use of logisticspipes.renderer.CustomBlockRenderer.RenderInfo in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class LogisticsRenderPipe method getDisplayFluidLists.
// BC copy
private DisplayFluidList getDisplayFluidLists(int liquidId, int skylight, int blocklight, int flags, World world) {
int finalBlockLight = Math.max(flags & 31, blocklight);
int listId = (liquidId & 0x3FFFF) << 13 | (flags & 0xE0 | finalBlockLight) << 5 | (skylight & 31);
if (displayFluidLists.containsItem(listId)) {
return (DisplayFluidList) displayFluidLists.lookup(listId);
Fluid fluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(liquidId);
if (fluid == null) {
return null;
DisplayFluidList d = new DisplayFluidList();
displayFluidLists.addKey(listId, d);
RenderInfo block = new RenderInfo();
if (fluid.getBlock() != null) {
block.baseBlock = fluid.getBlock();
} else {
block.baseBlock = Blocks.water;
block.texture = fluid.getStillIcon();
block.brightness = skylight << 16 | finalBlockLight;
float size = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MAX_POS - LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MIN_POS;
for (int s = 0; s < LogisticsRenderPipe.LIQUID_STAGES; ++s) {
float ratio = (float) s / (float) LogisticsRenderPipe.LIQUID_STAGES;
d.sideHorizontal[s] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(d.sideHorizontal[s], GL11.GL_COMPILE);
block.minX = 0.0F;
block.minZ = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MIN_POS + 0.01F;
block.maxX = block.minX + size / 2F + 0.01F;
block.maxZ = block.minZ + size - 0.02F;
block.minY = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MIN_POS + 0.01F;
block.maxY = block.minY + (size - 0.02F) * ratio;
CustomBlockRenderer.INSTANCE.renderBlock(block, world, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
d.sideVertical[s] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(d.sideVertical[s], GL11.GL_COMPILE);
block.minY = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MAX_POS - 0.01;
block.maxY = 1;
block.minX = 0.5 - (size / 2 - 0.01) * ratio;
block.maxX = 0.5 + (size / 2 - 0.01) * ratio;
block.minZ = 0.5 - (size / 2 - 0.01) * ratio;
block.maxZ = 0.5 + (size / 2 - 0.01) * ratio;
CustomBlockRenderer.INSTANCE.renderBlock(block, world, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
d.centerHorizontal[s] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(d.centerHorizontal[s], GL11.GL_COMPILE);
block.minX = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MIN_POS + 0.01;
block.minZ = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MIN_POS + 0.01;
block.maxX = block.minX + size - 0.02;
block.maxZ = block.minZ + size - 0.02;
block.minY = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MIN_POS + 0.01;
block.maxY = block.minY + (size - 0.02F) * ratio;
CustomBlockRenderer.INSTANCE.renderBlock(block, world, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
d.centerVertical[s] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(d.centerVertical[s], GL11.GL_COMPILE);
block.minY = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MIN_POS + 0.01;
block.maxY = LPConstants.BC_PIPE_MAX_POS - 0.01;
block.minX = 0.5 - (size / 2 - 0.02) * ratio;
block.maxX = 0.5 + (size / 2 - 0.02) * ratio;
block.minZ = 0.5 - (size / 2 - 0.02) * ratio;
block.maxZ = 0.5 + (size / 2 - 0.02) * ratio;
CustomBlockRenderer.INSTANCE.renderBlock(block, world, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
return d;
use of logisticspipes.renderer.CustomBlockRenderer.RenderInfo in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class LogisticsNewPipeItemBoxRenderer method getRenderListFor.
private int getRenderListFor(FluidStack fluid) {
FluidIdentifier ident = FluidIdentifier.get(fluid);
int[] array = LogisticsNewPipeItemBoxRenderer.renderLists.get(fluid);
if (array == null) {
array = new int[LogisticsNewPipeItemBoxRenderer.RENDER_SIZE];
LogisticsNewPipeItemBoxRenderer.renderLists.put(ident, array);
int pos = Math.min((int) (((Math.min(fluid.amount, 5000) * 1.0F) * LogisticsNewPipeItemBoxRenderer.RENDER_SIZE) / 5000), LogisticsNewPipeItemBoxRenderer.RENDER_SIZE - 1);
if (array[pos] != 0) {
return array[pos];
RenderInfo block = new RenderInfo();
block.baseBlock = fluid.getFluid().getBlock();
block.texture = fluid.getFluid().getStillIcon();
float ratio = pos * 1.0F / (LogisticsNewPipeItemBoxRenderer.RENDER_SIZE - 1);
array[pos] = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(array[pos], 4864);
block.minX = 0.32;
block.maxX = 0.68;
block.minY = 0.32;
block.maxY = 0.32 + (0.68 - 0.32) * ratio;
block.minZ = 0.32;
block.maxZ = 0.68;
CustomBlockRenderer.INSTANCE.renderBlock(block, Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
return array[pos];