use of logisticspipes.routing.order.IOrderInfoProvider in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class GuiRequestTable method drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer.
public void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float f, int i, int j) {
for (GuiButton sycleButton : sycleButtons) {
sycleButton.visible = _table.targetType != null;
GuiGraphics.drawGuiBackGround(mc, guiLeft, guiTop, right - (showRequest ? 0 : 105), bottom, zLevel, true);
drawRect(guiLeft + 162, guiTop + 23, guiLeft + 182, guiTop + 43, Color.BLACK);
drawRect(guiLeft + 164, guiTop + 25, guiLeft + 180, guiTop + 41, Color.DARKER_GREY);
if (showRequest) {
mc.fontRenderer.drawString(_title, guiLeft + 180 + mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(_title) / 2, guiTop + 6, 0x404040);
itemDisplay.renderPageNumber(right - 47, guiTop + 6);
if (buttonList.get(9) instanceof GuiCheckBox && ((GuiCheckBox) buttonList.get(9)).getState()) {
mc.fontRenderer.drawString("Popup", guiLeft + 225, bottom - 56, 0x404040);
} else {
mc.fontRenderer.drawString("Popup", guiLeft + 225, bottom - 56, Color.getValue(Color.GREY));
itemDisplay.renderAmount(right - 103, bottom - 24, getStackAmount());
itemDisplay.renderSortMode(right - 103, bottom - 52);
for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
GuiGraphics.drawSlotBackground(mc, guiLeft + (x * 18) + 19, guiTop + (y * 18) + 79);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
GuiGraphics.drawSlotBackground(mc, guiLeft + (x * 18) + 19, guiTop + (y * 18) + 14);
mc.fontRenderer.drawString("Sort:", guiLeft + 136, guiTop + 55, 0xffffff);
GuiGraphics.drawSlotBackground(mc, guiLeft + 100, guiTop + 32);
GuiGraphics.drawSlotBackground(mc, guiLeft + 163, guiTop + 50);
drawRect(guiLeft + 75, guiTop + 38, guiLeft + 95, guiTop + 43, Color.DARKER_GREY);
for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++) {
drawRect(guiLeft + 97 - a, guiTop + 40 - a, guiLeft + 98 - a, guiTop + 41 + a, Color.DARKER_GREY);
for (int a = 0; a < 15; a++) {
drawRect(guiLeft + 164 + a, guiTop + 51 + a, guiLeft + 166 + a, guiTop + 53 + a, Color.DARKER_GREY);
drawRect(guiLeft + 164 + a, guiTop + 65 - a, guiLeft + 166 + a, guiTop + 67 - a, Color.DARKER_GREY);
GuiGraphics.drawPlayerInventoryBackground(mc, guiLeft + 20, guiTop + 150);
for (final Entry<Integer, Pair<IResource, LinkedLogisticsOrderList>> entry : _table.watchedRequests.entrySet()) {
if (!handledExtention.get(entry.getKey())) {
extentionControllerLeft.addExtention(new GuiExtention() {
private Map<Pair<Integer, Integer>, IOrderInfoProvider> ordererPosition = new HashMap<>();
private int height;
private int width = 4;
private GuiButton localControlledButton;
public void renderForground(int left, int top) {
if (!_table.watchedRequests.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
if (isFullyExtended() && localControlledButton != null) {
localControlledButton = null;
orderIdForButton = -1;
OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 240 / 1.0F, 240 / 1.0F);
ItemStack stack = null;
IResource resource = entry.getValue().getValue1();
String s = null;
if (resource != null) {
stack = resource.getDisplayItem().makeNormalStack();
GuiScreen.itemRender.renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(mc.fontRenderer, getMC().renderEngine, stack, left + 5, top + 5);
GuiScreen.itemRender.renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(mc.fontRenderer, getMC().renderEngine, stack, left + 5, top + 5, "");
s = StringUtils.getFormatedStackSize(stack.stackSize, false);
} else {
s = "List";
GuiScreen.itemRender.zLevel = 0.0F;
// Draw number
mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(s, left + 22 - mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(s), top + 14, 16777215);
if (isFullyExtended()) {
if (localControlledButton == null || orderIdForButton != entry.getKey()) {
if (localControlledButton != null) {
localControlledButton = new SmallGuiButton(100, guiLeft - 35, guiTop + 10, 30, 10, "more");
orderIdForButton = entry.getKey();
List<IOrderInfoProvider> list = entry.getValue().getValue2().getList();
calculateSize(left, top, list);
String ident = "ID: " + Integer.toString(entry.getKey());
mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(ident, left + 25, top + 7, 16777215);
int x = left + 6;
int y = top + 25;
for (IOrderInfoProvider order : list) {
stack = order.getAsDisplayItem().makeNormalStack();
if (stack.stackSize <= 0) {
GuiScreen.itemRender.renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(mc.fontRenderer, getMC().renderEngine, stack, x, y);
GuiScreen.itemRender.renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(mc.fontRenderer, getMC().renderEngine, stack, x, y, "");
s = StringUtils.getFormatedStackSize(stack.stackSize, false);
GuiScreen.itemRender.zLevel = 0.0F;
// Draw number
mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(s, x + 17 - mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(s), y + 9, 16777215);
ordererPosition.put(new Pair<>(x, y), order);
x += 18;
if (x > left + getFinalWidth() - 18) {
x = left + 6;
y += 18;
} else if (isExtending()) {
List<IOrderInfoProvider> list = entry.getValue().getValue2().getList();
calculateSize(left, top, list);
if (!isFullyExtended() && localControlledButton != null) {
localControlledButton = null;
orderIdForButton = -1;
private void calculateSize(int left, int top, List<IOrderInfoProvider> list) {
int x = left + 6;
int y = 50;
int line = 1;
width = 4;
for (IOrderInfoProvider order : list) {
ItemStack stack = order.getAsDisplayItem().makeNormalStack();
if (stack.stackSize <= 0) {
if (line++ % (4 * 4) == 0) {
for (IOrderInfoProvider order : list) {
ItemStack stack = order.getAsDisplayItem().makeNormalStack();
if (stack.stackSize <= 0) {
x += 18;
if (x > left + getFinalWidth() - 18) {
x = left + 6;
y += 18;
height = y;
if (x == left + 6) {
height -= 18;
public int getFinalWidth() {
return Math.max(85, width * 18 + 8);
public int getFinalHeight() {
return Math.max(50, height);
public void handleMouseOverAt(int xPos, int yPos) {
if (isFullyExtended()) {
ordererPosition.keySet().stream().filter(key -> xPos >= key.getValue1() && xPos < key.getValue1() + 18 && yPos >= key.getValue2() && yPos < key.getValue2() + 18).forEach(key -> {
IOrderInfoProvider order = ordererPosition.get(key);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Request Type: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + order.getType().name());
list.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Send to Router ID: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + order.getRouterId());
GuiGraphics.displayItemToolTip(new Object[] { xPos - 10, yPos, order.getAsDisplayItem().makeNormalStack(), true, list }, zLevel, guiLeft, guiTop, false);
} else {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Request ID: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + entry.getKey());
GuiGraphics.displayItemToolTip(new Object[] { xPos - 10, yPos, entry.getValue().getValue1().getDisplayItem().makeNormalStack(), true, list }, zLevel, guiLeft, guiTop, false);
use of logisticspipes.routing.order.IOrderInfoProvider in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class RequestMonitorPopup method renderLinkedOrderListItems.
private void renderLinkedOrderListItems(LinkedLogisticsOrderList list, int xPos, int yPos, int par1, int par2) {
int size = list.size();
int startLeft = -(size - 1) * (30 / 2) + xPos;
yPos += 13;
for (IOrderInfoProvider aList : list) {
if (aList.isInProgress()) {
GL11.glColor4f(0.1F, 0.9F, 0.1F, 1.0F);
} else {
GL11.glColor4f(0.7F, 0.7F, 0.7F, 1.0F);
drawTexturedModalRect(startLeft - 5, yPos - 5, 0, 202, 26, 26);
GL11.glColor4f(0.7F, 0.7F, 0.7F, 1.0F);
renderItemAt(aList.getAsDisplayItem(), startLeft, yPos);
if (aList.isInProgress() && aList.getMachineProgress() != 0) {
Gui.drawRect(startLeft - 4, yPos + 20, startLeft + 20, yPos + 24, 0xff000000);
Gui.drawRect(startLeft - 3, yPos + 21, startLeft + 19, yPos + 23, 0xffffffff);
Gui.drawRect(startLeft - 3, yPos + 21, startLeft - 3 + (22 * aList.getMachineProgress() / 100), yPos + 23, 0xffff0000);
if (startLeft - 10 < par1 && par1 < startLeft + 20 && yPos - 6 < par2 && par2 < yPos + 20) {
if (guiLeft < par1 && par1 < guiLeft + xSize - 16 && guiTop < par2 && par2 < guiTop + ySize - 16) {
IOrderInfoProvider order = aList;
List<String> tooltipList = new ArrayList<>();
tooltipList.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Request Type: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + order.getType().name());
tooltipList.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Send to Router ID: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + order.getRouterId());
tooltip = new Object[] { (int) (par1 * zoom.zoom - 10), (int) (par2 * zoom.zoom), order.getAsDisplayItem().makeNormalStack(), true, tooltipList };
startLeft += 30;
startLeft = xPos + 20 - list.getSubTreeRootSize() * (40 / 2);
if (!list.getSubOrders().isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.getSubOrders().size(); i++) {
startLeft += list.getSubOrders().get(i).getTreeRootSize() * (40 / 2);
renderLinkedOrderListItems(list.getSubOrders().get(i), startLeft - 20, yPos + 48, par1, par2);
startLeft += list.getSubOrders().get(i).getTreeRootSize() * (40 / 2);
use of logisticspipes.routing.order.IOrderInfoProvider in project LogisticsPipes by RS485.
the class LogicLayoutGui method renderLinkedOrderListItems.
private void renderLinkedOrderListItems(LinkedLogisticsOrderList list, int xPos, int yPos, int par1, int par2) {
int size = list.size();
int startLeft = -(size - 1) * (30 / 2) + xPos;
yPos += 13;
for (IOrderInfoProvider aList : list) {
if (aList.isInProgress()) {
GL11.glColor4f(0.1F, 0.9F, 0.1F, 1.0F);
} else {
GL11.glColor4f(0.7F, 0.7F, 0.7F, 1.0F);
drawTexturedModalRect(startLeft - 5, yPos - 5, 0, 202, 26, 26);
GL11.glColor4f(0.7F, 0.7F, 0.7F, 1.0F);
renderItemAt(aList.getAsDisplayItem(), startLeft, yPos);
if (aList.isInProgress() && aList.getMachineProgress() != 0) {
Gui.drawRect(startLeft - 4, yPos + 20, startLeft + 20, yPos + 24, 0xff000000);
Gui.drawRect(startLeft - 3, yPos + 21, startLeft + 19, yPos + 23, 0xffffffff);
Gui.drawRect(startLeft - 3, yPos + 21, startLeft - 3 + (22 * aList.getMachineProgress() / 100), yPos + 23, 0xffff0000);
if (startLeft - 10 < par1 && par1 < startLeft + 20 && yPos - 6 < par2 && par2 < yPos + 20) {
if (guiLeft < par1 && par1 < guiLeft + xSize - 16 && guiTop < par2 && par2 < guiTop + ySize - 16) {
IOrderInfoProvider order = aList;
List<String> tooltipList = new ArrayList<>();
tooltipList.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Request Type: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + order.getType().name());
tooltipList.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Send to Router ID: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + order.getRouterId());
tooltip = new Object[] { (int) (par1 * zoom.zoom - 10), (int) (par2 * zoom.zoom), order.getAsDisplayItem().makeNormalStack(), true, tooltipList };
startLeft += 30;
startLeft = xPos + 20 - list.getSubTreeRootSize() * (40 / 2);
if (!list.getSubOrders().isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.getSubOrders().size(); i++) {
startLeft += list.getSubOrders().get(i).getTreeRootSize() * (40 / 2);
renderLinkedOrderListItems(list.getSubOrders().get(i), startLeft - 20, yPos + 48, par1, par2);
startLeft += list.getSubOrders().get(i).getTreeRootSize() * (40 / 2);