);
String predictor = null;
switch(predict) {
case 1:
predictor = "No prediction scheme";
case 2:
predictor = "Horizontal differencing";
put("Predictor", predictor);
putInt("WhitePoint", firstIFD, IFD.WHITE_POINT);
putInt("PrimaryChromacities", firstIFD, IFD.PRIMARY_CHROMATICITIES);
putInt("HalftoneHints", firstIFD, IFD.HALFTONE_HINTS);
putInt("TileWidth", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_WIDTH);
putInt("TileLength", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_LENGTH);
putInt("TileOffsets", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_OFFSETS);
putInt("TileByteCounts", firstIFD, IFD.TILE_BYTE_COUNTS);
int ink = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.INK_SET);
String inkSet = null;
switch(ink) {
case 1:
inkSet = "CMYK";
case 2:
inkSet = "Other";
put("InkSet", inkSet);
putInt("InkNames", firstIFD, IFD.INK_NAMES);
putInt("NumberOfInks", firstIFD, IFD.NUMBER_OF_INKS);
putInt("DotRange", firstIFD, IFD.DOT_RANGE);
put("TargetPrinter", firstIFD, IFD.TARGET_PRINTER);
putInt("ExtraSamples", firstIFD, IFD.EXTRA_SAMPLES);
int fmt = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.SAMPLE_FORMAT);
String sampleFormat = null;
switch(fmt) {
case 1:
sampleFormat = "unsigned integer";
case 2:
sampleFormat = "two's complement signed integer";
case 3:
sampleFormat = "IEEE floating point";
case 4:
sampleFormat = "undefined";
put("SampleFormat", sampleFormat);
putInt("SMinSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.S_MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE);
putInt("SMaxSampleValue", firstIFD, IFD.S_MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);
putInt("TransferRange", firstIFD, IFD.TRANSFER_RANGE);
int jpeg = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.JPEG_PROC);
String jpegProc = null;
switch(jpeg) {
case 1:
jpegProc = "baseline sequential process";
case 14:
jpegProc = "lossless process with Huffman coding";
put("JPEGProc", jpegProc);
putInt("JPEGInterchangeFormat", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT);
putInt("JPEGRestartInterval", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_RESTART_INTERVAL);
putInt("JPEGLosslessPredictors", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_LOSSLESS_PREDICTORS);
putInt("JPEGPointTransforms", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_POINT_TRANSFORMS);
putInt("JPEGQTables", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_Q_TABLES);
putInt("JPEGDCTables", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_DC_TABLES);
putInt("JPEGACTables", firstIFD, IFD.JPEG_AC_TABLES);
putInt("YCbCrCoefficients", firstIFD, IFD.Y_CB_CR_COEFFICIENTS);
int ycbcr = firstIFD.getIFDIntValue(IFD.Y_CB_CR_SUB_SAMPLING);
String subSampling = null;
switch(ycbcr) {
case 1:
subSampling = "chroma image dimensions = luma image dimensions";
case 2:
subSampling = "chroma image dimensions are " + "half the luma image dimensions";
case 4:
subSampling = "chroma image dimensions are " + "1/4 the luma image dimensions";
put("YCbCrSubSampling", subSampling);
putInt("YCbCrPositioning", firstIFD, IFD.Y_CB_CR_POSITIONING);
putInt("ReferenceBlackWhite", firstIFD, IFD.REFERENCE_BLACK_WHITE);
// bits per sample and number of channels
int[] q = firstIFD.getBitsPerSample();
int bps = q[0];
int numC = q.length;
if (photo == PhotoInterp.RGB_PALETTE || photo == PhotoInterp.CFA_ARRAY) {
numC = 3;
put("BitsPerSample", bps);
put("NumberOfChannels", numC);